Page 29 - TheGoldBug1962-63
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..uibrary '-;estern mryland College 7;~stnEICUSE US NOW of a college THE GOLD BUG Four years ago two green freshmen entered the GOLD BUG office and were greatly impressed with the workings newspaper. We wrote headlines, swept floors, got stuck in the paste every week, and watched how the upperclassmen got a ----------------------:::::-------------c:---=--::-:: paper together. We enjoyed running errands, writing articles, Vol 40 No 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND January 18, 1963 Ed"t" Ch" f editor-s was the first All B and ~~~~ !~iheeg:~i~~e':dvance up the journalism ladder. From ';';;:';";;';;;''';':'::_:'''~====;;,;;;;;,;:::;::,,;;;;;;;,;,;;;;;;,;;;;;:;::;:;;;;,,;,;,.:.::::,;..;;;;;;;;,;..;;;;...;;;;,.:.::::;,.:.::::;,.:.::::===;,.:.::::;;;;;;::;;.;,.:.::::;,.:.::::= page assistants and reporters to assistant en ecomes I or-In- le_ Greeks Elett ~~~!~i~~~e :~C:~u~hi~~~; ~~;edrd~,~s~oC~~l:uir\I:::~, ~;:u::ink New Officers ~~i!~I~:e:~ta~~~~s~n~~~t~h:r~~il~:~r~.ot stuck in the paste, . Revolution hit us the next year and the GOLD BUG weekly! As full editors, we went weakly out of our minds. The semi-annual elections of the Follies and a million meetings to go to, we settled in officers in all the fraternities and gave up studying. We didn't sweep floors any and sororities on the Hill took lay there. We were the only office on campus with place during the past two di1't! \Ve still wrote articles, ran errands, wrote weeks. went to the printers each week. Our smiles tin-ned to A biology major, David Pond, sighs and we got through it all somehow. is the newly-elected president of Then we stepped up to the highest rungs on the ladder. Alpha Gamma Tau. The other weren't air-sick-just sick! With an extensive staff under us Bachelor officers include vice supervised and wrote articles, pasted-up, wrote headlines, and president, David Sutton; secre- went to the printers. ' tary, Jerald Oppel; Charles The smiles were gone, the near-hyster-ical look was in our (Mickey) Bloodsworth, treasur- eyes, the coffee breaks got longer, and we hated Monday and er. Other officers include Bruce Thursday nights. We got through somehow-a little the worse Dr e n n i n g, sergeant-at-arms; for wear. Now there are green freshmen marveling at how we corresponding secretary, Joseph upperclassmen get a paper out each week. What they don't know Spear; chaplain, James Brooke; is that we wonder more than they do. and historian, John Morse, It's been a lot of headaches and a lot of fun; a lot of panics The Delts, sisters of the and a-lot of laughs. Mostly, it left us exhausted with just Bachelors, also elected their energy to cross off the days 'till we retired. Now, that day' new officers Tuesday night. The here. new Delta Sigma Kappa presi- Good-luck Gail, and all the rest, may you be blessed with the dent, an art education majot, kind of people who helped us through four years. \Ve might have is Patricia Raver. Assisting griped more than, laughed, but we loved every minute of it. are 'Carole Anieta, presi- Excuse us now, it's time-to sweep the floor. AJ and PAO Jeanie Hillman, sec- ; Jones, treasurer; Pettigrew, chaplain; Viv- Emphasis On Religion ' Bittner, historian; Oeral. Hopkins, corresponding secretary; Lynda Robson, ser- Religious Emphasis Week is coming, There will be many geant-at-arms; and Barbara activities to go to. If this is all there is to it, however, it will be Holland, I.S.C. representative. Sigma Tau, who held Sigma a waste of time. The activities should be only a means to a their election after their return deeper religious experience. It will be a week to emphasize religion. Yet it the only stu, ! from Christmas