Page 117 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 117
May II, 1970 Green . White scrimmage: Terrors employ new tactics By Greg Barnes Even alter the narrow victory against Hopkins last fall, there has been an atmosphere or pcsstmf sm concerning the prospects for a successful 1970 Football Season. No one, It seems, can forget the61-13 homecoming disaster against Randy-Macon. Well, Sports fans, things are looking up. Spring Practice has brought to Western Maryland some new faces and a modern, potent offense. The finale o[ the Spring season, me annuetoreeo-wnne scrimmage, should have brightened the hopes of even the most downcast sup- porter. The scrimmage itself was a rather enjoyable arrair . There were several nld-tl mar s present onthe field from the '64~'65 teams, the years when modern whim see foot- ball was at Its zenith. Carrol Yingling, Frank Kldd, and Karl Schuele suited up and played, showing flashes of their' former talent and some lack of conditioning. Greg Getty, '69 admissions counselor and Dee's cousin played at defensive end. Last butnolleast, Rick J.J. White, '66, former all Maryland back and JV Coach played at guard. The youngsters had their fun giving theseoldstersa hard time and afew lumps,andperhapspickedup a few bruises in return. But the most entertaining thing to watch was the breakaway runs made possible by the rejuvenated of- fense. The offensive game this year has substituted a triple Jim Schwertzler lets lose his jack hammer swing. option for many of the wide plays in last years' reper- toire. Many of you probably recall the wide-open style of Texas Longhorns this past of play of the University Baseball hi·lites Similar They are now famous for a Triple option offense Fall. to the one that Coach Jones has Installed. In the new series of plays, which Is run from the same Fern out . ball boys still in wlng~T that has been used In the past, the quarter back has to read the defensive moves of the other team after Dear Greg, Mike and Gang, the play Is in motion. According to how certain key op- If you anxiously await my usual enlightening, tren- and striking out the next 3 times up; Joe Prado's clutch ponents react to the play, the quarterbackwlll either give chant analysis ot the baseball team's recent conquests, defense and Choke offense; etc. the baU to the fullbackwho dives off tackle, pitch the baU bag it. That would be, to say the least, rather Inappro- B. Mention that Fern's teams have won over 100. to, the tailback who will run to the outside, or fake the priate In 11ghtot recent occurrences. I've gota strange, games In his 8 years at WMC--a percentage of over pitch-out and keep the ball himself and run. This series empty reeling -- and not just because I missed those .680; that they have won less than 12 games only once; also features a counter option in which the fullback will greasy pork chops tonight at Barney's. You see, fun is that he has done' it with ridiculously few scholarships; run wide and the tailback will dive. No one knows who missing, and r've got no wetru" quotes, and nobody to that his teams have won seven or eight--I lost count-- will get the ball; the d..ep backs must expect to run the aggrauate.. Sure, he's (Fern Hitchcock) recuperating fine South or North Conference crowns; that he is from Car- bail each time the option is called. The quarter-back-s from his _che~t pains, and Is drlvt!!g all the nurses into roll County. (note; for God's sake, don't put In that last move to the outside on this series also sets up the play- amorous swoons at Carroll Co. Hospital __ but what the comment) action pass -tba only kind of pass plays that Whimese hell am I going to do unUI he gets out? I could casually C. Put In an interpretation of baseball as an erotic' runs. Thus It is easy to see how this play would confuse mention that Paul peksa shut out F&M on 4 hits; or that homosexual ritual (You'd better check with "Ruds" first.) the opposing containing men. Steve Brewer finally found out a bat is more than a phal- first.) Even In lts rough stages this Spring, the New offense llc symbol, and drove in 3 runs; or that the boys collap- D. Put In a huge "House or Liquors" advertisement. featur-ed several breakaway runs. Bill Roberts, a new sed without run and the breaks last Saturday and dropped E. Run a list of all the people who've complained about face at Whimsee, running at tailback on the White team, two to B.U.; or that they shut out an 8-77 pitcher's battle my article. scored on a long run from the counter-option. Jim over Dfcklnson-c-but that won't nearly cover as much F. No--you're on your own now; I've got to go to the Harne, quarterback on the same team, broke loose for space as the usual bull I toss around. Besides, will It john. a sizable gain on another new play, a quarterback matter? The Terrors are 14-4 now, and'll probably end draw, Jim, one o[ the speedsters on the squad, Is an an- up with 17 wins, the most ever for a Hitchcock team, and nual competitor in the Leon Crence Invitational sprints. another Conference crown, but this Is nothing new. I Love and errecnce, Jim Yates, the Green QB, who had anne day, also show-- could even mention that support reached 'a nonparatt pave Sampselle ed that he could run the ball. _nalds (the biggest crowd gathered only because o[ an The passing game was also very Impressive. Veteran overflow [rom the Seventh Green), but I won't. Such Dear Dave, Ken Wagner, and newcomers Steve