Page 28 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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2 The Gold Bug, Jan. 10, 1964 Terrors Surprise Mount; Then Fade Fast Bachelors And Gamma Betes Fight To Deadlock 57-57 Eigen, Shaw Net 23 Each; The Editor,,' All For Knot The 19,'young season. of The game was Fouls Nix Bid For Upset O~S 1963 was night eagerly December for- played as the preliminary game looked uniforms, ~ ~ ward to by many persons, "" :;uJ~: ci::~~er~ot~a::;~~dl~~~ an in their pecially the members of the In- ed sharp Coach Jim Bragonier's West- that could not be reckoned \.W \.S tramural teams of AGT and innovation for this year's Intra- ern Maryland hoopsters will with. 'With five minutes re- GBX 'I'hts was the night mural campmgn The Bache take on a tough Ehzabethtown marrnng m the half Bragonierts Kaye Kolb, westminster's ability to play the backcourt when thes~ tw_o teams met foi lOIS started a team consisting quintet tomorrow afternoon III a crew Jed 36 31, but two minutes answer to Chr-is Schenkel, has and forward positions with the first .tlme In a game which of Reger, Hollywood, Morse, ga:ne scheduled for 2 ;45 on the later- a foul shot by the Mount's been busy recently keeping up equal proficiency. After a slow was considered to .hold the key Pearson, and Harmeyer. cr: he Elizabethtown court. Coach Ed Folk knotted t?e score at with the trials and fortunes of start in the scoring column, to the eventual winner of th.e Gamma Bates countered WIth Donald Smith's boys have al- 43-all; At. this pcmt Mt: St. the struggling Terror basket- Kelley has gradually pushed ~asketbal.l Intramural competi- Faulkner, Smith, Law, Quinby, ways been tough opponents for Mary a height and experience ball squad. When announcing into double figures. His great- tion. ThIS was the first game and Hibbard. ~:rr;~~,~e~~~~l~r~~~~;d ~~~ve t~~ ~;~:~a~~',;ve:*~:t~OW a~~e~t~~~ ~:I~:~ °e~c~a~l~~~:o~:di~e~~aet~~~~~:~d~:cn; ~~lu~~t~~ f~~~~i;: h~: ~~t;::~io~~yg!:~s o:h:h~nf~:r~ With a minute left in the be hard fought. Ehzabcthtown, MOUJ;bes gr-abbed a 51-47 go like this .. "Leiahure passes needed points with consistency. were nipped by the Bachelors game, the score was tied at sporting a 5-3 record, appears half-tune advantage. to Kelley, who fakes, shoots, Another of Buck's assets, a rar- ]01-21, the Carro~l County All- 57-57. Although each team to hav~ a ~V;1l rounded atta~k As tl:e seco.nd half got under and ties the score with a jump- ity for a big- man, is his hus- St_ars led by Skip Shear and had an opportunity to score ;·te~~no:~~t~ ~~::d ~~~.hth~:~;~\"l;:~".t~~dh~i :~ t"~:~h~~: ~~~n~~tk~~~~,m~~t tling dIe::~;~~~e!aem~~rts :~I~e~ Sbc;l~o:~~e~~~~.l:~~ 7~~~~: neither was a?le t~ and at the ~~u~e~laav:d a~:l;~~:~e:.n i:o~~;~ :~f:a~~~. al~at t~~~e:l~;.htw~;h ~;~le~f ~::~~e l~;::;e T~srr~~ :!\~en~f i~~~~~:gia~I~e;:~eti;:~P;:!: ~:i7~i~!a~~ei~~~an~~;~~~da~f;~ ~vn~ds0:ti~~gd~:~:::k:::tth5e7 S:~ll~(; ~~I~hina.nth~8·~I~;:~·:t~ctow~nc~I~~ ~~:l~fo~:n~~::~;~~:n SI~o;~iIl~a~~ these daiI~if!~da ~~~~vAfic:ture. ~~bbe~ev~~~: or~~~ pOo~~~si~~d~~1~~nc~dE~r~~~I~~~I~!~~o,.;6\~~i~ ,Since. it was n~w after eight torles IS a 123-76 tl"\un~ph o~er maker Sam Lelshure fouled o~t Freshman Charles Leland coolness displayed by veteran In a warm-up for theIr bIg 0 clock .It was deClded to replay Rutgers. The game WIll bnng- of .the game. The .. Mount.s Kelley, from Randallstown, one team members. However, Bucky, game th.e Bachelors defeatcd the entIre game at a later date to ~ .close a week of strenuol.iS dO:llInated the game fl~m thIS of just three varsity frosh, is temporarily with a sprained the FertIle Valley Boys, 86-.46. because of the nearness of the :~ti~~~~f~:r~Ve;::~~e~a;~;'~i~~ ~l~:et ~.~~~!~~to~.~a~(;t ~~~~ ~aki~;k ;~en~\~n:o~~~,SJ:~b~~~~: ~~:~~e i~v~~in:~~.yg~~eot i~o~~ ;~;r~r ~;er~:ed ~;~~e t~v~thhl~~ starting time foi· the Varsity in th~ week 99-85 .by Mt. St. Carroll hIt on long Jump shots. go~nier, a lighter one. Just only a matter of time until POI?