Page 109 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 109
THE GOLD BUG It was a very quiet weekend compared to last week. The press people are saying that around a hundred- thousand people were in Washington to participate in the Peace Rally. The press made a big play about how there were not enough fountains to go around and that many people fainted. They told about the President's unprecedented trip to the Lincoln Memorial at five o'clock in the morning. Allen Ginsberg said "OM" and David Dellinger said that We should go "right on" and give "power to the people" and end the war. The loudĀ· speakers were pointed at the White House. The President probably heard. Last Friday the President told the nation that "when the action is hot the rhetoric should be cool" and that he intended to keep it cool in his administration. That night "vice-President Agnew made a speech from which he deleted the words hoodlums, villians and Jeremaiahs. The epithets were references to demonstrators. He made it clear before the speech that although he was leaving the words out he still felt that the people were hood- lums, villians and Jeremaians. President Nixon made it clear to newsmen at his press conference that he was not going to muzzle his vice-president. And so even if the President was in Washington on Saturday and even if he did go to the Lincoln Memorial at five in the morning we feel that very little has changed The president will go on talking and the troops will go or, fighting. And all the time it seems as if he were on the defensive. He asks the public to have patience with a war that has already cost too many lives and ruined the hopes for any sound policy in the Far East. He pleads with demonstrators as if they were the hounds and he the fox. He is the one that is being violated. He is full of lnnoocerce and only needs a chance to prove his way. He is morally indignant. Every man should have a chance. It is the demonstrators fault that the war has not yet been won--"how do the boys over there feel," "unrest at home." It is the communists fault that we have had to . the march invade Cambodia. It is their intolerable resistance and report on local activities which seek to re-arnrm the jeopardized on many by actions constitutional right their behavior at the Peace Conference that has forced us To The Editor: campuses. Can we, as citlzens -- whether In positions into this furthering of action to protect American lives. Since I am a terrible writer and the same goes for of leadership or postures of dissent -- no longer recog- lives of our American boys. The strongest nation in the my speeches, I wtn keep this article short and simple. nize the viability of peaceable assembly for redress of world. Never been defeated. However, J think there is so much to be said about the grievances? Let us remember that the President is not on the students that attended the various events concerning the defensive. He is on the offensive in Cambodia and at deaths of the four students at Kent, Ohio. For pro- Kenneth W. Humbert home. It does not matter if he has sent out the word to - babJy the first time students of different types united Lyle E. Wilson keep the rhetoric cool. The fundamental thinking re- together to discuss, march, and mourn for the students James E. Rimmer mains the same. that died for the cause of every American student and Joseph I. Donovan This is not a time for patience. There have been too citizen. Much praise should be given to those students who, bothered by anger, fear of their friends (at the var- many other "attempts to save American lives" and end a graduate's view ious campuses), disgust, and complete horror, managed the war sooner. Bombing the north, the Tonkin Besctc- to handle themselves in the best manner. I want to tion, and the initial commitment of advisors are three thank those students that took place in the events, for To the Editor: examples. The war has not ended sooner. their cooperation and their ccncerrw We can't afford As a WMCalumnalwaslnterestedinthe Carroll County This is a time for action, whatever action it may take. to forget the outstanding job the' marshalls did, the Times account of Tuesday's peaceful protest. Iwouldllke Westminster Police, the various speakers and singers. to voice my thoughts on the tragedy at Kent State that led MLS My special thanks go to Dr. Hartman, Dr. patmerIand to your march. the English Department), Dr. Rldington, and the stu- Speaking as arecentstudent,whenlfirstheard the news Last week's rally and memorial service for the four I tended to place all blame on the National Guard Troops. Kent State students led to many cries of, "we're unified." dents that as worked hand-in-hand to make this as suc- The killings certainly were sencetess. Worst--the victims cessful by saying, that it was. Let me conclude Remarks made continually referred to the new faces these past few days have proven that American stu- probably had not instigated any of the violence but were which led the two day's activities. For the first time in a dents do care about their nation. Let us think about