Page 39 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 39
The Gold Bug, Jan. 15, 1966 5 Ace Attacks CertainAwelull Aspects 01FinalExams KELLY'S by Ace Itell about what we have perchance t Are we the victims indicate their interest in thei.' STATIONERY STORE THE TIMES The semester is almost over, iearnedj Does it really show ~~ ~r:~~~:~~v':'_~on~!:~~s:ar::~~ l':t~de~ts' futures by being f~ir, HOME, SCHOOL and We have .been to all our classes; ::~~!~;r ::d h:o:tr~:p::t:n~l~', s~illgebs a C or D .while he sees ~i~:);:':nia:p:\~!~i::ed~ubi:; the race IS almost run. But we does the professor actually 1.Cad ~IS :rle~ds g~t ~Ighe; grad~ and the students should respond OFFICE SUPPLIES Westminster, l\laryland sti~l have yet just one more what we .write? Sometimes stu- s~~ :\t~s:e~t o~vhoanis'~7Si~~~-by making the best .of th.ei.r painful hurdle, the accursed Idents Will Write whole blue st d ith \I t d nt study time next week 11\ antici- 47 E. Main St. 848-5553 fina.1 examinations which will ?ooks of information. and have w~~ecut~'lhis ~~a:;~~h:n:v~l"\e paticn .of honest. and unbiased U ~gl~i~n g~::eda~iiu;~o:;emf:~; ~~r~~~r~~~e~o!~dmn:t~n~ g~~~~ ~~~:__~~dt~e S!~~:n:h;v~~a~nr!~: =":8.1: ':t,:on::":.::\:h':":':"':'k:. :::lL==w=,,=tm=i=n,=t.=,,='=ld=. =~ GENERAL COMMERCIAL around-really doesn't. give a r PRINTERS royal damn about his grade or his course or his professor. Always Inalst on the Finest in Meats and Meat Products It is unfortunate that such Ask for This publication is from scepticism prevails on this cam- pus. A final exam could really MYERS' be an adventure in creativity- but it seems to be a drudge, a A Complete Line of Fresh and Smoked Meats scapegoat, and a device for lazy Frankfurt.ers and Cold Cuts professors to kill all his birds Made from Finest Meats with one curve ball. We need finals, but we don't need this OPPORTUNITY cloud of gloom and secrecy and WM, F. MYERS' SONS, INC, suspicion. Professors should Westminster, Md. TI 8·8710 For a future with a well known Midwest Manu· facturing Firm. We are Order Your now offering exclusive Compliments of: distributorships f or a CREPE PAPER, patented product. No GEIMAN'S FURNITURE DECORATION and competition. Factory will as- personnel trained "'" "~Cl"e. PARTY GOODS sist you and in setting adver- up a proven tried !l0\aY' ClC""'~ ELDERSBURG Gifts for All Occasions Your Club Colors tising and merchandising in 100% program. mark guaran- \(;clc:1'~sJl· RADIO NORCROSS CARDS at up. Investment Maximum invest- Minimum teed. $1,000. ment RCA VICTOR P. G. COFFMAN $14,000. All replies con- informa- fidential. For students are already (on this or mark to indicate why the DU~1a~~~a;0 ~~r~~:ON SORORITY MASCOTS Company tion write Director of P. O. Box Marketing, Hamilton House 14049, St. Louis, Mis· f~~~~~~~J":~n n!f~~~~:;nih;~~ ~.:a~~e=aSgr:~:;· beCo:;~it:~~y~ I~I ~·.3~:!n Times Bldg. souri 63178. days early. What a pain! Eldersburg Shopping Center westminster, Md. UNITED ;e~~f:s~~~r~~e5;Oe!~~~1 so :~:t seriously they would risk ~_::::::::::::::::; 11!