Page 110 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 110
May 11,1970 Letters to the editor ----....4 I Too often, the only use campus anti-war acuvttesnave is tical ends exist still today In the 20th century. This same unite, mobilize as a safety-valve for frustrations. People that basically method of obtaining silence was used by the sophist against agree with each other talk. Maybe they have their peaceful Socrates. Civilization has changed nothing. rallys. Anyway, most activities come across as mere! What a suecessrur idea Earth Day was! Decidedly, this Dear Mike, orgies of sell-righteousness and the purging of guilt feel- ' I didn't wear an armband to mourn the dead of Klint newspaper pleases me, and I wIsh it a long life. State this Wednesday asJ d1dnot see nt to glorify students Ings, After the activities are over, we feel vaguely reas- Signed, that were responding to the war tn a useless and harmful sured that we have done our part. Nowwe feel badly about Corinne Coutem way. 1 disagreed with the symbolic goal of the candleUght the senseless deaths of our fellow students. Wefeel a sense He De LaUge march, The National Guard Armory, because I felt that of solidarity with the cause once again. So we will talk Bougtval 78, France this made the enure coercive power of the state guilty to ourselves and tell ourselves what a shame It all Is. - of the irresponsible acts of a few. I am horr1fled at the Maybe we wlll say or do a few things that symbolically fatalities, but I can see no reasonto self-righteously blame represent our sorrow. Big deal. Already we have lost the other Side. The only reason I marched at allis be- sight of the goal to pull out now. The Idea of Tuesday what was it all about march was to commemorate the dead and maybe cause I felt that the march would serve the anti-war move- night's some capital out of the riot casualties. The way make ment. I consider the 4 dead as much victims of the Idealization the march was conceived, 1 thoughtthat1twould be some- of Irrational and useless acts against the war by the anti- thing that only students and some faculty could relate to. war movement, as they were of National Guard bullets. I had only the faintest of hopes that the march would be To the Editor: With the notable exception of the anti defense tax move- something that middle-class AmerIca could appreciate. I have a question. What was Tuesday's rally for? Was It a ment, war protests have rallied ar-ound symbolic but All thts sUent majority has seen is the largest leisure sound happening on the chapel steps followed by a few basically lrrelevent situations. For example, the upsurge class In the country, the college students, participate in speeches on how to keep peace with the people of Westmin- in demonstrations that followed the Mylal massacres was self-righteous condemnations of the older generation that ster and how to carryon a "non-violent" march through based on no real change In the situation. If you have a mod- caused the war. These are the people that spend most of Westminster? This is what the majority of the rally seemed ern guerilla war, women and children are going to be killed. their time working to support this leisure class; and they to be about. I heard a few speeches about students' rlght~ These civilian deaths should be included In any definition get repaid for their efforts with what seems to be insults to protest and how we were all together to protect that of guerilla war. So why the big deal over Mylai? After and rejection. No wonder this silent majority has found a right, but I heard much more talk about marshals, keeping every change In the Vietnam war situation, there Is a spokesman and culture-hero In Spiro Agnew. quiet, policemen, obscene gestures, and how cool it was fresh outburst of demonstations against the new event. However, I was amazed and gratified to see our WMC that we could all get together. I'm not saying that the accompanying publicity with the march draw the attention and repect of some of the local All this definitely, should have been part of the rally change of events should not be used to catalyze public citizenry. People took their children outside to watch. but not 95% of It. There were many more things on my opinion, but too often the event overshadows the basic The silence and purposefulness of the participants seem- mind at this time. A flier that came to my room as an edi- Injustice of the war itself. Too often the rising sense ed to impress the majority of the onlookers. This march torial stated: "We feel It Is time we expressed our dis- of frustration Is vented against symbols cr tne "military- didn't appear to be an obnoxious, placard-waving version satisfaction In our Involvement in Southeast Asia and in industrial estabUshment"; recruiters, Rand Corp, Dow of Woodstock. I am sure the college commun1ty'sconcern the President's neglect of Congress. Tbe Amer-tcanpeople Chemical and the like. This Is smiled on by the liberal, with the war was communicated to these people. This are by tradition a patient people. But the patience Is non-violent majority of the anti-war movement. "See," was the anti-war activity that I have participated In that wearing thin. Violent demonstrations have not gotten any- they say, pointing to the busted heads of more radical made me feel like something practically positive was where--people have died and the country Is polarized. types, ·'thls Is what happens when you alienate youth with accomplished. At Western Maryland, at least, these use- Non-violent protest Is equally dead ended. an Immoral war." So with their clean hands they point less and senseless deaths served as a reminder and a "We support an Immediate withdrawal from Cambodia to the unconstitutional stifling of dissent and proceed to spur to turn the anti-war movement into something more and a continued pullout from Vietnam. we want me Presi- make politcal capital out of tile more courageous, If than a generational and cultural conntct. I can only hope dent to usten to his people. We want the President to use misguided, members of the movement. The press coop- that other campuses, the centers of anti-war activity, the 'system' of government that represents the people as erates nicely; the youth of America sees much of the will follow our example. I cannot reel upset over four stu- he has told demonstrators they must do. May 5, therewillbe rally In front of "Tonight, Tuesday, crazies In the movement. A clubbing makes good copy, dents while this anti-war movement Is notalmingto mobi- the chapel tosupportwlthdrawlfrom Southeast Asia, NOWl lize and unify the population to end what has become tne and all this good copy makes for culture heros. The stu- We hope that the students and faculty will participate. dents at University of Marylandwere understandably upset Indo-Chinese war. at the Cambodian business. A