sImply members of the crowd. It now seems there was long, long while, various campus factions, traditionally what has happened, arid stop It before It happens again- not even the provacation of a campus sniper firing at the diversely opposed. were united in a common goal and a thank you. troops. common plan of action. Stephen Sweet Then I considered how I would have felt had "non-vio- The unity and new faces are not that impressive if one lent" protesters been assaulting my husband, a National thinks beyond one's initial reaction of pleasure and biased communication Guardsman as a result of ROTC requirements, and my surprise. The unity doesn't necessarily symbolize a new feeling of blame shifted. Missiles fired from guns can kill and Injure people, yes. Are not hurled missiles also awareness by WMC students. What it does represent is a capable of injury? Why were non-violent people throwing somewhat indignant, somewhat fearful reaction to the To The Editor: bricks, bottles, etc.v Is burning the ROTC building non- murder of four white students. On Tuesday, May 5, students of western Maryland violent? Unity was easy because nothing was on the line. Who College conducted a Memoria] March through the town I know the Guardsmen Intended--wanted to keep peace, can condemn protesting and memoralizing the deaths of of Westminster. This march was held In memory of the not to slaughter students, but someone among them lost four of "us," of four students? But did we protest the other students slain at Kent State University, and in sup- control and the shots were fired. I know the students were port of "the right of Americans peacefully to assemble murder of Fred Hampton or the riots at Chicago and demonstrating against senseless violence and killing. Yet, of their poucy," government's It received Baltimore? It's easy to protest when we. white students, In protest by the local press, but not by the local radio someone among them over-reacted and led them to burn coverage start getting killed - that's close to horne. But Black station, WTTR. and assault. I now find blame on both sides of the Kent Panthers, "hippies" and political activists, and exploited, We feel that the march was significant and should State confrontation and can only believe thatnoparUcular ghetto black people are another reality, only on the edge have received coverage from all media for several position or age group Is free from the sickness and hypo- of our awareness. reasons. First, the march was not a protest. It was an crisy rampant today. Student 1.0. or umrcrms-cneuner a man automatically a pig or a savior. Can we makes Leaders of the memorial action avoided a protest of ajftrmatton of the ability of students to act peacefully ever have a really decent wor ld? U. S. involvement in Cambodia. They said not as many and responSibly in their exercise of the constitutional students would support a Cambodian protest. that a right of assembly. Second, unlike many marches, it Mrs. Dianne Himler '66 bigger number of people would support .the memorial. was organized and conducted In close cooperation with Big rallies are more impressive than small ones. Better to both the college administration and the local authorities. thank you unite on a safe issue tben to perpetuate tile factionalism Third, it occurred without incident under the supervision with a protest involving political and personal commit of student marshalls. To the Editor: Acknowledgement of this type 'of action demonstrates We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the students ment. to the public and to the students that violence Is not a who participated in the "Plant-In" on our farm last Wed- Mourning brings people together. There was unity prerequisite to recognition and that the right to peaceful nesday, April 22. Projects IIkethls make the publtc aware after the deaths of John and Robert Kennedy. Undoubt- assembly Is still a viable part of the American politi- that we all must worktogethertoconserveour air, water, edly there is unity now on the Western Maryland cam- cal system. We recognize that the management chose-- and land if we wish to live In a healthy environment. pus. But it is improbable that the unity wilt continue for after conscious and deliberate consideration -- not to The trees have survived the hard rains we've had the long. As soon as a real issue comes up, one that involves Inform its public of the students' efforts. We take last few days and look as if they are going to make it. a more risky commitment and isn't as respectable as Issue with jle policy of the station because we feel that Anyone wishing to stop out to visit with us and see how protesting the deaths of four kids, the factions will re- if the ;>tatlon Includes reports of violent demonstrations the trees are dolng--we'd enjoy having you. emerge with the student split will continue. oa the nation's campuses they should, in keeping with Sincerely, SOB their legal obligations as a licensed public servant also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter
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