Page 59 - TheGoldBug1964-65
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Libr~ry :::~t8t'n Maryl~Ld College Follies, Floats, .itlJrlJliiitiiih Ceremonies, Formal Highlight May Day Celebration Schuele UJqr Q;nlb lug Fraternity Breaks Record Bids in Discus Accepted p.7 p. 4 VoL 42. No. 12 Wl<~:-:'n,k" "1A KY 1.'\ "" ( " 'I.L~:nr.. ~\ ~,I'TM I ',':TEK. .\1 ,\KY LA NIl April 30, 1965 "Wonderful Weekend of Color" Begins Tonight Queen Nanty G% Porotle Through Town Reigns Over Hero/tis Moy Spring Fete "Around the World With Color" is the theme of the pa- rade which will officially open Queen Nancy Whitworth the annual May Day festivities tomorrow. The parade of floats and marching units, including floats from the freshman, soph- omore, and senior classes, and each oi the sororities and fra- ternities on the Hill, the Color Guard, the Honor Guard, the ROTC band, and the majorettes, as well as the porn-porn squad, will wind through downtown Westminster, beginning at 12:45 pm. It will move toward its destination, the natural Amphi- theater back-campus. President Ensor and Mayor Hahn of Westminster will participate in the parade, and President En- The senior duchess is Claire so)' will crown the Queen during Rolker, and the two senior at- the eoronatoin ceremonies- tendants are Judith Hobart and In the evening, from 8:30 pm Frances Thomas. Claire, a to 1.2 midnight, Alpha Gamma 'member of Phi Alpha Mu, is Tau will sponsor the Annual from Towson. She is an Eng- May Day formal in Gill Gym- lish major, and this year has nasium, Following the theme served as fire warden for M~- of the parade, the dance will Daniel Hall. Judy, also a Phi center around "The Wonderful Alph, is from Bel Air. World of Color," and music will Thomas is this year's be provided by Fred Perry and chief of the Aloha, his orchestra from \Vashington, 'member of F AC. She repre- D, C. sented the senior class on the General chairman of the for- Homecoming Court in the fall. mal dance is Wilson Beacht. Murphy Represents Juniors Serving as the eommittee heads are : Daniel McCready, decore- • . ttons ; Paul Behnke, refresh- ;~:~r:~~~ld~~~~.Ka~:~s:,rl~s ;~~ l\tAy ~UEEN ~Np HER COURT-Nancy Whih~orth, front row left, will reign as queen at ~omorrow's ~fay Day :estival. :~~~~n~ar~a~~~Pl;;a~~~~~~~: Alph, IS from Baltimore, and IJ Her court Includes, sitting from left, Judy Hobart; Clair Rotker, Duchess; and Fran Thomas; standing left to tight, Lorrie Loud; vitations and favors' Leslie currently news editor. of the Betsy Murphy, Duchess; Karen Criss, Eleanor Snodgrass; Nancy Brown, Duchess; Carol Wilkie; Ellen Malone; Donna Thomas, Carter, publicity; and' Ronald GOLDBUG and co-eapta in of the Duchess; and Sherry Redinger. Holloway, tickets. fe~~-~oo~~'ec2c:~~Yi~';!ro:e~~:~ ~ember of ~igma Sigma'Tau, is an English majo,? 11member Frosh Select Thomas I who liv.cs off .campus .in Ha~n ev;n~~gP~'!C~v~fd~l~~~~s:e~·r C~~l~ of the GOLDBUG staff and the IS from Baltimore. of th~ band, and Phi Alpha Mu The duchess representing the House, I'; FI;nch major- She ple ; tickets mav be purchased ~~~\?::ens,~u~~u~~~. h~o::[e~e~ NSao:c~o;~':~~nE~;! ~::;:~ 'IS ~~~~o~i;ha ~;~.