Page 24 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 24
2 The Gold Bug, Dec. 14. 1962 It's Tradition! Assembly Speaker Sparks Jeanie Gives Blanche Ward What is a tradition? Something _that's always been done 1 n 't:J I. n. -'. Air..Raid Orills And Cheer ~:ttunne;:;~~~~~et~~~i~S~v~~~~~sa~:r:~::~;i~~~;!.m:~yant~C;1ist~~~IIDCe lle,lltlonS Ii'SCUSSIOn is a meaningful activity that links the present to the past and to by Ann Weinstock ~~e::~:::iio':sh~~~:;p::t!~ifne:et~~ :a::d~~\~~,W:n~a~e~O~~nbe~~~ Those who heard a::e~:t:O:/)::ve a duty to correct it. "Ole Beansy," alias Jea?ie c!~me" is. no bargain over a tions ahead of us doing it also. Traditions make us feel at home, speaker John Howard Griffin It is a duty we owe to our na- Hillman, ~an be seen ~rottmg mckle aplece: . . give us a place, and make QUr college something special. There is could not have failed to have tion; for today is a time of trial up the hl!l any mornrng for B'll;tthere IS a a certain satisfaction gotten froln looking forward each year to be~n impressed; those who read and stress for our land which, in her ~lpha Ga~ma Jeanie .. Mrs. Scott ha~ nothing our own traditions, and when we graduate, it is these tha,t we'll his book, Black Like Me, could requires the best use of the tal- Tau shirt and br b~t P~~lse f?rher r-ight-hand missChristmas is one of Western Maryland's most tradition-laden ~:;iO~:I~e df:i~:~e~o a~::~o~~:~ ;~~:n~!le":~~le::rs~nhYsi~::: b.e~:;h~~~J~~g,humming, or ex~r- ~~~'." ~~; ~~~:n t\;~~~d oc;;~ ~~:s~~~~yY:!~:ne~f i~I~SPt~~~I!ro~~hi!n i!h~is~e:i~~~S:~~e si:v~~~~;~~~ r!~aetio~~m~~~f:~Crt1sbO~~::!a:~e i::~o~~s:coBlt;te:; (~s~~~ a h~US!~~~~~o~)~ J ::~~; ~i~ba;aidCr~s:i~ls~~nd~n!~~~~~~~~ new'I:~: t~: o~dP:~el:~hi~~t~~e °t~e:'season its homey familiarity ;:~ti:t~~ the white person to !!~~iros:,~n ~~a~pl~~~h':;o~e ~;: ~:e:;;_::~/n;nh~~ ~t~n ai;~~;~~~:d f;~;l~o~n h;~:;:gin t7;o h::d" -and that's what Christmas is. The busy fun of decorating doors, Pause a minute; and. re- ·,deals we are pledged to defend, traticn of her love for language a half mmutes. the beautiful program given by the choir, the unique inspiration maining the same person, im- but we are giving real and -her own language, that IS. Crying Towel of the vesper play, the excitement of the many parties, a fair agine the color of your skin practical aid t.o the enemy. She crea!es ,:",ords to fit any As a crying towel for the amount of snow-all of these are dear traditions to upperclass_ changed, as was John Griffin's. This must not be. and all. slt~atIons.. "Blanche Ward-Hilton," Jeanie men and enthusiastically accepted by freshmen. Don't bother going to Mississ- The question of "What can I Jeame's In.nov?'tIons are ranks highest. Pop in her But this year also sees many innovations in the Yuletide ippi-stay right here in West- do!" must trouble every con- proof of he.r mgemous and ~lU- room any time with a long face season. Foremost is the incorporating of the tree-lighting cere- minster. Watch the doors slam ceTned American. The basic morous mllld. As reco~dmg ar.d immediately she will place mony with the chapel service. This beautiful and fitting occasion shut in your face. Because of problem that must be overcpme s:cretary for _Delta Sigma in your hand a wad of Kleenex will highlight the campus Christmas season for decades to come, the color of your skin, you can- is that a whole segment of our Kappa, she sometImes reads the and listen attentively (even if and we can say we were here when it was begun. not attend a movie. You must nation's children are by the minutes in verse. ~ast. year she's working on harmony). Another new idea is the SGA-sponsored caroling. an oppor- live in a certain area. You color of their skin not encour- she served that organization as And she always