Page 33 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 33
'400 Candles' Tile Broatl Scope 01Cllristianity Curtain Up f~r{i~;"11NotfJ of defining what I mean when by Dea.n Ira G. Zepp, Jr. that. Christianity does not prj. Broadway Musical- ,~; ilt ~he~iIJ:~n~yw~:~c~n!e~n:!a~eS::~: ;~~~~n ~v~~\~sBf~~~Od ~he ~oard of Regents of the ~~~~i~ua~ari~e,~~t~ .::~,,, t~; , m.t! tnagazine reporters, in Shakespeare a source. of the Umverslty of Maryland appar- man's "religious needs." It Here's Love .Dr. Helen G. HoweT1/, Dean ,,:orl,d's most ~omprehenslve and ently agrees with the old lady ha.s to do with the who16 man. -,~;L;~rnn:;;i~ll!~~:~:!~lfi~:~:rew~~~on;ife~bo~~Chhu~~v!or~pri~anded ~er .past,or fOf ~~g?:::~e!I~~:tu~?~~FtC~!tn~iby NelltoJ~ ShfJelt!Jy One of the -saving graces of i -the'-8.pot to cQVcr Sh~e- Bardolater ~nds his greatest omm~ 0 specific m his ser- sufficient for Christians to be Lou~,, and typically He1'e's Looe is the choreography \:=:e's.400t~ Birthday r- ;~~t.I~~f~in!'i:~~ a:~dmof~ :~~: P:~:~hi~~e b;oo~~~, f~~:;!:~te~;:~~~: i~c~~sui~:e~e~~d ni~ ~e:e~~~ic~I~:~~io::;e~i~:C~: ~;~~s~~e Mi~~a:~o~~~~~~; r:i ~~:fh~,4pOt? .a-nniversary of t~e :~;!a1~1~ :~e o~~:~~ah~~ti~~!h~~=::~~li~~" th:o~o:r~ecl~:i~~~~ i;;e::e~c;~a;~li~~c~ t~1~~~t~~:f:g :tt;h~~:~t sC:::!~:I~.h~!~;~ ~C;:~~~~;haen~a~~;s~!;e~e~lmeo:e~ ~e~~~o~ei':~;~~~d~~~ke~~::r~~: ~I:~!~~~areth:;ing~~votion to responsibilities of the Untvera- ~~~e~n~re~~:~i~; ~~:ldB~~~~::u~ ~~r~~w ~:hk. tr~e :~~7e~~eco~f ~uted, with ;uch le~ kick~ng, world, this ~ear. Never in. his· But before my enthusiasm ity chaplains to the "religious to be interested in p('ws r~Santa Claus and how a little !~~:'lfig an genera exu er· t-!-'yhave so, ma~y people 10 ~o .makes me sound like some of the needs" of the students. This church but not to be interested girl (Valeria Lee) and her , :ili~?d~;,U~~~~;s~~~nae:::~~~~ol; ~~~~~~~i!dt~e \~~~~ ;e~~:r~~ statem~n,t w~s. ~casioned by a in good housing." :~f:::~~a~~y~~:) t;e~o ~~~:~ p~~~d~n~~I~:~~in: ~~y~~~: a~~ On April 23 m hiS home town on early Shakespeare Festivals, chap,lam ~ Cl'l~ICISmof the fra- The w~r~d, not the church or "see, smell, hear, taste or feel," s~lrrmg march tunes to keep of Stratford-upon-Avon, the let me say that I am honored to termty SItuatIOn at Maryland. some religIOUS community, was learn to love and believe in Kris hiS show slive. It's one of the ambasssdors of, more. thsn. a have been asked by the staff of Apart from the abuse of the the object of God's reconeiJia- Kringle (Laurence Naismith) oldest trieks in the book and, ~:e~~re~ag~OU~~rl~rid;l1 S~:;:~ ~~nG~~D m~U¥a~~;:it~u~j~~t chaplain's ~reedom, the ~egents' ~:~. t:a~i\~! s~~::li:~d 8~0;~~~a~':.he one and only" Santa stran~elY e~ou~h, it ,works! and then lead a procession from The first installments will orig- statement IS symptomatiC of a McLeod of the Scottish lona . . . J~ms Paige IS qUite ~od as Shakespeare's birthplace to his inate from College Hill. The prevalent and fundamental mis- Community put it, was not . ThiS charmlOg sto,r y I~ un- DOriS Walker---c~reer girl a~d grave. Her Majesty the Queen April and May issues will, I understanding of Christianity. planted "on the high altur of a ald~d by Mr. Willson s umn~r- mother to ValerIe Lee who IS ~x~i6i~r~~n ~~i~~e ~ha~eesiJ~:~ ~~~Si'S\~~igi~~~nfrr;e!~: ~~~=Relegat:,n g .t~e chaplain's duties ~feesa\u~a~~e!r::ty bd~~e;n atC~~~ ~:~e~ a;~e n~u!~~, cl:;e\i~:~ ~~:ei~ents~!~S~au:l~!:r s~:~~~ as the largest and most compre- land in l~te March, I shall joy- to the r~hglOus needs" of the cros~roads of daily co~merce, thriJ1!ng, .at tim~s, flat and un- Gunn: as .Fred, Gaily playing ~ensive ever ?evised, It will fully begin a mission of seeing ~tudents IS tantamount to say- where thieves curse and die, and eff~ctlv: IS relll:mlscen~ of Mr.:_OPPO,SIU!