Page 36 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 36
2 The Gold Bug, Jan. 15, 1966 '''!!dt~~!Oil!,~~!.~.g!~'h:~~''d,of.''m''''' Freedom Becoming The Unholy Tool Of 'War: :~~~:w~:"i:g.;,:!:.:9:~d'l':ot~~,th:.G,~~Dp.~~;..~~Uldlik. toBut What Priee Are We ReadyTo Pay For It? For the first time In many years, the GOLD BUG has em- • ployed the "shock" effect to capture the attention of faculty, stu- ~e:::'''~:~t:~;ti:i~~~a~:~~r:'h:e~~O::::i~~r~~~nt~s~ael.e~~:n~~~: by Cary lVol~8(1n ~i~:~!~~~~y~a~~P~;~ewo~fdS~~~I~~~~~ou~a~:~ti~~ra~~dd~~~;e~~~ ~~a~~:~~/i:~~i ou~,e~,s~~ like to mak~ one point clear. We feel that the aim of a ca~pus Ma.n of the Year IS an h.onor for 'democracy," "The war to it. A third group, the pacifists all this senseless killing!" In newspaper IS not solely to report the news, but cover various that IS not to be bestowed lig-ht- end all wars") must base so (the true ones, that is), says, fact, what he said was quite the !ssues. The GOLD BUG h~s take~ a strong st!,"nd on certa~n Iy, and I'm sure that Time Mag- much of itself on war. When "We want our freedom and are oppostte: an) exhoration to Issues to prod our leaders Into actlo~". A negative respons.e IS azine chose General William is our employment rate the willing to die for it, but not to avenge these deaths. perhaps even more valuable than a pesnwe response to our views Westmoreland in all sincerity highest! When 95% of Ameri- fight physically for it." "Take up am· quarrel with. -c-su don'~ be afrai~ to send us your c;omments. and seriousness. It's just that can industry is tuned to the Most of us have been brought the foe:/ To you: frO'Yn failing Lookmg ahead In 1966, we would like to extend a welcome to I'm kind of surprised that none World war effort. Who gets up and believe, for all intents hrond8 we throw/ The torclv; be our new staff, headed by David Carrasco. At last, a male editor- of these magazines or newspa- om biggest government con- and purposes, in the tenet that yOU!· to hold ·it high.! If ye in-chief!!! ~ per's or whoever makes this type tracts? Missile plants, muni- freedom is the one thing we break fa.ith with us who die/ Dave and his new staff are in the process of formulating of selection has picked the man tions works, and the like. Have place above all others. It is We shall not sleep though- pop- new plans, new ideas, unique and startling facets for the GOLD who mad it all possible-r-Ho Chi our biggest policy decisions in number one on the all-time hit pies growl hi Fla!!de1·s fields." BUG. 