manages to tunity for students to extend Christmas greetings to Westminster cannot eat in certain restau- aged to look for the college edu- ch~plain, an office sh~ cam- find a solution to the myriad of as they sing together. rants. Your visitors cannot cation they need and are obli- palgned for. "I promised to problems presented her. McDaniel girls eagerly backed the idea of their housemother, stay in a motel. Your efforts gated by ability to attain. read. the New Testament," she Jeanie claims she .rever Mrs. Mays, and each decorated for the lobby tree a styrofoam to get a job requiring educa- The solution lies in groups admits. knows how to let her hair down, Christmas ball, that will be hung each year till she graduates. tion or skill are met by rebuffs. like the SGA Human Relations Open Dorm Meetings but those who know her dis- Western Maryland Christmas 1962 is one to remember. The Your children-can they hope Committee, adding a voice and Her minutes-in-verse· went agree. What Ut the history of traditions are not passively-accepted routines, but meaningful ac- for a college education? Too a hand of encouragement to th~ over so well she decided to try the c'1:ndle-hOrding champagne tivities recreated annually because they were enjoyed before. The often, they cannot. talented Negro youth who the same approach at dorm bottles in her room! joy of continuing old ones i.'! surpassed only by t.he satisfaction In the past most Negroes might otherwise remain in the meetings. From her position The love of Jeanie'.'! life is D.E.B. of starting new. DILL I rP.J.R IT' huve been denied the opportu- scrapheap of society, burden- as president. of Blanche Ward, ller bongo drums. Stored in r .I ~ounU- 11. J- - - _.. ~~t%e~~n~!~~n::al~:; !:~~~~~~~;n~~~ ~~l~.supporting his na- ~~~serei~dt~~ ~~~'~~~ndoi~~i~~ h~~S~i~er~~'h~re~hey accompany t.he number of Negro cllildren Hillman McDaniel residents to attend. The solution lies in securing Jeanie is the ideal . . . . who come 'from poor back- the actual attendance, at West- No phase of dorm life is too president: a capable organizer, Last FrIday mght a pep-rally was held m GIll Gy~ for the grounds is far out of the pro- ern l\Iaryland and schools like small for Jeanie to improve. a clever originator of ideas, a ;:!~:i~b:l}s t~~~'n~:a~~;nw~;:~~et~:u~~te;a~~n~~t:t~!~~~:~i~o~! ~~:~io~~sit ~~~~~~s b~'av~nb!~~ ;~g Ofen~o~~ao~e~~~~nt~~'p~oe~~~~u~~gh:a~;~ ~f:c~ ~~:er t!~o~~ ~~:~::~:t~~ ;i~~::i~US a:~d ~~~ students that dId show mterest enoug~ t_oattend. were lost m the denied the possibility of higher youths wondering whether to writing the ads. Only after a premeditated sense of humor, ~YI?: It may be that;ny own personal Interest In the sports ac- education; and today far too continue on to college, and girl has bought hers does she but first, Jeanie is everyone's o !~:It;;i~l,o~u~h;r:~t~;\~~s si~mn~~ht~~~e~rseo:~~~tO:h::p:~~~~n~~ ~~ ~O~nYbe~~~d~~~o~~:;!~rt~cet!;;: ~~~v~~~! P::e : ~~h!~: y~;ltl~! realize that "special-two for a friend. to this rally. 1 went to the rally, together with some other stu_ up the higher education they of bigotry can be cleansed from dents, a. pat~etically small group, because-I felt that lowed the are capable of attaining. the American image. team somethmg. These are the hurdles that "What can I do!" Think_ A ~hyme In Time Basketball is probably the most demanding sport of all when the Negro child must overcome to start with; determine what thinking about the time spent in practice and the many games to attain a college education. ideals are truest to yourself by Shemel Mattingly ~~~~~~et~~~:d~~~~i!~p:ti~~r:af:~i~~~f a~~;' f;:~s ~~~~t s~~d;~s~ ;;:~!~n E:!~~~~~:' t~Se ~~!