Page 19 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 19
Library liILU'ylo.nd Col) ege COMEDY:""TAK:E HER SHE'S MINE" OPENS TONIGHT Players Break Tradition; Introduce Two-NightStontl Parents Join With Campus For Either Nov. 20 or 21 Show Editor's Note: , F01' the benefit of those vi$iti11g the CU1npusfor Parents' Day, the College Players will present this el)'medy on Saturday night, November £1, as well as Friday night. , , Following i8 a eritiqll./J on "Take HeT, She's Aline." by Rob Hendriekeon the Hopkins weekend festivities, Set off by Tribby and Co.'s Bloom Takes Lead : ~'I::~:~~;:,';.::;scener?, Miss Smith's Members of the cast include: , She's M~~:,;I~;on~~es''£oa~: the PRINCIPAL, played by a rewarding evening. The play- Daniel MeCr-eady; MOLLIE MI- ers hold up admirably through CHAELSON, Dianne Briggs; , an extended and complicated FRANK M I C H A E L SON, from a b~~~\~~~~'j;~eW~~~i~~C~o:~~~ Thomas Bloom; ~NNE Ml- happen next. Interest should CHAELSON, Judith Jone~; run especially high on the sub- LIZ MICHAELSON, Roberta ject matter of the play: the Love; AIRLINE CLERK, Wil- stock situation of a girl !iam Bond: EMMETT, William I a~hdet~~dtnh~: McClary; 'ADELE McDOUG- ALL, Susan Sachs; SARAH Ronging From Religion, Ruins Are Projects Of Frosh Officers Rabbi Abraham D Shaw, our the l031d annual meeting of chapel speaker this Sunday, Icongrega~~O~lSa~~r;l~: ;"c;~~el~~\I:nm i'erihl~~P;;e W~;~eth:lment awarJerry Wolf born and raised in Kansas , Rabbi Shaw was good slate of officers As for The male representative Kansas He IS a elected rabbi-for- plans, nothing 18 definite yet, the SGA IS JellY Wolf, the Univeraitv of but I think the first projects phYSICS major from y",.lo.,;":-::- Shaw IS extremely ac- we'll undertake will be to get Sprmgs, .Pcnnsylvama in ci~~m~ft~~:~· onA'~~i~~ ~~:g~!:;~ ~~~m~yth~oe~~:~sJ~; ~::s r~·e~:~~n;Cho:Ol,h!s_::;;:::.1 ",""'"' are: the Executive the class's social life a little." of the National Honor of the National Confer- Dennis Sisco the band, and the chorus. of Christians and Jews, This message comes from wi!! play basketball for Executive Board of the Bal- Dennis Sis c 0, newly-ejected this season. timore Rotary Club, chairman president of the freshman class. ---- • ~:m~~tte~I~~;y~I~:~e/::~~~Z :~ ~:e:~~i~~, y::r~~a~~~h ~Z~~~!Preachers, Parents hood, and the Baltimore Chapter belonged to the Thespian Socie- .:::~:::.::..:::.:~=::;I:.; ;~~oA~e~~~~a~e~e~:~~S~y ~~ ~r~esi~vS~~d:~tC!~~~r~~:~~~:~d Partake Of Banquet Central Conference of co-ordinated the senior prom. Delta Pi Alpha American Rabbis and was ap- At WMC, he serves on the SGA will hold its first Parents' pointed by Governor Tawes to Action Committee and works as banquet tomorrow, the the Mar y I and Scholarship a stagehand for Take HeT, She'8 first. The affair will be held on Boar-d. Mine.
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