Page 26 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 26
2 The Gold Bug, Dec. 13, 1963 Lebanon Valley Dr~bs Terror Cagers ... 91·79 ~~~~"!~~~"'~~W SPORT Squad Drops Thriller; Vet Grapplers The Editors' ".,.~~~!!t!Foes Average 80 Plus wrestling coach, Case has the scorer for the Green and Gold Adding another contest to ble, the visiting Pennsylvanians problem of selecting a starting With the hoop season just beginning, Coach Bragonier's l'ound~alleri! i~ Dick, Eigen with the!r collection of last minute began to m~ve. They quickly lineup from many hopefuls. At charges have compiled a lackluster 1-3 log. Though this is eel'- 77 points. Eigen IS, also the thrtllers, t~e Terr?~s dropped a took a 12-pomt advan;uge and 123 pounds will be either Pete tainly not a good record-and who would say that it is ?-the leading rebounder With 47 re- ~eartbreakmg decision to visit- held 0!l as t~e Terrors deeper- Ale~a~der, back again dcspi~e a team whieh has played two spine-tingling games at home thus far bo~nd~ cl~sely followed by ~on mg ~ebanon Valley, Wednesday at.e .bld, whlc~ brought t~em ~~~~lll~Ii~~dh_~~~''?Se;:;t I~~~~ ~~is ylear ~ears littl~.resem~ll.anc~h~o that te;~ which fel~ ?ef~~e ~~I~~:~ta~~t~ho!~~r~h~i~e~~I~,~ ~:~~~n~as 9~~:~cto~!~a~~;n ~~: ~~itl~~~t1~~;hP~~~;:r~t f~~.e:~~~~ ~3aog~~u;~~, ~~~e t~:o~~c;!;a;~ sa~l:' ;:~~ ~~;~:u~o~ ~:~l~~nce;t ~:~rbeen eaX;:~~~:~~vork~ ~;~t:s t~!o/%am"~~u~::tthr~~~~ ~~~I~ege~ndi~~t:~~ a~on~~;uo~es~; ~:,a~:nde~i~er(C~~~~:y~i~~na~ able Ron Garvin will ascend Already the season has disclosed some pleasant surprises. percentage with 75%. The lead- throughout, the game. As the and Stan Makover with 12 from 130 to 137. At 147 pounds, The sure shooting of Stan Mackover as well as his ability to re- ing JV: scorer is Bill Kuba: with first half buzzer sounded, the apiece. Leading the visitors as at 157, there is a free-for-all main calm in the clutch has become vital to Terror hopes. The 42 ~omts. Len Owens 1S the score was deadlocked at 46-all. were Koch and Vaszily with 3S competition among Bud Knefe- ability of Buck Kelly to come in off the bench and rally the squad leading free throw converter The second period started and 22 points respectively. tv, who showed great improve- with daring ballhandling and stellar defensive efforts has marked with 71% made. like a carbon copy of the first, In their first away game, the ment last year, Bob Basye, who this freshman as a man to watch. And, of course, a really out. '" '" '" as neither team could hold a Terrors bowed to F&M 96_70 showed much promise, and new- standing contribution is being made by Country Shaw, who be; As announced at the Aw~rds lead. However, in the final at Lancaster last Monday. comer Steve Hill. Also pushing sides being the top defensive man and a reliable shot, is a remark- Assembly Monday, but possibly seven minutes, with three of Earlier, they notched n 94-S6 hard for the jobs are Bill Tip- able team player. If you want to watch a ballplayer who always misse? by some people, the co- their starting five in foul trou- win over Washington. d ~~~:~~' ~~n;.~hnli\~il abnee~t~~~ ~~~!~e~~:::~~sd~~~p:~o:~dt~ss:~\~:y~l=fe~~~:ee;~;~~ !~aemo~a;~! ~~~~~nasref~~n n~:~mrJ:~~d ~~{{I================== ~~:~r:e~'lr,s~~~~~:rCo~:;~. f~~ Sha\~ow concel'lling teamwork. The Terrors have been losing ~~:c:gl:~d s~~~rk:~:w~:~ ~o:~~ Hampden-Sydney Saturday perienced veteran Gil Smink some tight ball games but their play has improved steadily. Some ball. Letterman'sClubPlansFI'lms' will battle it out with tough Jim of the passwork-Mackover to Leishul'e to Eigen-or Shaw to '" '" • P' walk E Oth A b't' t T01'l'ence ye , ~¥11Pbea~~~~kPMNI~~,\\~~ Ig~;!