~11IlI Paige appears out Illustrate the hfe and career of every available Shakespeare mg that we expect the chap- where soldiers gamble." That Wlll~on s prevIOus hlt~ The of hiS habItat on the !ltage. He Shakespeare ,against the back· play, I expect to be among the lains to be about as relevant as is why Christianity, congeni. MllA1C Man and ~he Un3tn~abll:! lacka the !inees and economy of ground ~~ Ehzabethan ~ngland. hundreds crowding into Strat- whipped cream on a chocolate tally and historically, has not Molly Brtl~ It 1S a.lllo eVldent movement of .a se.aso,ned ac~r rhe Bl'ltlsh ,?ostal .servlce ~ay ford for the opening events of nut sundae .. The implication is been concerned primarily with that Mr. ~11l90n ~tmted more and often hiS smgmg vOice depart from Its policy of uSillg the 1964 Shakespeare Festival. that preaehmg has to do with fulfilling the religious needs of on the musIc for thIS show than lacks the prOpel' range neces- only the reigning monarch's Yes! You are right in your the "spiritual" life of man and man, but with the proclamation he did in the others, because sary for the part. Laurence picture on stamps. Shake- diagnosis! I never want to be not with the real life of man. of a Gosnel which transforms many of the tunes are repeated, Naismith is lovable, convincing speare's Year may see his pro- cured of my kind of Bardolatry_ The truth of the matter is the whole- of existenr.~, repeated and repeated. and a perfect Saint Nick. fi..lealong with that of Elizabeth ~~~~:::::::~~:::::::=:::::::::=======~~~~;::::::::;::~:::;::;::;;;;:;; _================= = Tbough I been ~ haven't II. ~';~~t::,%:;::;I~:p;:v:ll;:;'\~~: Focus On literature III ,,.1 vI( ~~e:;-a~sd ~o m:;;;t~jhe;os~ ~~ Mfi"fri~~~~~Fl BO""I- lJeu:ew... 'l'Le ~r.'O"rp "First Author of the World." In v. t UJ (A colleague just read this and :~~~e~o;n~.a~~)t claiming too The GrQltp, by Mary Mc some of society's sacred cows. Carthy is a reilection of the It is so highly polished that its Shakespeare enthusiasts are ideas and ideals of the thirties, occasional absurdity is easily often called "Bardolaters." echoed and garbled by its col- overlooked. The Group is a Even though the term is not a lective heroine, eight Vassar study in the search for mean· complimentary one, I confess girls who "grouped together" in ingfulness in life; it is a care- that I am an incurable Bardo- the Class of '33. They are so-- ful chronicle of the attempt to the dream- girls, _1_',;;t',;;'_~B,;;U:.:.t:.:.I:.:.'I:.:.'i:.:.m;,;t:.:.h':.:.P::;':.:.iV:.:.ile:::,g,:,J,!::;;;~;;;;;~:::::;::::;:~;::;:~;:::::::;::::::::~::::::::;:;::::::=;;;~~;;;;;;;!!!~;::;;:;~~Iciety girls-fools for a dream and all but wealth, American marriage, = bright dull reach girls, position, the while a little wise, a little children, the new scienee, po!i. THE B~LL TELEPHONE COMPANIES sad never quite bitter. They tics, literatUre and th~ arts in try to cope with the world in turn betray the group and leave the new ways they have been them with a little less. Even SALUTE: BARRY SMITH taught-the education, politics, lit-- farce. and a new ways of child love becomes a tragedy raising, erature and the theater. Ar· Tinw magazine summed it- Barry Smith is responsible for the telephone service of he was responsible for commercial operations around ticulate and aware of their up--- go on an endless 24,1XlO customers in Charleston, West Virginia. Barry Clarksburg and, while on the commercial engineering staff, world, they the grail. It is not "Eight little Vassar girls trying hard for heaven quest for (A.B., 1960) is a Commercial Manager for The Chesa- contributed a unique system of measuring construction accidental that the novel opens Dick Brown got one peake ancl Potomac Telephone Company of West Virginia. profifability. With such a wealth of experience, Barry was with an off·beat New York and then there were seven" Challenges? This job presents all kinds-from ironing a natural choice for the Charleston promotion. wedding and ends with a New All in all though, it's all out human problems to improving service, to developing Barry Smith, like many young men, is impatient to York funeral. girl herself, Mary right, Jack. Read it. Jan Shell A Vassar new practices- Barry must meet them aH. make things happen for his company and himself. There Mc Carthy is an insider writ-- After he joined the company, Barry negotiated an im- are few places where such restlessness is more welcomed ing about insiders but she man· portant 50· year telephone franchise for Fairview. Later or rewardecl than in the fast-growing telephone business. ::::m~Ontma;~:::n ~ece~~~~u;!