Page 40 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 40
4 The Gold Bug, Jan. 15, 1~65 Terrors Fall To Mount De.spite ~Fine Effort Eigen, Wilson Stllr For Spotlight '65 Grapplers Falter Due (llgers In Upset Attempt ,,!~n;;:~".\'F:m::;f!~n~~~h:~:~~t;'f'n~'JO~;~,,~t~~t1ffla~:~T L'ackOf Personnel College" 0 th Maryland 4537 I d t weetem pr-edominates with hard work The Inside Word ~s;1': took t thaehalf ~Vlth°Skl e mg middle class people It's not HIS teammates said so a htUe ,!:y The. Old Scout S~c=r s11~ttmgbasket, we finall~ ~:~t~a:I~:g:~~\~~e ;~~~~e l~kt; ~~~~d~~t~~~a=;lC:~~r;I~~n\;~I:~ This year the wrestling team the season due to recurrmg back The ...errors went to Ermntts- won by a score of 89-83 Shear their coffee stron and their watch which IS presented an- has been slow m picking up ItS and shoulder trouble At the burg gunn,m g for the Mounties ended I p with an amazing 38 athletic compet.ifion played to nually to the most valuable pace It has lost Its first two end of this semester we will be but couldn t quite hit the mark, pomts RIch E'igen lut for 19, the hil t It IS from th'is atmos- la ei on the football squad meets, beth by shut-outs Coach losing the other co-captain, as the giants of the le~gue Sam Lclshure 13, and JIm Shaw phere that John GIesey came to ~lthough he was treated mg- Blizzard believes the team has when GIl Smink graduates ~:~~;: t;~ :~:, ;:tg~~~~ I~ti-t";e il~nag;c~v:11a~ns '~~e ShC~~l~~~::dWestern Maryland *=I\?I~ea~l~e~a~~eOU~~~Oh~~~~~~:::~~vedA_~I:a~~II:,c~h~h~q~~~ Sq~adneJ~~:r~ ~nh:~~ :~e:t~~~ ~~LFi;,n~;:U~~'~;~y~:;~~;:~""~:;~:::~L0:~:;;;tl' ~~~:C;C:~;:~:;I~;:C~:t:£~~::;,'~~Y~:~::L~:rl'~!rl:i,?~:~:~h:~,:~:i:!!:,~rE::l~::,:E ~~~~:.~~~~:~:~i:: fact that they usually dominate 57570 of OUI field goal at- John attended newly con- not concerned Up until the did much better and Drexel was fill the heavywaigjrt position de~~n!~ec~~~~e~a~~;t~g~~eTsC::;; ab~t~t~~~Ur~~y G\~I~~~~d ~~~~ ~~h~~I~~dca;7: b~~t~llap~i;a~o ~~~~IW;:~I nl:::r~~~~d 1ila\~:~ ~s ~v;p~~~;a~~;et~;~v:sn !~~~:~~~~~rbe;~~;::~g a;~e th:e;~~I~JO~: t~~~n~VI~!on R~c:Pt ~~:nSq~~~ ~:r::I~;;~:dw~U:os~I~;I:~c~~ree~~ ~~~e~~J ~:r~!~~;~ ~ ~~~tl:~ !~~O~~I:eth~~IOe:~~~~n~I~~;lkid~~!~~~J~a~l;~~np!~~~em~~: ~fl!~~ ~:: l~~~dt~ ~::~t lot r ~~;I t~~~t ~~~~~lshr~~a~~o~;~:~1 ;~7~~eI;: ~::~lm~~eO~:a~;~l s~o;t~~~~I~~~S;;!~~atl~; cl~vsassanl~ b:l~e tl ~~~~ ~~t S~OI~ while on tr e Western ~~lddetth1m~nlo~:r~~~~e\he~~ :: ~e~~~~~~r~e~~ewr~~~~:dth~Uie~~ d fortunate to be up at half, 43- At the half, t:alhng by 15, we tUrn of events the school wasn't ~~t 3~ l~n\~I;~~l n~~~ and he little competitIOn except the wIiI be more than happy to help 41 had shot 20% and ended com- accledlted until the followlllg h put away his helmet and matches agalllst other colleges you learn ThIS Isn't a sport It t,?ok Western Malyland pletmg 3250/0 of our field goal yeal so his lecold wasn't glHnt- p:ds fOl good The futtlle IS Due to graduation, lllJurJes whele everyone except the first Just 30 seconds of the second ettempts You can't wm shoot- ed mu(h cledence \\Ith hIs t\\O cloudy nue to a two yea) obhga- and academiC probl~ms, a good strlllg Sits by the Side and ~~~]lfe~ev~: ~~:es~~~~ ~~~ p~~~~~~:ml~~ed :~:; \:e~~ll~S~e:v ~~~ ~~~~~pc~~~c:e~~ns~~!e~ ~~h~~ ~;~rchS~~~nl~l~~~ ~~~~dhef~~~~~ io~~tJ~~f~:el~~~sY:~~:o~e~~e:e~s :~~~~~e :\':loessttJ:v:~~Ot~~leh~; ~:~~;::I:;t;:lefi~;o~:::t~~ ~o~d ~e~~r ~ne;~~teupth~lt~S~5 8ak~~~~~~b;~"~~~~?n ~;::Yl:;t;~~~~~ ~~va:ced~~t~he l~~J!