Page 107 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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page 3 A renaissance man departs by Bill Griffith Dr. Erwin Szllagyl can truly be called a Renaissance man In every sense ormaword.jre rs a pa1nter, musician, educator, scholar and out-spoken philosopher. He received nrs education at various universities throughout Hungary. He received his L.L.B, degree at the Royal Hungarian Erzsekt untver stty.nts B.S, degree at the Royal Hungarian Agricultural Academy, his .rur, D. degree at the Royal Hungarian 'rerence-aoszer unfver-stty and his B.F,A. degree at The Royal Hungarian Academy. Dr. Szilagyi left his native Hungary and came to the United States In 1948. He taught ~d painted portraits In Florida for six veara.rn 1954, he moved to North Carolina where he was resident artist at Furman University for three years. Finally, In 1957, Dr. Szilagyi came to Wes- tern Maryland College where he assumed responslbU1t1es as an Art History professor. Now, thirteen years later, Dr. SzUagy{ Is regretfully retiring after a long and fruit- full career. Over January Term, another side of Dr. Szttagyt-s eon- Ity was exposed as, he conducted a course In portrait painting. Alter his retirement, Dr. Szilagyi plans to resume In- tenstve portrait painting, as well as delve Into his num- er-ous other hobbles and simply enjoy his freedom. As a final remark, Dr.Szllagylemphasizedthefact that he has tremendously enjoyed his tenure at Western Mary- land. Dr, Szilagyi Miss Smith She had a gift to give to everyone by Larry Lazocaulos There Is a room on campus, a room different from all "Miss Smith •.• amazing full of strength and pride, yet 'Om'I', ill 0111' of /hl' SllIdelll rrrital t, OIlC of the Slmlel/IJ the rest. A room, where the walls have no boundaries, humble and always giving" ••. "an understanding, per- l\'aSII'II'I'a.I,I' 10 1"'11;mll, f waS/I'1 obour lolonchilll, nTill}! IV where there is no ceiling, a room where there is a light ceptive person" •.. "creative and inspiring" j(m'c SOIIIC"'/(' inro doillK sOlllething or pusllillg IIICIII is fikc fO /IIak,' a j/O>l'l'r />/001/1b(101'e it is rl'ady that Is clear and warm. Within this measureless room In Ir!'illg "Eternally young" /0 bloSSOJII," professor "Once a [eilow asked me 1,0U' mall)' ofllll' AlUmni Hall, Ufe pulsates from love. What is this tcvev went on to become professional actors, I rcplicd /hat'I'CIT, studrnts 'WI' "I hal'" ""1'('1' t'xi/cl'in/t'('" 1111',~l'lIc/'Qliol/ gap wifh ali," "fll/_)' For those who know this room and those who remember, few went 011 to the stage, I am not interested in trainil/g',ICoP;" undcnts. 11/('f(' i.1 SOIl/('lhillg ,hal f dan 'I jed ill ncwtpapcrs. the answer Is simple. For those who don't know, the love for the theatre. I alii interested ill dCl'('lopiJlg the STlldc1I110 III" 1I/1/1'it'Sor 1'1', Ihal I 0111.1'j;~'1 ill III." class, My students lIapi' Is Esther Smith. fullest person he or the call bo. My ill/crest is ill u,,('l'cIOfliIlK "OIIIt' /0 II/l' IIIIIIglT 1(>1' SOIl/('ll/illg thai is sutnrantiat. sOIl/,'lhillK Who is Esther Smith? How would one describe her? Let PF.OPIJ:, nOI acton doctors or tav-vcrt. .. Illat is "'01'''1 fil'illg for, worth (~I'illgj;'r, .. those who know her paint the picture and let Miss Smith "Ah·h-h·h·h ••. Miss Smith ... wonderful, soft, gen- "Gracious, that's Miss Smith" •• .vscmeone to be iersetr describe that picture ••• tie •.• she weaves a spell" •.. "sensitive and real" ••. thankful for" "I feel all warm inside when 1think about her" "/lfy lIji' Ila~ IW(,II jit/lcr 111011I ('OIl ol'eOIllOdal(', !1~I'stuamn ,,;~A ::;i~orr:tS:e~~f:hn~:a~:I~:I~~t~: ~::,~ Sf~:r~h~ • "/ ha~'e a gift Ihal / alii IllImk[ul for. 1/ i~the abili/_)' to sec I!al'c /fi{'(} {() ,/tallk lilt', "III I d(JII"Il'! 111('111,TII('_I'lIal'e afl'('atly to build lhal ~OIllC' ill IhclII, IlIal'c 1111'ill ,,1lat I sa growillg IIlId del'e/oping has to be experienced." sOll1ethlllg ill ~omeol1e al/d for to fUll'e /ilc failll ill a fler~(}II, ;Ilid il/ II/allked wall,nl all,l'lllilll! clsc, 0111,. /0 Sl'(' 1111'111g/lJwillg alld thing alld de~e/ope I scc ('l'('fytill)! lIel'cr il "It is I who have experienced the rtudenl, And my experience every p,ersoll there is somNllillg wOllderfllll), "',iqlle and hcall' derl'lopillg ill IiiI' lIIall,l' al'I'IIII<'.~ o[ lifc, YOllllg l'eo,,11' arc 111.1 is as though the srudents have given me a chance, a chance to li[u/, It has to be b~ollght 10 Ihe surface alld lI~ed, Hell/emba, lij;' '/0111 IInclo leach, sharealldgircl()lhclII. I1'llallllakcslllC teach them, a chance to live with them and share with them, a 110 perron call suppfall( allotller perSOll, 110persoll is i""l'lacc, lid~ )'011 .~llollld ask ".hal lIIakc,f 1IIl' "~,,.'d liek J.()I'C' IIII' IOl'e chance to give to them and receive [rom them. For my experi, able," Igi!'c,.I'O/lgi<'c, "'c afl gil'l' and 11,,'fl))'(' 11101iSl'l'tlll'lll'd." ence is a mort wonder[ul Qne, it is a chance to reaell youth In the "She Is brUlant, >I genteel lady of the old school" •.