'Vith a man at the helm, you can look forward to a greater Minh. After all, where would the last year been made by Lyn- parade. It is the one In that is Westmoreland Deified emphasis on sports and a view of campus problems from a mas- Westmoreland be without- the don B. Johnson, President, or never Onto This "freedom at The near deification of Gen- culine standpoint. It will be a "man's world" once again. Look Red Army? The same places Ly~don B. Johnson, Command- env price" is in our literature, erul Westmoreland is great tes- forward also to the possibility of a weekly publication in 1966·67. as MacArthur without the Jnp- er-in-Chief of the Arm e d In our poetry, in our blood. tament to the belief of the ro-, The present staff would like to extend our good wishes to the anese Army or Eisenhower Forces? We Shall Not Sleep manticists who claim that there new staff. Many of these people we have worked with in the past without the Nazis. Americans in Conflict John Mccrae's In Flande-I"S is such a thing as a "glorious and know that they are creative and competent, Nineteen sixty- Isn't it strange that a country There is certainly a basic Fields, one of the most moving crusade"-that there is a ro- six looks like a good year for the GOLD BUG. whose avowed aim is, in general, conflict between the types of pieces of poetry on war ever mantic charm about war. I LMS peace throughout the world freedom-loving people in Amer- written, is universally taken as don't naively think that our sol- A t P. .L·..· t ~. =~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~"",,""'~~~~~~~~~~:~t."O~~ s:,~s'~':s~ed;;t~tp~~l. =O\;: t~~~:an:;h~~ngm~~~ ;~~~ I' ~mlnen 'SUCIIIQ,rIS'S "onvene, nree: pluud"it', ,ll righ'., 10ug" th, """", "'w un"w,/ Tha' G••ml W"'mo,,.l,ud,","dono do Nor doubt I home. rape, steal; kill, and fields th.e pappU8 blowl Between pillage, that I ' #:l J r rL ,IJ B n· ,. S.. ,:.J, t A,II. • it·s in the name of freedom. ?1ldrk·O"!t1· place") white Thousands a hell of a job in maintaining Another faction says, "We will of living men reduced to end- these men's morale. waves fight for freedom, but only if we less of It all boils down to which we wooden ~ex ~"OUIU e r'TlVQ&lJ ,uuen I"llr ~~:;t;~:~,~h~~'~~:~:;;':~~'i;S:~kt"d~Y'(:~I a~,':g'£f'~;:,~~.;:;O"ou;"';i::;;m'OU:~i~ by Erich Page lof many students who reveal venereal disease" is sllggested senseless butchery, but also da.wn, fHtW 8n?lSet glow/ Lov.ed now the thundergod and the New York Tim,cs overt homosexual manifeata- on the same basis. point out that we would never and wel·e lQ'IJed,amd.1ww we l161 angel have gone hand-in-hand. A gr~up of 260 ~sych~t~sts !\l~l:sc~~c:o~: e~~~;t a~:lt~hoe~ he;I~~ ~:;:i~! ~~~~lt a~:~le~: ~~atve~{;rsco~pat~t::n~n:n fO~~~ y Somebody Up There? ~~!:Ol~~~;d~t~ \!~~:;:~::~ ~:~~:Iea:~a:o:~s:~~v~t~e:avr~; ~~:e~llI~~ ~~!~~n ~e:i~~~e p~~~ ;;:ld st~de~:IP"i~hem:;i~;rr~~! ~tr!~~dc~n;:e~~e:fnC~;I~;~o~demti~~~~:a~~~o~~;r:~rna~~retsc~~~r~:= ~~ag;::!~bf: ~~eg~;;eC; ~~ e~:-!~ ~:etlll~ti~lo~.e1V~1je~~e:~te ;~:~ ,stra~rs. . . . velopment." (her) and her partner as much more frightening. Freedom 12~_~~g~Pl~tl~~yw:~ti~:~:, ,l'~e~ The re~:~~:~~oTsOa~s!that"in- :~~~a~i~:;~:~~~ to consider al- And About the Death ~:ehs~n:r~~:~~~~~m~;: ~n!t~~~ of God . . . ~~~eJh~yc:l~:~m~~~e:e~1 r!~:!~~~~s w~fm~~~~!d~~~i~~o~~~~ co~~:e~~n~ ~~~;i~;;.