Page 42 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 42
8The Gold Bug, Feb.11, 1966 Tile Ring 01 Responsibility Coul~ This Man Be Too Honest For You? Take A Long, Long Look At Malcolm Boyd! A newspaper is like the life of a man in that it is based on :~~:::r-:::~:I~b\~:~!,:~:~,~:;d:O~:~I;':~~:;:O;:::';,'~~~: \Vhen facts are adorned with eharaeter, issues, controversy, . color, and opinion there is life. It. is only through an honest col- by Car'll Wolfson hear It. classifies his prayers into such What's He Doing Here? lection and intense study and evaluation of them, that issues are What's wi~h this guy? I But this ~hul'ch G~d isn't real-life topics a,~,:'P:ayers for But the question I posed at ~::;. isT~~:r!~rneg~~r:r:i~~;eo:~:;~o:~~~f~tt:n;ei:te~~~~BUG ~::dn,~v~::OI~~n~ ~~c:e~~f~o~~ ~;a:~ol~eB~e~': ~~~. ~~~. Je~~: ~ex;:~e FS:i~~;:" ':;I~~~~:ti~~~ ~~:ul~eg~~ni~!eno:ed:hi~otr~~~; of it~V~:~lJaa~i~~~sa~~::!~~:tt~~as:~~~~;s~d~~~_~~ °s~a~:rsw:~~ i:~!U~~jO~O:~~Vi~o~~~~~;s.':i~~ ~~k'Je~11:;1 y(n~r~;=:~ln:y ~::t~~lci~:I.mi~ee~~!.,,"Pr~ye~~li!~~ ::~~:~:: '\~!h ~~~ngguY,~:'r~~'~ content with crammed effort, hurried editing and halt-done fea- is elected first president of the colm. Boyd, ~as created a furor a ~e\~ of ~hese prayers b~ar re- Whether he knows it or not, tures, the results will stare them in the face every two weeks. Television Producers Assode- everywhere It's been read. He prmtmg 1n toto. To Wit: Malcolm Boyd is here to wake Likewise, the nature and st.rength of the student interests and tion of HOl!ywo?d a~d then, at AI! the roots I thought I had are gone. Everything in my you up and make you look God concerns will take shape on the printed page, the age of 32, grvea It all uy to life is in an upheaval. I am amazed that I can maintain any com- in the face. \ He will certainly The staffers have already taken up the task with determina- bec.ome an ~plscopal pflest1 posure when I'm feeling like this. not be received here by the kind ~~~:t~:! ::::;.ng,~:l:f:~ !!f~~:~~~~tt:::d ar::::;r::~a~~:~ts aa:~ ~hl~~a;i~~ t~~~;;~~~~;~mH~OY1~supr;!: ~~:;;:n!~. a:lk~~~~;~;s~te~~~it~~h~r;~:~!n~t~:e~t d~:a~~ ~~aft~I~O~~i:;g\~~~ed ~~a~~IO~:i~ peets of t.he academic community from the mighty fraternity ?'ca;, people! ... " I want to anchor myself in the past and shed tears of self-pity. verstues .before they couldn't system to the WAA to the little heard of music department which Church v.s. Chrtstf anlty When I look ahead tonight I can see only futility pain and death. h~ndle him any longer. You deserves more recognition. Student interests will be our interests . He'~ a p~lest, but he's .not I am only a rotting body, a vessel of disease, p~tenti;llY a hand, wII! be shocked and conf.used and we don't believe them to be confined to the mythical rail to th~ h,¥~-rldmg, jh-e-breath!n~, ful of ashes after I am burned. whe.n he stands at the pulpit or ~~~l.grille Cit will ne,'er cast a shadow) or the food in the dining ~i.I~J~f:;mrs :~~re~~!pe;elf,c~l~~ a jo~~!::eC~!I:~ t;~~g~at~el~: ~~odkr:~p~;:~~il~~~o!~Uw~~~: ~~~~~:: ~~~e)~h~uet:r~vo~~~mtha: a~? :eo~~:~~~ ~~i~:;;;c~n:~r:~~i~il~n~n c;:!r:::::~a~o~a:!