Page 26 - TheGoldBug1962-63
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" The Gold Bug, Dec. 14, 1962 Cagemen Romp To,Fifth Consecutiv:'e :Victory 'i 0"6& a men rop a co; A M .nfl" nome LrOWriS The Edito.-s· M tOM t h T CD Newcomer Eigen Sporks Ellort TL ~"u III I H Id B t S . k ... I": ..1 setters ega ea 5 min 1"7\"\ {individual game Completing \..Y.I ~ \...5 The WMC Grappling 0 Squad eree maintained that the hold home stand, the their 'I'et-rcn present Eigen, O'~falley, high) while al_1d Shirey hard- . . ~~~i~~;dtoWIO~:a:~i~;~~iicDU~i'~ ;;~~ T~ere~i~~~t w~; ~~~;~me;;o~~~et ~i;hieVi~~;~Z~ ~~f~tsCOr~~r~~~tti~~I:.3,10, and 9 When Sam Leiehure decided to ~orsake football for basket- vez-sify by a 23-16 score. The t.he League confirmed the in- Shc'men from Washington Col- The Terrors. took an early ball, Coach Waldorf lo.s~ a potent'ial quar:terback and Coach two more experienced Terror validity of the hold but said lege, 87-76 on Wednesday eve- lead and_were never_h~aded ~s Clower snagged a pro.mlSlng guard. As a signal c~ller for Ed- wrestlers, Mike Eagan and Ron that no action could be taken ning. Consistent shooting by coach .C~_ower emptied his mondson High, m Baltimore City, the sandy-haired six-footer was Garvin both pinned their op- except to correct the rereree. Klitz accounted for 29 markers bench din-ing the second half. and Bob Basye S P 0 RT ~i~~~dEt:;:~~d~~~~ ~a~c~~!i~ii;ui~iu:c~~~ti~,::n~~~/:rth~tg~~~ ~Oant~~t~ec:Ues~!h~l;!w':~~o~d: T~wson Falls Prey ranks and it remained for Sam to pilot their fortunes along with time advantage A talented Terror. quint eas- Coach Ed Elliott, a WMC grad of some _years back. Actually, won his match' by a 4-0 decl- ily coasted to a 88-52 victory Sam never escaped the Western Maryland influence, for his base- sioti : these four matches repre- S H 0 RT S over Towson State last Satur- b~ll and basketball coach, Julian Dyke, also matriculated on the sented the total of the Terror day in the opening home game Hill. scorlllg , of the '62-'63 schedule. Lead- , Thu~, while Sam was busy capturing second team All-City Out.-~atched Bud Knefely ing the scoring among indi- honors III basketball and baseball, Coach Dyke was busy ac- was pinned in the second peri- vidual hocpster a for the Green quainting his versatile star with the merits of attending a small cd: inexperienced G e 0 r g e Congratulations to the soph- Dave Markey is still bothered and Gold was Richie Eigen college, in general, and WMC, in particular. Finally, due in no Schwlaler and Gary Kuliclc omore class - sponsored "Pep hy an elbow injury incurred with 22 points while Ron small way to the influence of Elliott and Dyke, Sam decided to both lost by a fall' Jim Cupp Club" which has done such a during the footbal! season. It's Shirey and Rich Klitzberg con- cast his lot with Western Maryland. Hampered by a shoulder lost his match by nn 11-6 de- magnificent spirit-building job stfl.l a tough job keeping iributed ·19 and 18 points, re- injury, the 170-pound Baltimorean abandoned his football ambi- cision. Gil Smink suffered a for the athletic program. "Squirrel" away fr-om grabbing spectively. tions to concentrate on basketball. The result has been, of course, pin in his match because of an Nothing would be more appre- rebounds, as opposing forwards Contrasting last Saturday's ~e:v.arding as Sam flashed exceptional pois.e for a roo~ie in his illegal hold that was not called dated than R; caravan ,of f~l- are discovering.... lopsided contest was the F. and InItial season last ye~r and earned a starting berth thiS season. by the official. The same hold 1~\Versfor thIS weekend s tWill M. game on Monday night In contrast to high school basketball, Sam finds the college had been used in the Galludet bIll of basketball at Hofstra 011 As predicted some time back, which saw the Terrors come i brand "to~gher," particularly under the boards. Noting that .the match and was called. Smink Long Island and Moravian in the lightweight wrestlers are from behind to win an over- average high school ballplayer bas been weeded out by the time did not resist the hold and Bethlehem, Pa. doing the brunt of the club's time thriller, 54-48. The low he hits the colleg.e level,. the sophomore backcourt ace undo~bted- called "illegal hold." The ref- scoring. This is not to dett:act s{ore was indicative of the fact ly stated something which many would-be net men have dlSCOV- Due to a heavy lab schedule, from the great efforts of Jim that neither team could mount eredi~o!h: ~~~~h's viewPoin~ a hustler, a heads-u~ ball_ Junior Terrors ~a~~.e;:u:s~~~~~~~ ~~?