~:~ ~~~r~~oan; ~~~~th~~~y~ ;rih:h~a:s~r i~n~i bers of the Group ~or the Ad- as frequently as they do among toward a more satisfactory reso- there, we just have to make one. vancement of Psychiatry. The men, particularly in residential lution," the study said. Who Are Your Heroes Now'! study also recon-:~ended that colleges." . . . In preparing the study, com- But romantic warfare has no coll~ges draft exphclt rules gov- As to contraception, the study mittee members interviewed by Dean h·a Zepp \Ve have tended to ~onfuse lan- place in an age where an open ~~n;i~;,~o~~o~~~~so~n~~~~~~tibo~f~;~:!a~f:::dj~:;t s~o~en~e~~~~~I~:II~I?~Ss~~1~7;~~~:n~u~;sd:;U;7 . As a matter of fact, nobody ft;a~; G~~~~~~c;~;~ t~~e:~~;~ ~:c:I~a!~~:r;~n~v~: ~v::I~u~~r~ a?out birth co;,trol and venereal materials. Information about schools, and drew on their own IS1!.~there, 0: Oltt there, or an,!!- ~hat there IS no dwme language ranean, shotgun-reinforced, dis- ~~~~~seo;n:b:;;i~nco:s~ir~n s~!= "the public health aspects of professional experience. ;~:ee:e~;o;~'t~';;~r. i;h~ S~~~ia~~;~n~~~a2:Stth~~a~er~~:v~~~t~~;I:U~thequ~ qUi:~rt~an-:.~:I~S de.nts .who considering ter- ~ze and temporalize th~t which time amd. for aU 1Jeople. Since C~::tc:inl/~P ma~ o~ s~i~ (~; mmatlOn of pregnancy. IS b~yond ~pace and time. ~o we are no longe~ able to speak whom I know not) that the man "The Rs~~dee~t~ri;~~!acy re- Through Liells Lens ~~~~~~~~lst!~.~~I'I1~~r~b~.odhi~~~~~~f!I~:t~v~orl~~a~~ ~;e:et~f ~~~~ep~~:e~l"!~W~o:~tt~~ ;o~~d quires respect" the report says. box him .lD, Hnd ~o. ~Inllt hlm him in an honestly secular way. 'Val" III had valor or courage ~i~:~u!lt~C;i;~%:~~~~~rte~~~oc~ ~;:~.iph~ela~~dl~by\:a~~.l~lonto b~ Th?s~e!~r~l::~ht: p~~.~t~fthe ~~af~t:i~vt~:m~~;l"O~ut~tfsu~h:~i to the sensitivities of other peo- The Spy Who Came In ' Blbhcal flllt?, at Its ':'UI"est,death-of-God theologians to re- who magnify and sanctify and ~~~nSho~U~~;o:d~i~~s~r~~i~c~.';on- From the 'Cold ~f;a~/::)~c:;/~: ci~.av~.~g~hS~ ~~~ni~l~~ta~~;~ ;~~!~:i~~nga~~~~r~~~i?;.et~~l.~I~,I~:s~t~.:s~~n:b~~ As to heterosexual behavior, tine praye~, "0 God, ~vho art of thc intellectual ferment of for. it. the study concludes, "a certain from eternity to etermty, !lnd our time. It has reached dar- ~r~~:Je~: ~f~i:~o:nlns~~af~~~ onTt;: ~:e:rk:;;u~:~s s;/:~~7e~ ;:~l\~ai~:~ i~u~l"~::~~o:tp~~= ;~~a:~! ~~lo~~I!~m:n; p~:~e~I:~: ~U1;i;:n~T!~~rt~~~sei~el~r~~.~i~:iBachelors Present ~:rn~~;et~~· fOll~Wi;~~~~~sc~~~ Party At FrO,ck' s i:r:~~Ot:k,:~t~o!h;r~~f:~i:t~~~ ~~t iFo':a.s~!~:f:~~6:1~~:O::;~:;;. ou~ em:;~ ~~e~thesep~a·k~'Of~~O: e;: ~~~~i :~::'~ti~o:e~ee::;~,al integrity and ;;ec:~;q~~~fI;~::::k:nge8 ~:~ ~I~~?~v:r~st~~/~~: :~:: ,t~~~~~~_~p!