~~;~~ ~~ne,~o:l~rl~v~!r!~~~~)~;·c~iv~ need~o~:,k~ ~~/;~~~iiY k~O~~o~~~~.yI afc~ty~~Srg~~~~~ncestrongly ;~~~:t y::~~:~py, ~~It ~:you.~~: blht~V:~ohn~rea!~ ::c~"U~~rf!~e::ll~a:~:;~~fsa:~:rt~:~er ~~~~~~:e_~~ec:~rl:cto~tish%:~sa~: ~~I~:S: ~ :his a~ful mom;,nt, and I thank you. Help me onto my feet. ~~ ~~~n~~~~h;a:a~:isY~~a;~~ok~ ment better in a dirty beer joint than e p me 0 get up. don't deserve to call yourself· a . DLC in the sterile interior of a "She's a popular co-ed, but she doesn't know who she is Christian or a Jew Qr a student. ==================I~~~~C~riS~e(.!~ .a~~-~u~~~cl~p~~~certa~~~;So~:O~~bt~et~:s~~~:~krn°:,u~~rd~~.!~~st~e v~~.;~~:'l ~!~;:!U~;!/~h~sd~~a~O~uc~:;~~ a!;~~ Somebody Up T"ere? sorship defeats Christian mis- and seems completely secure, Jesus. You could hardly find any- and Monday morning, even if sion a~n:ev.~n_~~}~::·~~d bOdYB~~OShd~S~~~~k~:rj,el"Self,or, at Jeast, the self she feels she ~os~el~I~~;n'!I~~~a;o a~~ap~!v~~ Unfortunately, most self- was handed but can't figure out. She thinks she two ~ntend .to go again. This man styled religious people figure different selves, the operating one and another which is hidden IS talhng. to '!Iou, babycakes! mess under layers of complexity she can't get to. She wants to find Are you hstenmg1 to Boyd Writes that they only have once-a-week out who that other self is because she believes she would like to on a God with ~~~~i~_~h~~?;~r~l~:rb~~~~l~nA01~~relatinv~rt;bOdYresponds to her smile. She is tired of it and has BothersomeBoyd "Gut-Level" Prayer basis. Thcy find God in a eon· be it. She simply doesn't know the self everyhody seems to be . er words, they only want God come to feel it's a lie of some kind. She wants friends who would by Dean Ira Zepp I "Let Her Knuw She Is Lov'ed" ~~r!:~ir ~~~~ :a;n ~~~tit~~~n~~ ~i~:m~~toot~:: sel~ instead of this one which is a stl'anger~r Lauded by Poist ARE YOU RUNNING WITH Boyd's prayers do raise, how- the men's room at the Home- Here she comes now, Lord, srililing her way across the cam- ME, JESUS?, a book of prayers ever, the whole question of re- stead, but they don't want to pus. Help me to smile back-at hel' other self. "A socio-religious gadfly" is ~;~Ol~~ Can WMC Really F I The C II g C" l' by Malcolm Boyd, will be high- ligious language and what it __ __ the way that Rev. David Poist ~;.~~~t~~~~ed'q~~;:2' ~~:d'b:~ :ea;s~ ~h;al~o:;s~f:biC 00 0 e e Ir. ~:~~~i~:SC:!~:~~~mOfB~::ter:uerv; might be sub-titled "gut-level" words (Almighty, Everlasting, House, the Episcopalian group ) prayer. I know of no collection infinite, and Eternal God ... col- 0 A C Ed J t H T K"II T· on campus; and as a minister ~~~~i~~~: !~~~:n~~fl~~~:fr:~~ ;:C~d_~:1't2;6~i~a!o:~~:e~~i~ r re 0- S US ere 0 lime. 1of the same denomination, his of prayers, with the slight ex· with which the traditional Boyd are most inter- :!~~~.on ~~~~;hde.whichair is so clean to ~~;~_1alk:;a~~:ci:f:e he~:~~:rli~ by Ace & Chaff el" friends w~o have. jobs and -h?~rors-you should n~ver th;Osa~:' :ao~~~r Bao;d a a;!