Page 44 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 44
The Gold Bug, Feb. 11. 1966 Hounds Invite Terrors To "Meet The Press" Intramural Season Climax Frosh Bolster Team Strength; Undefeated Quints Clash Senior basketballer Jim Suder, Baker Combine For 34 by WaU Michael BOrf!H.I by Rolt an 11 point half time· streched is a team man. on the list of Coach lead to a twenty-three point . by Mike lVa,rd Scores Are High m:~~nn: ~~in:s g:d tO~:~~!t:;I~ P~~ssi~~r~=~i~:~:i;h~~ ~uaz~~~~(107·84) at the final With the month of February This year's hoop action has player. He must have the whose backcourt Lyco Loss already on us, we find ~he West- seen more than the average physical potential, including a smothered the Terror The only other link in the urn Maryland College Intr~mur· amount of scoring with the reasonable amount of strength offense as the Clowermen bowed fateful five game chain not cov- al bas~e~ball s~ason dr-awing- to Mighty Mites' dynamic duo of and quick reflexes. But, as in 76-69. ered in the previous GOLD BUG an exciting finish. Jerry Borga and Earl Dietrich most SPOI'ts, good basketball de- Using the press and a slow was a 97-85 loss to Lycoming. Race ~lose . setting the pace with averages pends upon the player's att.i- methodical offense, Loyola leap- Even a balanced offensive at- Two teams, the Mighty Mites, of close to thirty points a game. tude. He must have a desire to ed to an early lead, but the Ter- tack was not enough as the Ly- a predominately freshman team, Lenny Owens of the Black and play, and moreover, a desire to bounced back to tie it up cos matched our four men in and the Bachelors of Alpha Whites and Bob Hollywood of win. His attitude must be bol- with 9:14 left. Then in double figures with foul' of their Gamma Tau are deadlocked for AGT both have averages of bet- stered by a confidence that says offensive splurge, the own. Ralph Wilson with 26 the lead with identical unblem- tel' than twenty points a game. to him, "J 11m better than the hit three in a row points had to share top billing ished records of 7-0. With just This year's high for a single man I am guarding. 1 can enroute to a six in the scoring column with a few games remai!1ing for both game was turned in by little beat him, and if 1 keep my head, All was for O'DonneJ. ~~a7~~s~ ~~v~c~~t~l~t;vi~~a~n~~~ :~Il~Oi~i:n;~:~n~t~h~u:!~ali~ 1 ~~'''ca~~i~ois,~~~~~:c~iary_ as t~ri;d ~~l~ is F~~lnt~i~gTel~~;: c~~~~s, ~~r:~ in the top spot. Tied for sec- Hollywood and Borge have both land four years ago from near- the lead, and games remain and only one of ~e~uil~~e ~\I~eh:h:n~r~~~h~~~erOs~;:~~~d a~~ Ef~~l~h i~a: ~~~r~~~~er,:~!m~~~:~ f~~~hye~~~O~~ first session ended with Loy- those will be at home. On the another rrosn quint, who with 38 points in the same forty min- basketball, mostly at the for- on top 29-27. fourteenth Gill Gym will wit- similar 4-2 records provide the ute span. This season's biggest ward position. During his first Again in the second half, the ness the renewal of the classic league with another interesting scor-ing- effort was notched by year on the Hill, Jim made the press told the story as the ball Hopkins rivalry, and on the six- struggle for ranking. the Bachelors in their 142-18 Varsity as a guard, but saw hawking Greyhounds dropped teenth Emmitsburg will host Not to be discounted, how- rout of the Animals. most of his action on the Junior twelve straight, surged into a the TeITOI's' second tussle with ever, are the Rejects, who at Varsity. It was here that Jim 41-27 lead, and were never ser- Fred Carter and the Magnifi- 4-3, could slip into second if the Clash Slated demonstrated 11 I S defenaive iously challenged after that. cent Mountaineers-impressive, 69'ers and Preachers should The final top four slots Will Skills, and hIS sophomore year senior Jim an Ominous Cloud but not unbeatable. happen to falter. The Gamma probably be decided In next found him In the Vaz-aity'a around hustler and team The cloud over WMC basket- ~:!~~hs~~~tfo~r~h2pll~e~~r~uf:~ ~i~~:~ th:c~;'~;'s.a~~ ~;e~~~~~~ ~;:~t~n~i~n;; ~h;~::~~' there ma;~ck is a ball hawk and a ~~I~!;igh~e~~~se;,a~:ngr:,~~g.~~~ IFC Meets Colts keeping an eye on the faculty Will meet to decide third place Not every team is lucky team mall all the way. He has creasingly dark, but there IS a squad which is threatening their and on the following afternoon enough to have a Jim Reck. the ability to add spark to the silver lining. Even the Grey- Tonight at eight o'clock in position. Pi Alpha Alpha and in what promises to be the best His talents do not rest solely club when needed while also hounds had to be amazed at the Cill Gym. the Baltimore Colts the Boondock Bombers are far game of the season, the Bache- on his defensive ability. Jim having the cool head that can fact that freshmen, paced by return to the Western Mary- down the line with 1-5 records lora will put their intramural has an attitude toward ball slow a team down to a methodi- Suder (21) and Baker (13), ac- land Campus to meet the all- but have