Page 17 - TheGoldBug1964-65
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The Gold Bug, Nov. 6, 1964 Plans For "New Westminster" Materialize 1"""'I~I:IIIU'l:r~ With Modernization Of Business District The once rural community of will be completed by next Westminster recently celebrated spring. Mara DiJson It is no surprtse' that with its bicentennial. The town has Old Into New D'ilaon's large scope pf such a combination of talent, has been' enhanced by leadership qualities, and enthus- ~;:~r~~n;i~:t~n~rot~!h c~~e~~!~ th~~~~~~;s o~u~~~~~~ are in in get,ting along with iasm that Mara was tapped for tlO~ .IS mark~d by many ~e~v meats. Woolworth's will her interest in doing the Trumpeters,. the highest buildings; bu~~nesses.' and CIVICits expansion project in done." honor which a senior 'girl may art-education major achieve "ae WMC.. ~:~~~~~~e~~~t::u;;~h~~to~;: hI::! :h~~np~~:n~e~~!:rgj~~e~~t i~f ex' become a member 'of Ben Laurene~: been ultra-c.onservatl~e In the pected in the next year. The which she The, name Benedict Laurence past reg~rdlllg new ld~as and Carroll County Theater has re-I eomrnodations, in her jun- is; . changes m th~ .commumty, but centIy completed a redecoration vocational they are realizing that West- of its interior by furnishing it the future,' states minster m\lst. expand. to meet with new' seats, curtains, wall- "but we will have to the. ne~ds of Its growmg por u - paper,. and carpeting. The project individually and lation, says J. ~oward "est westminster Bus Terminal is in the stronger support »t , of the 'Westmmstel. Chamber of the process of renovating its business community if we Commerce~todern Bank facilities. -to fulfill our plans." The most recent addition to the town is the Carroll County Bank and Trust Company. This ~:~:~-~~mr::~d s~:e~~tu::diS\';~~ Peace Corps Announces begun in 1963. The larger fa. Tests in DC, Baltimore cilities and modern design of Students interested in the building are a great irn- Peace Corps are invited to provement over the former the Placement Test at bank. "The new bank was November 11. The needed to help encourage in- tiona closest to dustry to move into westmtn- Cawley Building, ster," comments bank prcsident Street, Baltimore; Clifton W. Warner, "and it is Street, N.W., in hoped that the new building will D. C. set a precedent." nir.g. The SCA plans another re- treat for March 5 t07. The re- treat is open to the entire cam- pus. Interested persons may contact Sandy Roeder, presi- dent, or any other officer of the SCA. AVENUE TAILOR CLEANERS .Alterations and Repairs Suits Made to Order '46Yz Penna. Ave. TI 8-4922 , Westminster, Md. Sandwich SHOP Featuring 15e Hamb;urgers Thick Milk Shakes Pi:t:z:as_ Subs French Fries - Shrimp Boats Homemade Do-Nuts Plus Other Sandwiches FOR RENT Phone 848-5860 Phone for Appointment 75 W. Green St. TI 8·4630 ANGELO'S BUY YOUR FLOWERS FOR BOHN THE PONTIAC PHI ALPH FALL FORMAL Italian Dining Room at SALES Phone 848·2848 Stewart M. and BOWL 85 W.Main St. DUTTERER'S SERVICE With Westminster, Md. 192 Pennsylvania Ave. 114 Pennsylvania Ave. Westminster, Md. Chief Pokomoke WHAT'S NEW IN THE BOOKSTORE 111 BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Challenging, e.xci,thUI:books! Think of books when planning your Christmas giving Tenpins -they are the choice of the knowledgeable! Books can be a very personal choice in a gift--depend- ing upon how adroit you are in your selection'. Books are Singing goes better refreshed, WESTMINSTER gifts that keep on giving-frequent reminders of the giver ' .. LANES And Coca-Cola - with that special zing in the Shopping Center -lifetime gifts. Give the We have books for all ages and interests. but never too sweet- Students - Until 5 :00 p.m. Join the young children on your list the gift of discovery-the, dis. books. covery of other worlds, other ways, throngh 'Ve $1.00-3 Games have the classics, as wcll as the more recent and latest refreshes best, Including Shoes Charm Club authors. Help with your selection gladly given. Books make perfect "little" gifts (like a hostess gift Mon. _ Fri. 848·6570 AT for Thanksgiving); books are prized as "presentation" (when you wish to honor someone); books say nice things go COLONIAL gifts Among the latest arrivals: All the currently available things about the giver. b~Wfth GULF SERVICE JEWELERS titles of Paul Engle "(Speaker, November 9th) now in LECKRON stock. Have him autograph a copy to enrich your personal library or to enhance the value of a gift book. Also: "Cold Main St. 32W. CQ~e w. MAIN & PENNA. Md. AVE. Buy Five Charms - ~i~~~i"J:G'::I;~~,~e;'T~~aC~~:i:~;:hSh~~~~~etH~Yr!~s~t.~~ Westminster, Md. name but a few. Special suggestion: Kennedy Westminster, Collect several of the books for your personal library. Having been a witness tl;l T18-9876 TI 8-6929 that you did. Road Get One Free. this chapter in history, you will be glad, in years to come, THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE ElotUedunderthe aulhorlly of The ceca-cote Company by: It is not necessary to WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA Service purchase them at one time. Daily 8 :30 to 11:30; 12:30 to 4 :0_0 Winslow Student Center BOTTLING CO. Saturdays until Noon, Open Home Game Afternoons
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