~erfO~a~ ~~~p~r~i~h~m~~a~~a;~'c~o';;l~~~ :ve~Oi~~~tent scoring drive al~ ~l:r~~l~~a~n;:~~0~~~h:a~~da12~v:~~~~::\e !~~d~~~e~a:e,,~:;~ • :,~~rb;~ l~~ic~n :~:ri!ltc~c~~~~ upper weight brackets. Eigen Saves Hopes the job done." Dependa.ble rather than flashy, Leish~re is ~,good Take SecondWin demanding schedule. The, 1963 foothall schedule. With five. secon~s remaiI_Iing man for fans to watch If they want to know how a smart ball- appears to be weak for a team III regulatIOn bme, Elgen player plies his trade. Western Maryland's JV Ter- that had an 8-1 record last se;- !iwished a "jumper" from twen- g~a~~sh~~c~~~o~~!; :!r~o~:s~is w:!~e:!maO::a~h~~eh~~~ ~o:e~ ~~ti PJe~~es:!;rc::~~~~~ Terror Hi!le Team seas;!ist~s by a score of 71-63; the Victory S· G b ~;~alaW~!h lo~~:~u:~:;:~ed~ni~ ~~~V~n!~e~h~l"s:~~o~~e~~~~~:~~ Keep your eye on nu_mber 30; he's going to be one of the real marked the second of the sea- wamps ettys urg wOllld appear that we would In t~ree games. Dunng the good ones. try to book clubs like Hofstra (.verbme, heads-up hustle by ================== SO~J:::ert~~:r~i~~~OtC:e~~~;:e:tThe Western Maryland rifle i~~~~:rtd.or Wagner instead of !~~~~~n~v~;ne~lr;:Se~I;~~hdf~~~ Bachelors Eye Contenders \ 52-all mldway III the second squad coasted to its sixth win t,ome qmnt to remam unde- Preocflers Down Gammo Betes ~l~~fha:l~~r,;~~gs~:~~;d r:~-;~n~~ ~t~~~~u~:tc~e:ll!~!~ F~~da~u~~ . With th~ in~ramural se~s~n ~~~~~~; h~~~~te~~or,~:~.ef~'Mt~l= Returnmg B by 1375- m full SWlllg, It looks as If a l<;ywith 19, Eigen with 18, and Bullets the by John Law Dave classing and ing R~ger and clutch shooting by 1344, the Terrors were led by hot duel is_developing between hlitz with 12. In Ithe clo:es~ftu1~t intr~- er~ second ~atm. Ch' d f d '~hl!lv~c~~:;' f:~Oth~a~e2r2;0::ved ~::;din~l.e:~e~~e 1~~;UPs~o~~~:~;a~~~mp~O~eBaa:~e!!~~ De~~!b;;I"~'~r;o;e:~:~a~::i~~ ~r~~ela;aem~a a~~tes e ~:~s; the ~~~~ & ;;ites ;5_5~,e:~:n LJV9Snwe;:~se~:~tede~~~i~~e fi~~~ 2~:seH~~~5a)~tall~il?~6j~dr~~~ ~quads, undefeated, must, how- ~i~~in;~an;!:a::~ overcame a lfi-pomt Preacher though the high s~orer, Ed itime, by Franklin & Marshall, sun (271), and Jerry Baroch ever, keep a wary eye on the January 9 and Lycoming on ~e;~t:nda~IOS~~e~hef:Si t06~05u~~~~;;cs ha~an!!elOi~:~y T~~ ~~r;!d ~~~adta~~~er D:PJO~~i; (271) ~pOiI-bent Gamma Betes JanualY 11, both away game~ Bruce Read led all scorers with iJomts III theIr game with the Ihalftlme lead Dave Reger to acbon on Jan ~~ea~~le~tss for the VictOriOUS~a~~~yet still ,\on by a 35-10 ~:~ed 21 pOints fOI game hon- ~;n~h~nT;::t~~Ol\;lll meet Hop- EVERHART'S WTTH AM.FM B h Sh There was plenty of other ac- In the Freshman-Purple & The Terror JV's opened theIr - ~~~~,~~:h:s l~::::~~~e~e~v~~: GO:~ gam\the Gold came ho~e ~~as~~a~~~~g S~t:l~~~;reev~~~~l~ PATRONIZE ar er Op played The Bachelors still WI a 6-47 victory Ed tute's Tutors 81-61 A well At The Forks look like the league power· Welch pumped III 47 agamst bllianced attack, with OUR II;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;;;;;;~;::;;;;::;;;1:;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;;::;;;; house, ha~ they h~;e romped all the Bachelors, but the Black & four players hitting doubl~ ADVERTISERS II r ov;rhi~ ~;a~,~p~~~t~o~~me found Whites still lost, 87-51. ~~~~~~~e i~eC;~ased the 46-33 1'========::; the Preachers coming home with a close victory over the Ii" Freshmen, 75-66; Knight Bow- Visit the Carroll Theatre les was high scorer with 15. Then the "class" team of intra· AVENUE Hamilton Honse Fri .. Sat. Dec. 14, 15 BARBERSHOP the PUrple & Gold, the Preaeh_ ~=======; Gifts for All Occasions Shelley Winters Jane Fonda !~~k:tb~~~4~h~0~~bu~~~: ~~e:l CHAPMAN \ "THE REPORT" Sun .. Tues. WestIninster LECKRON Opposite Post Office Bob Hope Lucille Ball Laundry GULF SERVICE NORCROSS CARDS "FANCY PANTS" and Wed., Thurs. Dec. ]9, 20 Brigitte Bardot ~ry Cleaning W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. "A VERY PRIVATE Westminster, Md. AFFAIR" 8.. .. BAUGHER'S MRS. FISHER TI8-6929 TI 8·9876 Clothes Flower Fresh STUDENT UNION WINTERIZE at the RESTAURANT BUILDING NOW MODERN IDEAL ~ Mile orr the Campus Delicious Full Course Meals LAUNDRY Try Our Hamburg Subs KEEPSAKE & Homemade Ice Cream ARTCARVED J. C. PENNEY CO. See and Thick Milkshakes Diamond and 56 West Main St. MATT CREAMER Parents' Welcome Wedding Rings A.N.W. 333 OPEN EVERY DAY Open an account NOW THREE WAYS .t TO SHOP What's New in the Bookstore?? DAVID'S JEWELERS 19 E. Main St. Layaway. 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