Page 106 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 106
page 2 May 5, May 6 Days of quiet asking why On Wednesday, the emotions whIch were expressed on Monday night in terms of rush organizational meetings and rallies on Tuesday changed their form ofexpress ton. The mood mellowed, and emphasIs was shifted from the Immediate facts of the Monday Idlllngs to a more Intro- spective aspect on the part of the students to dtermlne their own position In respect to recent national affairs. Those people who took part In the Wednesday strike of classes were for the most part not out In congregation, massing their protest against Whatever. But rather, the time was spent prlmarUy alone. Each person withIn themselves, trying to sort out some order In the mass of confused actions which had recently presented them- selves. Just what was right or wrong, what to support or dissent and tn either case, how to express these feeUngs. These were the questions which plagued the troubled minds of these concerned that solemn Wednesday. On two occastons, how.ever, the students didgetassembl- ed in one place at twot!mesonWednesday. At 11:15 there was a memorial service In Baker Chapel. Both the size of those attending and the Intensity of their feelings show- ed the deep state of feeling which all were experiencing. The service consisted of folk songs and movingdialogues, but the factor that made the service most meaningful was the atmosphere generated by those attending,they came and went sneauy, In thought. ' At four o'clock, there was a poetry reading session in Memorial Hall. The proceedings were somber. It had been an informal meeting. Dr. Richwine of the English Dept. had said at the beginning that poetry by its very nature was quiet. It was not a medium of action. The group tried to explain the events 01the last days to them- selves. Outside the campus was silent. Inside the words of Macleish, Milton, Dylan Thomas and Edna st. Vincent Mllay were contributed by the group. . ~ The last quiet words died out and the people solemnly left Memorial 106. The poetry reading session, last planned activity in the two day demonstrations that sprang from the Kent state killings, was over In form, but not In substance. The effect of the proceedings is sure to mani- fest itself In other forms before the crtsrs which is now present Is resolved. Split develops over march purpose The memorial demonstrations Wednesday for the Kent get the largest group of students involved the march protest was a vote In a Tuesday planning meeting in the state students killed by the Ohio National Guard has spur- should be along the lines of a memorial service. At an GOLD BUG office. At that meeting Chief Day 01 the West- red a wave of controversy among the students on the organizational meeting Monday night In the grille several minster police asked the group to change the plans they Western Maryland Campus. students said they felt that if the protest was too strongly had made Monday night to march to the Armory and go in- Basically the conflict is one of idealogies and springs anti-war not many students would participate, Roland . stead to the War Memorial. Day felt that It would be easier from the basic meaning of the demonstaUons. A large Hill pointed out that one of the reasons the Kent staters to prevent trouble Uthe march did not go through the down- group of students feels that the march and rally should were shot was because they were attending an anti-war town section. After about fifteen minutes 01 heavy debate have been more heavily anti-war. Another group thinks. protest, The decision to I1mlttheacUvitiestoa memorial the group voted 33 to Z!l,to go all the way to the armory. the march should have been limited strictly to memor- wa.s a done from a purely necmavenac stand, according Some 01 the organizers of the march felt that the march ializing the four Kent Staters killed Monday. to the organizers. could have taken on a more definitely anti war toee U the The organizers of the march decided that in order to One of the eecrstons that effected the nature of the march had gone to the war memorial Instead.
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