provided some good title at stake in a struggle with allows him to share his great cal, hard hitting, scoring ma- counted for 51 of the Terrors stars of the Intramural basket- play, making the other teams the Mighty Mites to decide who understanding of the game with chine. Jim knows the offenses 69 points. Of course, it didn't- -ball loop. work for their victories. The will be number one. It should all who care to learn. There is well and has a keen sense that match the Greyhound aggregate The Colts will meet such tal- Animals and Carroll County All prove to be an interesting tilt nothing selfish about Jim. New tells him j~st which ~lay w!Jl of 76, as fOUl' Loyola hoopsters ented ball-players as Lenny Stars have failed to win in five between the two undefeated men encountering difficulty in be best. HIS playmakmg abl~- hit double figures, including Owens, of Pi Alpha Alo:,a. games, but are determined to teams, so why not come out and mastering new offenses at ities come naturally as eVI- pJaymaker O'Hara who had 21. Scott Joyner, of GBX, and nick reach that goal before the sea- take in an exciting game next tice find themselves being denced by his skill at the fast Mighty !\fount Mishap Matheny, also from the Gam:na son ends. Wednesday afternoon1 cd the right way just . , . Due to inclement weather Betes. From league-Jeadlllg though In_ns hon;e 1S cancellations, the post-semester Alpha Gamma Ta~ there are court, he IS no. break contests with Shepherd f 0 u I' repI'esentatIves, P, 0 b sports. He has and Delaware did not material- Hutchinson, Joe ~nthony, nob been a standout on ize. Thus, Loyola was the first Hollywood, and Bill SpangJer. foot.bal~ scene at for the Terrors since the The Colts have a little talent by lI1a,ry Reeves During World War Jlm 1S also fourteenth encounter on their side too. Leading :..i1e How many of you have been need for physical a ~ood golfer.. Mount in which a Steeds are three all-Pro selec- stunned by the vibrant blue leo-- teachers was so wlll Gill Gym saw the Clow- tions Bob Boyd, John M:Jckey, tards some of the girls have Wood taught unable to swallow Car- and Bob Vogel. Rounding O'lt been wearing'? This is one sign The~ she 26 point pill, bow to the Colt squad are Willie Rich- of the presence of Mrs. Tllge ;-,erslty of . juggernaut ardson, Don Schinnich, Jackie 'Vood, a new faculty member in Instructor of physlCa~l.'d,,'~ti''"·1,'",t,n,jing Burkett, Alex Sandusky, Orden t.he Physical Education Depart- She started was despite a trio of Brasse, Fred Shubach, and the ment. program, efforts from Wilson, Colts' selection for Cinderella O Mrs. ~Vood's specialties are ~:~C:d::~~::es~~~r "",ivi'" I,,"po," m;th;;;';ti~;;I~;'~;~:,~":~ ta~;i~~n f:~~l fi~~::. pl~::' a ;e~eenrne;~f~~~ ::sa.:!;~ gymnastics and dance and her her master's After spotting them to an eight ball'and good entertain1l_lent it's enthus!asm for them has been 'Vood joined Colts versus the Mighty the Baltimore contagious. Her regular gym- kota Wesleyan i point advantage, a game effort, intramural all-stars tonight the at Green, making nas~ic class here .was expanded the director of physical ]lulled ahead 27-24 with 8:39 re- 8 pm in Gill Gym. Donations to Include a sem:nar o.n Wed- 1ion for women. maining in the first half. It are only one dollar and pro- nesdny evenings m which sev- . ('raJ of the men also participat- was a moment of glory short- ('eeds go towards the Alpha ,d. lived, however, as the Mount Gamma Tau scholarship fund. Although coming to Western :Maryland from Dakota Wes- leyan University, Mrs. Wood is a native Easterner. She was brought up in suburban Phila- delphia. At the age of seven STORE HOURS 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. she received her first dance training, starting with ballet and also tap which she was taught by sound ratl1er than by a step ]lattern. Mrs. Wood at- tended the Pennsylvania State College at East Stroudsburg STORE where she majored in physical education. Here she was a COFFMAN· member of a dance group. Af- t(>r graduating from East FISHER CO. Stroudsburg, Mrs. Wood mar- l'ied and today has a son, Paul, who is studying engineering at When asked how she 11 E. Main Street ~7~ne!,0~~I~~:c~~~:log~V~h~O~do! Westcrn Maryland, she replied, teenage daughter, Debby. "It's just lovely. I find t 1 1efae- Westminster, I\'ld. THE CANDY COX Phone 848·2848 85 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. 21157 West Main St. 848·6860 Westminster ANGELO'S Finest H01nemade Candy ITALIAN DINING ROOM Salted Nuts ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD Mints COCKTAIL LOUNGE ii,ftBrshQwer_. al"linhQUrs .. the ALL-PURPOSE LOTION MEN'S QUALITY CLEANERS & LAUNDERERS W1TR $2.00$3.SD~$&.5D~ 1 So. Center Street, or EngIar Road AM • FM LAUNDERING· DRYCLEANING· TAILORING JeqqeTtJ Garment Storage & Linen Rental Service Service for Students in WMC Student Center WESTMINSTER Monday through Friday !I :00 O'clock Until 3 :00 O'clock Daily MARYLAND Westminster Shopping Center
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