~~ ~;~et~e~u~oun~~~~; yo~hre~on~;i~ Push and shove like a maniac, The spending of this time and the sacrifice of their efforts de- initiative now lies with the bution independently or as a Rush into the hall like a wild wolfpack, serves the support of the student body. This is:"n obligation that Negro; fo~ the qualified Negro member of a committee, as Grab a tablo, fill your plate! we have to each and every member of the athletiC teams that rep_ who applies will be admitted. never before there is a need Gobble your food, but hUT1'lJ-you're late. resent u~, you and me, at other institutions of learning. But dropping the issue at this for your time, your ideas, and Run out and scramble over the hill-- DUl'lng the last"'"four years the seniors have listened., to the "];oint is hypocri81f; for the your energy. Just to do nothing down at the grille. 0" I C""t T Of C :!~~:~~ ~~~~c:~ ~:~a~ ~::~ a::~e~v~~ea::l~ o~h~::p~~ia~~e t~! ~~~in;;m~~!:g~~~~n on:~ huhr~~:1=r=========";,,,================ We who are white, and who Ircul court. How can we expect this group of students to put forth a of many. our ampus ISCoses complete effort when the stands are half full, or only a handful of people show up at a rally designed to raise the hopes of the arc privileged, share a respon- plaY~~SC~~~I~~~~ih;0~~~0~1~~~i~at~e~~e thing clear, I am not sibility for this situation; and Or"lg"lnsExplanat"lon'sOf Mottoes advocatIng that you neglect you, ,tudI", That I, tho p,Indpal , f:ea:eo~J~~t!~ut~nt~i~ aCrO~I~::\h!u:o~~~~e!O~~:i ~i~t :~~~~l~~LETTER TO by Suzanne Jacobs ~:\~t:g~O~~~~Jnrt~~ ;~~: ~~;::~!d ~:ua t:a~:~~~i:~~:e: ;~ THE EDITOR in:~~;~lt~~~ s~ae~eel~~~~o:~ ~~o~~~O:ft~:ui~~Cr!Pt~oa~i~n3i~~~~~~e:~rra~c:1oit~e~v~~V'k:~; active part of the school, and I can t thmk of a more benefiCIal a tour which very few of us dent you already know that ThIS aptly ~uggests that we way than coming to the gym and adding the sound of your voice Traditions vs_ Progress have ever taken of the campu~. means "seize the day" or "take "listen" or "harken" to what t? those that are actively backing :he repres~ntatives.of the en- To the Editor: What is our destination, (lr advantage of the opportunity," our good prof~ssor lIas to t",lI tire school. You are a part of thIS commumty phYSically, how I am writing this letter be- rathel', what are our destina- preferably for learning. No us, about mentally? Jerry Clark cause I am extremely upset tions? restrictions have been mad a Inside the building, on the =========:o='=======~-'Iabout the behavior of many of Surprisingly enough, our co'ncerning the material to be landing between the second and GO LOB UG " 'rL· AeDI ,I ~~I.tour students at the tl·ee light- travels will take us to none seized or the opportunity not third floor, you will find an- II Ullj 'He ing ceremo~y on Sunday night. other than many of the build- to be mi.sse?. Th!s is left .up other inscriptio~ in tIle form of . . ~ by Di~nn~ t ~s :U~~~~dtl~ef~~~:n:'!n~~et:;~~:~s ~:d ~1~~:~::a~~: ~~ere;c~::_~~et~:Cil:~~~~lduals employmg ~eg~la;::Sj~:~~OTI~jfo~a:a:ial~~t g~~~I!~dtc~i~.::e;~f~~h~erthroUlilhM..y. somet mg Careessy p d P laughter when the treeS' were them? to have something constructed leadersllip throughout the ~E!~~~1~:e·:::!r~~,:ti?:~Mar~~&~£ ~~r:~~~t ~:~.uI~~k:~eo~~~ t;; ~~:s~d·th;;oP~~d lap~~~~~d b: YO~O{~o\~S~~~C7~sc~~~vtio~a~;t~! ~fr~~~all~II;~s.h!~J"~on~~ffe:;:~, ~aU~1din~Ol~~;eofb~~~i:~ ~~~b Subscription Price $3.00 a Year ~:::!~~\f ~:r~ty_;!n~ t~~ f~~ ~:u~~~keT~e~a~~d o;~e~;r~~!:~ ~~~~~a~l/~n~~~in;~~ ~~~~en~ ~::;;:~ ~~~l~ ~~~herth~~r .;!~~:i~~!al~h:~ s~~~~t:r~~"culmi- Priscilla Ord ~e;del ~~~~'mo~~:t3~N~)I::Ug~! thing which ~'1as very beauti- special point to check .on it for tribute ppjd to her last y~ar A little fur.ther up campu!', Editor-in-Chief her eye, .br~t ;h~t if .i~e child ~~!