-ts III a ioslllg e~ort. I~ game. Marys and las~ !llght played :0 mak.e .matters worse B~ck out of Milford Mill High (10-2 Bucky Kelley shakes the jitters theIr prelude to the bIg game, In games since Christmas. host to Old DommlOn. Kelley l.nJured an ankle WIth Balto. County) Bucky stands completely and proceeds to blos- the. Gamma Betes, led by Ralph the Spastics were defeated A second half rally and a seven mJllutes left o~ the dock 6'3" and is blessed with the sam into a stellar performer. Sm.lth and Bruce Falkner twice in one night. First they rash of Western Maryland and center, Ron ShIrey fouled whIpped the Aces, 97-39. lost to the Freshmen 46-98 and ~ouls helpe~ Mt. St. Mary's to put two l.ninutes later. D.espitc The stage was now set for in the second game were W01"n ~~se~;~~5t\~~I~~;~tes ~~\~~I fi~~~ ~~~nh~~~~~~e~:l~v'Wt~~::~gll~~ SPORT SHORTS GO LD BUG the first showdown of the still ~~\~nC~r.roi~eC:.r~1~~S~·:rs21c-~~~ half the "Green-Tenors" ,~er~ threaten the Mount's an.d the Dick Eigen remains the lead- Ollle".1 student new'paper of W""u.rn tinued their winning ways by ~~!~~nkde~~st~:;~ne~~~ll.l~;a:~~~ ;::::T:;~~t!r~zfe ~i~~bt~ll~~J~v!~~ ing scor:l" for :he B-Ball te.ara. ~::d~~n~ro~l1S~~te;'"U~~;'\j,~O~hkl~aOy~ ~e;l~:~int~am~ 6;~~~edTh:~~~~: Buck Kelley an.d ~am Lelshure Mt. St .. Mary's from hlttmg the Sam Lelsh~re IS the lea del III ~~:~r~lTi~e~e"~!t~i~:te,::at~rBr~la~~~ still not able to find the right ;~~.~nt,~Ul~naSsse;l~k~~gJil~ffSh~~ ~~Oe~~~~t l~~~a'the "tenors" in :~t\~~:~t~~~esc:t:~~~k:~ ~l~: under Act of_Marcb 3, 1819. J. C. PENNEY CO. ~:~nt~~ngbycO~~in;:~~~~~~r~a~~- f~;~e~V~~t;l~n fi~;S:r:I~~dP~~~~ :~~e ;~,f:aiJ~_~h::ec~~~~confeJ'_ sists. Subscription Price $3.00 a Year 56 West Main St. 33-69. ' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES NOW THREE WAYS SALUTE: BOB CRICE TO SHOP Visit the As District Plant Superintendent in the Cleveland area, Layaway. Cash or Charge AVENUE BARBERSHOP calls on one cable or microwave telephone Bob Crice (B.S.E.E., 1958) supervises the activities of 10,000 Bob rose to his present status from a "long line" route. of approximately 370 people who operate and maintain successful job assignments. He' started his career as an equipment for long distance communications. engineer in Cincinnati, where he was responsible for co- Bob, of A. T &T·s Long Lines Department, is responsi. ordinating the installation of new private-line telephone Weslminster ble for effectively integrating local telephone service and services. His managerial capacity and intuitive 'business communications systems into the complex long distance sense moved him up to his current supervisory position. Laundry network. Bob Crice, like many young engineers, is impatient to and This involves the managing of telephone circuitry make things happen for his company and himself. There nry Cleaning which includes coaxial and regular wire cable, microwave- are few places where such restlessness is morc welcomed radio relay, and the equipment which mllst regulate up to or rewarded than in the fast-growing telephone business. s.. MRS. FISHER KEEPSAKE ® BELLTELEPHONE COMPANIES i. & STUDENT UNION ARTCARVED HUILDING Diamond and TEI,EPHONE MAN-IlP.THE.MoNTH Wedding Rings Open an account EVERHART'S .t Barber Sbop DA YIn'S JEWELERS 19 E. Main St. At The Forks Westminster Carroll Theatre Clothes Flower Fresh at the Fri., Sat. Jan. 10, 11 Henry Silva MODERN IDEAL "JOHNNY COOL" Sun. Tues. Jan. 12·}01 LAUNDRY Debbie Reynolds ".MARY MARY" See Wed. - Sat. Jan. 15 - 18 MATT CREAMER James Stewart Sandra Dee "TAKE HER SHE'S MINE" MacLea C34 What's New in the Bookstore?? • BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Provocative, stimulating, or relaxing titles. Books for any need. any mood. And if we do not have your choice, we'll gladly order it for you. Among our latest arrh'als: Coats; "Great Gardens of the Western World," $19.95; All three volumes-"Hon_ est to God," $1.65; "For Christ's Sake," $1.50; "The Honest to God Debate." $1.85; "Ralph Reppert's Elec- tic Wife," $4.75 (We'll have it autographed for you). Winnie the Pooh Watercolors, $4.95 set (Perfectly charming gift). • SEAHORSES! Seahorses on compacts, seahorses on pillboxes, seahorses on cigarette cases, seahorses on combs, seahorses on lipstick cases. Paging all Iotas (and their friends}_t.hese are especially for you! • SPECIAL NOTICE TO ALL SENIORS: The cards, mailed to your home during the holidays regarding your order for announcements and visiting cards, must be re- turned to the Bookst.ore before the cut-off date of Jan- uary 15th. PLEASE NOTE-measuring for your aca. demic regalia will begin on January 15th in Bookstore. This is the beginning of the long-awaited end! THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Daily 8:30 until 4, pm Winslow Student Center Sats. until 12 Noon
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