Page 64 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 64
{{J; Yrhe Gold Bug, Apr. 30, 1965 Hurt, Clower Expound Athletic Philosophies Thelegend OfPoppy Hurt; ClutchPerformances Bring Western Maryland Athletics: In Truth, It HasJust Begun TrackSquad to Prominence What Does the Future Hold? OfJ!~;~C~)~:::::c:th~t~~i:l~~~~~;·o~!t~:l~~';:lYO~~e::efv~8a:~~~nd~h;Oc~:~!e\~~~nvf~~~~yr~:s~~~~:tO:~ne TOT~~e~~~~r~UGstaffhasre-~!m:ce:~~!;i~~r~~~~:"o1u~~s~~ erl! Marylu11d. The Proteeeor has served on the fatUlty of the ~~hde~hfeO~~~~~:~a;o~~s fi~:f~~er~~n~h/ne, i~:Sf~~r~~rl!g~at~O~~~;t~cu:roo~~~~~;,ss~h:~i~f~~~ta~~~e;i~U~~~ ~o~~:a~~:lt~~:t~;!V~oY:,:8,/;~/~:~fer~~il~:~;:;I;~nh~~e11~~~~Z~:~~u~O~p~~i~:~e::~~ [ho~nb~:=k;O~;~rough feZ;c~a 1 t n W~~\:rno~ia;;~:::~~:~i;;7n o:o!e~!:~~ ~~~~l~~: adti~~ dcmi~s:e:~I!':::a::~!~t:~t;,;f.;~TI~cnscof I,he1VOTd,alld~ wit that ~s11::~;nh~;I~~~~:n:~tt~;V:;~?~;~~~~~~~~~~~I!;~~:::aAI;~i~l:cz: When ~~ !~et~~.t;le Rick McCanna took third. The I do so, teee'e athletic policies will, as t~~S~~~~ :~r\~~;~I:P:e~i~~p~~p~~~~es~~~~ ~~~~/~;~.a~:c~~c;t~:r Or is there in you, a flame that grows brighter ~~;~:~1~;~~f'j;:£1'~~i;~~::~:.,~~~~~:;:~;t~SF;~~:;i:::i~'thF~rr~;~:~:~';d f::"'i;.::tt12':i::'::~::hurd- ;;:,:~~~:~:,;;:mi~~t~a~l;:';&~;~~~~~;~~~~l~:~~g~;~ad:: of the Western Maryumd tenn1s teams, he hus 1nounted an aston. played host to the same pair took identical puai- The author of this series of prevlo~sly, be f?rmulated by the zis: ;:S~1::¥~' :/:~~ot~OerC~~!~:;~t~: :~u~al=jn::;O;:!~tl:~-~~;a;e:~ l;ee~So~Cl~~:a th~nbr~~d j~:;t~~it~e':i~:;;~~ ~~~~am~e~:d~e~s 1:~~w~~I:V~~~ Th~o P~~~~:;il!:~tC~:~::r of Not cnough. can be said about the ktndncss and smcenty with: many an after-noon The 20 feet 2% inches and took the a~d/or ~?rrect the .vanous our opponents WIll contmue to ~~~; ;rec!a~1~~r~~~t~nl~~~I:V;:~r~~tt~ :~i:=s~~~.~~~~~e~t~~~~~: ;;~: :~:~t,7~ha~1nfi~~n;ell:y~ i~:f~~l:s. j~:~l \~!~u~~ ~:~ ~~ ~~: ~?~~~o~~.:,b~~~v~~l~~eex~i~ ~e~e:c~e~~~e~w!r~~re~~~~~io~~~ athletes as well as an errpl'ession of 1111',Hurt's sfmtinumts of the pressure was on as Co~ches other \VMC winner in field yrescrlptlOn, IS frequently based conferences. All students who past. It is a trne epistle. .the SI)OI.tS edito'l' {~~~ve~:u~.d~;;:esr~nuc~dl~~~n:e~ . a: i~~h~~~S~rtt~ent~:i~: ~~~n :~a:~t~~nfpatt~:l ~~~:le!~~ ~:l:~, ~~:!S~P!~i:lt~;;;lt:ie~ a~ed Dear Dave: '.' . ~ii~~~~t~;n;~up~\'it~t t:~; ~~ta~~ Clark took ~c~~:dK~~~ ~t~!~·g~ns~~~~:;~s. pr;~i:a7ss n~~ ~~~~~~:din ~~!~l~COlf:;~::::~or~ I aP;~:ci:~e dv~e;~:I~~etOt~~~~~tm~~~c~r~~:p~el;~~~\sonr!~~:~~: ~l~~~~y~~~\e;:;'or~~:.~~~d :~~ . 'thr wdi~k~heSs:~e ~S~i~~~l\~l~et\~~t~o~! ~~~~t,S~~; ~~llp~~~i~ii;~~too:e t~~co::~~~~ Reahzmg how madequate v:ny words would be whICh should at- Laurence were outl'aced but o. ~k seec~one who fires a ,suf!icient num- college teams. Just as the col- ~~~~:a~~ :~c~~:t!