Page 43 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 43
The Gold Bug, Feb. 11, 1966 High on the Hill KELLY'S Deserving Seniors, Baker, Spear STATIONERY STGRE THE TIMES Win Honor Unselfish Service HOlltE, SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIE~ Westminster, Maryland .n E. Alain S1. 848·5553 Westminster, Md. GENERAL COMl\IERCIAL PRINTERS training junior women attend a Ask for This publication is from au-week trcining session the summer prior to gradunttqn. MYERS' All Mnrin(> Officer Training is held at Quantico, Virginia. A-Complete Line of Fresh and Smoked MeatO'! Applicants are commissioned Prankfurtere and Cold Cuts Second Lieutenants immedia tely Made rrcm Finest Meats upon graduation. Seniors and graduates attend a 10-weck OPPORTUNITY training course after gradua- WM, F, MYERS' SONS, INC. tion and are then commissioned. westminster, Md. TI 8·8110 For a future with a well '"'::::::::::::::::.lL':==::::===;-F====~=:'~ known Manu- Firm. 1- , facturing Midwest We are Orde; Your ~fs';rib~~:~~hfps eXf~~siv: Compliments of: CREPE PAPER, patented product. No GEIMAN'S FURNITURE DECORATION and competition. Factory trained personnel will as- PARTY GOODS sist you in setting up a tried and proven adver- in tising and merchandising 100% mark ELDERSBURG Gifts for All Occasions Your Club Colors program. Minimum guaran- Investment up. teed. invest- RADIO NORCROSS CARDS at ment $1,000::- Maximum $14,000. All replies con- informa- SORORITY MASCOTS P. G.COFFMAN fidential. For Director of tion write Compauy Marketing, P. O. Box Hamilton House Times Bldg. 14049, S1. Louis, Mis~ souri 63178. Westminster, Md. Opposite Post Office UNITED MARKETING ENDICOTI COMPANY JOHNSON 6828 Bartmer Avenue St. Louis, Mo. 63130 SHOE COMPANY DAVJD'S JEWELLERS ] 0 W. Main Street EXCLUSIVE 19 East Main Street Westminster, Md. FRANCHISE new liquid plastic Westminster, Maryland Amazing used on all types o( coating surfaces interior or exterior. when ap· Eliminates waxing Tile, Vinyl, plied on Asphalt LECKRON Sandwich Carroll Theatre GULF SERVICE Linoleum, Vinyl Furniture. Asbestos, Wood. and Hard eliminates SHOP W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Completely applied to paint- ing when Wood, many major campus organiaa- Wed. thru Sat .. !\fetal, or Concrete surfaces. tions. He operates, not Feb. 9 thru 12 Westminster, Md. This finish is also eecom- flag carrier; FeatmB.I "CINCINNATI KID" mended for boats and auto- who sits and ri~:kHMii:usf:t~. T18-6929 T18·9876 mobiles. all the various Sun. thru Tues. before focusing Pizzas _ Sub. Feb. 13 Ihru 15 Road canny ability, into a French Fries - Shrimp Boat. "THE WARLORD" NO COMPETITION course of action. This Homemade Do·Nuta Service to find and summarize the es- Inside Seating Plul Other Sandwiches Wed.·Thurs. As these are exclusive for. sence of any situation has made Rt. 140 E. or Westminster Phone 848·5860 Feb. 16·17 mulas in demand by all busi- him an extremely valuable "WAR GODS nesses, industry and homes. OF THE DEEP" Minimum investment-$300. Maximum investment Fri. thru Thurs. Charlee Lindsay's $7,000. Investment is secured - XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING HOMESTEAD INN by inventory. Factory trained personnel Perfect Copies On Ordinary Paper G. C. MURPHY CO. '1;:1~~At~~ ~~T" your business. will help set up 15 Washington Road For complete details and de- Fri. t.heu Thurs. From Bound Material Or Single Sheets COMPLETE Feb. 25 thru March 3 Westminster scriptive literature write: Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates "DO NOT DISTURB" VARIETY STORE Serving the Finest Foods CHEM.PLASTICS MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC. Pizza - Sandwiches & PAINT CORP. 257 E. Main St. Tel. 848·7155 Westminster, Md. Main Street Platters 1828 Locust SIEGMAN'S St. Louis 3, Mo. Westminster TEXACO SERYICE STUDENTS WELCOME Your Portrait Photoaraoher Westminster Shopping Porterfield Studio of Photography Center GOOD HEALTH Westminster TI 8·3460 77 E. Main Street Westminster, Md. TO ALL TEXACO HAVOLINE GASOLINE OIL from Serving You: REXALL DRUGS I IS OUR Maryland Hotel SCHMITI'S BUSINESS Supply Co., Inc. Russell Stover Candy 225·227 S. Hanover Street ROTC HAIRCUTS WiSYMINS&l RHOTEN'S Balthnore, Maryland BARBER SHOP Tenpins Westminster Shopping TRUST COMPANY Center - In Arcade WESTMINSTER LANES POULTRY - MEATS Hours: Mon.• Wed. 9 - 6 in the Shopping Center in W •• trnln.t.11 71 Eo.t Moln·St,.l.;Tn ..9300 Thurs. - Sat. 9 • 9 Students - Until 5:00 p.m. In UnIon Mill., Phon. FI 6a7115 . FROSTED FOODS DOUG RHOTEN, Prop. $1.053 Games N.-Toll chor •• from BoltlmorOi Phon. 876-.2112 IneIuding Shoes Phone TIlden 8·3620 M.-nM, '.d.ral D•• 1t In.urcrnc. Corp!"atlon l\Ion.• Fri. 848·6570
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