Page 35 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 35
The Gold Bug, Feb. 14, 1964 5 Jane Allgire, an economics major from New Windsor, suc- cessfully handles a tight sched- ule of econ classes, waiting in the dinIng hall, and last se- taught a statistics lab. only qualifies for honor such as the Argonauts . Gamma Mu, but mall- active social life also. been in the May Court consecutive years, was of the Newman Club worked on the and is a mem- of Phi Alpha Mu. To add to her responsibilities she is as- sistant business manager of the '64 Aloha, and is in the midst of working on a three hour honor paper in economics. Last -:\rgonaut P~esident Robert ~ear~ Jb~~:u:eo~f ah:~i~x~~n~:;: fv~~c.surveys hIS four years at ina her major field. BOHN The values of a par-ticularjturu? philosophy of Sir, PONTIAC Everyone likes a good band, hard to prove. ~~'·~~~.::::~,tl::::-i,;;!;i'~Of~hed~~~~~~~er:g::~ ~:t~h~en~~~r~h~~n!~~t,oPi~m,~~ should be a center of thought and a good college is said, "de gustibus limiting rushing and with the that help the idea of God, compelling of SALES tainly a particular dum est." I might activities, but I believe proofs of reason, could be made students at the was for several has overreached itself into an unshakable basis for and ever, J think that many would of a univerait.y band projects are vat- understanding. Then in the find the first sentence in the function was to play . 19th century, it was thought SERVICE GOLD BUG article of Jan. 10 athletic events. I:~~~ outsiders, and even that there was at least a reli- false on the last two assertions __ _:"':~idin"t'n on campus, are question- gious a priori which could be a 192 Pennsylvania Ave. and either false, ·irrelevant, or RESPONDEO sororities do. I be- starting-point. Today we face undesirable on first. the stated, "A college band can a social organiza- the question how, without the . purpose of evidences of proofs of God's and without the evi- sponsor so- existence !=========i I ~ci~~e~~rat~:\~I~ege, serviceable is projects. The dence of a religious need for high quality students, and vantages of a good band, wheth- certainly wouldn't be God, we may speak of God, and J. C. PENNEY CO. digging great sums of money er or not there may be "other I trucgm .. agerry choice of activ- speak, moreover, in a way that college objectives more urgent." out of the alumni." have not lived is understandable both and If these statements are not A t the last band rehearsal I to their potential when they relevant." 56 West Main St. true, then the means employed attended, I realized that what- are so limited and suppressed 'Vc can certainly sense this attain the objective of an out- ever momentum is needed to by rules that are outdated. The in "post-Protestant" America. standing college band must be start our band on its way . ISC has allowed jealousies and For the first time we are forced has been :;:ii~;:1!~~~;::ij NOW THREE WAYS seen in perspective. Are other coming a great positive bickering to go on to the extent to live in a pluralistic society TO SHOP college objectives more urgent? on campus has this that creative and worthwhile which is becoming increasingly band In the long run is it the educa- The projecfs are cast aside. The renascence of secularized. . program of the college or grown in size, and the I think it's time that the ISC the classical religions of the the externals that give a of confidence inspired Layaway _ Cash Of Charge college a reputation and its increase alone have been began playing a supportive role world, the Supreme Court deci- in public to be- sian regarding prayer in getting the sororities ~=======::; :"=======::::; in the cohesive sound of come more independent in their schools, and the peristent at- pride? graduates and projects, social plans re- and tempt to define church-state band as a whole. stressed hints instead that cooperation of lations are an instrument to be used by longer live in Christendom. we no KEEPSAKE There's a hobby fOf you spiteful sororities to stop imag- The special programs of the & Art SII""li~~, IIfodel inative plans of others. SCA this semester will examine ARTCARVED Now that we have heard the ful and relaxing- sport of ski- Sylvia White this therne-"the post-Christian mg It's a better than way Diamond and MODELS 01 .11 TYPES administration's llluminattng a slipping on the ice to sprain an "POST-CHRISTIAN ERA" era"-wtih direct reference to have reasons the world, the church, and the why we don't Wedding Rings Bo.u, C.r •• nd Monoterl I it is quite obvious that ankle! To the Editor : individual. The first program A cliche currently quite fash- Open an account BOBBY'S a mistake at the very ionable is "the post-Christian will be February 19, and t~e speaker will be the Rev. LeWIS campaign. the of at HOBBY LOBBY never have asked for era." This cliche contains -an Robson of Washington, D. C. 21 E. Main St. a railing at all. Why, how . el;ment ~f tru,th. as you are cordially i~vited to jOi.n DAVID'S JEWELERS could we think of cluttering up cliches. It IS pointing III the examlllatl~n. of. this our beautiful campus with such \Vestminster, Md. 19 E. Main St. ===84=8="=35=O===:;:::'n~U~g;'y~a;n;d;un;n;";";";';y ~~ Ir=========; fact that the Christian theme. Are we living- m a I-========~ ~ ~ force i~ ,~~st~Or~ge~ul~ur~~id~!:!o;t-C~:~stia~he eri~?~~ituti!:; Westminster church, even with its lingering can no longer assume a "Chris- e-- tian" frame of reference. We popularity, withstand the revo- Westminster "Everybody Welcome" KELLY'S 110 longer live in Christendom lutionary implications of life in -a culture dominated by Chris- a "post-Christian Or, world?" Laundry WTTR AM·FM norms, values, and goals. are we still in a pre-Christian and at the is seen in a reference era? These questions cannot Dry Cleaning HOME, SCHOOL and a German theologian, Ger- be ignored. Ira Zepp Ebeling, who says: "In the DOWNTOWN 8M OFFICE SUPPLIES .. MRS. FISHER 19 E. Main St. BOWL 47 E. Main St. 848-5553 WHAT'S NEW IN THE BOOKSTORE?? books adding special autographed by STUDENT UNION Billiards TI 8·9824 Westminster, Md. • Books - Books - Books! Give your personal library by a dimension BUILDING With speakers who come to campus. (The Bookstore will We have a cal- handle this detail for you, if you like.) Chief Clothes Flower Fresh lection of the books of Mr. Stephen Spender, our Feb- speaker, to help you become a better-informed ruary listener as well as to enrich your library. PATIO Sandwich Pokomoke MODERN IDEAL • Valentines for Belated Cupids! If you are not seeing at the your O.A.O. unti~ the weekend, you still hav~ time to pick up a Valentme remembrance ffom. our w.lde offer- SHOP ing. Gifts suitable for men or women m a WIde range Tenpins of prices, for all degrees of affiuence and "togetherness." Featuring WESTMINSTER • Tennis Sweaters! Exceedingly smart, white, vee-necked 15c Hamburgers LANES LAUNDRY sweaters, trimmed with red and blue. Very "big" - fOf pros and fans alike. Thick Milk Shakes Pizzas _ Subs in the Shopping Center French Fries - Shrimp Boats Students - Until 5:00 p.m:- See THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE Homemade Do-Nuts $1.00-3 Games MATT CREAMER Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches Including Shoes 8 :30 am 4 :00 daily Winslow Student Center Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 Mon. _ Fri. 848-6570 :MaeLea C34 Sats. until 12 Noon
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