• "You can't put Miss Smith intowords. Miss Smith is an waY,that/want .. "wise loving, twinkling blue eyes" essence, and you can't put essence into words." Second Track: A new approach to learning By Richard N, Anderson This program' began at the beginning of this academic After nearly une year, The Second Track program has year and Is called Second track as it is, according to Dr. been considered by both the directors and many of the The story of Second Track Is a story about a new Tribby, "a different approach to education". participating students to be largely a success. There approach to learning, and a story about the determlnlatlon The basic of this different approach is oral discussion are several students, who were Freshmen this year, of a small group of dedicated students and teachers who and Independent study, and the result should be, accord· and not involved in the program who will aiSkto be part envisioned such a program. ing to Dr. Tribby, that the student will be responsible for of the second year second track program. There will be Three years ago, an ad·hoc committee was formed to the same In!ormationasthe student in the regular curricu· room for some of them without expanding class size discuss the curriculum at WMC in terms of its short- lum, but will have gone about it in a differnt way. beyond fifteen members as there will be some drop- comings, and possible changes. At first, according to At the beginning of this academic year, fifteen Fresh- outs. William Tribby, one of the originators of this group, and man whom it was hoped would benefit by Second Track, The biggest probelm with Second TraCk this year has presently one of the faculty directors of Second Track, were selected, Un,der the direction of Dr. Tribby and been a number of students who were invited into the pro- the ImpUlse of the people attending the meetings, was to Dr. Melvin Palmer, this group met three times a week, gram even though they were not the type of student who gripe about existing problems. Once the group had gotten -and under the general topic "Man the Maker", they were would benefit by the Second Track approach to learnIng. Involved in researching constructive solutions, however, presented with guest speakers from all the academic de- The problem was with the method of screening people the group narrowed down to the comparatively few people partments. These guest speakers were Western Mary· to find thoe with the greatest ability and desire to par- wllUng to work on constructive proposals and on getting land professors who volunteered their time to talk about ticipate orally. This past year, they were selected High School per· these proposals accepted. ManyofthestudentsoriginaUy the creative process and how it is carried on in their largely on the basis of SAT scores, Next year, the plan Is formance, and a brief interview. involved In this committee's work have since graduated, specUic fields. to use these three criteron, but make the final decision and many others will graduate this year, but their ideas During the January Term, the Second Track students and efforts are very much in evidence. did independent study in which they explored a topic of on the basis of the incoming Freshman's oral participa· As a ~irect result of this ad·hoc committee's work, their own choosing, and summarized their findings in tlon in the Freshman colloquium. The students involved four major curriculum changes have been made. These a paper. in this year's program will help in the evaluation of the are; the ~nuary Term, the pass·fall option, the general The Spring Semester was Similar in organization to Freshmen. science option for !'I(:m·sclence majors, and Second Track· the Fall Semester with the continuance of the guest The future of the Second Track program will be dt!ter- the new Interdisciplinary Studies Program. speakers and class di5cussions. There was some mined by its evolution. As of now, the program Is plan- Although there has been a course called InterdisclpU· change of emphasis, however, as during this semester, ned definitely for only two years. 'After that, the students nary Studies offered to Juniors and Seniors for some the students were encouraged to study man the maker involved would go on in their major fields following the time, the proposal the ad·hoc committee made was for a As part of this approach, the class was required to at- standard curriculum. Also, there are currently no plans completely Interdisciplinary curriculum offered to a tend the rehearsals of STRATA In order to better under- to expand each year's Second Track class to more than small group of Incoming Freshman who could follow it stand the process of putting a play together. The calss one section of fifteen students. Dr. Tribby stated how- through alll stand the process of putting a play together. The class ever, that he would like to keep a full (our year program through all four years. This plan was considered to be also studied literature by this method, taking two stories in mind, and also that he thinks that expansion to towo too great a change by the official curriculum committee, by Hemingway, Moveable Feast, and In Our Time, in mind, and also that he thinks that expansion to two however. The proposal was modified and accepted as it and discussing Hemingway's method of story telling and section or more could occur in the future, depending on Is now, a four credit hour course offered to fifteen in· writing. • the success of the current program, and the continued coming Freshmen during their Freshman and Sophomore During this second semester, the students were under willingness of the faculty to volunteer their time for their years. the direction of Dr. Keith RichWine, and Dr. Tribby. guest appearances and lectures. \.
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