Page 38 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 38
1964 Uhi Sunt The Worltl Outsit!e {onl/ict In {yprus ScholarOr {hristian? , existence which meaning must begin from upon adequate or somewhere, To begin from . is patent- erchnoon: is not to begin. perilous. Still. it It is because the question of that the questJ~n meaning is the religious ques- deserves a certain tion par excellence that the the more so, by church-related college has not ~act that we. have only the opportunity but the cb- ~,~:;I'umUl,ti",gb~~~~~~~fi~;e~h~~ ~~~ ~~~t;~nist~ ~~~:u\~L!~e ~::;c~~ "~~:t to f::;~e t~~ undertaken not by one or two Griswold, the late or a few departments but as- O"O"O-'P,',"""' of Yale, put it this sumed by them all. A.I. A. {olonizes On Hill Foot!Disappears By Tons by George Klunder Interested students may make The American Logy Assocta- ~.;:;~~~::ionDi~~de t~~ e /;I~Oti~~ tion recently announced the pounds by your height in inches. rormatton of its Nu-Nu Chap- Write the resulting Logy Quo- ter here on the "Hill." tient on the back of a 4¢ post- card, along with your credit rat- ing and a notarized delineation of the number of meals con- sumed pel' day for the past years, and mail to ALA, Box 443, WMC. (Only those whose L. Q. is greater than 3.0 or greater than 2.S·with more than 5 meals per day need ap- ply.) Official student newspaper of Western published hi-weekly on Friday from September Entered as second class matter at the Post Office, Maryland, under Act of March 3, 1879. Roberta Love Editor.i:n.Chie! Joyce Russell Associate Editor Joseph Mish Susan Sachs Oo-Ncuie Editor Co-News Editor Sandra Callander Elizabeth Murphy Assistant News Editor A8Bistant News Editor Sherrie! Mattingly Lester Knepp Co-Feaiuse Editor Co-Feature Editor John Law Dennis Dorsch Sports Editor Publishing Editor Patricia Jones Joy Holloway Exchange Ed·itor Ty'[}ing EditOT Carolyn Dowell Elaine Gardiner Co-Co'P'Jj Editor Co-Copy Editor Mary Lee Warren Charles Seabron Cartoonist Photographer John Greenleaf Judith Goldstein Photographer Photography Editor Ronald Lerch Business Editor Carol Yeager Dianne Bennekamper Advertising Manager Assistant Adverti8ing Manager Lynne Marek Circulation II1anager
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