Page 63 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 63
The Gold Bug, Apr. 30, 1965 5 News Of The Week In Brief Honorary Chern Fraternity Life Council nVI es Ive AAUW Offers Span. Film Tlu: banquet program. wiU York. Anyone interested should IFaculty, Students Serve I "t F" Men to JO"ln May 5 at Carroll Theater termirw,te wit,'!- the. insta.llatio!l (;~eck the cont:est rules which On Student Le/J T'ara atue, a Spwnish film, 6/ n.ext, ycors ofJ~cerlJ: 1?rest- will be posted In the GOLD BUG 'Newly elected officers for the will be shown at t·he Carroll dent, ~fi!e8 Cole; vioe-preeident, office. Student Life Council are: Philip Five WMC students have been Ity-five graduate students or Theate1' at 7:00 PIn and 9:15 Janet Shedd; SCcr6W:T'JJ, Pal~la .. * '" Meredith, Diane Bennekarnper , invited to become members of faculty m.e'!lbel's on campus who p1f~ QlU May 5 lmde1' the spousoJ"- Cullen; t.refUI1(rer, Mike Plla-n,s; Seniors Take Grad Exam Alva Baker, and Linda Mahar- the honorary chemistry rrater- have a rmmmum of a Bachelor-s ship of Ihe Carroll County -mcnioer-at-Ioroe, John Baldt!r- The G1'aduate Record Exam fey. Daniel McCready and AI- Branch. of the American Asso- son. (advanced tests) wilL be admin- an Ingalls are ex-officio mern- oia-tion of University Women. • ~ • istered Monday, May 10, 1965, bel's of the Council. Ba.sed on the Romeo and Juliet Elza Hoffman Leads SNEA at 1:00 pm. in Room 100, Bak_er Joining these students are the theme, Spanish {fypsies play the The newly elected officers for Momoricl Chapel to seniors in following fa cui ty members: • star-crossed lovers. They come SNEA for the year 1!l65-66 are the following departments: Bi- Dean Ira Zepp, Dean James. [rom: clans living in the beach Elza Hoffman, president; Judith alogy, Chemistry, Eoonomice. Robinson, Dean He1en Howery, I - IRC Holds Spring Banquet TOC~:~~a '1:;cfu~~:~~~1 o~!~~ p~et, and C~ltiC preoccup1ed :~o~~~e~ ;~I:~o~ao~l~~:\~O~:~ burns deep 110 one ('ould say/ streets lIke coal spall'ows, and On Thursday, May 6, the In- in a t·t! t fi d P '. WIth the SOCial and cultural E:xternal soclety "The true Unless It were thlS god With draw/HIS spirit mto theIr hop(' te-rna,~iona-l Remtion~ Club will ab1e tit;eef~~~~e:mt~tio~pfc;~;!, shifts in Weste~n Civilization. eritie is the man who is aware benign brown eyes." In speak- i~1 lungs? Will/Their heart;; hold tts annuq.l s-p-rlng banqu~t "My Early Life: A Roving In his native EngJand, he sees of the problems of art, and uses ing of the ravaging and cruel jmgle with hate? And who ~t t;1} ~ter ~an ~estau;ani ~~ COmmISSiOn,"the autoblOgraphy "the crumblmg away of the oid his knowledge o-f the past to expenences between 1939 and shall save them/If aftel aJl the f:: :;; IRC m:mb~~ th:tT ~!n~~~tV;~n~to;nC!~ur~tliliclr he world"-that sphere which may :~~df~~~~,on them m theIr pres- 1945, Wam, In retrospect, enus )ears and .!l1 the deaths/They l guests, Wlltfe
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