Page 61 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 61
The Gold Bug, Apr. 30, 1965 3 Is Isolotion The Miller Considers Its Merits by 1Vm. Gene Miller haps knowing should precede' The essence of the story seems . acting. (Are shallow brooks to p~r~r!lY a contrast ~etwe:n Isolation is out for the In- noisy??) the civilized man and hIS SOCIe- crowd. Agitations on and off 3. Is it feasible in Iispecialized tv, las was seen through thc ~~~:r~: a~~ e:~~~~~~ o!c~v~:: ;~~~it;e ~or~ll~~~t!~~'ia~~~?e;: ~~:s :~a~~e ;~~~i~~h~a;d :~~ The recent incidents at the Uni- permit certain artists and scien- his society. as was seen through versitv of California in Berkley tists to be apart. We allow stu- Zorba and the people ?f th.e and at the University of Kansas dent exemption from military Island of Crete. The inhabi- are examples of an abandon to service. Can we not provide for tant.s of Crete played them- activity. Persons ...failing to postponement of action? Few of selves ; they were not actors. leave the library or cut classes us are actively involved in the. In spite of the often animal- are shattered by the vibrations task of daily bodily mainten- like qualities of the primitive of the in-crowd's voice. Desir- ance, t.e., we do not grow our culture, it ended as the victor of ing to be apart, but somehow own vegetables or milk our own the contrast. This was sym- feeling guilty about it, many cows or kill our own meat, and bolized by Zorba's wild and zany students have prostituted them- yet we live! Can our society Greek dance. The dance itself selves to the in-crowd's plea to also allow for "knowers" to be symbolized how the man of an be a pa.rt. apart for awhile? Must we be unindustrialized society does Incidents Reveal Issues involved now to prove our com- not let himself be bogged down Rather than try to tell you mitment to the world? by rigid social conventions. how to behave I should like to Grad Schools Hate Grinds Zorba could enjoy life, -imper-] J__L_j__J__L---, relate the kinds of questions 4. Are parental pressures and feet and cruel as it was. freshmen WMC these incidents raise for me. graduate school standards em- The photography of Crete and 1. Senior who changed ma- 22. Nickname for number 8(j 14. Negative reply 1. Is not the college to func- phasizing participation or de- its people was done so realis- jor in his senior year on the football team 15. Daniels' first name tion somewhat apart from the velopmental distantiation? Par- tically that the viewer could al- 23. Science course offered at 17. First name of last year's world? Operationally, at least, ents suggest having "good most smell the dirt and perspir- 2. Head of psych. depart- WMC (abbr.) football capt. we do. For example, we tend to times" but read report cards ation. ment 24. Author of "Enemy of the 19. capt. of the cheerleaders build campus chapels il,l.already rather than prom. schedules. There are two exceptional 3. Fuhrman's first name People" (first name) 4. Last name of a co-chair- 25. Nickname of WMC ath- 20 .... Beta-biological so- ~;:r;~h~~~~d r~~;i~;~~t~~~ :~~ '?;:l~~~~nd~~~~:rs~~n~u:~o!~: feats of acting. 'Lila Kedrova man of Freshman Advis- letic teams ciety separate the stuJent from the on marks and test scores. Per- played her part of the aged ory Council (female) 27. Western Maryland Col- 21. Gamma. . Chi current world of the newspaper. haps these agencies also believe prostitute with whom Znrba 5. Interfraternity Council lege newspaper - GOLD 26. to send forth We offer enough other areas of it is necessary to be apart. At makes love, with what it takes (abbr.) 27. post-editor of the GOLD d~s!~ntiation to s.Ugg~st the poe- least they act like it. . to be an accomplished 7. number (abbr.) 28. Nickname of Senior BUG 8. Student Government As- Class President 29. United States (abbr.] :~bl~lt~feo~P~~~sI1~:~nngdscl~~:g:!~kt~~fl~~~ c:;~:e~~;t~~: :~~~~ (she re~ived an sociation (abbr.) 31. Fraternity (abbr.) 30. cheer monastery?!?) with regard to intimacy (mar- Award for the Best 10. Delta ... Alpha ACROSS 32. Noble's first name 2. Is it not easier for the stu- riage after graduate school) Actress for this 12. myself 2. Oldest girls' dorm on 35. Name of WMC yearbook dent to be a part than it is to expect other than occasional can say about 16. Joan Garvin's maiden campus 36. Next point of service fer be apart? Some of the action outbursts of revolt! Perhaps hat in order for a name 6. Preacher sweetheart SOS 17. Male co-chairman of 9. by way of ... ~~~ b~:~d:ct:n ~~~eaacltiO:~~~~:~~~!iv~:~e~~:~: ~~:sth:a~~~ ~~ like Zorba to come alive, an Freshman Advisory Coun- 11. holiday WEI' celebrate on 37. Women's Athletic Asso- identity crises at the root of the oppositeness of man and tor has to play the hell out cil Dec. 25 ciation (abbr.) campus-centered disputes. Per- woman. his part. Quinn did just that. 18. Sophomore n a m e for 13. Affectionate name for 38. Milit::ry unit on campus
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