Page 16 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 16
Threat to American Society If No Justice, Then No Law & Order Close the Door, There's a Draft by Vic McTeer by Richard Anderson a state of National Emergency since men in this country, they are not One of the many unfortunate in- 1945, and especially now, many expected to serve or even pay mgn , In the past months the presiden- inatory administration andjusUce, heritances of World War II lor the people see the U. S. as assuming er taxes In lieu of 2 years of their tial candidates of aU parties have inadequate federal programs, wel- U,S. was the selective service sys- an artificial burden by supportmg lives. reverberated the call for "law fare programs, and muntclpal ser , tern descrlpUvely Iabejed tne draft. the status-quo tn all parts of the These are the basic flaws in the and order" In America, As Amer- vices are allowedtoexlstinAmer- I say unfortunate, because as a world. present system, but there are Ican Independence Party candidate tea, no amount of funds spent -tc growing number of people are Second, conscrtption Is not ne- others nearly as serious. George Wallace stated "law and train soldiers, to go into the realizing, the draft poses one of cessary for the maintenance of an A consequence of the undemo- order must prevail before auy cthe r- ghettos, will stop the potential for the gravest problems ana threats effective defense force. At the pre- cratic aspect of the draft has been problem can be solved." Yet, what future holocaust. to American society. sent time, the Selective Serlvce the development of an evasion men- does this term "law and order" As long as "law and order" can- Any compulsory military ser- System is flooded in spite of the tality among the draft age Amer- really mean? wnat.are its Impllca- didates as George WaUacescream vice system and especially of the high calls because of Vietnam, with icans, Since less than half have nons for the American future? to white auctences "There's more form ours Is as present, is inher- more registrants thantt coutd con- to serve, many and maybe most Do the candidates imply Increas- of us than there is ot them," the ently unrree. Ttte dr alt ls e spectaf - cetvamy use. aecause cruns anuno- people try to make sure that they ed expenditure for concrcrces, Na- hopes for reconciliation bP~:"'een Iy out 01 place in the United States ance of manpower, it is Inconceiv- aren't going to be in that half. The' tional Guard expenditures, more black and while are dim "Law and as our Constitution expressly for- able that the military could not desire to evade responsibility Is Mace, billy clubs, M-60 machine order," which so many "insensi- bids involuntary servitude which modify itself and its ponctes to at- certainly unhealthy and can be guns and other such weapons? Do tive" whites see as the onlyaJter- Is exactly what the draftee faces. tract the nece ssary quantuy or vot- carried over into other areas ot they imply Increased expenditures native could developintobloodshed' Involuntary servitude by aetlnitlon unteer s. Furthermore, the draft public responslblUty, The ways In on poverty, welfare, and other pro- resulting inthe long range genocide is service dictated by authority or does not effectively or efficiently which many are often undesirable grams':' If so, what will be the de- of Black Amanca.rt ts ume ror re- Circumstance. Thedefinitionofsel- fulfill the needs of tiie modern- and in any case, no government sired or undesired result? conciliation, nor for a show of force ecuve servtce ts toenucat. highly spectaneee military as no should exercise as much control When tile riots took place in of a magnitude never seen before in Because of the sacrifice and com- sooner are the special talents over the direction of young people's American cities, people, black, America. This is an answer for promise of the very liberties the learned, then the draftee is releas- lives and careers as the present and white, suffered and died. To- the future, not force, but concern, military is meant to defend, the ed - having served his two years. deferment system does, In many day, the toll of deaths ami Injur- love and sensitivity from our na- Draft should only be defensible instances it pushes draft eligibles Ies resulting from riots tstn tha nons leaders for both black and (and then questionably so)intlmes into early marriage of government thousands, tlie economic toll in white. of national emergency such as re- And thirdly, because of the vast professions, the millions. As a result of these Martin Luther King at the height cognized by Congr es s during the surplus of registrants, less than Besides the draft's Inefficiency tUlglc coonctts, government ad- of the non-violent campaign em- Civil War, World War I, and World 50% of them ever serve, only 20% In forming a professional and tech- ministrators across the country phasized four basic steps to a bet- War II and then only if it can be of those serving actually are need- nically capable military, the last appropriated mililons to train