~:~ f~'O:e~~b:I~~~! ;~~sh~:en t~~~s~l~:S~~~:a ~~~e~~= i;,~y ;~~:h~e:~' c~:s:~cl'e- ~!n~~es:R,:~~~~d~~~o~:ay~d- ========= I ~~!h~~~l\~a~:s:l'eJC~I;~~\~il~~~ ~11;~~~'a~~~:;~:s~a~~:~s~~e~~l:i~' S~~\sI'Onal'eRe~J~~:I'.Ma6~~~!\,lIn:~ th~: 1l~~:;~:I~S~~lih~'i~eaYi;o~I~'! Sh~:~e~~;~ra[;ef~I~~~~~~~~n~u~~ Court Membership fi~~SE/~a~~~c~l:~dtl;;;~~i~a~~~ i~l~ y~~~;;lb~~.el~~,o~h!l'~n;ll~tr:~:ir;'~I~lab~eO\~~~~iS~l:l~~jO;~~o~:~ ~;:;. ~:y dI::~~':d~e;~~:iti~~~sii~ ed~~ ~~:riet:t~~!~di:~7~g the d Open to Stu ents -- Phi Alpha Mu .md has ser,,:ed clOlogy maJor and 13from Free- the ceremony at the Amphithea· May Day annual activities is David R(',(i- hold,. New ~ersey. Both girl"! tre, ~thel'e will be the crowning ~.n th~ St\l?t~nt Campus chairman. Fishel', As- on~h~li~a6~~~: ri~~o~.n~~~I~~~!iI Students SUllunarize lOllS omml ee. live In E!deldice Hull, ShelTY, ~!t~~e~~ I~e!:.n~~ll~r.d~~/Q~~:;~;;~~~~~s~~:r~;;~ ~e~~fc:'U!~~ ~;drae~~i~;:/~;;e~('~t~ti Mathematics Papers =~~t;r~aOt\~ll;~~~~1l:t~g~it ~~ p;he~f'~~i~~~:~~:;g:~.~:yn M~:~~~~: will includ-e four freshmen, 3ix Presentations of seminar pa- formal, "Wonderful World Jf publicity; Susan Filbert, pro- sophomores, and six juniors to by senior mathematics ma- Colo!'," sponsored by Alpha grams; John Emens, properties; l'epresent next year's sophomore, will be held before the u('- Gamma Tau. They will also and David Frankforter, parade junior, and seniol' clas~es respec- , interested faculty, lead a dance with t.heir escorts. marshal. - tively. Tho~e interested must , and friends during ha\'c at least a C average, CAMPUS CALENDAR plications are available i SGA office or from any April 30 - May 10 Court member, alld they Friday, April 30 be returned to .loan Junior Follies, "No Vacancy," 8:15 pm, Alumni Hall Honor Court Chairman, Saturday, May 1 WMC. May Day Activities Baseball, Dickinson, 2:00 pm, Home Tennis, Towson, 2:00 pm, Home Sunday, May 2 Dean Zepp, Baker Memorial Chapel, 7:15 pm Monday, May 3 SNEA, 6:45 pm, McDaniel Lounge Baseball, F & !If, 3:30 pm, Away Tuesday, May 4 Golf, American University, 2:00 pm, Away Track, Loyola, 2:30 pm, Home Tennis, Delaware, 2:30 pm, Away WAA Golf movie, 4 :00 pm, Library Wednesday, May 5 Tri-Beta, 8:00 pm, McDaniel Lounge Thursday, May 6 Baseball, Shepherd, 1:15 pm, Away Tennis, Johns Hopkins, 3:00 pm, Away SGA Banquet, 6:00 pm, Dining Hall Friday, May 7 Gamma Beta Chi closed party Saturday, May 8 Baseball, Johns Hopkins, 12:00, Away In a dialogue sermon Tennis, Gettysburg, 2:00 pm, Home participant t.akes opposite Track, Mt. St. Mary's, 2:30 pm, Away on a controversial topic. ROTC Field Day the effort to present both side'> SCA Retreat of the question, participants do not necessarily say wllat the;,. Sunday, May 9 Investiture actually feeJ. Listeners are dent was found then able to decide for them- self-admission. Monday, May 10 selves which side they prefer to WAA Meeting, 8:00 pm, #307 Memorial Hall take.
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