Page 60 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 60
2 The Gold Bug, Apr. 30, 1965 We Can Breathe Again: From the Senate: Terrace The 'Rush' Is Over ~~~'nt~w!~~~~~~s/~_"~d~~~"!Oh~~~~!"betweenthe~r!~YI:~e Take a deep breath and relax. Peace has been restored to tinually branded as being com- ties o~ the SGA are not its main student and his instructor. mu~t Tradition the "~i.ll." A "period of trial, a time of moral despair" has placent and apathetic. In the ~:e:c~~o~~~~~. ~~~~ :~.~: :;~,: ~~Ul~:~;;:~y~y ;~~~ b~~~~~~sc!~ by Rob . ~;t~:~~I~~~i{::omao~~I~al~~~i~:.n~~~\~~~~s1~e:~t~:h:~~~ ;1~;: ~t~~en~~m\~:~.!io~d:O:~~~:d ~~~ ::~~uap v~~i~~as~uoJe~~eG::e~~: ~~dd~~:lI~w;l t~v:t~tuc~:i!e~~~ of C~~~~,s~;o~~:t';~j~nt:~:o~I~~ ~~~~I~i1~~~rja~:!is ~~~~;~!~O'~i{hO~~:a~:nG~:::~~~~er~~OUnd " ~~~e '~~~~:~ caar:~alr:~~~d:O ~~~ ~~~ets~~~~!~o;. an~heG~:~~~ :ne~~~:~hal~~.::~x~~S!~~~;~e~~ ~~~::sh~:i~;I~~~h~\l~~o';h~In;a~~ ChO!C!e~f.l:de::~t!~~~~ ~~;~~i:aOt~\~:;:~ ~~::a~:~ie~S~l:~r~i~~ ~:~:e ditS~:~:~::\Vi~~dit:fto t~~l~ ~~m~~:~he. h;~e a~:;~:lt s~~~v~ ~~~::.ea~o~~e~a~e;fl~~r~~ow each Z:~{~~~;s~:~~e~hse;,~.~n?~~uched ~~i\:Sa!~!u~:~g~~~UI:~~~~~tl~~d!~~~:~ ~~:~ ~h~eaeCk~~:~~·in~l~a~i:~~:st.~!~eS~uu~~:tcl~~:e~~~~~; :e~~~t~~t ~:~~ubsee~r~u1n~0:== SGA Plans Picnic For All hi~I~~. i~t~t~t:e:a~~;;sl~,~~~~ !Ie ensued to produ~e these results! that without a student govern- tions that have been made pes- The Student Government has races" which or-ig-inate eacn Don't be too fnendly with the freshmen-that's "dirty rush- ment, the Administration would eible by student opinion. Via ~aken the initiative in establish. year in My Lady's Manor, ~ng." Don't, be aloof-t?at means you're trying to create an have no re?o~~se b~t to put all this same committee, steps are mg such an iI!formal environ- Ma.ryland. The three .races Ima:;:e. ~on t let your gl;·l talk to any freshman_that's really ~tu~en~ a~t1:Vltiesdirectly under being taken to improve fire n:en~ by plannmg an all-school which are held .each year m the ~:~~;nfr~~~~~~ti~~d'i~=~al_l;iortant of all-always tear down the Its1::~;dl:~::~rn Marylanders ~~:~tY;~~~it~~~.~~n ~~~::t ~~=;:~~~~~e~oeda::o~a:~l~/haen:n~~~ :;~fngSU~;I~~:In:ndth:dj~r~7nn~ The above techl1lque of rushing is prevalent right now have realized "the need for a stu- mittees function only by re- ministratlOn. The picnic will areas, have become famous tv among the men, and will be :-epeated faithfully in the fall by dent government and have be. ceiving student opinion which is be at 1:00 Sunday, May 16. Mr. horsemen and local residents ~~~t~~m;~·d;~T~~~lt~;i~the,~e~;.~ent;t p~~c~a:2~s~~:~~e t~h~:\OhS~ ;~~ tte :~~~~.:ea;~~~lp~~:~~~I;~: ~:ndae:OSSible through the SGA ~~fle;:~!~~~V~~:c~h~:~ ';:!~~:~~:~;leCh;:;: ra~:l:l.;i~:~:rmo~~ ~~it~~c~rsa~~:ea~l~~~!I~~~e~:I~~: 1~:~:~d~~!:~~z::~~I~~I;.akes one ;~~~' t~~dom~~~~~~~~~~lot~A~~ The .ba?kbone o~ an_ygoverI!- 1ae~~u~1~lal~~~~l:;ea~~e 'i~v~~cl ~~~oG~a~~anN!~~:~a;sh~~~~~~h Not all members feel this way, but at this particular time tave begun to take up the "chal- ment. IS Its const.ltubon. ThiS and there will be many games year in Aintree, England, and of year all those that do seem to come to the surface. For these lenge" by giving their support ~ear It became eVident that .the and activities. immortalized in the story "Na- is ~:r~\;~: ~i:!~r:: ;~ee;:~uesVee;Yo~n:h~a:n~:;~fJ~rC;:a~;~~lkI~'sve~·[;~1 thf:I~~~e e~~~t~~~~~~~t:i:~ ti~~d~;!s ;I?e:et~; ~~~r: n mae:e~d 1~;o~ia~~~e~~ i~o~.