~fl~~ "He's A Black Boy, Jesus" is genuinely "hllman-talk"? A short while back, in Look are self-suffiCient, _frIends wholmal~y at a~1 ... ) . And smce in that he visits a college brief- There are prayers of all kinds "Be good to her, please, Lord. Magazine there appeared an can go where they want when I~heyre fo~tmg t7 e b~l1,and yo~ ly and "bothers" the campus in -praycrs for the free self ("I'm She is so insecure and lost and article en'titled "Who's Kidding they w~nt, friends. wh.o don't ~~; ;oo~ri~~ed~ss~ff~n;~e ~~ much the same manner that a nowhere, Lord, and I couldn't needs your love badly. Of all the College Girl?" (How many feel gUllty about leadlDg un- ~ b' y l"tU h I Is' V' ~ gadfly both irritates and com· care less.") j prayers for the your mixed-up loved ones, she of you read it?') Anyway in assigned books, friends who om m~ I ~. a~ e t 1~ Ie. pels a horse By using what free society ("What was Hiro- is one of the saddest, even it we find that; girl who h~lds don't have their minds awash ~:m, t y 1[0 dUSd say erf. III Rev. Poist ter'ms a "hit or miss" shima like,- Jesus, when t_he t~ough .she always wears this a BA degree from a liberal arts. wi.~hp~tty and il}significa~~C its\; ~~:' d~~~ n~i~insec~:~ ~~~ technique, Boyd offends many, -l?ombfe1l1"); prayers for raCial bIg smIle. Jesus, underneath college but who cannot type or tal s. ndeed, hfe at. '-11 t"l h' ts t k f. but stimulates others. His of- i:~~~~mW~;;H~~sl:ar~la~ b~y~ ~~:\~r:~~ ~:rl~,~e~~,:naSk,let her ~~~h ~~~~th~~~ingWil~~~:i~O~ ~::: :~~hi~: t~~~eC~e~~a%so~~~li~t~n~ln?lor eso~:e ot~~r ~~i~ ~~:!v:~e~is i~e~i~uh~ll~naj~r;~~: 1[:;~1~~ts ~;~:e::d ~~il;tneg, c!~~ BOYd~:or!~.e:~~t W:~:ributes, ::~e ~~~ c~:[ ~e~'e/~~~~~tio~ :l~e~;b:d~!ll~~:e~Oy~~;v:o~e::~;~ come~V~~~Price Freedom? ~~;~Ch~ome interpret as vulgar. people are waiting for death."); honesty and realism, often are worthWhile from a purely eco- all the f~edmg places, Why .don't all the co-eds at Under Boyd's harsh impres_ prayers for sexual freedom his own worst enemies. Some nomic viewpoint. been bowlmg and to the mOVies WMC Just. QUIT? . For one sion, however, Rev. ~oist sees a ~;I;~~S o~a~x a~~d \:o::::not~~: ~f~i~~i:.r~~~~s:e=s~n~~I~e~f;~ Why Study Four ~ears? ~I'~~let~o~reg~~~~~!~~~' al~le;i~~ ~:~:O~~I~~~~'t~~~g~OI~s~~~~!~~nadn~~r~h~el1~~t~~~ti~n:u~an;~~ ~;:'p~;inf;~h~,:r:y;~~u~~~ ~~ ~~!iO~e:i~~e;at~~~mit, A;~:he~~w~i~~\~~~~~,tsh;I~lav:obe!: ~:'!~h d~;:~~a~~ds~s.~e:dS:;;:::;~~: !~~rt~O\V~~t fi~~~~ldWhy~~t~~ ;i:cees' of ~~c;~~~~~~ot!~cp:~~r:i~~~ cd, but she doesn't know who earnest inelegance debars any better off at n two-year wI~h paid vacatIOns. Llfe any- your fnends back home1 They reformers." In consideration of she is" or "He has run out of lasting literary grace; since one followed up by. a s.ecre;anal where else bu.t here looks great. would think you had flunked this, Rev. Poist declares himself t~e:\~n'it~~)sus,and thc students ~~e°s~:e~in,~~~t~~hi~~r~~~~e~e!~~~~I:ser~!I~at~~:~e aGlj~1~1:_y.e~~~:~s:w~~:, 1~~I::~I~~o~~:.s~owl~ ~~!g~:nt~ls~n~O~o\~a~OU~~c~~~ :;:;re~~~dd, a~hoin h!y~~~i~:~~ Cha~I:~a~:y:~:c~~: finger ~:l~~~~~t~:c;::~sna~r:ma~~~iC~'~-~e!;:n~:g~~~T~j:r8J~~:oh;~~~~eoa;;o~o:~a ~~vs~:,~T:t~~~e.~~ ~:gU'~~7;u~n:::i~! i~o~~emC:~~~~O~!