HajeandCralgWelier made timely catches. Haje also played much of the game I crass misuse o[ this fine paper Is far below my pristine Thanks for your letter. I think I Jmow how you feel. at defenst ve end, and Should be an asset to the team next ethics. Like I said, we're in a bind. There are only a few pos- It must be kind of hardtogetthe scoop in the proper per- fall. The Green team, with out the breakaway threats sible solutions I can think of to fill this space; I'll throw spective if you can't hear it In Ferngalese. like Harne, Roberts, and Arn Hines, played a steadier them out and you decide which ones to strike out (ha- For those people that di1n't hear, Fern Hitchcock Is-m game and won 19-15. Iwould like to thank Fred Laurence, ,llttlecllchethere). Carroll County Hospital recover-Ing from a heart attack. Jesse Houston, Roy Skiles, and John Frank for their help A. Mention a few o[ this year's hlghlights--Bab Mer- We do not know anymore about it than that, Dave. We hope- In writing this article. Iwculd also like to recognize Fred reyes 28 consecutive scoreless innings pitched; Pete that the man will soon be back with the team. KimeJe who will be upset for my mispelling his name, I McClaughlln's one man efforts on the hill, and the award and Larry Appel, who I have never seen before. Anyway, he won as best groomed Terror; RlckDigg's play behind The editor. Coach Jones called the Scrimmage the "best" one he has the plate and behind 'McDaniel; Roy Brown and Buddy P.S.--CongratulaUons on getting the pyne English award. seen since he has been on the Hill. So hold on to your Orndorff smashing homer-uris onto the soccer fleld-- seats, Ladles 'and Gentlemen, andgetr~adYforthe season opener against Bridgewater. In spring a young man's fancies turn to • flying airplanes by John Buffum rules are followed, spectators are perfectly safe. Cost? keep you forever on the ground. A successful flight brings Ahh, Spring, and a young man's fancy turns lightly to You can spend anything from 10~ to $1,000, depending on a thrill and a deep feeling of satisfaction. thoughts of ••• '"Airplanes''" what you want to do. A simple, small motor driven air- Some say that model planes are for kids. Humbug and How long have flying things struck a note of yearning plane may cost less than $8,to put Into the air, If you are balderdash! Most modelers started as little kids, true, but In the heart of man? Da Vinci, Lilienthal, the ancient starting from scratch. Once you have bought a motor for if you look at the contest records, or you attend the flying , Chinese, all experimented with flying machines. KItes, $5 or $6 (which wUl last through many planes) you can put sessions, you will notice a predominance ofmarrledpeo- gliders, artutcar birds, Da vtnct-s "heUcopter": au a plane around it for less than $3. If you stick to small pie over 25. I belong to a club, the Westminster Aero attempts to Vicariously experlencethethrmofflightWlth- motor aIrplanes, you may spend about $3 a month if you Modelers Inc. I am 21 and yet I am the second youngest out Its tremendous effort and Inherent danger. are a bad pilot or next to nothing If you don't crash. As you member of the club. We fly every Sunday where Routes I see that the thrill of flying things has seized not my get 20 to 30 flights from a $1 can of fuel, !lying is cheaper 32 and 97 cross. The sessions start around 2:00 P.M. and soul alone, but has captured also, Ifonlyfor an afternoon, than a night at the "I'av", anyone may watch. It is generaily the older, more patient the attention of some other inmates of this Institution of 11 Is a wide open sport because of the many different and experienced menwho can turnout such beautiful works higher rrustrauon. The release proVided by the thrill of types of airplanes, both contest and sport than one can as the cralt that hang in Bobby's Hobby Lobby. making something fly has been found through kite flying try; free flight, stunt, speed, raCing, scale models that My last word Is on the A.M.A., the Acad.emy of ~ocIel (the evidence of which can be seen in some of the campus look just llke the real thing, ribbon chewing combat, and Aeronautics. This Is the governing and sanctioning body trees, shades of Charlie Brown!), and Monday, 13 April, many more. The excitement comes when, for whatever for model alrcralt in theU.S.Jtis an aIfiIiate of the Fed- the Beans and their 'friends were flying dime gliders on style that you have in mind, you start the motor, take eration Aeronautique 'internationale, which is the world- the quad. Of course, I have been burning the nitro with my the controls, and put the thing in the air. Now, hours of wide authority for model aviation. The F.AJ.hasAstron- motor jobs for some time now. building payoff, and you are flying. In all hut free flight aut Shepherd on its roils. The A,M.A. costs $10 a year to Model aeronautics is a sate, Inexpensive, wide-open, you hand controls' the cr9,ft. Although you are not In the jotn, and with memberShip you get a subscription to Amer- and exciting sport. Because you are notridlngln the cralt, cockpit, your mind rides with the sCreamlflg mtie bird. ican Aircralt Modeler Magazine, you are allowed to enter you sutter no bruises when it crashes, ~U a few simple If you wreck It, you repair It and fly again. Nothing must any AMA sanctioned meet, you're covered by a $50 pro- perty damage and a $300,000 Uabllity Insurance pollcy.
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