====79=5=.O=2=10===~==O=PP=O='i=t'=P="=t=O=fIi="==l11 [=========] MARKETING mono or their mental health to THE CANDY BOX ENDICOTI COMPANY :e~ve\a~r~:~. cl~~~:sf~~: l:~ September; if we've kept up 6828 Bartmer A venue with our work as we've gone 'Vest Main St. 848-6860 JOHNSON along, the exams shouldn't be Sf. Louis, Mo. 63130 any Big Thing. Westminster SHOE COMPANY Unfortunately, we also wail, OPEN AN ACCOUNT ~:is:g. eX~:~et~~eesT~~ro~es~~~ Finest H omemode Candy leta his final count a half or. Salted Nuts DAVID'S JEWELLERS lOW. Main Street EXCLUSIVE even two-thirds of a student's FRANCHISE grade---and in a few remote Mints \Vestminster, Main Street Westminster, Md. Amazing: new liquid plastic 19 East Maryland the final counts so much, then PAT lOS d . h coating used on all types of cases the exam counts 1000/0 of surfaces interior or exterior. all out of proportion and shows Now, this the final grade. iSlr====::;::===::]========'TI~=======~lir==:=:::::::==l Eliminates waxing when ap- a slack teacher is at work. If plied on Asphalt Tile, Vinyl, LECKRON ~~ec~~~i~~~;rr:~~lI~h~~~~~O;I~ an WIC Carroll Theatre GULF SERVICE Linoleum, Vinyl Asbestos, Wood, and Furniture. Hard ing: when applied to Wood, ~~;~!pwo~~de~~iter,::m~!~eJ~ SHOP w. MAIN & PENNA. AYE. Completely eliminates paint- Metal. or Concrete surfaces. "'!;:Di:~~ Westminster, Md. This finish is also recom- ~:!df~: at~l~~htoPu:;: ~~~~:!o~~ Featurbl6 mended for boats and auto· Would that we could get our ri~!kHMii~usf:k!' SEVEN THOUSAND" TI 8·6929 TI8-9876 mobiles. money back from some of these Pizzas _ Subs Jan. 16 _ 18 Road courses that make us feel mis- Freneh Friel!!_ Shrimp Boats t;nderstood and unappreciated Homemade Do.Nutl "THE SECRET NO COMPETITION and (especially) unchallerged! Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches OF MY SUCCESS" Service As these are exclusive for. How much does an essay exam Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 Jan. 19 _ 22 ,mulas in demand by all busi- "WHEN THE BOYS MEET THE GIRLS" F========i II Mi~~y;~~~n~~~t;itm~~~~o$~~O: Charles LindsCLY's Maximum investment - XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING Jan. 23.25 $7,000. Investment is secured Factory trained by inventory. Perfect Copies On Ordinary Paper G. C. MURPHY CO. "BUNNY LAKE HOMESTEAD INN personnel will help set up IS MISSING" your business. From Bound Material Or Single Sheeta~- 15 Washington Road For complete details and de- COMPLETE Jan.26-29 Wesfminster scriptive literature write: Prompt Service - Reasonable RatH '"BOEING BOEING" VARIETY STORE Serving the Finest Foods MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC. CHEM·PLASTICS 257 E. Main St. Tel. 848-7155 Westminster, Md. Pizza • Sandwiches & PAINT CORP. Main Street SIEGMAN'S Platt.,s 1828 Locust St. Louis 3, 1\10. Westminster TEXACO SERVICE ST,!DENTS WELCOME Yow' Portrait Photogmpher Westminster Shopping Porterfield Studio of Photography Center GOOD HEALTH Westlllinsler TI 8·3460 77 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. TO ALL TEXACO HAVOLINE GASOLINE OIL from Serving You: REXALL DRUGS IS OUR Maryland Hotel SCHMITT'S BUS.IN ESS Supply Co., Inc. Russell Stover Candy 225·227 S. Hanover Street ROTC HAIRCUTS RHOTEN'S Baltimore, Maryland BARBER SHOP WESTMINS'f Westminster Shopping Center - In Arcade WESTMINSTER TRUST COMPANY LANES POULTRY - MEATS Hours: \\Ion. _ Wed. 9.6 in the Shopping Center Thurs .. Sat. 9 - 9 Students - Until 5:00 p.m. in W•• tmln.t.11 71 Ecut Maln·St.I.:TI8~9300 In Union Milia' Phone Fl 6~7115 . FROSTED FOODS DOUG RHOTEN, Prop. $1.053 Games No.oTolI char;. from Bolt'morel·Phon.876~.2112 Including Shoes Phone TI Iden 8·3620 Mini", F.d.rol Depollt Inluraiu:. Corporatfon Mon.. Fri. 848-6570
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