Page 116 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 116
May 11, 1970 the gold bug page 13 Seniors recieve honors at investiture 1970 Palmer named teacher of the year ALOHA by Sandy-Kearns Acting as President Mund presented the Academic The Investtture and Honors Convocation Service was award to the following: held in Baker Chapel on Sunday, May 3. The service is a The Hugh Barnette Speir N. Prfze-c Penny Williams traditional ceremony to Invest the Seniors and to recog- The Lt. Col. F. C. Pyne Mathematical Award --David nize outstanding scholastic members of the Junior and Baugh and wnnam Elliott still available SenIor class. The Lt. Col. F. C. Pyne English Award--RusseUDavls Mr. Jeffrey Carter, President of the Senior Class, repre- and David Sampsette sented his class in investiture, the giving of the cap and The Wall street Journal student Achievement Award-- gown by acUng PresIdent Mund, The Address was then W1l11amRoj given by Dr. James E. Lightner. Dr. Lightner gave a brief history of the university, tracing Its development Each year the Baltimore Alumni Chapter of EET (SIgma $7.50 into Us present form of a learning corporation. Sigma Tau) presents the Distinguished Teaching Award to Dean Holloway gave the Recognition of Candidates for a member of the faculty for excellence In the field of teach- Academic Honors. An index of 2.5 is necessary for Summa ing. This year's award was presented to Dr. Melvin Pal- Cum Laude and a 2.2 for Cum Laude. mer of the EngUsh Department. Other upcoming end-of-the-year acttvttes are the Lan- tern Chain on Tuesday, May 19, 7:00--9:00 p.m., and the SUMlI.
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