Page 19 - TheGoldBug1962-63
P. 19
From Within THE,GOLD BUG Few people are unaware that students are becoming Increes, ingly dissatisfied with chapel services. This dissatisfaction sen- ~~~~~ht~::Sst~hdee:ts~n:!:~~;~t~~~i~~;:~~:~S~~:yc\~~~~~"~a~~O;-C:---c::-7:-=-----=-=-;-:-=:-:-:::-c==:::-;====::-;==-=:---c;:N;::o~ve::m::;b::e:-r '1"6,--:1'"9'"'62 to a~~~~~are things to be said for both sides, yet it seems that V.;,;::,01:;,.;:,40;,;',;,N;,;0;".7,;""====.;;,;;:,,;;;:,,;;,,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;,,;:;::.;:;;;;;:;;;..,,,,;;.;.,;;,,;;,,;,;;;;:;.,:.::.:.:;::,;;:::::.:.:;:======,......;== chapel is here to stay. With a new chapel and ninety-six years of tradition, it is hardly likely that a church-affiliated college will Evening Theatrical Cr'Owns put religious services on a voluntary basis. It is more practical to discover the source of the dissatisfac- to reli- Careers 01 Car'Olyn, Dave tion arid tackle that problem. Certainly something is wrong when several hundred college students who aren't antagonistic gion use chapel as a study hall. There are doubtless many little things that various students by Rl)be1·ta Love makere, to The Fireman in the find annoying; yet the one major item that even attentive chapel Two hours from now SII1"- Junior PIHY>"to th~ stage di- listeners wouldn't hesitate to see changed is the type of sermon. mer and Swoke, featuring the rect?r of the. JUlli~r ~olllc~. Western Maryland tells its students that they are relatively in- College Players, will be on David began his acting. In h,IS telligent--therefore, if they're not listening, it's because they're stage in Alumni Hall. To the sophomore ~ear here with [/1- ~~~n~~~::~~~~~'b~~i~oi:n~!n~: s::as~:\~~; i~~iv:~~:~~s:~~~nsT~~: ~~:tis~!r 1\~~a;;a~~;sDro~i~~~~~~1h~~rj~~ Tit~:d. reason is that they are watered-down for college consumption. will be the ultimate in their has portrayed ~ilIy "Thou shalt not offend." A Methodist will be all too awar-e that acting careers. However, due ?arousef, Captain Von. he is speaking to a partially-Jewish audience, a Rabbi that he is to exper'Ience, neither of them III The S':illld- of Mwt1c, addressing a Christian congregation. is incognizant of the trials and Launcelot III Camelot. I.n What is the sense of inviting guest speakers if they won't rewards of the stage. school he was George III say what they really believe! On campus. Carolyn POI'- TOW1f. Each of thes.e roles There is certainly nothing wrong with a little controversy traved Minnie Fay' in The been. the male lead In the pro- for a change. College students-and particularly Western Mary_ Matd~lnakel'8 for the Thanks- I land college students-c-are as open-minded a congregation as can giving performance last year, be found. Perhaps they won't always agree with a particular and was 7I1ary Stewart in tile speaker's interpretation, but they will listen-and learn. Why Junior Plays. She also 'Ji- I not give the college audience everything instead of 1l0thi11gJ rected the 1%2 Junior Follies. With the Washington and Baltimore areas to draw from, Carolyn has not restricted there should be no limit to the number of stimulating speakers her talent to WMC however. obtainable. Someone-a Dean of the Chapel, perhaps-should She was a member of the Sum- have the function of obtaining these speakers as his prime re- mer Theatre and had the lead- sponsibility. Or perhaps-the Religious Life Council or SCA could ing role in Pleasure of Hig handle this. . Company. In high to h~:~d;i~~~s~sOe~ldinal:~a~:I:O}~da~ni:r~~~!rp:~~v~~~ys~c~UI~o~~~:~~~~n~V~~oi~lpa :~~:::!::~';::~'::~~I~~~ _ Terrors Meet Jays as "Morality and Sex," "Our Responsibility as Children of God," auditioned for television and "Inter-Faith Marriages," were suggested. Who would study grams and films.. For her through these? Perhaps ministers of different faiths could take as Jo in Littie WomeJI, a particular topic on successive weeks, and all services could be won the best actress For Traditional Game followed with firesides to discuss further points. from the National Federation Why not a Calvinist one week, a Unitarian the next, a Rabbi, of Women's Clubs. a Mormon, and a fundamentalist? Why not an occasional student David's versatile dramatic Ford's 'I'heatre This weekend the