ter racial situation: (1) "collec- shown also to be necessary. and ed in combat positions. This shows 23 years have also shown the draft national guardsmen, acquire wea- tion of the facts to determine whe- universal (therefore democratic) that the Universal Military Train- systems are uneconomical too. A pons, and prepare their cities for mer injustics are live"--the Ker- in application. ing designation of 1951 is a farce Congr es sicnal Research report future conflicts. By these methods ner Report has made the obvious An examination of the Dralt as and therefore, the draft Is not only made in July 1964 showed that at they began to Instigate what they injustice of America evident; (2) It has existed for the last za yaar-s inherently unfree, but also inher- the minimum, the cost of training called <'law and order."-This pol- "negotiation"-_Whites and Blacks since worto War II wilI reveal that ently undemocratic. It Is terribly a food soldier ""las 86,000. Each icy would protect the" American throughout themiddle'50'sand60'.~ it has failed on all three counts. unfair for one person to be drafted, year , approximately 100,000 men society" and allow for our coun- have sat together (where possible) First, it cannot be maintained deprived of his liberty, famUy and are drafted, trained, and then re- try to rebuild ttsetr onthe smouio- and attempted to talk cut these in- that the United States has been in normal income for two year sj Iaea leased at the end of 2 years. No ertng ashe s of Amer-Iean cttie s, Yet, justices: (3) "self purification" possible death in combat duty, and more than 10%of draftees reenlist discharged without compensa- will this policy aUow for such a --once the whites and blacks have An Afterthought-- be tion while his luckier opposite num- so 90% of the training expense Is r'ebulldtng to take place? discussed the problem they must .ber (who exists at least for every lost. The training expense is above Unfortunately, many white assign themselves to end the in- and beyond the expense of keeping a Americans have overlooked the justices in order to ouild a strong' British Education draftee) never has to serve at all. man In the service. causes for these conflicts. Al- e r American unity; finally, (-1) by Ginny Brace We expect everyone to assume the The reenlistment rate for career re.sponsttutny ot taxe s, butwe make though theAmericanconsciousness "direct action." Americans from men on the otherhand,isabout85% has made intelll!ctual effort to Gene McCarthy to George Wallace I spent last year at the Univ- only half of the registrants assume so you ca!l see how wasteful the understand the rna;;s destruction have mentioned the Negro pro- ersityofExeterlnsouth-westEng- the much greater burden 01 con- mass training of unwilling draftees and looting, what has and will lie !olem. They all say in passing that land. I hope the following will give scription, Another feature that mar Is compared to willing volunteers done to eml the problems which they'll do something to help the you an Idea of what sortsofdiffer- fail to see is thefactthatwhilewo- who remain so their skills can be caused these violent eruptions. Black American. Yet, the theme of ences I experienced there. men enjoy all the rights entitled to used, The conlrol'ersi111 K"erner Com- "law :lIHlorder" continues to ring What the hell was he talking mission, headed hy white govern- In the black ear 3;; a threat to IIi;; ahout? Am I already supposed to ment Officials, looked into the pro- home and security. This theme, in- know Dalches theory of fiction, or blems surround the riots, This deed imposes itself as a threat to is he being deliberatelyconiusing'! comprehensive study of the black the progress which the Negro has Oh, 1 see, this eight page biblio- American emphasized lIIany uIllIe made, graphy on Shakespeare will enable injustices faced by blacks in their The law and order theme will not me to prepare to criticize next day to day existence. These "re- end violence inArnerica,Asamat- week's lecture, that is, if 1 can presentatives of what white mid- ter of fact, it has the potential to figure out where to start. He really care what I read. as long dle class American" Illade re- further disrupt race relationsbr doesn't I can adequately answer the fin as commendations to solve the pro- strengthening the separation of blems. hlack and while peoples in this questions on the final in June. What's really bad isthatmyfresh_ "Opening up opportunities .. and country. If our law and order .-. by Mike Herr she's me eliminating all harriers to their candidates continue the show of man roommate tells two years in In the Soviet Un1o_n.