Page 32 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 32
1964 A Valentine For ISC Faculty Speaks: CynicalStudents,lndifferentAdults The Baer Facts theirS~~:;!~;(!h~~~e~f~b::t~nfr;;~n;~::~~~s~C~~~~~e boys, it's your turn. Although ferna!e tactics are not of the physi- • cal r;~~fei~e: c~~~sb~ne~~~~u:~!r~~~n:~ays the docile red and Breed Problems Of Discord white, green and white, purple and white, red and gray (note by all means not the generation by John Hac)" tumultuous emotions of the alphabetical order of sororities) smiling coeds. When bidding, th t 'U d th Panama people who failing to rushing, and social events come into view it might be more not :_°t'udd!nffit;UaltntodfUa~du'lt"Y-~h~~ des;l~~:ethe :~'umulated A::l~~ana h1gr~U~C~~Olm~~~~~~~~~nd satisfac~ry answer-a with. priate if all members were to don their respective ~ "" ... d b f" h . " d . d m looked without In search of cover their heads, because the actions of survival .\~orldsa:Ja;~roa~ "~h!ir~' w!r::rand e~~e~~~~~:e:t ~:e~~l~t ~va:r~latI~~~: a 'scape~oat to their depressed certainly obliterate the minds usually attributed to A similar to dodge "their" draft. thepga"n'aamt','nP"a"n',t~~:l~/~;~~P;~~~~~a~h~e:~= ;~~ ~r:~Ott:ss!:et~~n,~:~"ai~~~~~~~ .u~~allYso well cor d was VlfhheYtd~~va~!dtoephli~~ophl~~ era, - T.he umpire of these "~o~ial" is t~: ISC. The . ~lrlor to the ~\'an;Uto m~;ageg '~it1lOur ap- w;~:lr £::~e . On t~e other SIde of an 8 foot ~~~!~~e~~~:ni~~i~:~:s~r~~t~: r:i~:~io~tso:~~!I:~~e~~i~~:h~~~ velt, whae:d isola~~~~~~; R~::;~ pr~~ti~eship. d by the mighty Yanke: ~~foh~;I~ff~~~~~!h~x~~~i~~dZo~~ for teas, and the viqlatton of the time of bidding during the last great matter of concern. ers a~~ :f;t:te~.1~,_1~~bled by po~~~'~ country, the size of 'imposing exa~ple of U. S-. au- session. . _ Par-tly in rebellion and with depression and hard times, South Cnl'olin; and with one- per-icrity ---:- ~ore" A.mencan A S~lmulan~ or .Depr~s8ant? . some philosophical concern, ?ut scared by a hot war, and ex- third of the population of Chi. than Amer~ca Itself -m clear imag~~a~~~~:~~e~!t~~:i~:!a~;zabon tries to furt~er t;a~~~;e;~!~ Ial"gi~~O:~~~~\'~~;~~~h t~~a~~s~.f ~a.u~ted b[ a cold o~e, have l?st ca.g~, ~ok~ d~plom:t~~relation~ ~~~a~:y C~~~~~d~h~osl~7sS~! suppressing them to. keep an angry young ~en (and c:~~ 'ini:r~:~ce, an even Sln- ;~~PI: aes~uch :~ d~c~a:::~~:r inflaming. "Ya~keepho?ia" that ~o~::te~~t~y(~~t~)~lo~n:h:~r:rrt~adwished to replace of,~~: !~~:~~:c~:~:~ Each of them-; fa~ily, sChO?I,on th~ U. S: ~:ass~~~~~~~ewn§.~~~~ir~:;~~~ ~~~~~~n;tth a fashion show for a charity project. Such or;:n~~~~~on;~rT:oe~~~:: ~~~r~~~c~::el~ul~~~a~!f:~~ ~;~~c~~e~.:~~~.~~~;! :~:~t:;;r~f t~~~~~n~~~a~~~~i~ Do we work together? Our sororities would not between thc oppos- ge.neratlOns hentage, and .~ ~~re/ou~h:;:' i~'/~~~~~~ ~~~r:,?ation .based on ~ba, and the ~~ai~~as let alone rush parties. The boys have stepped . ~;;;:.y proud one, to theu n~tionali~m, 40,000 Pan~- ~~~~~¥:;f:t~~s:oi~~t:~ f~ap~~d~ Do we really need this cut-throating in sororities? regrettable Colorado State mourners, led by theIr ing elections as in Panama and social organizations provide just one example of the toda/ G:on~~:I~~~l~~:~~~ ~eoa~.ainw:~ in~m:~ie~~~e~~~e~~~~~i~:a~~~i;~sue:h~eco;a~:~a~i~:~ ~~p~~~li~r'~::~~~~el~~sts!