Green Tel" honoring the seniors of the lecture? Perhaps we could even have services in the styles of career on campus has extended play, "A Far roz-s will meet their arch rival, Cheerleading Squad, Pom Pom various religions-not even all Protestant services are alike. from the portrayal of Mr. ing tonight _,md the Blue Jays from Hopkins, in Squad, the Majorettes, and With chapel something to look forward to, a positive, more Yandergeldcr in The Ma,lch- l>!0v~mber 18. It is a final game of this football Band members. The girls will enthusiastic spirit would permeate the whole service. We would tiza tion based on a case season. The game promises to be given flowers in apprecia- worship together, not as all lukewarm Methodists, but as open- ---- of Sigmund Freud by be a thrilling one as Western tion for their tireless efforts in DEB Frosh Relates minded college students seeking religious truth. De;~~~~ving this engagement ;~:.rYi~:~ ~~~d;J:k~rla~\~c cl~~~ sU~~~~~d~; ~~~h~ol~rpeh;e~~~_ Meet ·theFaculty: Top·Leve I LOt will be the musical "The \Viz- Mason-Dixon Championshipsc-n ma Tau and DeJta Pi Alpha are Ie EJ'R~nf:rh Prolpr'S· '01" Enious by i_.illda Plwl'€s I ~~~~:r o:z:o ~' NC'· ~;::;ifhge ~~'Mg~~~~,;l~:er~e~t :::~~~~~ng a~l~se~h~~l.ti~~e::s~ :1'."1 at,~e~~~:e\~,)eakte:~eiS~y~i:p ~~:I~:~~adm~~~~.e~::~e~~da.p;~g~~: ~~~:~ :t~~:SD:\~~t~!nh~:v~I~~ 0 1j Synlpho- concerning that Puff up wearily the United IRstjCel't by the Baltimore ..t, A Oe*7'1I, 'Iii~.. u,r.c, J',' I flight of steps. Stop and gaze ny Orchestra, and a perform- und the United States. Nations and Frock's respectiv~ly. These This weekend promis~s t{) be Itt ~'I /i1nlllJ A • IJ , j ..r'lii, rever,'ntly down a dust-balled, ance by Dame Judith Anderson. groups will have formations iI- enjoyahle and busy for ell. Be her lustrating give will the the theme. laund,-y- Miss and by team Anderson sure to support \Vaste-bask~ted, _ racked conido!'. Close rendition of "Medea" Friday even-ing precediag cheering them to victory in by Mary C1'a,w!ord . ~yes and yigorously inhale "Lady MacBeth," her two these activities there will be a their final appeat'ance this Have you noticed the group college orchestra for r. tune. aromas of coffee, Franco-Amer- famous role!;, on Novembe!' 23 Pep Rally in Gill Gymnasium year. The foll,Hving evening, El~'a- I of paintings in the bookstore[He'iS also WJlUthe describes a~ ican spaghetti, rotting bol- at 8:30 pm. I f showcase! rhese are just an- an "amateur p~anist." He has nanas, steam, mothballs, and N elVS Of Th W k lB· rle - n e ee other example of the versatilit,y had ver~' few plano .lesso~~, ~\r:d t IVe n t y different 'p~rfumes. kum Sha~iI'a will conduct the - ~!bb~~~ ~~~~phsin~~' ~:n~~~d~ ~~~u~:l~ );:'~~iso~~~~ ablht~· l!l :~~~s pa:: ~~~~m:~tl,ttl~~eter, :~~~:~~~a;~~~~~~y ant Cole SEA Attends Convention Citizens." A discuS~io~ fo!- hood. Although he has nev~r Dr. Hendren did both his un- Pa.ul and M~ry,". canades, Porter seJect:ons. Nyla Wright On Saturday, November 10, lowed, le~ I:~vWMC ~enlOr DI- held a Olll'!-man show of hiS dergraduate and graduate work gUitar strt1mmmg, )ntellectual and Frank Whitmore will he members of the Student an~hPe~~g.le .. M . I d t e ~;~~~~I~i~eha~r:O\~~n~eSve;~~b~~~~ ~~sp~~~~etot~'ro:~~re a~e ~:~.I;~~~~~~;;.rsat~;~nory~~~. si~~~~~k~J th~~o~~~~~;lbel' 8 Sammy Da- A~soci~iio~e a~:~~~ d.ents whoe~:~:e~deda~hea~on:e~~ mercwl use. He was also (lilce jobs, among them that of U door, plop into a chair (if vis Jr. will appeal: at the Stan- ' of Futtlre ~1:~b~vereB~~~Ill~ockl\~~~n, ~~~ ~~~e~:·t~!n~;;~i~e.sman school ~::~~~~~. a~~fOl~re:~~in;n t: ~~~;~ea~dC~)~ t~~O~~~~1~ou h~~: ~:~'fO~~eaa~~-:.f~~s a S~~\;'J St~~~i~~;~~~ pee P~ttigr~w. - , Although he is a talente·i Western Maryland,. he taught an upper-ecr,elon resident vf Evening ''''jth Sammy painter, Dr. Hendren is better English at Rice Ulliversity, in McDaniel Hall. " starts nt 8:30 known for his writing. Many Texas, where he still has strong Most assuredly there al·e ad- at 11:30 pm. . "An Analvsis of the Election of his poems have appeared i~ roots... . vantages and disadvantages of The two shews Sensenbaugh, Returns" fr~m a woman's point the Western Maryland AlumnI DurIng Jus sabbabcal leav
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