few of tile 30,000 students Greg Barnes MLS" What happened to this aspect of the rally? It was a stated decided to do something about it and block U. S. Hte. Ill. purpose of the gathering! It was a real plcnicforthem. Bands played, people danced scared to death and threw rocks at the cops. It was great sport, excitement; I think the march and rallyonthewhole was a good thing, the police and National Guard kept things from getting To The Editor: but I also think that many other issues could have been dull and gave the students a tangible bad guy. I wonder I've seen both sides, and that's strange because when discussed. The four people who died atKentwere demon- how many were really upset to the point of doing some- you look at It they are really the same side, and God I strating against U. S. Involvement In the Southeast Asian thing that required real self-sacrtfice? hope U's the right side. I, assume, a lot of people are war. This should have been a blgger part of the rally. U's But the mass media covers these disturbances and thus calling the Ohio N.G.'s murderers. Wow, how can I show sad that it took the death of four college students to bring sanctifies them. The level-headed Sam Browne types do not you In print what it means to be afraid? If you know me, any k1nd of gathering at W.M.C. What about the hundreds receive the sensational coverage. All this glorUies and you know I'm an arrogant ass, If you don't ask someone; of men who will be k111edIn Cambodia? makes acceptable to many youth the personal confronta- but beIleve this, I can't ever remember being so fright- The rally proved that the students of Western Maryland_ tion with the problem. They grapple with the symbols of ened In all of my 21 years as r was last Monday night at 8 CoUege could gather together and march quietly and peace- the mtl1tary-industrtal establishment. What better way p.m, I was worried by the thought, "Will I die tonight on fully through the streets of Westminster. (Was this really to reueve your sense of helplessness and frustration than the Md. U. campus?" How the N. G.'s at Kent felt r can doubtful?) To my mind, much was left out, the Issue of the by throwing a rock at a COp?People actually look forward only speculate, and yet I'm certain each and everyone right of students to demonstrate was only partially cover- to violent confrontations with the police. The students that was frightened for his life. There Is no way I can explain ed, and the fact that the President's foreign policy Is not occupied Skinner building at theU.ofMd.a few weeks ago away death. Life is too important to me, but there are a endorsed by the majority of W.M.C. students was not told the press that they had no Idea that the police would certain few lives that Individually have more Importance to covered at all1 be called in to evict them. Hogwash! My sister was in me than the sum of all others, ego my own and my loved Ron Pettinato attendance at the sit-In. As soon as the group assembled ones. The Ohio N. G.'s, as wen as everyone else, I as- inside the butldtng, signs were placed In the windows. sume, feel this way, and believe me the Ohio N. G.'s were They contained references to the police. One of them said scared, scared they were going to die. "Fuck the Pigs" .She said that the occupants of the bUlldin~ Who shot first? Who cares? People died because of a Any' student who will be a junior. or delighted In anticipation of the "pigs" arrival. Excited frightening confrontation, not because of murderers. references were made to the tittllatlng probability of Why was the N. G. on campus? Now there is a question a senior next year and would like to serve busted heads, and to the chance of striking back at "the that needs an answer. on the Advisory Committee on College Pol- pig." The police arrived, and either they showed much I'm still afraid, afraid Md. U. Isn't over and I might icies submit an application to any S.G.A. restraint, or the students Showed little heart, for no heads still have to die there. Please help me, don't waste time officer before 6:30 p.m. this evening. were busted. Last Friday, Maryland students decided to mourlng for the dead and pitying their ki ller-s, find a better block Route III to protest the Cambodia trouble. Surely way, work for peace and understanding. they would have been sorely disappointed If the police John Seaman hadn't shown up. How can yourldyourselfof helplessness THE GOLD BUG and frustration, and at the same time provide the I1berals congratulations with martyrs I:t the police don't come? I'm sure the "de- Published by and for the students of Western Maryland con~e. monstration" at Kent University was the same sort of The opinions in this paper do not necessarilyreflect those of the thing. Provoke and confront; be a hero; be a martyr. Well Dear Editor: receive your newspaper and Administradon. Sure enough the French do-gocder-s, you have enough martyrs now. Glorify them. are happy to know the life, and the atmosphere at an Amer- Maybe more of our disaffected youth will go and do Itke- STAFF once told me; "Students wlse--and meet the same stupid fate. Personally, I have ican college. A French professor they are not over-excited have a very good foundation, had my own martyrs for a long time. Some of my buddies as in their environment." But I think that, without being Editor In Otief MichaelSlultz have purple hearts.One in -my graduation class Is killed Associate Editor Richard Anderson in action In Viet-Nam. They were mis-guided, too. These, over-excited, students would still be able to render the to me, are the real martyrs, not some self-indulgent campus more lively. student. I wonder how many of the students that partici- I liked the photographs very much In the last issue. TIm Smith OuisBothe pated in confrontation tactics this past week regularly Who was the artist? They would gain much by being in Greg Barres Lynn Tarbutton Sandy Keams Susan Baker read the newspaper? Dr. Panek says that Kent students color... - are much like whimsee students. If this is so, they died I would like to know what the students who attended the betrayed, as rnnccent paWDSof a self-serving movement personal Interview of Sargent Shriver thought. This young, I don't mean for one moment to condone the action: dynamic man represnted to the government 01 France the ~~~~n::~~c~~f~~d.~~t7~at the ·Post _Office. of the Ohio NaUonalGuard, but they alone are not to blame. image of "the generous American." Second class postage paid at Westminster, The article It should be pointed out that the antl~war movement has same Impressl!)ns on the film "Z" interested me, r had the SUBSCRIPTION--S4.00 PER YEAR as Mr. Thurlow lnseeinglt.It's really to take a long, hard look at Its tactics and philosophy. incredible and frightening; assaslnaUons as this for poll-
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