~~ ~~:r~~~~~~~~l:;:.r~;~e;~~~~e~~~~h~~~r ;:~=~~f~r:g:~th~~ C~;:~ba~~edi!:~re°:' i in thea~~g;ajU;~ ~~;~c~fon~O\I:y:p:ntomc~~:e~~~~: ~~,~~t~~~esbe~~er;os:~~~t c~li:rt~ h,:p~ not unh~e those of the "Duke of Welhng~?n, who, when re- When number 3 man, Eric Wag- and thi;d in to the mark upon occasion, , of student academically, so does celvlllg recrmts, re~arked: Jhe y may not fughten the enemy, ner, received the baton he was vault. Freshman Tim !I0wev~r, tl:e purpose of t.hlS it endeavor to attract students but 'rh:O!~~hoe;;~;r~h~~~:r~ing ~ssociations .with .the ~~;:e;aT~ ~~~i~:rth:tr~~ki~: ;h~h!~npl:~: ~~et~t~~~~eftoar!~~~~st ~~t e%c~~:::lS~ ~~::;e S!~C~~\~i~~i~i:S'hii~~ul~~e~ of the ~e~ms durmg t~ese years Will always abide, While gained crucial ground, and a 2-1grecord It the stu?ent bo~y at large the of performance in the area of compebbon was the hfe of the sport, the emphaSIS dId not rest WMC e he hand 1 t d' If'. underlymg philosophy which athletics ~:rewi~~~~;ob~~aO;g~~~!h~o~~~~ ~s \~il:,ye:~t l~h~vSa\::~da~~v!~: baton to v=~~haOsrman e(, ~:;~age:sPc~;c~in;xc~~d ~~~~db~e~~~~p;:e;:i~~dt~~o~~h Cr'iteria for Success sec?n.dary to the creation ?f excelI.ence. !he playing field was t.he ~~~r :ha:~ C~asey per ormance. . of the intercollegiate a~hletic A wide range of athletic trammg gro~nd for the kmd of hfe which would accept .only lts was all over but the Famed FouJ:' Trlll,mph program at Western Maryland teams will continue to be spon- ::~;P:~1~.;;h~~n:;~~1~h~~:gahn~h!~: yfe~!~e\~:~.~~~:eh~fm~~l~;r:~~ ~~o~::~;:!~:l~~~~d:~'t th:o;V~s~~~CO~~a!~~~~t t~:~~ Colleg~n Educative Force ~f::dinb~i~~e d~~~::~t ~~oO~rsetii; 0 ~or~~mo~l::e:~~~~::~t~e~~~ 1 :t~~~:~ay~dina \::i~~f v:; li~e~ ~een i~ ~ont~s and Coach ~::;ev:~~ a~ ;o~~~o~nw;~eeJ;~~ ca~!~le~i~:c:reo; r;;:~:ia~o~~; ~~~vc~~re~~~~~til~~~si:;e~~o~~~ it is often difficult to sustain that faith; but ideals are like the Jumpe or JOY· . . 6'9.-67,April 23. Going into the which can, and do, provide ex- adequate facilities, equipment stars-probably never to be touched, but by following them, w~ Huseman Strikes TWice mIle relay, Towson was ahead periences not found in other and staff as well as sufficient may in time reach higher ground, The 440-yard relay team in tota~ poi~ts 67-64, but again segments of the college pro- student interest to insure an Mar~:n~~!i~;e~~h~O~aC!:~~Oti~~~~fu~xt~e ;:~i~:tn~~ ~~~~!e~~ \~~:td L~~r~~~; a~~s~a:;e~use_ ~~~cn\~~g~::,\n~e;i~a~~:ns:~ :~~~~ce T;he~r~t~~~~:~~ !;O~~: ;~~~P;~a~el~U~b::p;:se~~~~~~ Justice" present a realistic note: man 'started th~ running events captured the relay in 3:41.4 stated objectives of the college. team. Winning, although a de- "0, cruel game of tennis, with their first victory of the seconds. Western Maryland has long shable and much sought com- For I find with regrets, season. Tn other events "Flash" In other events the 440 yard been a member of the Mason- modity, is not the sole criterion That I have all the