~lS~ea~:a:~jev~~[d':ut~~:~ on the pulse of lived life. H~s But it still may be that these so many ~oung. women III thIS decorate,. no restfictlOns, a pnv. lege Column of your mo?thl_y matically overworked in that prayers for the free self eVl- prayers are the closest thing we school ~le discontent. Th.ey [I.te bathloom, and a healthy sex church newslette:'1 No, It IS they all deal with the problem ~~;sc:ne:s. ra~;~al r~f:c~~~~s a~~ ~v~h~n cC::f~::;i~~ra~I ~!:d~t~~: ~~~eda~p~~r;~~it~:~r!~e ~:~Si~t; ~~ddyB~~~, ?ST!I~~~~U~~~ ~~'~e~o~~ o':r~l:.rl~~eW c~~:df~; of race-consciousness. the racial crisis reveal a rare honest complaining, anguish, th;m by. T?ey see the I I' TER!! It s aJways so;nethlllg faced with an approach-a void- if,':S_%"~~"::8BI,*""5"el&leiBJi sensitivity. All the prayers un- and longing of Israel's Psalm- frIends marned and perhaps yOU can fall back on In later ance conflict which can only be mask our hypocrisy and preten- ist. with children, and they feel years." . (If '!f 0 U l' husban.d resolved by Sticking It Out. BATMAN sion in matters of urban living, Read them and weep. alone and lost. They envy oth- should dIe 01' dIVorce you, 0)' If And girls, once you have that ~ex, peace, and self-acceptance. 1 IJ,. BA in your hands you'll be free IS It is for this reason that re- It II ,I. r ,L J. ". -' lo go ahead find prepare for :::;;'";nd'~i:~n;i~ ::;~;Yt~:~; Vpen etter eCfles "egi/gent ~c"eriU'mg "O~~;;f"~n~:;::~i."nju,t b'gin. COMING!I prayers. Most of us will say Open Letter-To'Whom It May tertainment. In an effort tOl({nY activity. In allowing the n'iin:g~...===~==~~=======~ that we dislike the prayers be- Concern overcome this apathy Delta Pi scheduling of this game t.he IFC ~ the Ipcress File Is Spy Thriller· f:r~~~~!niheli:n~~ai:.r ht~~ ~~~ Each year every fraternity is ~Ipha ha~ eliminated ~ll finan- ~~~~n~i~~n:ya:en~ni~i~~!el~et!~~~" • " • real reason will be t~a.t these responsible for one of the four cial. b~lTlers by offering free and perhaps furthered prayers, rather than hIding and maJor on-campus dances. In .the ?anc.e as ~vell mountlllg lethargy sUlTounding B' h V" . C· 'S " , We the hrothers of Delta Pi aruc concealing the truth about us the past these dances have been as by brmgmg. Jfl Ieco.gmzed these dances. lews aloe scrutiny (as most prayers do), will serve .met with increasin:g student first-rate entertainment III the to puncture, threaten, and ex- apathy due to the high cost of forlll of the Van Dyk7s. Our Alpha are willing to assume the pose us. admission and second-rate en- ~~o\~c;a~: ~:;e;:t~;~lt~na tt;:e fin.ancial burden incurred by by Bcth Baruch ed by the typically British hu- part of the ruling bodies on ~~~~~:~~\~:tp~~~~e:sus:a~~~d Are you sick and tired of mO;h~aitp~~~8th;',~~ri~:d me a . THE GOLD BUG ca~p~:. a well-.known fact that ~:h!~~sJi~;: of common sense in ~I~:ey!o~~~:~n~o:p;o;~~:~~; ~~'!~~edcf::~e~~le at~at~~; g~~ ~ffic181.student newspl_lper of Western Maryland College, b.efor.eany ;naJor dance decora- It is not for us to judge a little more tantalizing to the working for the British Intelli- ~~\~:~ddasb~~~~~~IYc1~~~~tt~~!:oilie S;~::o'ffi~e,t~~~f!in~t~~; ;I~~/~o~~q~r::~d;:c: ~a:,url~~~f-whether the sched~l.inh; of t~~s ~~~ll:~~~ve: l:S~o:ig~~'Ob~:~~ l~n~~e c~:al:t bCa?nu:~a:o:~~t:;~ Maryland 21157, under Act of March 3, 1879. ing match will be. in progreSS. ;~~e o;a:u;\;:t~::g fra~nrnit; The ipcre88 File, an English signed to ~ new department. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $3.00 A YEAR ~e~~ :re;:::~~e ~n1;·;~~eG~;~ ~~r~ ~~~b:[:::r:t!~~;'tt ~~ ~)~.~~~~:~~~o~Vh~sG:;II~I~~"~rem"'w:~~~~:un,;;a!~e ~~:!.~n~p:~';SS~e~:i~ rna Tau's scheduling a basket- sent a successful Sweetheart Gold as far as suspense and the ten on a mysterious recording DAVID CARRASCO ball g.Rme in Gill Gym the Fri- Ball. But the impractical sched- intricac:\-' of the plot go. But tape found in the abandoned Editor-in-Chief day mght before the. dance. ~f uling on the part of the IFC Michael Caina plays a new kind headquarters of the bad guys. course, the schedulmg of thIS and the SeA is an inexcusable of spy. He is not at all the so- Caine's unbelievable errors eon- game was approve~ by the J!"C error. Delta Pi Alpha hopes to phisticate that Sean Connery is. tinually anger his supervisor ALICE CHERBONNIER and the SGA. ThIS schedulmg overcome this problem and earn- Nor has he the virility of Rich- the plot suddenly reaches Managing Editor showed complete lack of fore- estly suggests 'that corrective RI'd Burton. In fact, hc 'is not a very dramatic climax. From DOROTHY ATTRIDGE sight. Never before has an action is taken so that no other an intelligence agent by choice then on the film becomes a sus- Business Manager event open to the school been fraternity will be confronted and he considers his job a trial pense thriller worthy of 1.lfred Sherry Joslin Joyce Ferguson presented. before any of the ""ith this problem. rather than a c hall e n ge. Hitchcock. Harold Marks William McClary !~~:e i~~~:m.~:i:~.e:~le~l:~~~r;~ Sincerely, ~::'~~.I;:~~~~~:ol~!~~ui~ep~~i~l~ th;th~h::riis o~ot~ii~t~r~h!~ News Editors Feature Editors RONALD BOONE ing this, a's agrce- Delta Pi Alpha Fraternity botch things up any more than the outcome will be (at least Sports Editor ment has always eXIsted. ... he does. Just when it secmS not to this female-minded fan) Publishing Editor: Donald Heath. The SGA showed its concern Th~ Open Letter I~ In pnnt riue that he has finally redeemed until the last ten minutes or so. Assistant Editors: Susan Mason, David Harper, Cary over the dismal attendance at W ItS pertinent, timely nature. himself by eliminating one of At last, things begin to mesh Wolfson, Paule1te Arnold, Walter Michael. these dances bv attempting to It presents one side of at least "theil''' guys, the dead man and the viewer can stop biting Advertising Manager: Ronald Kobernick. enact Rule 6 which would have a two sided story. The· next turns out to be one of "ours." his fingernails. Editor of Art and Photography: Jacqueline Rayner. closed weekends before and af· issue will be open to other ver- Such incidents, however, are not The lpcre8B File is a must to Circulation Manager: Gail Gracey. tel' these four major dances CO sions. Deadline, Feb. 17.. D.LC. overdone and they are highlight- all spy fans.