Page 18 - TheGoldBug1962-63
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What's New In The Bookstore??? --$1.98 - BIG BOOK SALE 55. U. S. CAMERA '62, 61. THE Essays on art, litera- OF 73. THE JONSON'S & ENTER- OF DILEMMA ACCIDENCE PLA is, by 1, P. BEING edited by Tom Maloney. MODERN, BEN Sale Hedin. MASQUES Pub. at StO 00 56. New England Abolition. ture and psychology by a' TAINMENTS, by A. C. international Layaway Available - Starts November 14 ists-THE BOLD BRAH· critic of Conversations wit re- h Partridge. Sale $1.98 Pub. at $4.00 . nown. MANS, by Lawrence Lader. Edvard Munch, James Ensor Pub. at $5.00- . Sale $1.98 74. BOCCACCIO, by Fran. - $1.00- 57. Jlya EhTe1tburg: THE and Chagall, on penetrating re- of cis "MacManus. Sale $1.98 the works flections Pub. at $3.20 _... STORMY LIFE OF LASIK Kafka, Goethe, Malraux and 1. Myra Waldo's TRAVEL 16. A MOON FOR THE ressors on the decline of ROITSCHWANTZ. The first Freud. Pub. at. $5.00. 75. THE DANCE _ "From GUIDE TO EUROPE. MISBEGOTTEN, by Eugene American higher education English publication of this Sale $1.98 Ritual to Rock and RoIl," by Pub. at 35.95 ........._. Sale $1 O'Neill. An autobiographical Pub. at $3.50 Sale $1 famous satire of Commu- 62. TITIAN, by John Ern- Joost A. Meerloo. 2. KIDNAP-The Story of four-act drama of sin and 32. SELECTED POEMS nism written in 1927. est & Dennis Gilbert. 12 Pub. at $4.95 _...__ Sale $1.98 the Lindbergh Case, by guilt by America's greatest OF WINTHROP MACK- Pub. at $5.95 Sale $U13 glorious masterworks in full 76. MARLBOROUGH'S George Waller. playwright. Pub. at $2.75. WORTH PRAED, edited by 58. Napoleon's SOli-KING color: Pa-inted in Italy. DUCHESS--A Study in Pub. at $6.95 Sale $1 Sale $1 Kenneth Allott. The best Special Import __ ~1.98 WOl'/d/iness, by Louis Kron- OF ROME, by Andre Caste- 3. SHAKESPEARE FUR 17. John O'Hara's SWEET lyrical and political verse or lot. The tragic story of 63. SEEDS OF TIME: The enberger. YOUNG ACTORS. edited AND SOUR. this "perfect" Victorian. Francois Charles Joseph Background of So 1t the r n Pub. at $5.75 .__... Sale $1.98 by E. Young. Adaptations Pub. at $3.00 Sale $1 Pub. at $3.60.. Sale $1 Bonaparte. Thinl.·hlg, by Henry Sagage, 77. John P. Marquand's perfect for the student and 18. DARWIN AND BUT- 33. FAIR GREECE, SAD Pub. at $5.95 Sale $1.98 "- THIRTY YEARS. a must for budding thespi- LER-Two Ve1'siOllS of s» Pub. at $4.50 Sale $1.98 Pub. at $5.00 '...._... Sale $1.98 ans. Pub. at $4.50 __Sale $1 olution, by Basil Willey. RELIC, by Terence Spencer. 59. CHINA: Lore, Legend 64. The Great Neioepapere 73. Gertrude Stein-BEE 4. FJRSTHA ND REPORT: Pub. at $3.50 .."........ Sale $1 Brilfiant survey of the liter- and Lyrics, by R. de Rohen -PARK ROW, by Allen TIME VINE and between Eng- ary contacts The Sto'ry of thr Eis61lhow_ 10. Pamela Hansford John- Barondes. Churchill. Stirring re-cre- Picoee. el' Administration, by Sher- son's PROUST RECAP- land and Greece during the Pub. at ~4.75 ._ ... Sale $1.98 ation of the days of the Pub. at $5.00 Sale $1.98 preceding man Adams. The inside TURED. The six highly three centuries Shelley's ro- 60. The Borzoi Book "f newspaper tycoons. 