~ P~~~~~~g ~~~~ed;~~~~elt~~O\~a~ t~:~ ;o~ ~;'~~r~rl~t~e:a~~;;\~~e~oes ~te~~e~e;~I~~~ ;;~~~~~~~,~ J~:~v ~1~~~U~~~~ghfo~s~3butltp~;~!p~ Jla~:a~~ea membel of Delta PI d~f:tll;I~~::s;~;n a~dB c~~~~~e; ~~s~:~~o~: ~:a:i~e b~ca~~:st!~ e~~ha~e;e~o~~a,~tsL~~~ b:~pewI~~ :~::~ ~h~~~k~;:~ll1i:~~a;I~~;: ~~~tg~ft~~~ss~~~e~ootlllg sheak :~~~\~ndH~: :oi~~t~I;~~Yse~~: ~~~;~~~I I:~e :~ose~~~bl:;;~~:t ~;It~~~,e~:ean~ t~~~sbl~eaa~~sRc~~ ~:~~~ntrue for thls wrestlmg 220 pound Ed Folk, however, ice are unquestionable and con- rests on hal'd work and dedica- captams, won't be able to finish Chuck Miller ~~r~~~ro;:ds~~~ns:r~~~~~affc~~~ Bachelors Command ~:~l~tfo'rT~i~s~oo~~~flc~~~~ty.hO~~~~os~'rufohnGiesey will be suc-I==================;:sl~vet~er~~~~li~~~i;hBasketball Scene has been said of him by Coach Rogel' Bennet Adler ."'/I':or .'",r/Oty ""n~r.:s .I"J 'I r...,., ....,:,tii. but when ~;,~it(j'~_~5~h:",~~~:~i~~~;t:~:64:~;:hin:;:m~;:lp;~~;,~co';;,eShear Leads Cagers As Terrors Uo,rt 11'll..leLell*et/U '_:'Il'S an for upset, Folk in the Triumph 1Ft" the game, the cry We Ie num" mg to a close, the Alpha Gamma I T nt,. UJ at I. II nt OlJ1 1(,J ber one," came booming across Tau Bachelors l'emain n es Iva ourney ~~~s~;I~el? ~~; ;:~!~~~r~~~m~::e o~:~upied all wi~h;la;u~~:~ ~~~~~~~al~l:~~,: r9al~i!:~s;e::~~B~~I;~ 1;0t~~~ Grape seemed ready to be It can be recalled that the by Ed Schdnfcldt . it 11-10 in favor of WMC. The Hopkins tomorrow night at 6:30 next contest the Western Mary_ plucked but our reach just Bachelors wer.e champions in On Decembel' 26, 1964, whIle Terrors then held the lead pm in Gilt Gym. At the mid- land JV raised their record to wasn't qI:ite long enough. football and with the basketball most of the student body of throughout the first half and led point in their season, the ter- 2-0, by defeating Stuartstown . Towson schedule more than half spent, W1\IC was at home comfol'u.bly at halftime 43-38, largely due rors have compiled a 4 win, 4 Athletic Club by a score of 72- On Tuesday we played Tow- they are sporting an impressive watching TV, the Green Tel'rors to the efforts of Dick Eigen (14 loss reCOl'd against some strong 52. Once again Owens, Fass, son College. The bus ride was 6-0 rec;ord. Led by Bob Holly- were on their way to New Bed- pts.) snd Skip Shear (15) and opposition, while the Hopkins and Coburn provided the scor- a quiet one as each player knew wood alld Piet DeWitt's shoot- ford, l\Iass.- Tiley, along with the rebounding of Ralph Wilson. Frosh have won theil' first 5 ing punch with a combined ef- it was a vital game for our M3- iJlg and the rebounding of Richmond Professional Insti- \Vith an opening rush, the Rams games. fort of 61 points. son-Dixen hopes. Before the Danny Pearson, the Blue and tute, were representing the closed the gap to a single point, This year's JV team is led by Aftel' suffering consecutive game, Coach Clower reminded White have rolled past all op- South in the Eighth Annual 42-43 with 18:50 left in the its starting five of Lenny