~lt~ ~~ket~!r a~h:S/er:~;~~ ~on~.OL~e B~~cri;~i~~le, re~~~ 7r~:i~:D~~~:lem;:t A;eU;:~;~~ ~:l~e c~: ~:tr::::d to E~~e:s~~: a Allen Jones were a glr .. ih~ smlmg C?y- ing students liked.the ~rees or "Gro,"; old along with me, the Hall was appropriately named which many of us know: Managing Editor ly, me~h~mcal ~mm~ls dt~?~~g not, they were still bemg ex- best IS yet to be" and comes the "Jay Walk," as is told by "Blessed be thy coming in and Samuel Case up an own . I~ a rup 1 e tremely rude by laughing at from Robert Browning's "Rab- the inscription on one block of blessed be thy going out" The Busines.'! Editor ~~~v:~~~!~' g::;;,d a~ds~~;:~~~~ ~~h~h~i~~~~~e to be the symbol bi Ben EZ~::~e Diem the cement. Audite! ~~r~e of this benedictio~ is the S!ephenBayly,Man Cra..... tube and ~tur~ed ~t -in !~;er!l~r~hi~fk ~ho;;t::e~ Q. C' Ne,!":d~~;~~~l Allen f:~n:~~nt!:~ta~~~ m~~~nt: t~: no~t:: :~~e atshat~:h~n!r~e: ~rre . 'Yhile ':,e are in the same vi- In. the .midst of furiously . l'ofotto Evolved ~::~~~en~.r.:,,';S_Editor_g~:u.~~":ke~all~tll~~ls ex~cnsivedtoY~hand Ensor's lawn, but this is irrele~ ~~~lt!hi:::u~!e~U~o~~~e :e~~~; ~;u~K~~~stl~~I~ag:t~~;~~~esno!~~ The words E tenebrisin lo- ~~:taFne:t::t:~:rdi:_D}!~= :~~ ~.~~ h:r ~ye ~~~reupon ~~~ :;n~~w Tahreet;~:~~~a~n a~~o~fh:f known as the Carpe Diem be- you ever take notice of' the ~:~v:~;:n~av:s ~::~m~~~~ti~~nt! bord~r{J1)---. "I. call you mot~ A EdItorialAsoI.tant8- g:;;;: g~di:~gI~~edt~~il~~a~h:'f~c::~ u a ~he~the edifice which was bui:t ~o BY !~~::;s ~~~~:e::or~~~g ~~~~'~'('o~~ colle~' the ;~~~n~~ i~l~ \I;;:t~,~~i~:~!!~~sal~~ ma~h~r~~~a~~onno~ft~~e q~:s~~~~ " ~'H~/· SRI/TV S ~:!:~haa:tt::, t~:e o~~;~a!e!rll:~ c?lor. Her. face shone as she which really bothers me, but bear a picture of the main ?Ictured thIS splas? of beauty rather it is the constant bicker_ school building below which m the dull, empty hfe of an or- ing about it. During the past was to be written Ornare Et phan. week 1 have heard more discus- 'It Melior Facere, whi~h translated "Here, Jody. Here's yours. sion about this problem than J'I1 T1CittED OFF I means "to and to make Hurry up and open it. I got about the China-India better." an airplane!" war, the Cuban blockade, or the n However, sometime in the The child took the present Berlin Wall. To me, this is ~ w. NEE&> SI"'''£TII/~ Q course of history the pa~sage and slowly ran his fingers over utterly ridiculous. Why must \, ~ was changed and called the sin, CharlesHickel' every detail of. the package. we be tied to such .petty prob- I'1II1.E NR~DY. (:': Great Seal. This marks pa- one of them ~~~~~~ a:~inj!~:ati~;.radi~~~~ c;p_J Co-COpyEditon _ Patricia Raver H J felt the CrISp bow, the lems when there IS so much '.' pers as being officially from the COpyReader.-- B~~~~~nG~~~~~;~lj:~ :~~re t:·hp:d,pa~~d ~~: ~~~1~;f~nr :~reW~~pdor~~~~~ r' \ ~ College and is used much by used by th~ Treasurer's TypinlilEditor-- Dian.. P"ttlll'rewsmoothness of the rest. Cal'e_ ·Whenever a student gronp ') the Registrar's office. The seal Offi(,e !~l~y p~;er r~~v::n t~~s ~!~~~~te7::s ~Hr;:l:~e ~ c~:n~~::;: \,~ ~ ~~~~~~~ of a crossed torch and dO~3h~~~~~eit's Ci il So the next· time you have a Sybert things with th~ colors in it. when the president of the col- few spare minutes, why not Sutton Here, you play ,vith my plane lege simply changes the Christ- __ - follow our ~uggested itinerary " 7i' BUSINESS STAFF Chari"" an~uI:ll t~aekec~~~t'clutched his ~r~:e!re:;o~lo~~ r?~~e~~I~,rO!;~~ I f ASDUT -r!!:!.!'.' 4 ::!ek~:ri~~~r i:::;ip~::!:d ::~ AdvertioinIilManall'er_Don&!dHlnrieh8gift to him tightly and smiled dent body. To me, this is marks of identification here on ~~r,,!~~fJ:n-====-:Ul~':;:-:': al; he list:ned ~ the other chil- ironic. Advltor~ MIsJNanq Winkl....,.n <'Iren playmg WIth their toys. lsi Jack Blackburn "the Hill."
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