Page 22 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 22
The Gold Bug, Dec. 7. 1962 "If I had it to do over again, would,1 take Army R.O.Le.? My wife and I are in Panama at the moment. She likes it. You know, Officers' Club, dances-that sort of thing. I like it, too. But whether I stay in the Army or not, the question is: Would I take Army R.O.T.e. if I had it to do over again? Yes, I certainly would. In spades, I didn't realize how lucky I was. At the time I figured: Okay. so I'll get my degree-get an Army commission, too, and pick up some extra money along the way! I wasn't the leadership type, I thought. I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong! Looking back on it, I wouldn't trade the leadership training I got for anything! Take my word for it, leaders are made-not born! Whether I stay in the Army or not, nobody can take away what I've learned. And let's face it, where can anybody my age step out of college and walk into a standard of living this good? Look, if you have already invested two years in college ROTC, take it from me: Stick it mat It'll be one of the smartest things you ever did. I say so."
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