79. ADONIS, by Jean de and Byron's story of the men, the deci- praised BBC radio plays by FRENCH FOLK TALES, Pub. at $4.95 Sale $UHj The author the sions, and the crises behind this noted Proust.ian scholar. mantic enthusiasm revival. for Rare ed. by Paul Dela r-ue. Lllus- 65. NO STONE UN- La Fontaine. celebrates the of Greek national Fables the the most tension-packed Pub. at $4.00 _.......... Sale $1 illustrations. ta-ated by Warren Chappell. TURNED: An Almanac oj tr3gic love of Venus and peace-time years in modern 21. SHORT STORY III. 20 Pub. at $5.00 __. ..._ Sale $1 54 masterpieces of Gallic NOJ'th American Prehistory, Adonis. history. marvelous stories by four humor, prose, and poetry. by Louis A. Brennan. Pub. at $:1.00.. . Sale $1.98 Pub. at $5.!15__ Sale $1 fresh new talents-Burton 34. THE SPANISH TOWN Puo. at $5.00 Sale $J.98 Pub. at $5.00 .... __ Sale $1.98 5. MY FATHER, CHARLIE Raffel, Matthew Carney, Jo- PAPERS. By E. A. Rob. 66. MONEY AND EMU· 80. INITIATIONS & rNI- CHAPLIN, by Charles ,seph Slotkin, and Robert ertson. Authentic documents TIONAL CONFLICTS, by 1'1.\ l'ES IN TI~ET, by A. Chaplin, Jr. The startling, \ Creeley. from U. S. ships impounded $2.98 Edmund Bergler, M.D. The David-Noel. frankly personal portrait of , Pub. at $4.50 ........_.. Sale $1 by the British during the psychiatrist examines the Pub. at $5.00._ . Sale $1.98 the most complex comic geu- \ 22. "Those Scribbling WO-fI!' Revolution. Illustrated. 88. S~611dhal: ROME, NA· misuse of money. 81. THE IMPERIAL IN- ius of our time. Illustrated. cn"-ALL THE HAPPY Pub. at $4.00 .. .... Sale $1 Pub. at $3.95 _"'-'_ Sale $1.;)8 TELLECT, by A. Dwight Pub. at $4.95 ..... . Sale $.1 35. Maxim Gorky's FOMA PLES AND FLORENCB. 67. SIX STUDIES IN Culler. A study of John RAJAH ! ~s~~I:G~Vi~{y ~~d~'oi~~; 6. HOLLYWOOD GOR·DEYEV. Magnificent Pub. at $7.50 ..._... Sale $2.98 QUARRELLING, by Vin- Henry Newman's approach -The Life & Times of L'JUis l sentimental domestic novels story of the Volga's unscru, 89. CHINA IN THE 16th cent Brome. Studies of fam- to the problems of univers- B. ;tlayel', by Bosley Crow- pulous mercantile society in CENTURY: The Jou-nlllis ous literary quarrels. ity education. ther. i ~Ub.1;~h$3.~~n~~~~ :<\~na~~ic$i the early 1900's. of Maahfl!l} Ricci; H8$5.88 DlES, by J. H. Wilson. The Havelock Ellis, by A. Cal- ,Bollrjaily. Stark novel of account of two rich, unusual 107. FIELDS OF GLORY 115. PREHISTORIC MAN. story of the fabulous female der-l\fal'shall. The enig- Ia young American male \vho lives virtually lived as one. -An Illustrated HwlAJry of Pub. at $9.95 .... Sale $5.88 actresses of England's Res. matic, TortUl'ed life of the Isows a whirlwind of sex, Pub. at $6.50 ... Sale $2.98 Lamd Warfare in Ame1·iea., toration stage. man who became the world's narcotics and crimc----set 97. THE OLD CAUSE: by W. H. Nelson & F. E. 116. MI:'ITARY HISTORY Pub. at $3.95. .. _ Sale $J leading authority on sex. against the backgrounds of a TMee BiogH}'phical Studies Vandiver. OF TilE CIVIL WAR, 15. Amen'can H1Imanist; Pub. at $5.00 .. . Sale $1 "hep" N. Y. ad agency, staid in Whiggis'/IO, by John Cars- Pub. at ~1{).00 Sale $3.98 1861-1865, by W. _B. Wood HORACE BUSHNELL, by 31. THE NEW PROFES- New England college and 108. ii/dim)!, Wars of the and Major Edmonds. B. 1\1. Cross. SORS, edited by Robert O. wartorn Europe and Asia. ;~:;: at $6.00 ...... _ Sale'$2.98 Far West - MASSACRES Pub. at $15.00 .__ Saie $5.95 Pub. at $6.00 _. Sale $1 Bowen. Nine young pro- Pub. at '$4.95 ... Sale $1 98. Ci;U War Chronide_ OF THE MOUNTAINS, by 117. GERMAN PAINTING, THE GREAT REBELLION J. p. Dunn, Jr. by Marcel Brion. A clear and Pub. at $6.95 ........ Sale $3.98 study of the comprehensive - $1.49- by Earl S. Miers. A close- 109. Jobn Humphrey Noyes' genius of Northern painting Civil War. up of the Pub. at $6.00 _..... Sale $2.98 HISTORY OF AMERICAN from the 14th century to the H. SELECTED WRITINGS chael Oakeshott, Michael 51. LAROUSSE FRENCH. 