~ Campus Comments: ® BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES ~yh:ofd~l::~~~; :~~:lla~:o!:: Chris Polls The Hill pathize with them. By C~ris Connelly Chained To Genius As individuals they are inter- Everyday, as mealtime ap· esting-Kay, a, vigorous and proaches, 700 !-'avenous stude~ts brilliant girl who aches for suc- charge Memonal Hall, crowdmg cess but chained to a would-be and jostling each other until genius, Harald Petersen, finds ~ith a gr~a: surge, they pour only despair; Libby, the rich iOto the dmmg hall. man's ehild who finds partial Do students enjoy their meals success in the literary field, after this frantic onslaught or Dottie Renfrew who discovers are they oblivious to this con- love and bitterness in a brief dition? To find out, the GOLD affair; "Pokey," the fat, im~ BUG poIled a cross section of mensely wealthy society girl, the student body. who longs to be a vet. There Almost 70% affirmed that is Pris who copes with the com· there was unnecessary crowd- plicated problems of modern ing, backed by another 20"/0 child-raising, Helena Davison, who felt that crowding existed, the calm beauty who is beyond but was -unavoidable rather the struggles of her friends, than unnecessary. and finds her own serenity, Students attributed this con- Polly, the secular Saint who is dition to two main things: in· the only truly happy member of adequate space in the dining the group and "Lakey" the han vestibules, and the incon- ideal·utterly be aut i f uland siderate students who won't aloof, the Jiving stereotype of move up the steps to make more the group who turns out to be room. The colder weather was something entirely different. also specified as a cause by As individuals however, we 10%. only get a brief impression of When asked whether they these women, It is as a group preferred family or cafeteria that they come to life, lnflu- style, a majority of 77% chose encing one another, touching the former while only 23%, the each other's lives until the eight latter. are inextricably enmeshed. Almost 2/3 gave as their rea· From The Woman's View son that family style supplied a Although The Group is a more desirable atmosphere and brilliant study of a particular that it was a part of the WMC society at a particular time, tradition. A hungry 30"/0 also Mrs. Me earthy is sometimes added that there was a better carried away with description chance of second helpings with subjugating the reader to end· the present system. The oppor- less discussions of what such tunity for student employment and sueh was cooking, and how was also cited as an advantage. to fix beans in new and better Of the one·fourth that pre· ways. I suspect the woman got ferred cafeteria style, almost the better of the author at these all gave greater efficiency as times. Fortunately this is in- their reason. frequent and the book is a lively One l,ast poin~ concerning the one. It is however, limited al· recent controversy over the most totally to a woman's view· speediness of waiters, wait- point-written by a woman regses, and students during about women. The men in this mealtimes: novel have no depth. They are 70% stated that they had flat characters, important only noticed an appreciable slowing in how they affect the group. down of the waiters and wait- This is a clever novel, not resses, but only 32% saw any afraid to make a mockery of improvement in the students.