Page 15 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 15
:i.ibrary "es te rn Miryland College Face-Lift TR'E" GOLD BUG . Hugh Hefner; Westminster Has St. Paul p.3 Confer p.2 Vol. 42, No, 3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND November 6, 1964 as also and profes- has.:ap- Engle peared pnj-adio and TV and-has zines ~s The Keny~n Review, ~e:~~:!a~~,.~~~~n~i~e:;o\~~~~~~ The Listener (London), Botteg- Stanford, and Notr-e Dam~~:,J;l;e he Oecnrc, (Rome). l!_arpers, has .traveled to ..-36 _countrqes The :t~lant1~, 1~e New throughout the world a&_aJ~.Ij.~- Yorke), HQI~y, Lite, The ~at- er.of the World's StudentC4:ris- ! Eve.ntng p,0st, .A-meru::an tian Federation. He no)Virep- Reader~ D.~gest, Ma- resents the Episcopal Chur-chdn , Esquire, Be'tt~?· the US,on the World-Cpuncil,of Gardens, and L~dte8 Churche's; Not. only_ thi$r. hut . He ha~ been a he is- "Special" Deputy At.totJley for the Neio.York General of. New York.. _,.' , ,th:n:~::e ~~~~a;e;;~~ St~n~:lrow E~ii~foPa~~:n~~~~~ during the assembly period on Lawyer William Stringfellow November ·16 to discuss J'The WMC students will face, the Folly of American. Religion;"
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