Page 30 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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2 The Gold -Bug, Jan. 17, 1964 Sparkplug Leishure Ignites Cagers Against JHU E!i~,a~~t~~t~~~J~?~~~~a~o~~,~~~:.~e,~~on~'~i~i!~~~~S.~~,~,~,Creamer Ties Record MD ot,,!en l ~i~ "Green.Terror" b~sketball team Muhl.enburg ,;as postponed in. by ~ full court press as Old Do· The athletic teams on campUilj the past several. seasons recent- esplte InJUrieS ~ii!~!ra~~l t~a~:xI~gt~~~~~d~~~; ~;~fg~!~sb~~~~da~~o~l~a~O:~~~ ~~~n~~m~~P~~~:~ l~~eaif~~ora:r~ ~eem ~ b~ followin~_a similar ~a~:~~v~~ ~~:~mt~;n~::r~:~rr:~ Although the Western Mary. Washington & Lee College five. ion 78-72 and clobbered by wi~h 25 pts ".while Leisbure and t:e.nd In lntercO~legIa~ compe- Germany will be replaced by land grapplers are on top of the In its last outing Washington Elizabethtown 98-65. Shu-ey contr-ibuted 15 and 12 re- tition ... they invar-iably own Sgt. Art Wohl, a member of the Mason-Dixon Conference they & Lee lost to Bridgewater 92--73; Old D Nips Cagers spectively. losing records. The rifle teamIWMC cadre. One of the few have faced five teams while win, the "Terrors" will face Bridge- Western Maryland took an Wl\IC-Liztown Mismatch is no exception, finishing out bright spots has been the con- ning two matches, losing two, water Saturday night as the early lead against Old Dominion Elizabethtown completely_ out; the first semester with a six- sistent shooting of Matt Cream- and tying a fifth. The Casemen first semester activities come to and Rich Eigen's jump shot with manned Western Maryland as won, seven-lost slate. €or, a four year regular. Matt started off this season with a an end. Bridgewater currently 9:30 remaining on the clock pro- they jumped off to an early 16-5 This campaign was thought holds the highest season score healthy, determined outlook ... has a 5-4 record and is riding in duced a 21_16.advantage. Ron lead and increased the margin by many to offer a pa~ticularly (290), which was also good but soon ran into more than third place in the Mason-Dixon Shirey's "jumper" hiked the lead to 34-8 and 40-9 before Stan strong returning nuc~eus rea- enough to tie the school reco~·d. their share of injuries and in- Conference (Southern Division). to 29-21 with 5:10 remaining Makover began. to find the turing dependable semora Matt Creamer'~ scol:e helped the r-ifl- experience. Although the team Terrors Shake Slump and at the half the "Terrors" range. The half-time score read Creamer and Jerry .Baroch, ~ot ers to trim hIghly .touted. contains five men from last H~~e~!~: ri~~Jn~:~~~ ~::;o~: ~~:l"i~~c~ntO-~~/d::;~:Je'StZ~ ~~-~~t:e~t a~h~li~e~~;t~t~~l~ t~:~ ~~d~c~t!~'~la~~:s. hl§.~Ph~~:~~; !h:b::;et!~9~4~~6~aJr~~t missing rc~~r~sssi~:~st:~\~!~ ~;i~ic~d:!= tar's boys defeated Joh~s Hop- ~Iakover popped i.n two quick le~ds of 6~-34 and 76-,~0. RlC~ BIll Decker:, Bob .Crelghton and The 1963 averages have been perlence goes. :~';!e6~:i~gt~k~~~~\~~e~~et~~:~ ~~:p g::t\hbeutle:~t~:svecu~I~~ ~lg:~or~~;lnw::~ i~e p;;.er~V~i~e ~:~~IO~a~.~a~i~I;~eS~C~~p~~~::ve~posted and. Creamer is leading ou~~nla~N~n(l~;t~b!')br~~:s;~~~ five minutes the teams took 49-43. Old Dominion began to Stan Makover. contribute? an has not proved to be the c~se as the pack wlth a 280.7 _pcr ma:c h has shown steady improvement turns trading goals, but shots find the range and closed the even dozen. Jim Reck With a the T~rrors are already III the mean. Jerry Barach 1S pUshIng in his first varsity season. At by Leishure and Eigen pulled gap at the 10 minute mark to good second half also added 10 red With the worst yet to come. 277 with Creighton and Hal" 130 lbs. senior co-captain Mike the "Terrors" out in front. The 59-55. With five minutes re- markers. Sgt. Red Yeung, mentOI" for mantas foIlowing closely. The Eagan, who last year d~feated close as a "Blue-Jays" stayed ~~~~P~u~~ r'P,.0l '"Rangers" start off the second eleven of thirteen opponents, is ~~:u~~uotlt~e f:hi~! Mary-.Jj "II~ The ne\~ 1~6I ~p?r~ staff has semest~r. soo~ by engaging stilf ~:~t. Sid;~~~~ ;~::ap~ai~ro~~~ unly net 6-13. Western openings for both .men and wom- competJbon In the 2nd Army Garvin, injured in his initial land led at the half by only .runlJT.·r en who are interested in writ- Indoor Championsllips. Says test, has but one victory, while 34_31 as a result of fourteen -_ ~n"l1 ~ ing about cunent. campus ath- veteran Harmantas, "This is Gil Smink (177) is undefeated field goals to nine for Hopkins. letic activities. Those concern- the big one and the Rangers are with a pin and two decisions, ~~ay!