Page 10 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 10
The Gold Bug, Oct. 23, 1964 - People 'n Pictures Dean Follows literary Intrests In Journey to Great Britain THE REV. WALTER BURGHARDT will share his Nestled in Sherwood Forest, anthy Pappadopoulou, England's Robin Hood Country, student at Western "",,,""" n. the old estate of Lord Byron's Her trip allowed her family stands as a relic 'If over look" at Cairo, Luxor, centuries of British his- lent, Beirut, Baalbek, and coming into the Byron the grounds were the t~eec~t~~~s~~t;t.:u:~·!~Letter To The The Abbey, founded in "n!a;ne~,'h",';:n~;tHv\~;Touche Mr. Phillips church lands were con- To the Editor: and redistributed as In reference to Mr. nc",, __">·'·U the king. Lord Byr- letter which appeared on's ancestors were granted the last issue of the Gold Bug-: I estate in 1540 and it was. kept delighted that he built such in the family until Lord Byron, good case for extra-cur-ricular cesan Commis8io~1 on Ch1-istian himself, inherited it. By that activities and such a poor one U1!ity and chah'man of ita sllb- time the grounds and buildings for a straight, strictly academic committee for Catholic teachers. were in a state of deterioration cur-riculum. Perhaps Mr. Phil- He is a member of tne Catholic and, as Dean Howery explains, lips' view is a sound one, but Theological Society of A1IIcl-ica, "though he loved it very much, the ambiguous style and child- the Mariological Society of eould not afford the badly ish attitude i-eftected in the artl- Atnel-ica, alld other leanrcd 80- needed repairs and he had to de detract from his view. oieuoe. sell it when he left England in Only when the philosopher- ---- disgrace after his divorce." and king are joined "is Plato's r. ,..I. ,. ~:e~o~~~e~e~:i;~ ~~~~~?~:vae~'~ ~~~altl~;~t~h:c7!:~~~: 1V~~~su~si~ Jtuuents serve other figure of history. David tellectual background is incom- ~~;~n~~~;;;y aO\!:!;~dm:Je t~~ re~~~I:~hi~ee~~)~;::~:~a~s \\'fl~~~l~~As CustDdians extensive visit to the estate, liv- cant. We should not believe in ing in the Suss~x Tower. In the separation of intellect and .Cu~todia~s in the :nen's dor- I c: ;~~de~:;:~ l~eC~~~:;u~';~~.~ ~~l~;e '~!;e th!il~~CU~~~s u!n~~~~ ~:~~~le~\,~~ISh~~:r r~~~v~~ s:~~ I[m'~ '-_..I dens" was given to the City of making snide remarks." positions to help finance their . Argonaut Judy Underwood ~~~~n~7:~n ~~~ i~;s ~~~: s~:;~ tr:~;t~et~;;~n PIl:l~~:n~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ca~fl~' h~~~~lof~~1t~::~:;di!~~ f~t:~ri~:>~ctivi~res~s one of her parks. demic rat race and the benefits ' PI Alpha Alpha; ciety. Tonrs Bard's Country of extra-curricula\ leadership , Alpha Ga~ma Tan; Puerto Rico holds spec-ial in- Dean Howery's trip to New- on the other! no reasonable' R;nei~nD.elta PI Alpha; eerest for Judy Underwood, our stead Abbey is only one of the son could dl.s~gree.. au el, Gamma Beta Argonaut of the week. Joining poi.nt~ of interest she enjoyed in A .few peltll1ent . : S.O.S. in her freshman year, Brltam. Among the others If pl(~fessors wonl.d prepare I this summer to were a trip to Hadrian Wall ~erestlllg lectUres Illstead of in a field team Adri;~? a~:l!ERa~~h;V p~Js~D~~~ ~~~!~tDt~l:~en C~b;i~ :~~u:d t~::~~~r~h~w~~~~1 S~~~~ ~~!dt~~cs~~: :i~h~a~~;l~O~~; . a library on the ~~~::~:~dmf~h~e::Uday~~~~::~o~i chores which include. clea!1-ing floors and shower rooms, emptying speare might have walked." Of professors would not be too lazy extra-curricular ~~~~).cans, and clearmg hlter from the grounds. (See. article this ~~~~~~~~e!nt~:est s~:ereL~~~e~~~ been a part of on the Hill. A mem- Olivier in Othello; to sit 'neath professors would place more porn-porn squad and DE!~ul!;:~~o~'sHOWERY !~~J~::r~: L;~:1~orOfp:~c~ ~:;eP~~~~tft~ ~~al~~~1'~n!~e:~u~~ .--------~ Beta, she serves as a for the biology de· Guard (attended by Queen abolish the "waste of time" Judy is also .an ac- Elizabeth and Prinee Phillip); courses. member of Sigma Sigma lind to see the seven history plays-an opportunity which very few Americans have due to Editor's note: the. infrequency of their presen- Perhaps if the 1'espo1tdent will tatlon to~~ther. re-read lIfr. Phillip's . VISIts Wl\fC Grad last iS8ue (1-8 a t,;""" '-in-'k"'k II SHARKEY'S In June, Dean Howery wcnt satire, a to .-\.th",ns for a visit with Mal·i_ will be DRIVE-IN Open 24 Hours Sandwich SHOP Feat.uring 15c Hamburgers Thick Milk Shakes Pizzas - Subs French Fries - Shrimp Boats Homemade Do-Nuts Inside Seating IH. 140 E. of Westminst~r SHOE COMPANY 10 W. Main Street \Vestminster, Md. JOIINSON-357; GOLDWATER-142 Students and faculty gather at the Dining Hall entrances as Gold Bug represent.ath·es t.ake a "galloping poll" to determine \Vestern Maryland's choice for t.he president of the U. S. (See article page 3). Authorized dealer in Life's a picnic when you're refreshed. Join the BOWL IMPERIAL Coca-Cola, with its cold crisp taste, is always just right, Charm Club CHRYSLER With never too sweet ..• refreshes best. AT Chief PLYMOUTH VISIT OUR NEW SELF-SERVICE things go COLONIAL ART SUPPLY CENTER. SELECT JEWEI,ERS Pokomoke VALIANT BRUSHES, PAINTS, PADS AND b~WIth OTHER ART MATERIALS. 32W. Main St. Tenpins Westminster,lIId. KELLY'S CQ}{e WESTMINSTER 279 E. Main St. STATIONERY STORE Buy Five Charms - LANES Get One Free. in t.he Shopping Center Westminster, Md, HOME, SCHOOL and Students - Until 5:00 p.m. 848-4141 OFFICE SUPPLIES It. is not necessary to $1.00-3 Games 47 E. Main St. 848-5553 BottiedundertheautnorityofTheCoca·CoiaCompanyby,· purchase t.hem at. one time. Including Shoes Westminster, Md. WESTl\lINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO. !\fon. - Fri. 848-6570
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