Page 67 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 67
Libr~"'y '::estern .[e8tmi.':lst8r~ Lid , (Jass 01 '65 Dons (aps,Gowns lor Final Weeks 01Academics. Activities at WM( ., Terrors W4t ~nlb flug Students Capture Present Championships Art Show p. 6 , p.3 . Vol. 42, N_?_ 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND May 14, 1965 College Players Interpret "The Chinese Wall" Senior Traditions Upheld Classes Elect Smith Directs A vant-Garde Production; As Graduation Day Nears New Officers Seniors Holdlead Roles InMasquerade The setti'ng 81m, a11d 1nlt8ic at the close, As the la8t taste 'of sweers, i8 8weete8t la8t, For 1965-66 IYrit 'in remembrance more than thiJlgs long past, -lVilliann Shakespeare Tonight the Western Mary- College Choir, directed by . Alfred de Long, will Ensor Delivers annual spring con- On Sunday, June . Hall at 8:15 am, President Ensor concert will be spon- Zepp will preside at the Woman's Club of laureate Service. and all proceeds will be dressed in toward the band uni- and gowns, and the entire will sing. President Ensor will choir will be singing aticn Gold, Silver, and Bronze Mr. Wilber L. Van folk songs from countries all Medals with certificates, were Department' over the globe. There are o ~:~~~;d W: Bo~~~~tca~:~g~~~ ican Legion, ~OZ~~~OS{:;~ia~r~:~~~ia~~;~~~ Peter J. Riker, and Cadet PFC Maryland, awarded Cadet ca, Mexico, America, and many Michael C. Ward respectively. tain Norman 'V. Benton the more, including a Creole lament. Accompanied by Miss Roberta American Legion Gold Medal During the first break for the Warrick, Band sponsor, Col. for outstanding academic choir, the "Remnants" will sing Powell presented the medals to achievement and leader-ship. some modern folk songs. Dur- Cadet these outstanding members of Miss Linda Mahaffey, C Com- ing the second break, the new Major Allan S. Ing- the MS III, II, and I classes. pany sponsor, escorted Mr. "Freshman Woman's Octet" Jr. by Major James B. Cadet 1st Lieutenant AndrewrVan Santo will perform.
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