~~d:iI ~~r~;i~fe:~:: :;~JJas faculties have bridge this cultuTal thClr self-~nfhcted have made martyrs of the dead of religions, have a common goal, why not bring a position of leader- expeTt witnesses of . In the .meanhme, the rioters. and promotion toward this goal instead of envy, drives fol' social Bn~ hand .to testify, one ki~~dA:~~~a~e a,~r;::::~t. Deep Hatred? rituals? Somehow a chaplain seems out of place at most reform. St.udents,. fOI explamed to the younger. without ammunition to contain How deep is their hatred and a sessions and rushingNarrowness Unnecessary . alaenda~~lc~~ ~::y h:O~kbe:~e.a~~shOi';t~tt~;~ ;h~a~!O~~'~~~ea~o~~~~Yh:;5d:~d ~i~:s;l"l';'a~:~: h :: a~~~~:l:~~ Until the coeds are able to break the bonds of "our your world ~f experIence. They tned husband before he was buried U. S. of aggression, because of and who cares about the rest," more control will have to . somethmg f~w .have attempted on schedule in Arlington Na- its military actions in safe- to ISC. Perhaps one money making project from each to scorn their ve.ry enthuslasbcally - they tional cemetery. The contrast guarding U. S. lives and prop- ~~~I~r~j:C~~~~~da~!~i;~~;,:;~~ie~~~ !;1~:~~ei~::: ?noiven . ~~~e~~:'~:;~ s!~ez !~~~het;. better understand one ~~I:.ragic and disgusting in it- ~~i~;v~~~,~aos~~~~;da!h~~~~~;~ ~~~ta~:IC;ll~f ~~J~!~~~~~: !~:e~or:e:~~r::sea~~~: a:~ll:::~~~ ~o~~yt~ ~fge~~~rgW~ile ch ~~~v~~;~:~~o~hal~~~t~~~ul~~o~e w;s m~~;u:t~~./ha;e~~~~~da~~: Emot.ions Not Flags ~~~ other. ' ". In a y 0 a e ea mig h t van ish. College-age tempting ski slopes nearby and But all this is over, and flags Other Latin governments have However, absolute control is not the best solution. Instead peo~le are, however, more than the. ?lllnipresent social oppor- have ceased to be the is!lue no,~. supported Panam?- thus far, if of authoritarianism, why not work togetller on projects? When anxlOu.s to create .a new, more tUllltle~, 90% of the student Even the. status of t?e canal IS only to sh?w theIr people that you stop to consider, will any of our sororities really be detri_ "~uncbol1al" ~orahtyj ~ne body did a~tend. l\1aybe they are not the l?lpor.tant Is~ue: The they t?O WIl! not be humbled by mental to new:~embe~s or. vice versa? If we are really working Will serve thIS flot so cymcal after all-maybe. most seBnng Issues he m the ~1sm~:stYr!:~~~e fn:~~~d;~: Day? Th, Val,ntin, f~:~,~~-l::;'Granny Heads Dmmg Hall 20 Years i:;Fi;:~~ti:~~£i1fiia~~~~ !~7a~:g~nf~:~~~; s;;:!t~~ya~:l~r~e w!;r:O!p;Or~~t~:~: f:h~ • • ~io treaty, b~t oni y as ~ ~:lni- t~~~ning than Val,ntin,', ==============~====== To most of the waiters and to her private life by her pride suggestion of Captain Moore, a of ~;::~:~~on~f communication, waitresses in the dining in a "pretty table" and a "neat previous head waiter, SCA at present blocked by hatred and Mrs. Helen "Granny" well-organized house." members began giving the bless- passion, have to be opened if the ing. And The Ceiling FeU problem is to be re- Tbe World Outside baugh is more than an Because of her interest in the formal Since then the rushed in- Panama The U. S. admits that atmosphere has pro- solved. assistant to Mr. Rice, some of the canal treaty provi- and her great ener- gressed. warm, interesting will gladly reminisce accepted the position of "I've met so many wonderful sions are obsolete. Panama earlier days of the college of the Carroll County people" Granny says. It is does not want the canal for it- _ take an active interest in Historical House. This job doubtful if she ever had an un- self since they could not even af- by Dave Taylor losing considerable ground, thus rent college fur:ctions. soon ended during World War kind thought about anyone. ford to maintain i~. They do As the Presidential primaries o:pening the way for a middle. Fondly recalhng her connec- II when the house was closed She embraces life and she loves ,,:ant more sovereign control and national conventions draw of-the-road Republican. tions with the campus in her