Page 35 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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\ t.tbr-er-r DRAMATIC ART STUDENTS PRESENT THREE PLAYS Meef the'! stu- Dr Sz'llagy'l tists Mus'lc Junior Dramatic Art H,n, R ad'lng Among Recreat'lons ~~I:~Stl~I::e ~:~;~n:~~fg~~e~;a:;h • , fer- admts- e IG, at "" pm in Alumni ~:~~.e is no charge The three plays are: Kreym- by Ba?,bal'a Cook in contact with ro~ng peop~e U_Ulhm',,'. The ,Bal~a4 of. YOi.lth, potnl:J:t~l;s all;~/oil~mi~~~~/~:~ ~:~~~S~n:v~~~n:,~o~~~gheOl~'e~~ 1rag!c Chnstc!H1!g, of the varied interests of Hun- even farther to say that he Tho _ Bald So- gru-ian-hred Dr. Ervin Lajos likes the pupils and academic Szilagyi, Assistant Professor ntmosph?l'e which he ~as ~ound Esther Smith is di- of the Riston' of Art. Not here. HIS only complaint IS tho the productions, while only docs he . lecture on the "deplorable lack of personal is set and world's great art, but he is also contact between the students ~il::ctor. .~ the r.s ~i~~~~~;r i:~l~~~t~~\;~~:~l~:~s1:; ~~?, the members of ~he facul- mb;s~l~;.t:~:ct~:~~n~a;:~ f.~~~!;ld E~;~~1'P,~;;~~~ithao:gSDil~ Mo1:t:: ~;~'e;:iJla~~f,:e::rlier , stage manager: Elder-dice Hall, and he hopes years were spent in Hungary Thomas and John Gru- that with the completion of and in schools of various types. properties; Marsha the new library there will be Born into a family of landown- and Belinda room for a brief exhibit of his ers and lawyers, he first stud- costume mistresses; other work. ie~ agriculture and law and re- Bayly and Carolyn Among his other activities, ce~ved ~is. doctorate. in I~w. FIRECHTEF RECOGNIZES MAID in a studio re~earsal of "The Bald Sopr-ano" by " publi~ity directors. ~~tsccr~:~k:s ~e~ra:~g:~~~m;!.~ ~: h~~~~itli::~\~~~ve~;I;~ h~e~:~ Icnesco to be produced March 16, at 8:30 pm, m Ahnnm Hal}, Characters pictured in the . attending the per~orm- nist both here and in Europe, tered the Royal Hungarian are: (l to r) Pa~ricia Webb, Harry Rumberger, David Drobis, Dagmar Jueres, Leadine Hackett, Will make the evening a and at present he plays with a Academy of Art, where he =T=H==E==(=G==O==L=D===B~=U==G== in ;~: ::::i~~:::~:E;;~ObbYi ~~::~~:":t~:~~~~,::F~~:~;' John Grabowski. success. small semi-professional group studied painting and history of :~;~\i,~~,"~~~':~d~~:i~;o~~';::,,~,~ol~:~\~~g~'~:;~t~~n~~; f ;~ji~n~~!l a~O:;l~ml~~~~SI: fa~~: pr~~~~~l \~~~~~\Var II came to he remarked that his library Hungary, ~e moved to Sa.loz;- has grown so much tllat if he burg, Austl'la, where he studied WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND ever has to move, he will be at the ~ozarteum. T~ere he VoL 39, No. 16 March 16, 1962 floundering in books. was ~ plano accompamst and B k' • • ROlj( 't ft/,...'S U1''1''''ry 80,'" ====================================1 .W~en he lived ~n Hunga~y, ~vJ~tlf~rth~f 1~~~~=~es~ect~r~ ra ua e WMC G d t WrI es 00, r'..... . 'J••'1J '..-J " ~~~e~~i~aerya~~ m~~~ \:~!dqut; where he had the opportunity ,,1- m,"y of hi' p,m" Quite i?_~;,::,:oot~g 'd';Y Am"'"n and I e ~ortralt some t COPY • In Presen S T C IIege r. r.k p.~ M "2!) terested both III readmg languages, ~~~:u~oron!h~7' th ::! t~atW~: 0 0 a ''''e ft." O a e ~.I U'.J the study.of foreign g . Italian, perman, Hungarian, Loui.s Manarin,. class of ~.vorks on the Confe.deracy, who . , . he can WrIte and speak French, ~vf~~ra~~: ~ec:~:r :hl'~diCs~~~!