Page 49 - TheGoldBug1962-63
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i..ibrnry '1estern mryland College ';i0st;mi11ster, Md. Ends Justify Means? Recently, Westminster and Western Maryland College visited by an enthusiastic display of radicals who call themselves the Congress of Racial Equality-CORE. As a follow-up to their ----,---:---+_ ~:~~~:~att~o~tu~e~~:I~bd~~~u~~~~~ ~eOt~~d~a~;ds~:e;;~s~.ay;n I~~~~ Vol. 40, No. 19 WESTERN MAR':LAND COLLEGE,WESTMINSTER,.MARYLAND ,April 19, 1963 0 '.ar., '·rt F t D' C I b""t informal address, the leader of the group described the weekend's ==";';''';';'""",,,,,,,,==='''==='''=''''''=''''';''==7;'''''==='''=========;'''';='''=== Qf S~ When they decide to F. ~~. S·" rally as part of a definite COR~ process. ."~,.J ra raws e e rl y and stores. M act In a town, letters ar firat sent ahead requesting total integr-a- ,, ucn. If these are not successful, several men then go to the area .L r. u ~'M "Ii~, and attempt to get served in all of the restaurants It A list of segregated establishments is compiled, and a demon- i""t I,,,in nlli, oy liOY :i~~~~~~Ir~~:ont~l~~ a~'~:::d, i~s :~\~e ~~:n!S~m~i:r~\l a~des:~~i~~:lj , , ster, CORE must scrape up the bail but receives newspaper pub- licity in return. So much for method. As for purpose, they fervently for immediate non-violent integration. CORE is . the slower processes of legislation, enforcement of ccnstitutional ] rights, and law suits. As for the question "Does a man have right to refuse service?", CORE screams "No!" Its m"n'",'W'"" maintain that a businessman who advertises in 11 public news- . Maryland . paper and uses public tax money in the form of health inspectors ready for . and police protection should be open to the public. They feel that No mere ser-ies of the abruptness of their methods is justifiable in the light of their Be Damned" ;~~/nd that the sting of such sudd;n integration quickly wears ~~~~ aP~~tNe;s'on As a matter of student sentiment and conservatism, ert Vickery and Maryland has never taken such an active stand on integration posed th~_ h ~~~I~IC~;~l\. CORE would demand. In fact, we ou~selves were rather taken aback by the Jim Crow chants rurnbling across Wl\1C. At the B I ~l, T/ lSI ~li:~u,~~~: ~i~~~k:~nw~: ~~;~r:;es~~~a~ci~eE c~~;l~~r~~~~~~t~~d ec r, lif:, l~v~k s~r M_,""""""" show us what a town may suddenly find parading through center. We do not question the ethical value of CORE's but we may raise an eyebrow at thcir overzealous means. true that they create an awareness of the problem, but do actually achieve the spirit of integration as well as the integration? , This is not intended to glorify or damn CORE, but merely ~:~~i~t~~e~~~t~;t~~n~: ~~;hi~~~g~~~d~ .iIssCt~n:~~gn~;asi,;m~n~~~ ;s:t~o~t:l~~t~~. that. WMC could Improve. ItS. relationship WIth ~Vestm\llster. by Jones is chairman of the helping the town to solve its mtegrat.ion problem internally with- and furniture while cut the interference of our radical friends from CORE? DB Pokorny takes 'charge of scenery I'00'0"00,', Have We Foiled? construction. Cook Barbara Gochenour will Has the GOLD BUG taken the apathetic road that Have we =========1 many up on that WMC organizations have been accused of going down? ~~~i~~~sr:e::sn~::;::~~l t~:g:~g~! ~~:~.u;~~~!~?s~Sn;in~;r:t:l~ Mooney It: ~~;~:/~~~~~gw~7t~~;h~~rO~t~~~s~~~t? n:':' ct~~e~di~~~s.~c~!~~Humorous AuctiloneerI.=""=="""';'~";';'''''==~.I !