Page 48 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 48
4 The Gold Bug. Feb. 1966 N~~sFrom t~!"~!!~~y~~~t~,.p"m""tob'b,gg" and;;~~not~~;;~Bennekamper, McClary Sigma Enliven Riot In Campus Service edEI~~t 3::~~e~~els h;~:iO~~; 12 ~~~:~~~c:alm on better than ever Sigma Maly Blevins, Ann Carson, Sue of both Bobby , by LtndG SlllltVGn Donna Sweeney, Lm- from Ann a Faulkner, Tau ~;a;:;;:~h~e~I~~~~ora~tC~~~I; ~~mae~d hailing Alpha ~t~~~;T~~~~~~!~a~;n~nt~~:u~~u~h~e:~~l years At formal initiation last Reeves. ~th~a~:tt~~~:IO~~ evening Gamma ~t~sc~~::~o say thanks in flowery tributes, week, the Sigmas welcomed Fay soon to be forgotten. For her spirit, her humor and warm attributes ~~~~~~,~~;;: ~:~vssee;,'~:~b;:~ Gamma Tau ~~:c~~::~~~~ herself without reservation Sc~:::~, the Sigmas are hold- Beta rl~~~;o~o;:.~ry campus organization Chi i~:'"t~:~:i::ir;~el~g~~l S~~~~ ~~~~::~:: ~~.~::~~;~~~1~;:'~~Z;:u:e:~peal ner in the rooms and clubrooms And rapport. on campus. For "cose" and "squalor" and all of the rest Gamma Beta Chi will end its Of the qualities which make her one of the best For her inspiration: ~~i~~~n;le~:e :eeri~ldwi~~ ~~l~ Phi Alpha Mu ,~'elcomes foud Gettysburg For her humility and honest spiritual belief weekend of Feb. 26 and 27. new pledges thIS. For all she does well-and last, but not least Her deep appreciation. ~~d~~o;fJ:egf:So~e~o~i~!~~~ ~~~:ns~l'~~s:nnnM~s:I~~l'~nd A pun-loving person who's always heard rick, John (l o rd y a c k, and becca Wallace.. . A listener, too; well, a pUll my word! Wayne Laessig will be formally Under the direction of PorLer determination=- initiated into the fraternity. Andrews, the Phi Alpha For her enthusiasm, integrity and thoughts The Iotee are currently busy On March 14, in the Gamma favors to decorate the For all of her good features and all of her faults. ~~~~e/J=~~e f~ ~:eir hefdrmoa~'1~;i~g~~U~~de:C~~e L~isCeo~~~~~~:;:en~~s~~t~tl~~llW".";;;.,"" ••1 If any For all the things that she does fulfill For someone who's truly High on the Hill [~a~~:ni~t~h~r;l~; I ~:~'~~:rinco~~eetnc7~tc~~, a~o~~~ Bi~\~~~~'~)~e~~J:): way for Fo, ar-e proceeding smoothly-under,1 and donuts will be served. theme and decorations of the direction of Jeanne Hutch~:; Gamma Beta Chi also an- ~~o t~:in~ :1~n~~lJ /; t~~ar~~: - --- nual Phi Alph Auction, tenta- tively scheduled sale of elightly April 13. for The impromptu THE CANDY BOX. W1TR used, but extremely useful West l\Jain St. 848-6860 AM • FM FINE Westminster DEPARTMENT Finest Homemade Candy Salted Nute WESTMINSTER Mints MARYLAND 11 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. Phone 848-2848 85 W. Main 'St. Westminster, Md. 21157 ANGELO'S 1 So. Center Street, or Englar Road ITALIAN DINING ROOM LAUNDERING - DRYCLEANING . TAILORING ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD Garment Storage & .Linen Rental Service COCKTAIL LOUNGE Service for Students in WMC Student Center Monday through Friday 9 :00 O'clock Until 3 :00 O'clock Daily • Continental Convert-a-collar • Double OVer Shoulder Yoke • Push-up TAPER·TITE· Cuffs • Comfort Cut Swingeze Sleeves • Jam. Free Conmatic Zipper • Patented Safety KEEPocket 8 • Sanforized Shrinkage Control •~.~!!:: Stain Repeller Westminster Shopping Center Ice-cold Coca-Cola makes any campus "get~together" a party. Coca~Cola has the taste you neyer get tired of ••.• ; , always refreshing. That's why ,hings go bener with Coke ... after Coke ... after Coke. •••• , ~,,, ...... <>, .f Th. c~.·<." c••,." '" Westminster Bottling Company
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