99. Bertru1!d Russell: DIC- SOCIAI.ISMS. present. Pub. at $10.00. OF JOHN JAY CHAP. Roberts, T. Desmond Wil- ENGLISH ENGLISH. Pub. at $12.50 Sale $3.98 Sale $5.95 MIND, MAN, cdited by .racq;.!es liams and others, on Irish FRENCH DICTIONARY, by TIONARY OF THE MORALS. 110. America's FirBt Great 118. IMPRESSIONIST AND MATTER Barzun. One of America's history, World War II, Eng- L. Chatfurin. Standard desk_ Arr;hitect: BENJAMIN PAL'lTERS, by Mauricl;' Se- most ol'lginal and ec('entric lish Reformation, etc. dictionary. 768 pages. ~~Si::~~s~~:~ e~~c:~ sci:t~Ce~: HENRY LATROm:, by rullaz. critics 011 Whitman, Emer. Pub. at $2.50 Sale $1.49 Special $1.49 topics. Talbot Hamlin. Pub. at $10.00. Sale $5.95 son, William James, Shakr._ 48. HISTORICAL Pub. at $5.00 __._.._ Sale $2.98 Pub. at $15.00.. Sale $3.98 MUS- ORCHESTRAL 111. speare, the Negro questiOl" STUDIES: II. Papers read 52. THE VICTORIAN IC: An A~hair Guide, by 119. Bi'RON. A BIOGRA- A. March- by Leslie PHY, and many other aspects of to the third Conference of CONSCIENCE, by C. R. 100. YANKEE REPORT_ literatu]'!' and society. Irish Historians, by Denys Decker. Authoritative ac- ERS, 1861-1865, by Emmet Lawrence Gilman. and. Three large, beauti- volumes .. Sale $3.98 Pub. at $5.00 .. Sale $1.49 ,Hay, Asa Briggs, J. L. l\Jc- count of the impact of Bal- Crozier. Pub. at $'7.50 GEORGE, by fully bound slipcase. in a 112. HENRY decorated 45. "Gha1'ge of the Light Cracken and others on the zac, Flaubert, and Zola, Baude- Pub. at $6.00 _...._ Sale $2.98 C. A. Barker. Pub. at $20.00 _ COil' other laire, Ibsen Brigade" - CRIMEAN ,Papacy, Kilkenny, Chartism, tinelltaJ realists. 101. EUROPE SINCE NA_ Pub. at $9.50 .._ Sale $3.98 BLUNDER by Peter Gibbs. the Economic Ideas of Par- Pub. at $3.00 Sale $1.10 POLEON, by David Thom- Sale $6.:19 thc set The full story of the "little" nell, and more. son. Crimean War· that through PUb. at $3.00 Sale $1.49 53. The Life and Times of Pub. at $10.00 Sale $2.98 THE COLLEGE BOOKSTORE optimism and stupidity 300,_ 49. Alexis de Tocquevil/e- HENRY MONNIER, by ]02. nIl!: LIFE OF ELIZ- Western Maryland College 000 Jives were lost. Illus- JOURNEYS TO ENG- Edith Melcher. Writer, 'lC' ABETH BARRETT Westminster, Maryland trated. LAND AND IRELAND, ed- tor, sab-dc artist. Illustrated by Gardner Pub. at $4.50 . Sale $1.'19 ited by J. P. Mayer. The Pub. at $4.25 . Sale $1.49 BROW~INNG, Illustrated. B. Taplin. 46. BA YONETS TO impressions that Tocque\'iIle 54. Van Wyck Brooks' THE PUb. at $6.50 __.. Sale $2.98 LHASA, by Peter Fleming. recorded from these visits. DREAM OF ARCADIA: First full account of the Pub. at $4.50 _._.. _ Sale $1.49 American W1'iters and Art. 103. CHA UeER, by Ray. Bl'itish Invasion of Tibet in 50. Red China - TEN ists in Italy, 1760-1915. The mond Preston. A new inter- Name 100J. Photos. YEARS OF STORM, bv cultural historian chronicbs pretation of the fundamen- Pub. at $4.95 ._ Sale $1.49 Chow Ching-wen. Foreword the travels of Hawthori1C, tal, panoramic humor and Address _ 47. HI'SrrORICAL by Lin Yutang. The in.,ide Henry James, Henry Ad- wisdom of this 15th century STUDIES: I. Papers read story of what really gol's on ams, Santayana, Berl'nson Christian genius. I1Justrated City ----_._. ._. ..__ ..__.._._ . ---1.- _ to the second Irish Confcr- behind the Bamboo Curtain. and many others. with photos and period songs. Please send check or money order with 3% sales tax ence of Historians, by Mi- Pub. at $6.00 .. Sal~ $1.49 Pub. at $4.50 .. Sale $1.49 Pub. at $5.00.. .Sale $2.98 for Maryland orders.
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