Page 14 - TheGoldBug1964-65
P. 14
8 The Gold Bug, Oct, 23, 1964 Terrors Hope For 'Shearing' Victory Tomorrow Rams Offer Tough Test; Letter Of Protest Team Captain Explains WMC 'Up' For Homecoming L'""~i!tn:~L:~;~!~::dNewDefense For Rams to encouragement than , by a supposedly by Ben: Laurence time in the game as they can The primary purpose of a under NAIA rules, This means Respectfully, column such as this is to give that they may have problems Michael E, Kindler the student body a clear insight switching from their offensive into the sports picture here at to their defensive teams, WMC, It seems only logical So Coach Waldorf had been a leader of a varsity team concentrating abo 1,1 t seventy provide the reader with a pel' cent of our work on defense. , personal account than We sincerely believe that our someone writing as an outsider. defense is steadily improving, Thel:e~ol'e, by printing ?oth We had been using variations pai-tteipant; and detached view- of the 5-4 defense for the past the sports staff feels few years and it has been very the overall sports savvy ?f eucoessful. This year we found Maryland students Will that 01,11'opponents just kept , . , knocking at the weak part of It IS Iron~cal that such ,a our defense, To explain this . ,of nrt.iclea should beg-in further every defensive align. a time when the. record .of meut is weak in Certain spots. our football team 1S opposite Because of this we have now rrom IlaSt years. Yes, we are added new variations of the 6.4 to definitely sporting 8 losing and have also added the 6-3 as . Of course, the record ?f a new defense. We hope to use jO~;'~;H;ti,1 ".,t"',a'ttm,,,d,goesn'~nlwaya explain ~hheep~~~'da (re:'~e_~e~lef:!:~n~! Preachers, GBX Tie for a strong foe. A ccording foul' men five men of the line, week's opponent is d~fi- one with called line backers scout reports we know that playing \11) close to the line and , hav~ one of the lafl~est de- two men playing ten yar-ds deep lines that we WIll face as safeties). ~~.~~ ••• I.· -.' rU~~i~;e~ll~a~:C~ ~~i!ty; This past week we quarter bac~ wh? can thread i:':~dp:e;_~:d~!~On~n~a~le f~~~~ the n~:~: o~~thbi~I~%::~~:~e";: ~:u:htPO!~:I~~sr.hi~u~a~h: ~~:~ NAL~h~,~~::d l'~!~~: ~~~~r !~~~:~~~~~:~.,;a~~e:c~r\sth~~ NCAA rules. Under NC;\A summed up by what Coach Wal- r,ules ~:~~~~e t:~de s~~st~~~; ;:~I :~~!l't~heu~a~~e,t~~v~o~;=;~ ========..,;========= defeated but not disgraced." We knew we were going into the game as underdogs, which we have done many times in the past, But the point is that no- is one of the highest, body went out there to give up. ,oo~~:~,::;~1:~~~:;:~na male student. In We knew everything that we I - to this, Ben is a Cadet. had to know about, them from and the Executive Offi- scouttng reports ('.vE expected the ROTC ba tallion. solid backs, a fine all-around Kickers Host Alumni; with a commission m attack ... and we saw nil this!) and a good passing , he will ent~l' quarterback Infantry We simply made more crucial or Armor, than the current s~s?n, mistakes Waldorf, they "A did. game Says is Coach t~!lt .t~e oppositton FreshmenDot Lineup capital 12mII' on our never won but II game is alwavs . frequently th~n lost." bee nol~~~~ ~1~Si'op'::,~~:~ wIn sun:mal'Y 1, believe that. . of the teams are stronger MC WIll experience an up- -iV~;~h;;;.II'h'"last ye8ri and they are ouL surge of team performance in the champions. With !he next f~w wce~s, The coach- not quite hal! over, mil' staff IS convlllced thnt. ,we fOresees II comeb8ck from have not cOllie close to l'cachmg loss to Hampden-Sydney the pe8k of our ability. This is 81sa n winning se89011. what we will be stl'iving for for he is raring to g~t the }'emainder of the season and gridiron and "give if we are fOI·tunate enough to Hats off to n fine attain 01,11'goal our opponents will not be h8ppy college men. AI·t Renkwitz and Jim Mar- of the year has to be the out.- tin, of the Washington Red- standing periorlllartce of Scott skins, have several things in Joyner against Gallaudet last. common, They are both place week. Scott :scored six goals Idckin$r specialists, they both but fell short of the school rec- foz' II team which, as of ord, which I believe is held by who was Varga, has WOIIonly one George the writing ; ;'~:i;!I,:::::::::::::::::~liP:;; (both teams should leading scorer WMC. country, in the soon, I hope), and one season 8t. observe either of enough you will each of them taps The excellent schedule in wit.h his right hand store for the Green and Gold Fri., Sat. he kicks off, .. roundballers seems to be having an effect upon .. the size of the .. Ernest. Borgnine "McHALE'S NAVY" th!~ i~h~n ;~~r fat~~ b~e::e~~ ~~~~~~!a;!~~~o,:~ Maryland football team has tal of 26 perspective All-Amer· the battle of sta- been winning Sun.. Tues. Oet.25 tistica, but has been losing the icans. All stndent:s, male that ;n is, are u,r~ed t.o participate Fabian g8me. In the win over the Yel- some 8ctlvIty and should not be "RIDE THE WILD SURF" low J8ckets of Randolph-Macon, Ilfraid to tryout because they Terrors lost the stats but may not feel that they are good Wed._ Sal. game. So far this year enough, Shirley !\1aeLaine haven't been able to Paul Newman good offensive game to- Any men who may feel hesi- "WHAT A WAY TO GO" , with a good game on de- tant about coming out for a At times both have been sport because of lack of experi- good, but not 8t the same ence, can t.ake a lesson from ]ling foul' of five games. Last' goals across. The leading , Sun. 2:30 Matinee Nov. I Steve Blum. Steve, his fresh- d~~~;.:r~u~1~:~ j;~~~;'t~C~~ ~::~i~I'~I~:~5 ex-~========;II II soph., tame out for football r~esd::Ci:fo~ Te;;'or: ;~fuLN °fl'lp~:E" only hop~ for a man yeal' with no high school Wnshington College contingent pected to be a solid contender and expect more strong 0pp03i- fOl' "All" honors at season's ,,~~:,!::~'i!~:!':~b,':~'~'!d~:"tp~onthe experience behind running As of beats is the him, as now Steve tion next Wednesday when they end. Although this seas.on TIlay when they starters right half beC8USe of encounter Delaware UniVersity. be a disappointing one record- Thurs. _ Sat. Nov. 5 . 7 If this were the injury to Ben Laurence, but Youth is the key word this sea- wise, the squad makes up for to happen then there would be he has been a steady performer 7:30 Show this year. :~~t~~g tJllt::u!r~s~~~~r: ~~~ t~lat e~usive winning "BRIDGE ON THE no undefeated te8m in the Ma- as a Shocker, earlier sports pro- Maryland's Western ~on·Dixon bul'll, halfback Milh8usel', and bon WIth h81'd wOl'k Rnd RIVER KWAI" g!'am depends quite 8 bit all lineman Feigleson. ing. One of the Soccer highlights people like Steve.
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