Ow- defeats to Towson Catholic (62- us that they had practiced ponents. The only sizable threat NOl'th-South Seafood Festival game, which was as close as ens (captain), Gary Fass, John 51) and the Naval Academy every day over the holidays, to these unbeatables comes from Basketball Tournament. The they came. Patrizio, Rick Cobll~'n and Bob "B" team (96-74), the terrors their goal being to knock us off the freshman class, who are in two Northern Schools were Hus- The Terrors gradually in- Garrettson. Substitutes Bob bounced back with an 81-71 vic_ our "high horses." It wasn't second place with a 4-1 record. son College of Bangor, Muine cr,?ased their lead until they led Raffensburgel', Jerry Wolf, and tory over a highly touted Balti- long before we unleashed our It is interesting to note, how- and Southeastern Massachu- by 17 with 1:29 left and wound Barry Sigismendi have also more University Frosh. Gary took scoring honors mighty offense to beat them ever, that the league's leading settes Technological Institute, up winning 90-81. The Terrors seen frequent action throughout ~i~kgaC~bu~~thpf:y~doi~~, ~v:~~~ for Fass ~~~;~~g7~Y'd~~-~I~:~~~e~la;~~~ :~o;e{Vh~~:e~n ~~~mfo:~~o~l~~~ ~~vho!e1:z~~ e~::r:~\heS~~;~ ~~;{ 2~a;;~ (blfo~a~'i\.~~I~~~ ~~:l'~~:~.he~~7~h~~:;~: /~;~~ Skip Shear leading all with 21 Ed Welch. ney as the only undefeated floor) :,r.d about the same 11Ull1-lor phYSical e~ucabon maJ?r, game of the year in clearing pts. Dick Eigen and Rlllph Charity Game team. The Tcchmenhad a 6-0 bel' of rebounds. s~ates that he IS pleased With the boards for a season's high Wilson cleared the boards 'with On Friday, January 8, the record as compared to 8-3 for The second night, in the finals, hIS tea'!"s progress to date an.d of 22 ~ebounds. 16 and'18 rebounds respectively. Bachelors plaj'ed host to Tau the IndIans of Husson College. the Terrors lllet SMTI, who had emph_aslzes that each game IS Agam back-to-back losses We completed ~52.5% of our Kappa Epsilon fraternity fl'om The RPI Rams had compiled R d~featet1 Husso~ the previous a full team effort. "Without. the plague~ the JV as they lost to field:.goal attempts and. for the Frostburg State College in a 4-2 record, the same as the Ter- mght by two pOints, 54-52; the players on the bench," remmds Franklin & Marshall Frosh fourth tittle this. season' (lur of- charity game for the Amet'ican rors. .. ~nal'gin of v.ictory coming on a Smith, "it would be impossible (86-77) and Lebanon Valley JV fensive_mindedteam seared over Cancer Society. The Bachelors As a pl'ellllllnal'Y to the first Jump shot With two seconds left. for us to have a sU..,ccessfulsea- (68-57). Last Saturday, how- 90 points a game. displayed their usual court su- game on Monday between RPI The final score"Of 85-66 in favor son." . Rou.nding o~t the squad ever, the t.errors rebounded with Lebanon Valley premacy in whiPlliJlg the TKE and WMC, t~e Queens Pageant or the Terrors is not indicative are BIll Gibson, Rick Ma~heny, 3 75-70 wm over the Elizabeth_ an Thursday we journeyed to "epresentatives, 69-49. Bob was hel1· MISSJoyce Ne~ rep- of .the nature of the ball game. Ralph Lemmon, Walt Michael, town F!