• elections are held with a one-column ballot as a studied choice OfjObS,education,andhous- force in the black ghetto and re- secondary this way for It makes vain attempt to prove freedom under a communist government. In Amer- school already. Ing." main insensitive to the pleas oJ me feel like I'm still in diapers, Ica, 11 Is a different slluat!on.Wtthmoneyand subterfuge, virtUally any- "Removing the frUstration of injustice in the ghetto, there will The girls all want separate rooms. one can seek publIc office. We have a choice. Or do we? Apparent !avor- powerles;;ness amongdisadvantag- be little hope of an equal white and Is that so they can study when they lies ot both major parties are now stumping and ~he clamor seems to ~n- ed by providing themeansforthem hlack America.Uthe hlackAmer_ wish or does it relate to the fact dicate a popular desire for thepermanenceoHhls situation. Frustrahon to deal with the problems that af- ican lOse;; all hope the words of that :nen are allowed in the rooms is the word for the large minorltythatdoesn't know where to turn in the fect their ov.'n lives." OdeUa's "freedolll now" will from 2 to II? Running down the upcoming general election. A glance at the ballot serves to illustrate their "Increasing communications ring for all time in the ears of across racial lines to destroy Americans. ) hall in your underwear or singing dilemma: in the showers just isn't the thing- RICHARD NIXON,whose great distinction is that his name spells some- stereo-types, to haIt polariZation "I'd rather be dead and In my I wonder if they knowwhat they are thing backwards has claimed thatlfelected,hewlll end that draft, effec- and to create common ground for grave, than alive and still a slave. missing ... hut neither way is beUer- Uve after the Viet Nam Fiesta,--fortunate our grandsons. Nixon boasts efforts toward goals of public order Feel, my friends. Love, hope, only different. that he has taken a stand on 167 Issues. Custer needed but one. and social practice." concern, and sensitivity felt on The status as a student chains HUBERT HUMPHREY, Is the liberal whose left hand never knows what Will the Implied results of <'law an unknown scale are the hope of one to a tradition of progressive- his right hand is doing. He claims we should all pull together ~- after the and order" lead to these goals? America today. Without these ness and Individuality ... It's funny dissenters have been silenced, After all, heisthe one who must pull hlm- During a term of a "law and order" ideals "law and order" will nou- how the shyest guys wear the pur- self together after each confrontation. Still he isthe baldIng Santa Claus, candidate will black Americans rIsh in America; yet black men pie shirts. Therlaughat the Amer- who, incidentally, is not reallylosinghtshalr; his head Is merely expand- realize the elimination of racial will die in fear, rather than face lcan "uniform" ot loafers and Ing. barriers In housing, education, and legal oblivion. matching skirts and sweaters. GEORGE WAL'"LACE, ischasing Huey's ghost, but don't worry Huey, employment? wm the lower class I found it hard to u~derstand the your legend is sate. George is runnlngtoprotect the rights of the Amer- black American finally find an ad- sense 01 national crisis when the lean people, the ones with blond, red, or brown halr ... Gulliver also tried ministration sensitive to the pro- pound was devalued, or the com- to prove his worth to the Brobdlnagians_ blems of subtle racialdlscrimlna_ plete disgust with the policies 01 DICK GREGORY is Black Christ in blinders. His lights are dim be- tion and ready to take the steps to Harold Wilson, who was elected cause he has been crucified so often. He no longer rides In the back of end the injustices of almost 400 by such a huge majority not long the bus but in flYing saucers. years? WlIl attempts be made to ago. I never realized the inherent PAT PAULSEN's Image as a lecher will runhl~ chances because both stop the polarization of American optimism of the United States be- the new left who see no love in hIs advances, and the pseudo-puritan society Into worlds of white and fore. And then - MartIn Luther estabHshme~t will vote in indignation. He also Is too honest. black. The policy of "law and King is dead and I know they really LOUIS ABOF ALIA has nothIng to hide, as Roosevelt had nothing to tear. order" will not be a step In the FEeOING TIP understand my Impotence as I He has descended from Hebrew prophets ... to a hippie dupe. right dtrection. As long as the :=~,:;,::Sr::;'fx1: watch the funeral by satellite. To' EUGENE MC eARTHY; and the Phoenix, shall rise trom the ashes, dissatisfactions mentioned by the I4txMLITY ftURIII?EO t'II!)""'.:rco, leave this place of CUlture, genuIne but Is there a fourth party--at Columbia? Kerner Report as police practices 1$~"'4EDNIM Y,,-OtINC~.,.c warmth and amazing difference SNOOPY Is [jne, but have y,?u.~\;.er noticed Lyndon's ears? unemployment, Inadequate hous- ~PfM!ItXJI.ID tlFOO6If Qfy. will be hard, but we must have all Citizens of America can glory in the large selection of non-choices f7f1lS A 33·J1Ot)ND O()t; WOf./J.D ing, inadequate facl~Ules~, dlscrlrr1~ - ,~~~?~:~;~O~:=~J in ,the. United and s~t tight. ~!'t ~s Is where lIJe hypoqlUcaJ..sys,tem of,SoViel.Rus- popr education, potenUals these reltrt'a~~_~~ States ... somewhe~e. '<0;; ':', 51:!. S~dws ·Sil!Seriorftl-:;.-..- th~~>;. tl'l"'?f,_~t:;I';V_,'r~.?::",iHsteal fi.f ~r!ze.