~~~~:t~t~~tio~o:~evce;~md::.~ over now and everyone will reJax tonight at the Junior Follies ulated at WMC well over 600 vampmg. A commIttee wa.s Westcrn Maryland and it can cial buildings at Aintree, this (a great show!), but in the fut~re, wouldn't it make a lot more cast their ball~ts. It is now ~~~:~d t~t/~ep~,I~esa~::ecOa~~I~be of greatl value to the ~t~dent year's Grand Natio_na~may h~ve sense to concentrate on presentmg the best that your organiza_ the responsibility of the Student . . . body, faculty, and Admmlstra- been the last. It IS mtereshng ~~:/j~siO n~;r;~ta~~(lle~:hi~I!~~~~:~~ethe~gO~~e:~c~~t~~:~~ea~s~~~::~ :i~:el;o~C~~eA~~~~:~~n ~c~r~; :~ut~he~::~~~e:~~~t t~~t~e;~~~~ ~~~~lf\~~t~~ns~~~i~; c~n i:1 ;0;;: ~a~~~alth,~~sth,~~~'e~~'s aG~~~~ sent the "Hill." LJM and administration th~ type of Each Vote Is More Valid as effective as the students will pletely. Maryland team for the b~ e~:~ti~0~esc;::ns1:1/~~~ ~:;; Since on.eof the Illost import· Somebot/ly Up Tllere? ~~~~:I~~et~:e:~~;e ~o~reg:eco~~ ;~~er~~~~~o~: to°~e t~~ :~~~e~i~;x~ hy~:/ a stic representatives Jay T~~~f~uedon p~ge 4 ~;s~o~~; ~m~t~t~~j' h~~m~~~~~ munity. I'" Our Money 'Yorks for Us the 1)tudent body, a new means I================== Much. of the lack of interest ~he~:1~es:~!~~iO~ec~~~ ~~vi~~~ co~cernmg the SGA. can be .at- men's dorm and every floor of ~ trlbu~d to l7 lack of miormatlOn the women's dorm would have a ~ Teacher, Teach Thyself co~.bIned an abundance of voting representative in the •.... r Pass In Review Many ~tudents Senate. mls!nformatlOn. By having representa_ don t understand that Without a tion by living areas it is felt ~ , On Understanding student government of som.e that each student will have a .~ - so~, there would be.n.o.coordl- more direct means of making . Ponlp and Pageantry At Dartmouth College there the I·eal world. b nation .of student actiVIties and, known his views to the govern- ~:m:~r;;:::~':!~:'"~~~:E~:;:d;:~h:;X::~1~:g::.n~~:~l~g~~';t:~a~ilgh~~~i;,~£~,:Fb;d;tF:~C:E~:,:~~';l'~~~I;ih~;I:~r~~::~f:;h~;::~:;]~~:~;J,fi:~:~f; is a fresco by the Mexican artistl ment which seeks to serve him. students the more F Ifill Important, educa~JOn.A glo.up of sk~letons responsibility is not primarily degree of autonomy for the stu- faculty and Administration. Slum S ou e weat er e In- . c.lad. In academiC garb I.S de- the perpetuation of an institu. dents that would not exist were This can be done via s~u.dent- f~em~~it~e:e~lO~t~:Yh~ee~a:~~t Romans FIrst Kept Step ~~ettg bskbe.leto~ n~o~h~1s ~f tion or the preservation of a there no government by the stu- f~culty an? student-admlnIstr.a_ thrs article wiil introdu~e ou to Cadence m~rching ~as evolved e th:n ~7·essae~e~~aa\la~~ a;~,:~ ~~~~~~g~~~ds:~i~i~i:~~[ht~e :t:~ e:;:t~e;~~2S~~~:~a~~V~;t~~~~ i~~~~~~~~tt:~~;~:~~~h~~.~~l~ four tra~itions upon \;h~rh ~he ~::n~ ~~d a~c~~~!:~;lC,~~f:~n;~~ ~;!f~f;ta:n b~ar~he~;d I~la~~: !e~cth;~~~!al~~~~~I;I'~~~~~~:i~~ roee$9~~~c.hit:~h y:~: ;Glu~~~ ~!~tf::;ym~:e~ i:h!h~y~:~f i=c!~ ~~e~:i:~a:e~~eantry 0 e e- f~i:~~e:hoef ~:~in~ s~:;Pdu~~~~ .background may be seen a world istrative generations. It will in- trolling this amount, the stu- demic, social, religious, athlet~c, "Three Cheers" Honor Soldiers road marches was, however, a In flames. volve navigating the tension be. dents have 8, voi
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