wisdom Huseman took the 100 and 220- relay team of Fiet deWitt, Dixon and Middle Atlantic in_ upon which to measure the suc- But he wins all the sets." yard dashes in times of 10,5 Olsh,' Laurence, and Dana tercollegiate athletic conferences cess of an athletic team and Its I would not wish to end this in the mood of T. S, Eliot: seconds and 23.9 seconds respec- smashed a WMC ~omposed of institutions similar memb~rs, What they have ac- "This is the way the world ends tivelv while Kidd won the 440- with 45.8 seconds. In many respects to our own comphshed and learned, co1- Not with a 'racquet' but with a whimper." yard' 'run in 54.7 seconds, The captured the 100 schooL The College will con- Jectively and individually, are Rather, I would.!lgree with Woodrow Wilson that a man is the victory was truly a team dash and took second in t~nue to adhere to. those prin_ far the-mor~ important. dash. Freshman clples and of the R'lcMrd Clower part that he plays among his fellows. 'Vhere truth, courtesy, as Charley Wheatley hurdles and 330":=======::========= regulations honesty, sincerity, and respect for others have becn involved as for a record in the took firsts in the conferences in which it holds Db-ector of Athletics the highest justification of effort, there can be no rep'e1s. run; Laurence hung on I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude to the many second in the 440 yard i while teammate_ participants and friends of tcnnis at Western Maryland College Bill Chasey took second Rich McCanna took second, Ben for their interest, thoughtfulness, and cooperation during these 880 yard run. In the Laurence grabbed a second in years. Intermediate hurdles the 440 yard run while Bill Well, Dave, this is the way the ball bounces. Jim Morrison took Chasey took thirds in the 880 Faithfully yours, but set a new school ~'ard, mile, and two mile, re- Frank Hurt 41.5 seconds. Another spectively, Schuele Shatters ReeOJ:'d ACT Assured Trophy br!~e fi:ld s:~~~lts r!~~~ ~~hUt~: discus with a throw of 126 feet while Art Renkwitz grabbed a !hst in thc shotput, Skip Shear took first place in the high jump Beach Match between "Chi Chi" while deWitt took seconds in the and Doug Sanders, . and triple jump, more film has been and Rob Raffens- for Wednesday, May 5 and third re- at 3 :30 pm in room 102 of the the pole vault. The library of a mere " Western Maryland nature, f e a in the M-D confer- Wright and. ence with 3 mects remaining. ing "Pointers on S~!ci.1 .to"rses in C.'ernment, Politics, 1"\em'II'gi~"r~e~:grn:ci.:c"i~~!SS ani! TWO S,WEEKDAY SESSIONS LEE'S MOTEL, Inc. Mon, June 21st_Wed, July 28th u~S. Rt. No. 140 Thurs,July29th_Wed. Sepl.lst ONEa·WEEKEIIENINGSESSION S.E. of Westminster PATIO Sandwich Mon, June 21st_Wed, Aug. 18th HIT THE BEACH IN MADRAS ... and slice yourself a ALLAJR-CONDITIONED Westminster, Md. SHOP CLASSROOMS&. 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