vacation, elect- dents to participate are those who are' "good" and "Christian," ed Bonnie Shelton, an English- president. education major as and if all they do is show. off to the rest of the campus how Ord, editor-in-chief ticipates in the activities of Pi Virginia; and Linda Others are Martha Wirt, vice- "good" and "Christian" they are, it will be a waste of time. If the GOLD BUG, has an- Alpha Alpha. ,His grade aver- a freshman from president; Judith Reinhart, sec- Religious Emphasis Week becomes a time for a smug, ?ounced the new' editor, manag- age has won him a spot in the Feature assistant is retarv: Virginia Rummerv, fled "religious" group to preen their feathers before the rest of mg editor, and business man- Argonauts. don, a junior from chap- the campus, the relevance of religion will be destroyed in the agel' for the 1963-64 staff. Gail After doing milch work in New Jersey. treasurer; Sandra Phyllis Ibach, sergeant- lain; Riggin, minds of all. Allen will assume the duties of writing and dramatics, Stephen The business staff and Ethel Wilsman, Indeed, history and scripture teach us that often true reli- editor-In-chief in February, Bayly will assume new duties OJl posed of advertising' __~~~::!~:,I LS,C, gious experience comes hardest to those who represent "organized while Donald Hinrichs will head the GOLD BUG. A, junior Ronald Lerch, a , brothers', Pi AI- religion." The often-lovable alcoholic knows his shortcomings; the business staff: Stephen English major fro~ Balt!more, f'rom Clarksboro, ~ew Jer.sey; president is the proud, petty, and prejudiced matron who attends three church Bayly has been appomted to the Steve has been quite active at and exchange editor Linda Installed with services and refuses to speak td several neighbors often does not, position of managing editor. :"MC. He has h~d major J:oles Truitt, a junior from Je~sup. were John Grabowski, vice- Christ walked in Palestine two milenniums ago; it was the people A junior English-education In se~eral dramatic productions, Other s~aff pOSItIOns are still to president; John Kressler, re- leading the lowest, disrespectable lives that became His disciples; major from Silver Spring, Gail but. .hlS talents do not stop there. be appointed. . cording secretary; Larry Parr, and it was organized religion that crucified Him. Allen has been with the GOLD ~e is the ma.le ~GA repreeenta- Second semester will find the corresponding secretary; Bert- Our definition of religion is too often shaflqw and based on BUG since her freshman year, Live for the. JUfollorclas~, and .l~ new staff busy at work, writing, r-am Lazarus, treasurer; Merle appearances. A good person, or a religious person, is not neces- working up from reporter t.hat orgamzabo~ he \s c~all- typing, and proofing copy for Hauck, chaplain; and Sterling sarHy one who merely refrains from "bad" actions. At the root through assistant news editor in man o~ .the AC~lon Commttte·). the GOLD BUG. Heading the Green, IFC. of all actions is the spirit, the ~haracter, of the person behind iler freshman year and news In addItion, he IS a n;ember of typing staff will be Vivian Bitt- The purple and white Phi them; and at the root of all sin, destroying the fabric of our lives, editor in her sophomore year. th.e Student EvaluatIOn C?m- ner, a sophomore from Lconard- Alphs ejected as their new pres- are faults of our characters: pettiness, pride, selfishness, self_ She did not come to wIlle inex_ mlttee a~d G~mma .Beta Ghl. town, while Carolyn. Dowell, a ident Janice Mooney Hobart, a centeredness. This definition of sin damns church-goer and non_ in journ::;lism, as she !n conJuncbo.n wlth the out- sophomo,re from Prmce Fred- home economics major. \Vith church-goer alike. There is no way