~~NYa~Oil~~~~i~~~i:~h:n~e~:~;;eV~~:~ra~~:~u~~~i~~!li:r:t'lo~t~ na~l:dcr~ese B~~~!I DSu~~.beT~~ er m I IOUSrO)eCS Blizzard and Vince Diaz fight . ..' h b 11' h h . d fi . I h Bowman has taken the in for unlimited - mg up .. ?,he ablhty to put tea III t e 00l? IS e mte y t ere. down the aisle and -~ith such a turnout of The ablht? to stop the .other ~eam from domg the same more Confer takes the big.step on the (.xperienced men, look for a often-a bght defense-Is .a pl'l~e n;ed now. 29th of this month. Neither f:;!. se~s~~ :~~: ;;:t,~~ees~~~~'- ~he Best Blocking Lineman award, based on a vote b~ .the ;ao~~~~rn;~~'l':e::~~t~; li~~~ °i~ wo~:~ngL:~t;::~:~: d~l:c~io:o~; ~~ ~~~, ~l:l~a!n~~'a:;eJ!: !~~n~ ~;:,~!-~~';:,~,n~g~::~,'::,:~?~;;~i~~~~~~~~~fg~g~~;:~~~~~::~~:~I~f;.~~~i~;¥.~~{~~~i~~~~;E¥-:i:;;:;:;l~rL':;:::~~~:h~:~:~i~:~:~:~;::;;rili~:~!~;~~~t~£f:~:::~i~ rna?, culmlllatmg 111 hIS ~utstand.lIlg pl~y.-as a sel!l?r. A socIOlogy in last Monday's curtain raiser. and worthwhile entertainment Furthermore, the Letterman's mal?r, St~n ;ounds out hiS sporting actIVity by a1dmg the Preach_ '" • '" to WMC sport fans throughout Club would like to sponsor a ers III thmr lntramural program. JM The Terrors were welr1'epre- the winter. To initiate the basketball game featuring a =================~Isented on this year's all Mason- program, a film of this year's team of the same caliber and e Bachelors Clobber Anl 'mals ~~~~~anFaO;lb;~lrryS6~~1~r \~Z~~~;n~~ens-;o\e~e~nfOt~t~a~t~::~ f:: ~~~b~~~o~~:~pl±::ree H:~: very athletic talented Rick Center selected on the first team. on Saturday many afternoon, un er ct 0 arc White, Ben Laurence, Sterling just after the noon meal. Con- groups, including gymnasts, Playing in the intramural Hill out front. Colin Thacker, Haines, Art Rcnkwitz, and John tinuing the project, films of the that would provide very inter- Subscription Price $3.00 a Year lid-lifter, the champion Bache· Stan Sundedand, Dave Booth, Trainor were honorable mention other football games in which {'sting entertainment here on the lors whipped a colorful Animal and Frank 'Vade also saw ar- selectees. In addition, Torry Coach Waldorf's gridders par- Hill. ·Whether or not the club Gail Allen five 101-20. Coach Baile's con- tion for the Animals. Coach Confer was chosen as the Most ticipated this year will be run will bring them here depends Editor-in-Chief tingent displayed notable depth Baile opened with "Hayseed" Valuable Player in the confer- on future dates. solely on the interest and re- Donald Hinrichs as 10 different men notched Harmeyer and Dan Pearson tm- ence. This is the first time Vice president Jim Stephens sponse of the student body. Business Editor points for the Blue and White. del' the boards, Jerry "PC" that this award has ever been has disclosed that the Letter- Of course, many students will New. ~d~~~O_:t'::~TR~~rt.o. Love ~:~:o:~e~~~~h~io~~~~e~ht~;V~~~ ![~;:e a~l~d;!:at::L~~~erG~~il~~~ ~~!~r~~~er.upon a West,ern ~~\"~~:i~~n;~;~ t~ t~:i~il~~~~~ ~~~~~ :;~n~~:~IC::Ctho: ~;t~~~ Asst. News Editors -_k~~~~M~:!:!~~~:~;~!~j:~t aa~az~~; ~:~~ :;=!::~B~~tH~:;~~;~odHtntoSO:c~ Neil Hoffman and Scot Joy- I;I~1'~uc~iI1~Sog~:!~sbeasse~r~~~~~~:n:~cc~~~~ t~ai~ti;.