~~a\i~:aIG~~~.at6~~P~:al~ ~~:~ni~~Od~~~~rb~orth~hl~~~:~ Ga~I~;·daf;:a~i~[Y plr~'se~~Ph: Schools Must Be Exp1icit of 10 in the Lieb's lens rating There are plenty of good 139) Each .st~am available Mission in Chicago-which is, party open to all Western "At the same time," it says, ~ystem. speech~s for Burton to sink. his ~al~:~asg:e~dl~d~~~~.eth~(s;I?d by the .w.ay,~o mean attemp~ to Maryland students and their ~~~es b:l~~vene,~h~~~ii~gre~~~t~:~ih!'~l~otbe:~i:! t~u~~m;ar;~: ~~~~h~~.~~g I;os~~~;iit~he;~a;Sh: space, and ti~e. 'I' y, beL:rae::;~e,,~ ~oed,s~~~~arh;~t:~~:~e~he ;~~.t~a~~e~ol~:c:,:e;:~~ require the college to be explicit ..trength of the movie comes WIll receive an Academy Award . _Is God De~d. . on street corncrs, who tastes the from 8 to 12 pm. Danny and about its view toward sexual from the viewer's unraveling of for best ac~or of the yeal" be- ThiS lS what BIshop RobiD- grace of cheap wine and the the Elegants, a band that plays r.onduct on the campus." what happens as it happens, and cause of thIS part. . son's Honest To G.od about sting of the needle." regularly at Hollywood Park in "Private homosexual, like I wouldn't want to ruin it for O~c~r Werner also glve~ a and .wl1at a t~umvll"ate?i Response: "Help us to touch Baltimore, will provide the en- heterosexual behavior need not all of you. Tlie actions that un- good per~ormance as ~he .J~wlsh, Amenca.n theologians (HamIl- you." tertainment. become the direct concern of the wind as the movie rolls on com- Commumst, German mtelhgence ton, Altizer, and van Buren)- Leader· "0 God whose name Tickets are on sale for $3.00 administration," the report goes 'ment on the age old theme that chief, who is .secondin command alte;~natelY .called "dea~h-.of- is Spick, ·black ni~ger, bastard, J,el· co~ple from any Bachelor. on. "Indiscretion, however, war is hell. In this case it's to an ex-N~zl: . . God. theologians and C~nstian guinea and kike." They will also be on sale at the l)laces behavior beyond the do- the cold war, but just the same. The mOVieIS very Bl":tlsh and athelsts, to a more r?dlcal de- Response: "Help liS to know ('oor. Dress will be regular main of individual privacy." there are no good guys. The It make take a few mmutes to gree-are about. .It IS not al- you." party style. B,-,ses will provide This Too Shall Pass West is just as treacherous and accustom one~elI to th~ accen.t, w~ys clear what thiS avantgarde At least this brings God down transportation for those need- The authors took the view justs as merciless as the East. but ~.can ea,sIIYn~all:hls ~~:I,~ trIO means by the death of God. to earth. Could this also be ing it and refreshments will be t.hat homosexuality among stu- Their ends seem always to justi- sh.ockmg. It so yo shou Whatever else t.hey mean, they what Incarnation is about! served. dents may be only a passing iy their means. mISS. I mean the foll.owm : g . ph'~:;;nifestations of homosex- m:;:Ch~~~ ~::s\:.n pl=:;. L:r~~Apply to Boston U. Go~ ~u~ea~':11~~~ Fi~~:g~au~! FIRST ANNUAL GOLD BUG AWARDS ~~~~~el~~~~t~:~ngv!~; P\~~~~~yo~!~fIto\~h~~ua~~d~:~~~ttop~OyV~~For TV S~ho~ar~hips f~n~n:~:~~~~~;:.