Page 41 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 41
Librfiry ~ ~4t February 11 ;'.!eS~e~n}:arYl~~d College ,)escmi ne er , u GOLD BUG Scheduling ~nl~\ Jug Publication Dates Questtoned February 25 in March 18 1 April tetter April 15 29 April P.2 May 13 Vol. V'No. 8 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND February 11, 1966 Van Dykes Serenade Queen Betsy At Cupidity (upid Hosts Professors LaudTalents~ Lord Picks Zepp Wit, Geniusof Dr. Hendren As Delegate to Sweethearts After eighteen years on the Stress in English Verse," with Area Conference Free of (ost Western Maryland faculty, Dr. special reference to Lanier's Joseph W. Hendren has retired theory of rhythm was printed Delta Pi Alpha fraternity from his position as-professor in 1959 by Rice Institute. will present the annual Sweet- of English. Dr. Hendren re- Dr. Hendren has written sev- heart Bali in Gill Gymnasium cetved his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. tomorrow night. The dance degrees from Princeton from' 8 to 12 pm will feature versity and taught, at Rice the Van Dykes. Dress is semi- versity before coming to foi-mnl. ern Maryland in 1947. In his teaching career at WMC, Dr. Hendren has served on the Admissions and Stand- ards Commission and the Focus Faculty Comission. Dr. Hen- dren was honored at a recent meeting of the Western Mary- land College Chapter of the American Association of Uni- versity Professors, in an dress presented by Dr. D. Hendrickson, professor tus. The Chapter also ed Dr. Hendren with A philosopher and a Dan- The program will forth Visiting Lecturer, Dr. Sonata in C major by Henry G. Bugbee, will speak on Suite in A by Martin Monday, February 14, at 11:30 Sonata in C minor am in Alumni "Hall. Dr. Bug- Lossus Variations bee will also speak in McDaniel Sonata "in G Lounge at 7:15 on the evening "The New n;'·"'"""""·,of the fourteenth. The topics Chaplain Malcomb of Dr. Bugbee's two lectures be the speaker at atf:~~i~~~! It::;~~;:;' are "Some Meanings of Faith" February 20 and and "Poetic Existence and on 21. He Fhilosophic Thought." on "The Graduating from Princeton and ' University in 1936, a phlloso- New phy major, Dr. Bugbee did graduate study at the Univers- ity of California in Berkeley. He received his M.A. degree in 1940 and Ph.D. in 1947. He taught at the University of Ne- vada, Stanford University' r--------, I Harvard. At Harvard he was and EXPOSE!!! a George Santayana Fellow in In gallery A-25 of MacLea, philosophy and an associate the Gerald Winegrad Exhibi- professor. tion is now being held. This After returning to the United is the first public display of States, Dr. Bugbee became pro- the new Blazzeraff school of fessor of philosophy at Penn- sylvania State and University, art, of which Mr. Winegrad is the leading exponent. later a research fellow at Har- The works are subject to vard. purchase on the spot from Music Recital Mr. Winegrad, who will per- Dr. Miriam Whaples, play- sonally give visitors a guided ing the piano and hm-psicord, tour of the gallery. The and Dr. Mildred Johnson, play- prices range from $105.00 to ing the violin, will present a "priceless." Mr. Winegrad faculty recital, Friday, Feb. 18, refuses to part with the per- at 8:15 pm in Levine Hall. The Reverend Boyd is a noted trait entitled "Fct In." Visi- recital will feature contempo- playwright, freedom rider, and tors have commented that his iary and 18th century Baroque chaplain-at-large to campuses ~~~Ch\V~~~Si~o;'~~~:loXo~~'" mU~~~'Whaples is assistant pro- =!~:evsera;h: ~~~~~a:t~~~~~n~~ Mr. Winegrad extends his ~~~~~~anl, ~dsi~/~oh~::~ri~ ~~18t;1~1";!egCO!~:i;l~pa:~~, ~:: ~:~~~~l t~n~~~!iO~ ~all!~; a member of the faculty of Ben- wr-itten five books, the latest A-25 and view his work. nett Junior College in Mill- being Are YO-It Running .with L ...J brook, New York. Me, JCBU8?
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