Page 119 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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page 16 Track closes successful season by Johnson Bowie The WMC track team has rounded off their season with the happy note that it Is the best team this school has seen since 1957, with a 6-2 record. This puts this years team as the second best in school htstory, After losing to Washington College, tne cindermen came back to beat Salisbury 94-51, Johns Hopkins 78-66, Le- banon Valley 86-59 and Frostburg 75 1/2-69 1/2, cerora lowering to powerful Susquehanna 57-87. TheMason-D1xon championshIps at Mt, st. Mary's are the last scheduled event on tnts years Itiner-ary, Highlights of the preceedtng meets are as follows, not neceesernv in order of Importance: 1) Sam Case and Jim Schartner in the 440 lows 2) Mac breaks school record In the mUe (4:27:7) and the two mUe (9:45.1) 3) Sam misuses practice _ 4) HI rdler-s Jerry McGaugharan, Lynn BonUace turn tide In Frostburg meet 5) Coach Carpenter sends out a bulletin as to the where- abouts of Coach Case 6) 440 relay team of BOWIe,Skinner. Roulette and Brock- meyer, ran 44.9 to break school record and lose to Lebanon Valley 7) Jack Brownley, Nelson Schaeffer and Brian Alles producedftna efforts through out the season 8) 440 relay team tie new record at Pr-ostburg, and won 9) Klinger repeatedly cleared six feet 10) Coaches Carpenter, Case and Shartner deserve extra piaudets for the excellent results they got of the 1970 track team. Alan Sklar, one jump ahead of his opponent. .the gold bug The Gold Bug is your newspaper. We get our Money is the other thing that makes our paper money from a combination of sources-the SGA, go. One of our main sources of income is from advertisements, donations, and subscriptions. subscriptions. Parents like to know what you're But the money is not the main thing that makes our newspaper go. We need people to doing at school. The Gold Bug is a good way to to keep in touch find out. The paper attempts write, to edit, to take pictures, to draw things, to get advertisements, to think, to design pages with all aspects of student life-both national and on this campus. Sell your people a SUbscription and to wash the dishes. People make us go. Next today. Fill out the handy form below. fall there will be a number of positions available. Some people are naturally very generous.- We In fact there will be something for everyone. It's like people like that. We call them angels if they a part of our philosophy--we want to get people involved. send us more than five dollars a year. We call Experience is a help, but you don't have to them patrons if they send us five. We really appreciate any thing they send us-even advice. have It. What you have to have is a lot of deter- Mail subscriptions to: mination and a willingness to put out. Western The Gold Bug Maryland likes to think of itself as a place where' Western Maryland College total education is possible. Consider the news. Westminster, Maryland 21157 paper as part of that education. Because of the rising cost of printing our sub- One interesting position that is wide open is scription rate is also rising. One complete year of advertising staff. It isn't an easy job: but you this newspaper costs only five dollars (cbeepl. meet a lot of people and there is a lot of respons' We'd love to have your money. Make c~cks ibility involved. Our ad men are the life blood of' payable to the Gold Bug. our paper. If your interested we'd love to have you. We'll be waiting for you when you get to ,------------------------- school next fall. Hope to see you at our party. I Don't worry, you'll find it with no trouble, __ -Yes, I would love to have the Gold Bug Your name Town _ ~:!::t Address _ Zip _
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