to attain the integration high school newspa- gom~ staff, C!sll ltnd D?n have erick, WIll be copy editor. her are Bal'bara Fric~, vicc personality that the psychologists speak of, no way to find Glen Bw-nian. In ad- 'ppomted thell' prospectl"c staff president; Ann Benjamln, sec- meaningful life, without centering our lives on something to newspaper work, Gail members. '. . Beck Represents \VMC retary; Alice Weller, treasurer; ~:;s~~~e~tv:;d everything ~x~ePt God is inadequate ~s a ~::e~o~:,~~:e,Sll~~~;; '~'~~~~i~~ R\~~~~tv; e~~~~~~m~~I~~~::l~~~ lan~e~~e~~~;1!o~:~;et'~1'~a~~~~1 ~:~~~l:~n~a~~=::i ~::ge~J~-~!: Cros;,h~s ~;:;tou~·f p:~:y ?~l~~~t~~~er~~e~::sg~~nthb:~~~~~~~, ;!st~~.~ ~E~~~~dat~:e~~~:.iC:t~~~ ~~~~d~ ~~G~;.U\fl~~ve:Ba~tJms~;hom~I~~ Col~eg~ ~o~rd /s hD~~t.~~ ~~~~ Ch~ta~~~lllistry major, Helen :~~ri~h:, t:~,o~e~7:~t ~~~a;i~~es~~~t~~ho~u~t~o~~r;~~a~!~:sC~;i~ti~~ MU'y~~I~~~~~;~: ~~1~~;~ditol' of ~~~hS~ia~~~o:Br~;~~~. ~o~:;~~~ ~p/iun~~~ld, ;fi;~inia. J ~l~~rde~~t':~s I~i:ct~~m~: ~~~~ is not the blasphemer who thinks himself sinless; the true Chris- . . more econOllllCS major from The ._~nnua.1 Aiding her are Marian Emery, tian is a sinner who lives joyously, confident that the God . a~vel' manager Clinton, will take over the fell- COmpetltl,OI\ IS vice president; Linda Betts, sec- loves him forgives him. \ .Hml',chs h~lls from 1\.1.1-tUre page. Heading the sports women .s~udents . retary; Cal'ol Wilkinson, treas- To this let Religious Emphasis Week beal' witness. ~111I.. A soclOI?gy maJo:', ~ag.e will ,b~ Gera!d Morse,. a !I~·t?wntmg, f~sluon,> Phyllis Dl'aut, cone- Jackson Day smgs In the ChOll'and paJ- JunIor pollbcal sCience maJor ?lsmg, promotion, 01 secretary: Marian ================="",,4===="" ===== fr~~s~~i~~o;~~ news editors ;~:;:ed B~:r~h;~n~~i~l's . and Ester - LETTERS TO THE EDITO R - ~:i~~o!~re Fr~~~: ~h;:~dal~~ ~;:~v~no;:l~et to all of yO" ,b,lat,d, Lectures DevotIOns Retaliation seems to be the case. May I also use this occasion • T H; hi"ht To th' Edito" hi Willi,m N, Thai, to ,xt,nd 0 Ig Ig but VEry smcere The primary purpose of col- ---- mas and a Happy New Year. R I"" , E h "W k F b 10 15 Merry Chnst- lege is to broaden one's outlook. \Vord of Thanks :o~i:ideer~~~I~hedi~~::~ri~f Ot~l~~ TOA~ac:O~~u.d~;t:yOu. probably ~ :rooke e IglOOS mp asIS ee, e. - people. This being so, it kno,:, I wll:s mvolved m un auto- ~oo~~:~b~~o?pponents. " "1'he Spice of Life" will the- in McI?aniel Lounge at 8 """1"""'''''''< '"'''''''' ~:~ou:nd,~ol~~ti~ata s~~:~~~ ~vr~~~ao:I~~ a;;~~~ntala;~e~:n~~~t~~ I have just' witnessed one of matically keyn~t~ this year:s :'~~~i~~ll:nb:>,~~:ti~~ collegc should have, as his chief time .in Carroll County General the best ~xamples ~v.I _ro~r Jlrogram ~f .~ehg\Ous Em~h~sls main of goal, being told exactly what he Hospltal. Many of you. sent sportsmanshIp that I. dllnk po",- Week actiVities, the RehglOus the i wants to hear-what he himself get-well ca\'d~ or Christmas Slble. I am referr:ng to the Life Council has revealed .. A ~ciences, and the presently believes. cards. For thIS may I expr~ss basketball game between West- commit.tee under the. co~chall'- " .. Your rccent correspondent, in my very humble and very sm- ern Maryland, COll.ege and Sus- manship of Sandra Rlggm and RehgJOn f,~om his criticism of John Howard cere thanks. quehanna U.nlv~rslty. Unfor- Herman Smith has scheduled alysts _Couch . Griffin, failed to realize some I am also told that many of t~nately, thlS lS not the first lectures, discussions,. and stu- Ch.aplam, Leslie. important things. The Nazi you came out to the hospital to tune that such lack o.f taste and dent-conducted devotlOnal serv- Ehzabeth s ~osp~tal, ~~~im~e~st~~;,d~~s\:~~;:,le, ~ ia~a:e nao~lS~~or~:~o~~~~:t~~~~ ;;'~;::~p~~~ b;~; s~~::!