~Ic;t~e~~~~~~~ ASSEMBLY SPEAKER WITH BIGGEST BALLYHOO ~~:?fU~a~~~~t~s~x~J::m:::~ta~~o~~~~it;o~~~;:r~;h~~S p~~f:~ro~~. no~~~~n sc.~o~~~.:~~~:'f~~s19~~~ ~~; \:~:dso~i;;?;:ant~~is~~;~~~ AND LEAST TO SAY: =~~~~~~~ .....~~~~~~~~~., I!~i:~cele~!;r~e ~n aC:;:!~~iC~~ ~~~~hit/!n~vo;::iu:i~e \:~s r:;~ Joseph Tydings THE GOLD BUG ~~~nOJ!~tsipsTh:;·e $~·,~O~OUl~:~prOjec~:~so~:; g~:~~~~~~scale. BIGGEST SNOW JOB: SOS Summer Vacations in Puerto Rico which cover a two year penod. 2 Mod te hI· I HOW DID THIS GET HERE AWARD: The Coffee House ~~~~:~Cj:s~~~~t~l;cIE~sW!~l~~ !roi S;%J:o~!:!\{i~~f!:~~t~~; ;i~~on;h:~T:~~:' I~;~;d~~~:i~r ~~~~on~~:r:~:e::2:~tr tOq:~: MOST ORIGINAL SOCIAL FUNCTION: Maryland 21157, under Act of March 3, 1879. ~re 0 er~. quak~ e s u ;n ~ tions. Man is doing very well Iote Formal WCTU AWAIW; o~:nPla~~~snkre:;:~seR:~ ~~~~~~~r :;pesr~:~~~gi~}~~~~~~_:em~:r Phi Alpha Mu __ -=.:===-:.:::::.:..:.::=:..:::::.::..::...::.:::::::___ __ tlOn '.vlth academIC study. Napoleon, "I have no need of ROSE BOWL PARADE INVITATION: Delta Sigma Kappa LINDA M. SPEAR ~d~!~~bS K~~:!e~t. ~·Ch~~:I~; ~~~J~hr:~t~~!~;?anf~~:dee~= INDOOR SPORTS AWARD: Editor-in-Chief Sigma Ski ( ?) Weekend ALVA BAKER U~i::rsit~~~Om~ao:::;onw~~I~~ ~~~~fe~~~ ~;~h~~:o~~d :~p~~~:s Business Manager Avenue, Boston, Massachllsetts God constricts and soon is olim~ DINING HALL ETIQUETTE AWARD: inated f!"Om the picture alto- Delta Pi Alpha Alice Cherbonnier Ridillgton Gives gether. HUGH HEFFNER PLAYBOY AWARD: William McClary 3. For three hundred years Pi Alpha Alpha Feature Editors Career Guidance the prevailing rationalistic MET.ER MAID APPRECIATION AWARD: David Carrasco As stated in the catalogue, ~;~I~~ho~s:~p!!~:~~e~h~~t ;;~~ Gamma Beta Chi Pledge Class Sports EditOr FRESHMEN ADVISORY COUNCIL AWARD: Assistant Editors: Sherry Joslin, Harnld Marks, Janet ~~oena~Olbe!~a~~er;el~ic~o~:~ ~;;e~~e;ci~~nd;~:d ~~f;:a~~e~! Alpha Gamma Tau Ivins, Barbara Smith, Jacquelyn Rayner, -Ronald BEST ~LUMNI HALL ATTENDANCE AWARD: Boone. Advertising Manager: Diane Bennekamper. ~~ud:l~~~f~~~w~~~a::!~~n~~ ~~m:~~s~O:st~~.;::ft~;m:l!S:l~:~ Delta Pi Alpha Pledge Skit Assistant Advertising Manager: Joanne Lieblang. their major interests and As Hamilton says, "There is not SHORTEST_SCHEDULED OPEN PARTY ON RECORD: Publishing Editor: Donald Heath. ~ret:~~~:~~a~~~~~:~viie~~:n:~~ ~~~:~ ~~~~n;:t o:n t~~p:~k~;~ Phi Alpha Mu (2 days) Editor of Art and Photography: Judith Goldstein. CANNES FILM FESTIVAL CULTURE AWARD: Typing and Copy Editor:~Dorothy Klander. used in the process. If in_ of the absence of God." Carroll Theater Circulation Manager: Lynne Marck. ~~:~~~e~o~~ul~h~r.P;is:ii~~!~: No Divine Language CLOVERI.AND CONTENTED COW AWARD: itself, 4. The word GOD, Exehange Editor: Carolyn Henson. '-- 301 Memorial Hail. --' 'seems to have lost its meaning. L WMC's Students and Professors ...J Photographer: Robert Lanee.
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