Page 118 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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page 15 NEW YORK TO LONDON - SUMMER VACATION TIUPS ROUND TRIP $169 NOW FILLING· SMALL DEPOSIT AND PAYMENTS FOR FREE DETAILS, STUDENT GLOBE ROAMERS BO'x 6575 HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021 Italian Dining Room 85 W. Main St. Weltminster 848-2848 THE TOP HAT DRIVE-IN DINING ROOM COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SUBS "Now, it doesn't hurt that much," comments Coach Seidel, as he aides injured player ,Athey, off the fi- eld. Soft ball: Stickmen shoot for winning season Beat the Mount 13-4 Tempers rise as season closes by Amos McCoy by Al Shafer WE'LL TRUST YOU The lacrosse team has hadarunofbad luck since beat- After two weeks and two days the softball season was left ing Mount st. Mary's 13-4 In a night game at the high with only one undefeated team. The Bachelors(4--0) needed school. Injuries to Dane Ekert and Davtd SOlowhave limit- some magictopulJoutawlnoverthe Gamma Betes (2--2). [Even If You're Over 30) ed the ranks considerably. Tralllng 3--2wlth two out tn the bottom of the seventh, they On Saturday, the team dropped a tough game to Lebanon filled the bases and men Max Carroll pulled a liner to left. Valley, last year's Middle Atlantic Champs, 8-3, andone Tony Oceanrider made a running stab, hadlt barely In his of the big factors was the loss of the experienced men. mitt and dropped it, Tworunsscoredgivlngthe Bachelors Despite the loss, the team lsopUmlstlcallylook1ngfor- a 4--3 win. ward to the nextgame,whichisaga1nstFrostburg, and the following game which is against the UnIversity of Delaware, The Preachers (1--3) subjected the Betes to the same We beat Frostburg soundly last season and we should be sort of bad luck. After 13 innings of an 8--8 tie the Preac- even stronger for this years contest. hers managed to get a man down to third. A pinch-hit There have been a number of standouts throughout the fielder's choice by Poncho brought In the winning run. At Student Charge Accounts are invited at season, Ron Athey keeps adding to his phenomlnal point the same time the Preachers provided the Silent Majority Columbia Jewelers, and there are so many tally every game. Bob Wolfing has scored 21 goals. Dan (1--3) with -Its tlrst win by forgetting and forfeiting. Wilson has played consistently well, as weli as controll- ways to develop a meaningful relationship Famous ing the majority of racecrrs, Ron Crlsty Is doing a great with us . like Keepsake Diamonds Wild Charms, Orand Watches and Gifts job In the goal. Many of the substitutes have done more The Black and whlteflrstteam(3--I)playedthree nan- than an adequate job in replacing the Injured starters and biters in a row, winning 6--4 over the Rouzer Reaction- from only SSt Pierced Earrings for girb Eddie Smith has played excellently over the past few aries, they were in trouble in the bottom of the seventh (or men with highly individualistic traits]. games. when, with two out, the Reactionaries and the bases loaded, Come in and get your .~hopping jollys at the U we win one of the next two games, we are guaran- Vince Vidor made the last man pop out for the victory. store that was chosen from all of America \ teed a winning season which is commendable consider- Later they supped by the Preachers 6--5 and spotted the Jewelers as "8rand Name Retailer Of The ing this is only the second year of varsity competition In Betes and 11-3 lead before making it tight but losing 12-- Year" . friendly, little old Columbia Jewelers lacrosse. The outlook is good for making the .500 mark, 410. .n the Westminster Shopping Center but both will be hard The Fourth Floor D.O.'s with victoriesovertheweaker silent Majority, Pi Alpha Alpha #2 (0--4)andthe Animals (2--2) were psyched for their game with the Bachelors, but were shaken when center-fielder Lee Clapper collided with Ken Maragas and Maragas was lost [or the game. They battled back from scores of 8--2 and 10--4 but fin- ally lost it 16--11. The Rouzer Reactionaries (2--2) made it two in a row too by getting a a-run lead in the first inning, and pro- tecting It for a 3--2 win over the Association (2--2). Al COSTUMES AND FORMALS Shaler, going against the team he defeated last year by the same score, kept his cool despite harrassment [rom the sldeUnes to bring his lifeUmepltchlngrecordto 2--1, FOR RENT 2--0 against the Association. Phone For Appointment Linksmen continue to break records 7S W. Green 848·4630 by Roger Wynkoop The 1970 WMC golf team, havl~g completed most of the ish was disappointing, it was still respectable under the season, has been dtsappotnttng In some respects, but for eir cumstances. the most part has been tremendously successful. Among The second WMC set back came at the hands of a sur- the records which have been improved this sea-son are: prislngly tough Lycoming team. Following a win over Best record (10-2 to date with two matches remaining); Gettysburg, the Terror Ltnksmen were upset 10 1/2-71/2 WTI'R Lowest total strokes at home (453); Lowest total strokes despite breaking the school record for fewest strokes on away (468); Lowest round away (73--Roger Young); and, an away course. Highest career point total (63--BUl Dayton). Today, the WMC golfers are competing in the 36 hole FM~reo The Mid-Atlantic championships proved to be the first Mason-Dixon championships. This year the M-D tourna- AM-1470KC disappointment. The team sent four members--Dayton, ment Is being held at the nearby South HUls Golf Club in Trice, Wynkoop and Young--who finished in 8th place out Hanover, Pa, The Terrors, in addltl'on to being favored, ot 23 teams. Playing at Doylestown CC In Pennsylvania, the have a homecourse advantage and hope to bring back both MARYLAND WESTMINSTER northern teams had an advantage on the course which saw the team and individual crowns. There Is no charge for only 5 out of 92 golfers break 80. wbne the 8th place fin- admIssion and the student body Is encouraged to come out
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