because the government did not people. Besides being "married over the Canal Zone and more near, it is time to begin to see Two gentlemen, both of whom high school days, she feels that consider it essential. Fortun· to the job" she gives up her free revenue from the profits. what each party is offering this claim not to be candidates are those days were more relaxed ately, Dy. Schofield, her next- evenings to do volunteer work However, mature, ratIOnal, far· year in the field of Presidential acting the part of potential than now. Often on a Sunday door neighbor, recommended at the Carroll County Hospital. sighted and end~ll"ing solutions ea~~da~:; Democratic side ~:;didoaftesM~h:_Yaa:e Go~. R~m- ~vf:~r~~~lks~~: t~;ee tl::ile~o~~ ~~\~~~~Si~~n~;~U~hl~yS:~~~~~ ~~s~,f~~et~~ ~~:ki~o;n!; f~hva~;;h:~~o~f b!x~;~~~:t~: ~~~iO~S~ there is not much to consider: Scranton of I~e~ns Iv:~ia. B~t~ her house to play baseball in she began what so f~r. has been These primar~ issues mus~ be President Johnson appears to have roblems w~ich rna be y.ard, or take an after?oon a. twenty-year pO~ltion: Cer- resolved first, If the U. S. b; ~~e alm?s\una~in;us choi~e ~ffiCUli 1? over~fome, ho!e;er. l"ld~f:;n ainh~~~e~~f~;~lrc:r~~~~~; ~~~~)~ :l~t t~e r~~:~n~o~~~~ ~; ~~c~:~s:u~~d::~~~:i~~~~ew~;t~ feade:s ~h;~~~{ou~ thee~~~~~l"~~tr~~~~: S~ra~tonorj~o~i/t~a~l~ spen~:~:~rn;~eni~;:ni~; Sk~!~~:, ;~~nt;:I~i~l:w~!~~~ a~ht:: c~~l~ ~~~~t;:sS~\h:h:asi~I~~a~f~ pr~~~ ~~~~;s~~~:I~~~!na:~~~~r~~;= ~~~~~;nThru~~~th:~ r.~~;t~~W~i was more time ~or f.un, ceiling fell d.own i~ _happened cnt U. S. policy in Latin Amer- Gener~1 Robert Kenn.edy sud- Kentu~ky might bear 1~~St~!:~~d:::S~,~IllICples- i~n~~o::s \:~:.~e:f~~~~ig:':_juns~ denly .l~\Crcases,there IS no rea; watchIng. . like a picnic. But "meals are o~posltlon. The fe.w States The two R~p~bhcans alwnys on time" she brags. (osey Rlghts men supportmg Gover- presently galDlDg Granny helped clean up the din- nor Wallace of Alabama have the Presidential and hail wIlen a fire on the sec- not as yet gained much real dential candidates of 1960: floor almost ruined one end Strikes support either. Richard M. Nixon Rnd Henry building. As bad as the The Republican side presents Cabot Lodge, Jr. Mr. Nixon was breakfast was Out . u.. ~~~i~i~~~~i~pvp~e;;~':w~;~:. ~~ ~:gWah~e,~~eY~~kva~,taa,gd"n't,f,b,:-, Granny as usual-on time. one. "N0'h!~a~a:e,~I:vceo~;eir?\?inal, One evenmg recently, young notices that n • inside track, and there may be Lodge has lost some of his trend in the school is the in- for the hospItal. Anything she Noodmck Geflled attended a no definite decision until after earlier popularity, as he is no creasing informality. An ex· undertakes she does well, as Western Maryland College Mix- a long convention session. Gov- longer in the public eye, but ample i~ the Chl'is~mas Ban- by the great hon.or of er. He had an enjoyable time ernor Rockefeller and Senator many still are considering his q~et whIch w~s pyevlOusly con- recelvmg R. Thank You pm for and danced with many pretty Goldwater both appear to be candidacy. 21dered a hlghhght of the years of Girl Scout wor~. misses especially with one Miss year with the entire faculty at- Although we all affectIonate- Elfrid; Gewoof. Afterward, as tending. At dinner everyone ly call her. Gral_lny,we resp~ct he walked her back to her dorm used to stand until the Dean of h~r. as an mt.ell:gent, war~ In- he thought of the exhilaration Men said the blessing. At the dlvldual who IS mterestcd m us. of the evening past. Starry-eyed, he returned to Official student newspaper of published bi-weekly on Friday from his room, to find a delegation of Entered as second class