Page 25 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 25
The Gold Bug, Dec. 14, 1962 3' Chern Lab Coma Morton To Speak To Young GOP Terry Manthey Lead Hill' by TM Dark Lady Plan Banquet, Spring Convention •' , (tnne: "On the Stre6t Where You Live") $1.99 poe person. Preside Over Aloha, SeA I luwe often sat in this lab before, On Prtday evening, January the cost of mav be made But I nf>ver thought I'd leavf> it on a slab before! 18, 1963, the Western Mary- Reservations Jerry "Miller or John by by Carolyn Hoecker by Jack Buttimm" land College You~g Republican contacting What Us Dr. Straughn Club will hold a dinner meeting Baer in Daniel MacLea Hall; Aloha editor, College Player, To his Pi Alpha Alpha broth- E:.:ptrimenting on? in Littlestown, Pennsylvania. John Emens or Tom Michaels Latin-French major, legal sec- er-a, he's "brother Bob." To I'm afraid he'll blow up LewUs Hall! ~oeng~!~~:~n S~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~lan~h~'Wiiar~ud~al~ate;an!~ ~~~c~ ;:aerb~~~e ~!rr~e ~!;~:~:a~~m;~~~n~:~ti?'~~lsten;e~::~~ Thruston Morton, senator rrom Miller in McDaniel Hall; and Organizing layouts and copy, dent." To members of the And one cMm major-I won't tell hUs name- Kentucky, will be the speaker Jill Fredholm if you Jive in the Barbara has her headquarters Mount Airy Methodist Church, Makes hi8 BunSEm bUrJwr burn with such a hellish flame and .guest. of h?nor. His topic houses or off campus. Trans- in the Aloha office. Before un- he's ':Student Pastor Manthey." That 1n.y heart recoils""" - As hUs test: tube boils/ ~fli~~!~u::I~u:~llR~~~~7cs:;~!~ ~~rt~~~~~eWi~~.o~ p:::id~~~:: ~~~~~~~ba;;}r~emoo~s:::tedel~:; Ji~e:;,s :~,~c~'T\~~.~~:~~~~ ad- I'm afraid they'll bww up Lewis Hall! Maryland. Mr. Morto~ Will Bete Clubroom will leave at journalistic flair as feature These are but a few of the then answer any questions on 0:15. editor of the GOLD BUG and many titles which suggest var- ~i~ speec~ and on current po- The regional convention of as a member of the Contrast icus aspects in the hectic life And oM the palpitatitm Iitical tOPICS. Mr. Morton w~s college Young Republicans will staff.. . . of Robert Manthey; Bob, who To hear the bio lab discuss 1st elected to Congress this be held on the campus of the By taking- leadership hails from Baltimore, has The blood and circulation, And to think they nw..y bll soon dissecting us! ~:S\~OV7~~~b::hten D~~~~;:~f~ ~~~.~~~e~~r~i1~~~~7. a~~es~~~~~ ~~: ~:!~~~s~;~~inantttii'l~~:h ~~~:~n ~~: "{:i~~~:~~~~t:~i~~~ Tommy Johnson. Dr. Ja~es P. of the local club David Seliko- ~lub, Barbara demonstrates her he arrived here as a freshman. Earp, club sponsor, Will be witz will serve as the head of mterest in languages. Next Since that day he has risen to / heatr Summllrs talk to tM physics etess. present. the WMC delegation. Last year she plans to capitalize 01' the top in both extra curricular He had better gf>t it said while yet tlUJre i.s a class/ A social period, \~ith re~resh- year W.M.C. sent 8 persons this inter~st by teaching high activities and ,scholarship. .lf it weren't for l1te, ments available, WII! begin at and expect to double that num- school LatIn and French. A pre.flight _ sociology ma- / would say feel fre~ 5:30 with dinner .being s.erved Ler this year. It is expected. Her oth~r campus activities jor, Bob has found his place as Go ahead and bww up Lf>1uis Hall! at 6 p.m .. The dinner WIll be that the main banquet speaker Include. bemg a member ..Df "one of Doc. Earp's boys." He a full course roast beef meal/at will be Senator John Tower, Delta Slgm~ Kappa,. attendmg has, upon occasion, been seen in =========================== ~~e jU~~~~n~:snat~; f~~~1 ~~~~~ ~~b~i~a~~~!lll:~~:~~~~~~ o,~o~i~ ~i:~oul~ea~~ligi~~ ~fsUr~!~in~~~ lk T R I Sidewa s 0 ep ace WAAJoins National Health Organization and its platform will be worked mg. in the -:'-dmlsslOns o.ffi?e. training which he hopes to ac- actIVIty quire at the Theological her Scho01 vacatIOns Dunng out during this weekend confer- she works • stop, Walkways To Grille Sets Date For Annual Awards Party ence. The fee for the weekend does not a .Iegal for ~eeretary for of Duke Univer1 slow and labored, And / can't keep awake; And I don't think I'll last too long If / don't take a break. But M my ca.lf>ndar / 8PY, I'm filled with great elation, For I Sllf> coming up---like 8aon- A well-deserved vac4tion! BALTIMORE PREMIERE - FRIDAY, DECE!lIBER 21 The Greates,. Adventure Ever Lived Hecoft1les The Greatest Adventure Ever Filft1led! FILMED IN ULTRA PANAVISION 1O°,TECHNICOLOR· Ii.'HIIi!il RESERVE YOUR SEATS NOW SCHEDULE OF PRICES AND PERFORMANCES EVENINGS at 8,30 pm (Sunday 7:30 pm), Monda)' 10 $2.00 & $).65 Friday. Saturday, Sllnday & Holiday.: $2.50 & $2.00 MATINEES at 2 pm Wedneoday: $1.75 & $1.50 At 2 pm,Saturday. Sllnday and Holiday., $2.25 & $1.75 SPECIAL HOLIDAY MATINEES DURING CIIRISTMAS WEEK: December 25 to Jan"ary 1: lIoliday Pri.eo Will Prev"il Sped,,1 Atte~~I:nln~:r.!'::!~eC:li'fE: ;~7~3~rganizatian. !···········M~I~::D~R·!:!:···II!!······! TickelA AI"a Available at SEARS StDreo. : - NAKECHECKSPAYABLETO: tra~~I.U!.!!Wn ,:~'"';. :: i~~:==:===i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
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