·osh. Ev~ry plarer on Lebanon Valley College where Hollywood and Piet DeWitt resented WMC vel'Y bea,;tlfully Skip Shear, who was voted the Al Nugent, and Howard Gold- the team.saw actIon ~galnst E- we played the rugged "Flying scored HI and 15 points respec- b~t .the cro'~n went to lI11ssPa- Most Valuable Player for the berg. town, WhiChat one pomt trailed ~~!C~~~~rl~ndt~~~k"~~~heg~~; ~~~;~v~?:e;h~~~~ndner: ~~~ ~~: trI11: t~:u~~~: ~:g~:~t became ~:s~r;;lrO~~~dt~~T;~~~r~~~!~~I~e~~e~~~ ~~'l'~:;~n~!~t~~ei;ffop~~~ ~th=.=t'='="'="=b::,Y=2=5::,p=Oi=nt::,"== :~~~~.~If =========1 losers. CO-pr()moter Tony !'IJag- ap~arent that the. Terrors had a~other AIl~Tourney selection, mg gam.e,. 77-73, agamst. a r , ~~:~o t~~a!tu~~~~e~:~~on~~ea:~~ ~~~rj~~npdesd~~I ~I!~!~~I:~:~ ~v~~hst~p ~~Ii~i-T~~~~~: S:l~: r~~~;g~;~~~o~h~~~~ SNIf I(~ WOOlens announced that there will be a and maintained it until 13:05 tions was Dick Eigen, who dassman on the fourteen man ,_,'.. ,_ ,: e.' Basketball Schedule return game at Frostburg in the I~t in t?e fil:st half, when Dick t~ough seeing only limited ac- squad, I)~ured in 28 points while ".,:a", .~.\"_:.],I February near future. Elgen hIt a Jump shot to make tlOn scored 24 points. also pulhng d.own 10 rebounds. ,,'G~ '> 11 lilt. St. Agnes Home 7:00 ' rF~"~'h~m~.n~R~":k=C:Ob:u~m~u~nd:II~===;;~;~ 16 St.. Jo~ephs Home 7:30 18 Goucher Away ~ ENDICOTT JOHNSON SHARKEY'S LECKRON T(.wsonHome7:00 '1:15 23 25 Hood Home 7:30 ... BOWL SHOE COMPANY "unh DRIVE·IN GULF SERVICE 2 Notre Dame Home "':00 With 10 W. Main Street Open 24 Hours 6 ~~II 1<'rostburg Rom:_-l :30 Chief Westminster, Md. W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. W~ST£RN ~'estminster, Md. TI8·6929 TI8·9876 MDTDRS \: ~ B 0 H N Pokomoke Holiday Greetings Road f :~"O..NTIAC TenpinS from Service :;1:<' . SALl1S Authorized dealer in WESTMINSTER QUALITY CLEANERS and LANES in the Shopping Center IMPERIAL SERVICE & LAUNDERERS Join the Students - Until 5:00 p.m. S1.00-3Games 1192- Pennsylvania Ave. Including Shoes Launderers is pleased to have been privileged to be of & Charm Club - CHRYSLER and Staff of Quality Cleaners i'tfanagement !lion. - Fri. 848-6570 service 10 the students of W M C since December 1, AT 1963. We trust our service has been satisfactory in PLYMOUTH every way. We at Quality are continually striving to COLONIAL PATIO Sandwich needs. To properly care for your winter wardrobe we - JEWELERS VALIANT service be of greater service to you and your textile here in can Clean and Store aU your winter garments 32W.l'tIainSt. This will eliminate the drudgery of toting those heavy home and then toting them back next winter garments Featuring SHOP Westminster in our modem Storage Vault until Fall. Westminster, Md. 15c Hamburgers faiL Please discuss it with Mother and Dad. Call for Buy Five Charms _ 279 E. Main St. details, and remember this will cost you nothing until Thick Milk Shakes Fall. Pizzas - Subs Get One Free. Westminster, Md. French Fries - Shrimp Boats 1 South Center Street, Westminster, Maryland Homemade Do-Nuts 848·4141 Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches Englar Road & Monroe Street It is not necessary to Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 848·8050 - Phones - 848·8051 purchase them at one time.
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