~j~~t~¥I~ ~~ Fea~u,.., Editor _;- Di"nne nrtgg. ouzzer sounded. Hon and freely substituted his ner were the Western Maryland slOnal F 0 0 t b a II Highlights, presented again this year. Fi- A.... mnt .Feature Ed,tor SU'an Gordon The Animals featured Ster- ot?er really ~olid. ballplay~rs co.ntributions to the All .l\Iasol1- World Series Highli~hts, and I nally, in outlining its progl'am, S])O:13 Ed,tor _-;-_ Jerry Morse ling Haynes and John "Nork" MJlw Sherwood, Pwt De \Vltt, Dixon soccer team. Nell made other great moments m sports. the club has called upon the stu- some dent body for any suggestions 1'I1c-second team and Scot received ~:;~~\t!p~rtsEd,tor -~j Joh; ~~hNorris ir; the pivots with Art Billy Cowden, and "Troy" showed honorable mention. With an eye to raising contem- or opinions it would have to of- Rep::;;BkJe~il~:~t~~~~~?t::[~ ~:~o\;;~d t~a~C~I!i~;hi=i1~~c~~i One of th: f:w" bright spots plate charging an admission fee fer, at any time. r r --she;;iet·:M~tt!n~iyLange, Jack Harman, and Tony Ewan. revenue, the Lettermen The Bachelors h ~Z::~~~~[~Sn:~:~~~0:~~li'~E~~ divided. ~~:~~:~ Shaw. :;!s pr:~r~~ ~i~~!;ct~::~~ ··'OCA'O.. ·· .:::: ...... , .'0"".'. ,••••_••••• W."".•••,,"""" ,., "0,." 0' '"' <0<<-<0"00.".'. Yeager try" Welcome" "Everybody He seems to have spor[~;:~~~·:~S~:dJ~!f·~ri~fi~~~at th' EVERHART'S ~~:l~rel~y~~.ill ~~e;:~e;ro~'i~~~ COUrses ••• ~ug c~.C~P~:Edi::.__ ~::l:n' DOW::: k,:;:lly BookyK,ll,y andMik, recg.·ster••• rush ~~Otth~anSe\~e~ne:ht~~~~yt~:m~o:~ Barher Shop C·"c.~;;::~.' l!.\:::.,,~:~~2~::;1~:i.DOWNTOWN ~=~A~t~T~h;e~F~o~rk~S~=!lr::::~:==::::::::=~ Weinstock Typin(r ady Editor Judith Vivian Ann 19 E. Main St. Kehm. _~_ Rowe. Bittner ::::~i~~~j~~i~f~~d~::::Billiards TI8-9824 Clothes Flower Fresh WLesatulDnid"rSyter stand ••• wait •••' ~ir~:i~t;~n~== ~~nB~~~B~~! at the Dry Ci:.ning shuffle ••• go AO.,,., - M'.. N•• " W'"".m.. 'fODERN IDEAL - ... What's New in the Bookstore?? n ·~~v~aC:r~;~,T:::~e!:i~~ ~~~st!?sU~ntae;~~ey~~~ LAUNDRY MRS. FISHER tw.·tch ••'.f.·dget filled with your fondest dreams come true. This is the in sincere wish of each of us on the Bookstore Staff. No L See and a cool Yule! STUDENT UNION MA'IT CREAMER fiUILDING • BOOKS! BOOKS! BOOKS! Perfectly beautiful books for gifting your favorite people_ 'Ve ha"e so many ex- l\1acLea C34 ••• yawn .'~•stop citing new t.itles we are having trouhle keeping you posted. Newly arrived: "House of Early American Rooms" (A Winterthur Book), $8.50; Gerald Johnson's Carro" Theatre three-volume "American History for Peter," $11.65; KEEPSAKE &,:":""::~a~Ii':'::""""h"m::"::::_O::"::::":".13::::"':',14 move ••• nearer nele $6.95 ; "C t;;q:{~!,t~:::[~~~;;';f;oins," Wiggley ARTCARVED ; "Night Be- "RAM~~'G'l'·~tin'lIi nearer f.·lled • Christmas Cards, Christmas wrappings, Christmas gifts, Di,m.nd,ndW'ddingRing, Christmas remembrances, Christmas stocking stulfersl You'll have more time for fun at home, if you do your ~i~~~~~: ••• shopping at the Bookstore before you leave!! Happy Open an account ~i~k-ri:~~ias holidays_ at "FOR LOVE OR MONEY" ••• pause DAVID'S JEWELERS THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE 19 E. Main St. Thu"., F,i. 0".19,20 "KING KONG vs. 8:30 am to 4 pm Winslow Student Center Westminster GODZILLA" Sats. 'til 12 Noon LECKRON AVENUE TAILOR take a break GULF SERVICE WTTR AM·FM ••• things go better CLEANERS with.£~!!!,. W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. W~stminster,lUd. Alterations and Repairs TI8-6929 1'18-9876 Suits IlIade to Order Road Visit the 46 % Penna_ Ave. AVENUE Service TI 8·4922 Westminster, Md. BARBERSHOP The Coca-Cola Company by: Bottled aulhorityof underlhe WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC.
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