Page 16 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 16
2 The Gold Bug, Nov. 6, 1964 The IFe -Its Progress, .PIons Letter To The Editor Somebody Up There? bll Dick CUnt: tinued in this fashion The fraternities here on Cern- 1963. In that year, a pus are the main source of our elected president of Meeting of .Minds: "social life," and in order to who saw the need for "·'·"\"·1 ";'.'~ make this function as beneficial tion. Work was begun as possible, the fraternities' new constitution which Saint vs. Playboy- representatives form a eoordl- gtve the IFC some "teeth" in nating body-the Interfraterni- controlling fraternity activities, council. -A and well- plans for the frat-sections were Ira G. Zcpp, h. conrrecticn with the physi- cal body at all. Soma means Paul. 1 see you have been "self," the "whole person," the "depth of me." Then what abo u t that phrase "nothing good dwells in my flesh?" What is wrong with flesh? Nothing. if you are talking about the sexual life. But this is not what 1 mean by flesh (earx}. Flesh here, and in so many of my let- ters, does not refer to sensu- Do you always quote in ality or the sexual life. context? "Flesh" is an exp resaion J Of course. use to denote the natural Well, I am particularly in- self, the power of sin, ex- terested in a reference to cessive self-reliance, and me from at least two of all ungodliness. your installments (the lOth H. r must confess that I have and 14th). You must be not been the most avid stu- quite convinced of its truth dent of the New Testament. to have quoted it verbatim I have relied upon your in- twice. terpreters who are my con- I bet I know what refer- temporaries. They, appar- ence is bugging you. "Chris- ently, have also misunder- tian antisexuultty began stood you. not with Christ, but with P. You are quite right. I am St. Paul. He had an ex- Often betrayed by my own tt'emelv negative, pessimis- party. Man y Christian tic view of mankind in theologians (Puritan, Piet- general. and of sex in par- ist, Liberal, and Funda- ticular." mentalist), inordinately in- Yes, that is the reference, fluenced by Greek thought but what disturbs me more and- not Hebrew motifs, is that you support this have separated the body contention with a verse from the soul,theflesh from from the seventh chapter of spirit. my Roman Letter, "PorI H. Shouldn't they be? I mean, know that in me dwelleth shouldn't you be able to do no good thing ... POl' the with your body ,~at you good that I would do, I do want? If it is handled not; but the evil which I skillfully, it is a ready would not, that I do. Oh made "vehicle of sensation." wretched man that I am! P. That is precisely my point. Who shall deliver me from Man's existence is SO'l1latw, this body of death?" i.e., embodied life. The sex- Isn't this bit about "body ual life has its seat in the of death" an indication Iwma and belongs to the that you are antisex? The very essence of the self. So body is not all that bad, is I say man is a body; he does it? What about your oft- not have a body. used expression "sinful H. What has this to do with flesh?" the price of Playboy? • It is unfortunate that your P. In my opinion, the inherent erudition does not include dualism in your philosophy, an elementary knowledge making the female body de- of the Greek language. tachable and disposable. a Oh, you are going to pull plaything and an accessory, theological one-upsma nship forces you to overlook the on me. terror, ecstasy, mystery, Well, you want to be an uc- and power of sex. And I curate and reliable author, suppose this is why so many don't you? You appear to of the patrons of your Clubs be quite serious about your remark that the voyeuristic "new" philosophy. atmosphere is strangely How would Greek help me? sexless. Body means body, doesn't H. But you don't mean that it? you are condoning the P. Not always. I use the word moralism rampant in twen- soma for body in Romans tieth century America? 7. This word has no direct P. A cursory reading of my letters will indicate that I am anti-moralistic and, in this regard, 1 could not agree with you more. There As young adults we are ever lIfcDaniel House agreed that involved." is not more sin in man's mindful of any infringements the earlier hours were an im- "I think the attitude of 'What sexual life life. than in his spiritual ~~~.