~e~hi~~n~pa~~~~~~er~~·e. A~~, ~: ~~:t e~:hve~f~::;i~'iz~~eo~a~~~~ a ~i~~~~Sd:~c::ses~~~g, pose Ausnfe;se~~;,~~~JYW~i~~;~~!:e~~:hifu:.e ~:ewfau~~l~:d::1'. Auction was held in mended us for our actIOns. a~d ';:r~~~s but there is a limit to everything. Is it that the student body off to an stopped thinking? Has the non-thinking proletariat drugged . To the lninds of our more alert friends? Even our weekly went such have stopped corresponding. for a Day, cal' \Ve welcome intelligent controversial letters. Aren't two, and an any more intelligent, controversial people at 'VMC? GFA Food, jewelry, ================== vario\ls knickknacks, Peggy ShinesAs Goodwill ~;;o~~w~r'~;:~~~ Student Life .L ,./ A . , J year of Applications Due his spontaneous for Applications Amuossouor, dive "oeu ;;;'~;~:'·:~~h,~i',,·~::f:;t Life Council must be given Student to JacK Blackburn by Satur- "Jer, bYfJ:,~h~::kt:eafter! ~~;a;~~rt~i~~s~s~o~~ol~o~~~~: ~~ im;::i~tr~~e:;sab~rthe day, April 20. Those stu- stopping in the grille tonight, it all?-many reasons! For one wil! be used for th~ dents who will be juniors or seniors in the 1963-64 school we ought to short-sheet Pam's she squeezes a few more minutes yeaTbook, the Torch. bed.. Dh, watch the sun, while into every day by rarely . yea\' are eligible. I go see if Pat knows about ISC, ing breakfast and keeping and tell Dee that J won't make Iy late hours. Another may it to SNEA because I have to go that she usually keeps to SGA, and then to IRC. Are thing organized. you going to the library? I In addition to these activities As her sorority sister, , . ing roommate, reminder Peggy Zacharl3s friend, I would like to might make i~ for fifteen min- that Peggy Zacharias deserves utes because I have to see Bob to be "High on the Hill" for about the MSM activity for the which she works and loves. SCA program. By the way, ~\~o~~t:e ; i~~i;~o,~ew~:,a'::~ Letter To The Editor o the Argonaut pIctures tomorrow afternoon. You can start up to To the Editor: dinner and I will catch up in three minutes." This is just a very brief sam- helping the _Action pie of the many activities of my redecorate the Grille Dr. Kerschner Speaks roommate. In many of these /s/ Ted Pokorny, At Science Seminar ~nllmlillllmlmlmlllllllllmIIIU~IRIII~~tmmnlllru~nllllllumnlllllllmlmlmi!!UDlI~!HlllmlmDtillmllllm",,,,nalilmlllllnnlllllllnDlmllml!lllnrn~nruc Dr. Jean Kerschner, associate Peace Corps Seeks Volunteers prof~ssor of biology, has been The Peacc Corp8 has announced two hundred opening8 Team Visits Campus ~:r:a~;~:_c~;natys~r:i:~c~f s~;li~~ Ed- at June graduate8 with degree8 in phY8ical education or n''~"",m, I",m Aviation Officers Pro- ars. She has spoken and \Vest- tea1n fr01n the Naval mondson, Dunbarton, to serve as teachers and coaches in ele1nentary'and 1 ulioors O'r the 'univer8ity level, in general athletic prog1·ums. Reserve T?'alning Unit, Na- ern high schools and this month Te1t eountrie8 have appealed to the Peace Corps for sports tducarors. Inelw.kd in the many be1tefits to be gaimed by work- ing with this prograul. is the opportunity to do re8earCh that may lmd to a Master's Degree in the chosen field. AdditiO'nal information and applicatio'ns are a1lailable by writing to Mr. Jule8 Pagnno, PrO'fessional and Technical DivisiO'1!, Pcacr; .Corps, Washington 25, D. a. ~~~IIIIIIIlIIlU~NllUnmlllllllnnmnmmllllllllllftlllllmInIllIMAUlI!llIIIlIlIlIMlIftIIlmmllllllmllmmn~lIIDl~tmllllimlm~AmUUmllnmmmllU
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