~~:d\~~~ ~~e_~rr the week of February ~~~i~i ~;e~:~!.Pf:~~~~l~: group of people are con~idel'ed its. This, apparently, is a nor- have l:eached a stage III theIr Heading the program is Dr. 6:\~ p~~ ~~lh';f hflOh m b" Bunny. less human than othel's because mal effect of a concussion. educatIOn where they ~h.ould be Carl H, Prichett, minister of tr~t~aSt E~~ a~nth,a fn t~S e~,~ ---'- _ of ancestry or other traits. Though I am not sure who you mature enoug~ to e:x:hlblt ~ ~e- Bethesda Presbyterian C~urch, ~~lree y~arslzaan: is scu~'~ent~yP~~_~lcKeldin Visits WMC Measures taken against thf~ Wel'e, rcst assured that I am gree .o~.self lestralnt an w le - Bethesda, and. an ~xperlenc7d ing g~'aduate work at Wesley , ~~~~:s:: e~~~men~; o~~v~ou~~;~ mo;~eg~~\~!~!~ then of this let- :~Z;SI~~l~lt~h:oO:he:rct~t:~t a~~ ~~~~~Iw~ekbe:~ar~e ;~:ll :~c~~~~ Seminary., Stresses Brotherhood as in Germany. But the pri:1- tel' is to publicly thank those ?ther tImes at. athletIC c.ontests ligion-Spice of Life." A flre- Thursday lllght Dr: Paul "America must stop acting as ciple is the same---a principle who sent cards or who took time IS a. degrad.ah?n of thelr own side in McDaniel Lounge will Nolan, Professor _of P~llosophy the father of other countries, ) diametrically opposed to democ- out of their busy schedules to family. upbl'mgmg, as well as a follow the chapel serviCE. at Catholic Um:ersJty, w.lll and begin acting as their broth- racy. The kindness involved in visit me. Thcse,would -include, reflectIOn on the college that "Religion in a Test Tube" speak at 6:4~ m Mc~a~lel er." These were the w'Jrds of ~~~~~ti~~u:te~e~;~e: y~U~~~~~ :~:n~~~~~;:,: ~~~~k~;:er~lo~~!~ th~~ i~t~~td'easy to take ~efeat, ;~~I ~;il~~~,t~~~dof P~~fe~~o~fa~f ~f~~~:eReJ~;iOn r~:her~~~n~~~~ ~~I~~~e:~o~e ~~~~~o: t~~ ~~~ provide fol' his needs yourself, worth, Howie Wagner, Carolyn b.ut boomg and other ma.mfesta- Chemistry at the University of Too)." dents of WMC in the Davis ~~~. J maintain, rathcr negligi- ~~~~11i~11;,ai~o~~e~, ~~~s!~e~~: ~l;~i~r 0:0 ~~:Pc~:~;:nJ~~:atb:~ ~~a2i:c~a~i~~0;~e~i~t;:~;uaac;; ~iSCo~~:k~iniheR~~~~~sU;~;~~~:t:.oo~f~!/h:nli~~~~~~~I,J~~~a~;~ aS~:bl~n~U;:~~o~o~t;:~=!r;~~ ~~~~~, H~~~~:\1i~ea~:hle~,t~:~.~ :~~~~?O{t~:k:s~~:~a~~fe::da~~ ~!t:;e6;:;:::::,' inD~h:f~l~rt~~i:~ ~::~ci~;isOe~'v~~I~eP:~:~t ~ S:~; ~~~, ~~~G::~.~~~.g~~~K~~~~~d~~= because there are students to ry Brown, Jerry Richman, Bob note t:hat Il: great ?eal of the dlS_ Church. student body on Friday, Febru- livered a serious speech, frank- whom e,,:,erythi~g ~hich. dis- Grace, Dr, Whitfiel?, the New- cou~tesy lS coming from the Tuesda night will feature ary 15, at. 6 :45 pm in room 307 Iy expressing, a~d presenting With then' vIews IS of- man Club, and varIOUS and as- pla:yers themsel;e:. rT~a~:;:;e the West!rn Maryland faculty, of MemOl'lal Hall. himself and hlS Vlews. fenSlVe. sorted members of Alpha Gam- was lost by poo po ts p Dr William Miller Dr. Daily morning devotions are The ex-Governol"S speech was Admittedly, it is a sad state ma Tau. If I have inadvertent- more than ~folYother factor. ~\ L Straughn and Mr. scheduled from 7:30-7:45 am in the last in a series of three lec- O of affairs when a college must ly left anyone off this list, . The defi~ltton ~: a sportsman B ~ Avery shal'~ the spot- Baker Chapel. Tentative plans tures on "Religion and Politi- force its ,students ~o.accept the please ~e sure that I'd Ver? lS . an. onora e o~~?n,,;n,t. Iiy~~nunder the title "Emphasis: include fraternity and sorority cal Responsibility" presented. fi~~;~~U;l~~::~u~:~~~:I.n~l~t t;~~~ ~~~~t~~~o~Otoo~xtend pubhc Thmk lt ove;~;~~~ic~V Sh~h~~n JAM!" Speaking as a panel chaplains as worship leaders. by the SCA,
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