~~~s.on;~:~gh~r~~i~ur dSi~~~~~:~mae:; P~::l~::::;:~:~~~;~~~~~~~ol~~~it~!n;;~~: :~ua:t~~~:~ H. My anti-moralism, how- gruntlings were he.ard f'rom the abusing the special house privi- stated one fraternity president. ever, is of a piece with my upp~r. tha~ ~he leges. Along the same line, although prosex position. Millions of cdminisrration was. restr.lctmg "None of the girls or their contrarv to rumour, no admin- young male readers find it ==~=:=_:::::_~=:::_:~:::: I~,,;;·~p,;;cts~;ca~~~s l;;:s~~~!~: ;~i~s ;!~;/;~~~~:~.e curfew," ~~~::~~~gdect~!on;l~~~ee~a~~= P. exciting and liberating. A psycho- contemporary BUG took an opinion Nancy Whitworth noted that Tau F'ar-m Party, It is expected, therapist of yours, Rollo to find out the general in the dorms the hours were however, that the only restrtc- May (whom you should ROBERTA LOVE even more liberal now than in tion will be a requirement for rea d, incidentally), ob- Almost everyone agreed that the past years. "adequate chaperonage." serves that the Puritan and RONALD LERCH rules were a little tighter now The boys were able to find a One last complaint regarded the libertine both commit Business Manager than two years ago, but there good many more examples of the new system of scheduling the same error-they sepa- JOYCE RUSSELL was a split on whether this was restrictions than the women activities and campus space un- rate sex from the self. My Associate Editor an improvement or a calamity. students. The main objection del' the auspices of Col. Willis. own position is that sex is Linda Mahaffey Lester Knepp The increased eeetz-ict.ioue as was to the ruling issued last Some school leaders claimed a dimension of life, not part Sue Saeha Judy Rowe of Hre. News Editol'll Feature Editors as the girls are concerned year that no girls would be al- that it was "too much red tape." What are you really driv- JOHN LAW only those tn the houses. lowed in the boys' dorms on "I think Col. Willis is very H. ing at? You sound like a Sports Editor year the previously ex- wee ken d afternoons. Many capable and has good intentions, biased and frustrated Assistant Editors: Alice Cherbonnier, Elizabeth tended curfew has been cut thought that it was a "ridiculous but he's forgotten that he's no bachelor. Murphy, Joanne Lieblang. coinci~e with the dorm :~!et~i~~ea:~n:~l~ns~~t~e" and ;~~l~~: i~a!h;us~,rmdai~~:d o~n: P. My point is that you have Advertising Manager: Carol Yeager A representative of Chandler The administration takes the male student. misrepresented my use of Assistant Advertising Manager: Diane Bennekamper House felt that "although the stand "that the personal affairs The opinion was that the new "body" and that your. use Publishing Editor: Alva Baker later hours had had their ad- of students are not subject to system of coordinating activity of body reveals a funda- Editor or Art and Photography: Judith Goldstein vantages, this change was neces- the scrutiny of the college until space would have man? of its mentally distorted view of Exchange Editor: Patricia Jones to maintain a good house, such time as the reputation of problems ironed out In time, sex and a covert ant.isexu- Typing Editor: Joy Holloway I think all the girls realize the college or the health and and would prove valuable in the ality in your own thinking. Copy Editor: Carolyn Dowell well-being of the individual is future. It would seem that as one mature Photographers: John Greenleaf, David Frankforter, achieves version of sexuality, your sexuality Maurice Browning. Cireulation Manager: Lynn Marck becomes less and less an op- I understand tion. your A.. iIIl.ant Cop,. Edllo .. : Nancy Gochenour. EIl:r.abelh Hansen. Barbara Reirne,... Lola Swenky. Dorothy Dragoo. readership sharply declines A.. I.tant C....y R_de .. : AlII80n Christie. Dollie D.alroo. Trioh after age thirty or so. FI.h.".. Nancy Gochenour, Eliubeth Han"en. She~ry J08lin. By the way, r have heard that you have a Methodist background. H. Yes. P. 'Veil, that would account for a lot of your antisexu- Carloonlot., Dorio Br-own. Mary Leo: Warren, CaroHne Von KI"""k. ality. And jf you Method- T,-plata' Kathryn Ale~ander. Jacqueline Baer. Mary Dlckoon. Dorothy Dull'oo, ists want to be "contextu- Dianne Draper, Su.. n Eden •• RooaHnd Felnbel'Q'. Ann Franz. Sherry Joolin. al," please read Romans 8 Myrtle Lanll'lrltia". Janet McDoulral. Kathleen Moore. Elaine Piatt. Paula Reddin, Liad. Wrllrbt. along with Romans 7.
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