matter at the his peers awaiting in a solemn, Maryland, under Act of March 3, 1879. courtroom atmosphere. "You, by Mel SlrohmillgeJ" these shoddy imitations with Noodnick Gefried, were seen at Several months ago, Mr. Les- more palatable artificiality. ~7s~~:ri~~th G~~o~~~,~IYa~c~~~~ Roberta Love ter ("caU me Bo") Knepp de- The Pause That Depresses the foreman of the group. lov~ was music. fended the in~efensibl~, ingenu- The setting is a cold, rainy "Yeah, I guess I can see how Joyce Russell Associate Editor v~c:ol:i~t Pae:d ~~I;~ha~~n~.R~~:~p':n~ll~o~~~:t night. Enter Oile brain-wfa:k- ~:!dn~c~ p ~~o~;~~ull~~sw~~;~ Joseph Mish Susan Sachs at various churches menus that would put Betty ed WMC scholal' who, haVlng what?" Co-News EdifA>r Co-News Editor and organizations in the coun- Crocker to shame, there exists studied for hours, at last suc- "'Veil," answered his accuser, Sandra Callander Elizabeth Murphy ty. She was a member of the a feeling that Miss Crocker out- cumbs to what Dr. Miller would "our friend George Rhule took A8sistant News Editor Assi8tant News Edito)' college choir for a number of shines him regarding the "proof call the "thirst drive." Chang- her out last Friday. You, Sherriel Mattingly years, until it took too much of of the pudding." A few ques· ing into something more suit- therefore, are cutting in on Co-F8aturfJ Edit&r ~~~~:a~~!PE-ditOl" her time. After giving up tions making the salivary cir- able (his 20-pound ROTC rain- him. Naturally, our kangaroo John Law Dennis Dorsch music as a career, she never wit: 'Vhy dispose of tons of coat)"·and stepping into his ga- court has already found yOIl Sporta Editor Publishing Editor ~topped singing. Her "get salad-"chef's crispy green"- loshes, he stands on the thresh- guilty, so I think we can dis- Patricia Jones Joy Holloway your soup" before lunch serves each 'Vhy not a more old of a nightly adventure. pense with formality." E':l:chamge EditOl' Typing Editor as a daily reminder of her musi- "butter"? Why com- Stumbling down several flights "Naturally," assented Nood- Carolyn Dowell Elaine Gardiner cal ability. with Gerber in making of steps and emerging into the nick. Co-COW Edit&r Co-Copy Editor Although she loved music, gelatinous desserts and in the bitter night, he makes his way "Wherefore, we, under the Mary Lee Warren Charles Seabron primary ambition was "to same breath, try to crush Red- to the first section, stumbles provisions of the Marriage Cartoonist Photographer homemaker." If this di.Whip by' flooding the market down another flight, and in- Boosters Act, hereby sentence John Greenleaf Judith Goldstein her only ambition we with sudsy, tasteless toppings? serts his dime-NO :r.IORE yOUto wear the name PlaybGY, Photographer Photography Editor . that she has had Such measures sUI'ely cut many CUPS. His Id screams, "Lash and to totally abstain from all Ronald Lerch successful life. corners and save Western out with your right foot!" co-ed campus activities." Business Editor. does she is precise Maryland from financial dis- His super-ego warns, "No, it's Noodnick groaned; he realiz- Carol Yeager Dianne Bennekamper down to the de- aster, but why not eliminate not nice." Ego saves the day ed that he had to face the pen. Advertising MU,1Jt1ger Assistant Advertising Manager is evident in the some of these measures and by telling him that if he re- alties for having broken the un· Lynne Marck and conferences that save even more-this saving taliates the "thirst quencher" written social code of 'Vestern Ci'rculation Manager she plans. It; also carries over could perhaps replace some of might become entirely extinc~ Maryland College.