~e cls::~ndbU~al~it:o:~~~~ Dick Eigen is currently the is the main reason for the cur- :~or~~·eed~;o~~dJO~~~oa~~~c~ef~~:ready." r;u~l:s;~ed ~~est5~a~b~.te:~tiil! minutes remaining Bill Kubat third leading scorer, average rent lack-luster record of 3-7. or after semester brcak. ~porting a 3-1 record. Steve, ~~ ~i~a~~~ta~~r~~fcr~:s S~~~!~~:i::;c~~ t~ee l\~=so:~~!:;ingCO~3 The .next home ~atch for t~.~ - ;~~~y ~~d::~~~;~~V:o;Ombea~ again threatened. points plus in M.D play, and Wresthng team. I~ ;ot t: n I down South this weekend f0}' valuable asset. Displaying the Sam Leishure in his best per- approximately 20 points over- Febr~~ry 8{.aga\l~~1 ro.s urg. games with Washington and BAUGHER'S greatest improvement is soph !~~:~~c:i~~ ~~ep~:~~~il~e~i~~ all. . ~e~: a ~:~'~il~gB~~ket~~~:ng:;~~ ;:: a:~ ~~~~~e;;:;el"'atth~o~~ RESTAURANT ~:~~~e an~c~:~~le~'liZ~:~~ t!~~ ~!~e~i~i~~::a~tli~~~~:~~~ei~~ OV~I~r;~~~~ine;t~~~h6:1~:g~:c~~~~Lo;~i;o:t~al~~~or~i~~;dne~~:; against Mercersburg Academy. y. Mile orr the Campus ~~nin ~~;e1~r:Ol"~~I~::,s. :[oe:~~ and 16 respectively for the a?comphshed .agalllst one of the fJight, the "Terrors" have mov·.:! . One of the Teasons that Delicious Full Course Meals Tipperman, and Hvidding are all ~~f:s'~47;h~f "~he:i~or:~O~ita~~ ~;~~esstinsc;~~n~at~~~~ll T~o~.l~/;I=~~~~~\x:~t-t~~~:r~i~c!n \!~t~f,;:~~;~~ ~aasn;o~:l~~~ b~;~~~~~~ Try Our Hambur_g Subs be~~~:dw~:;, i~ei~e~~~:~ defeat- 18-35 from the foul line while ability to. stop the ~pposlhon University of Baltimore. usual is the heavy slate of h~gh Homemade Ice Cream ed Loyola of Baltimore after Hopkins hit 20-23 from the foul fro~ sconng lIlore POInts than. . school and pro games bemg and Thick l\iilkshakes being overpowered by an out- stripe. the Terror offense accounts for, While the Varsity travels carried. Parents' Welcome standing Drexel contingent .. 26.5. Tomorrow Sam Case leads Hopkins OPEN EVERY DAY. his warriors to Johns THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES '-========:: for the final match of the se- ,_ mester. SALUTE: JESSE YOWELL, JR. Westminster Laundry During 1962, The Chesapeake & Potomac Telephone Com· sands or dollars. He also established a solid reputation and Visit the pany of Virginia assigned. Jesse Yowell, Jr. (B.S.E.E., among company engineers for troubleshooting circuit· Dry Cleaning AVENUE 1959) to the Operating-Engineers Training Program at damaging transmission problems such as corrosion. s•• BARBERSHOP Bell Labs. On finishing his study there, he'l! return to his Jesse Yowell, Jr., like many young engineers, is im- company and the increased opportunities that await him. patient to make things happen for his company and him- MRS. FISHER Jesse earned this honor by showing what he could do self. There are few places where such restlessness is more STUDE~~ UNION c=l while a Staff Assistant in the General Engineering Depart- welcomed or rewarded than in the fa~t.growing telephone ment. In that job, he made decisions that involved thou- business. ;==IlU=IL=D=IN=G =~ I WTTR AM·FM I ® BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES EVERHART'S Barber Sbop KEEPSAI{E & At The Forks ARTCARVED Diamond and Wedding Rings CarronTheatre Open an account at Fri., Sat.. Jan. 17, 18 Sandra Dee James Stewart DAVJD'S JEWELERS "TAKE HER SHE'S MINE" 19 E. Main St. Sun. _Tues. Jan. 19·21 Westminster Troy Donahue Connie Stevens ';PALM SPRINGS WEEKEND" Clothes Flower Fresh Wed.-Sat. Jan. 22 25 Walt Disney's at the "THE INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" MODERN IDEAL "Everybody Welcome" LAUNDRY See at the MATT CREAMER DOWNTOWN J\.IacLea C34 19 E. Main S1. GOLD BUG =======~ ~ Billiards TI 8·9824 Offlda] student September of W.. tern newSpaper w....kly on May. College. published tbrough Maryland from Friday matter at th .. Entered Olli .... POll! Westminster. of March under A.t 88 second clUB 3. 1879. Maryland, LECKRON GULF SERVICE Subscription Price $3.00 a Year Gail Allen W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Editor-in-Chief Westminster, Md. Donald Hinrichs Business Editor TI8·6929 TI8-9876 EDITORIAL STAFF Road News Editors Roberta Love JOY." Ru"...n A."t. News Editora __ Linda Mahall.-y FTaDees Thoma.s Service Fe..tur .. Editor __ .__ Dianne Briggs Assiatant Featur .. EditorSu ... n Svorta Editor __ .. Jerry A.aistant Sporta Editor _._ John
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