~~ If)55~lecently had hiS first book IS the general editor of the FollOWing tradltlOn, the MIll- will be the coronation of the and Enghsh... person." ri~I~!ls~:~.~;h:f ~~t~r~h~. ~~.:~ ;~i~n~e~d Thh:llll:~te~~al~::~~~t~: ~~~C B~!~a~i~:~~:edwi~y t!~:!~~~!a;~~ro~:l~m~~~~he S~~T~ fr~~he~~:f d~~s.II~~bl~Su~.~~~:~~ liv~tg p~:se~:~ ~~~n S~~~Si~i ii~ was presented ?y Mr. l\Ianarlll GenOial Lee. l)lace the evening before Spring sponsors by members of the de- and hlklll?, Baltimore in what he terms ~~.e;~~t!~hO~1~~~:~~~i!~/I: Pil!~\ ~~~~~~nCO~~~in~;:~aC~~t V~.cation. The date ~al~s on partn;ent. T.hose. eligib~e for ;~:ab~t: t~~ :~~~~r~ei~~s~~t!~~S "confirmed bacherlorhood." Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield, of military organizations and Fllday, 23.. ThIS IS the the tItle are. Judith Remhart, Since Dr. Szilagyi came to ~~:t~r/~ep~r::~:t. Maryland's ti~~~a~~n~h~n ~~~i~t C:~~!~~:d ~~I~h:a:::e~niSw~I~~: st~:e~a;~ ~~~ ~~~::or~:l~d;A~el;:r~~~ ~~:l~~~a t~:c~i9n4:, :OeSi~:~She~~ LETTER TO THE EDITOR me~lO~~~:tio~f o:hele~~~e::r~ ~~iO~~~~d tOrn~~:i:~in~~:;t~ ~~ei~a~ce~~~~~!~ w~~t~~n~:l~ ~~ ;2~~a~n~~,,~U~i~~il1~;;~!~:;: ~~~er~~ta C;:i~~teF;;:\C~~OII~~ ate general, the book lS a con- Carolina, 1861.1865" are the Gill Gym. company "B"; and Sandra FlOrIda und then moved on to tributi?~ to the literature ?f names of both Unio~ and Con- General chairman of the Reed, company "C." F.nrman University. in Green- To the Editor: f!leth~I~!so~~:;;; e~~~r },::n~l~~~ ~~~~~~~ l~~~~r~~it~nth:~~ ~:':'~ dance is Cadet 1st Lt. D~vid _Tickets for the Military Ball ;~l~~.'sl~~~;\eC~I~~~~ato ~;r~~up~~i~o c~~e:: ~soll~~it~;c ~~~~ ford Dowdey, a distinguished of some of the units, a short Eckm~n. Other Icommlttee ale $2.50 per couple, and may more and joined the Western on the issue of racial inte ra. historian and author of many history is given. heads lllc.lude; GUGet ?apt.!Je pU~'chased from any 1\183 or Maryland faculty i~, ~957. He tion. I feel that such a st!nd, ----,-, While on the Hill, Mr. Man- Hunter Kirkman, decoratJons; MS4 ill the ROTC department. commented that he likes to be unfortunately, can not be Argonauts ~r~~m~e~I:;~h:n:r;:~~~is :~~ ~I:~~l~:n~~~' c~~:~y c:patlria~7d ~~~sUg~:m;~~ut T:i~ec:~~~~s °i~ Capt. I'ew"omm,'t"ee rO rn.l rltr o T S ponsor president of the Baptist St.u- Martin, Alperstein, Cadet and "~"'~ 'I.J~ U uS~VJ composed of people from many favors; different tickets; Union. areas, dent different with He was a trans- Arthur 'b Contest fer student from Valley Forge Cadet 1st Lt. Donald Rabush, r. f' • It '#·t· backgrounds. Some, through L I rar~. !O\~~Sthc:l~nS:I~.llt;:.:~~~t~,be;r; The Deal~'s Men will provid~ ror Jervlte VppOr,URlleS their family relationships, have College and was noted entertainment. Military ~~:,n r~~~~~fe:; ~;C~;~e~llcr~:~ LO~~~~~n~!~~~n~~lt~\:~~d,A~~ ~ia~~~: i~n~ve~~li'g :~~d~::~ ~::~~, I:~~~~. :~: d~~:cti~:n~~ th~n~~k;ve~~~ l\~~~la~r~~~~ ~~~g~~n:blea~~a~el':~ i:t~~~~;: ~;s co~o;~eaSn~~iab:iuas\~:;:~~; Argonauts are sponsorlllg a of the North Carolina office in Cadet Capt. Frederick Nicoll, lege is not a. plea for help, but summers. Also a topic of fi- range in views from some who contest. to find the WMC st~- Washington, D. C., working on will march during intermission. an organization whose main nancial concern will be tlle have engaged in freedom rides d~n~ wlt~ jhe b~~t t~erson~l ~15 the Civil War commemoration. Highlighting the evening aim is rendering service to transportat.ion factor. In an to others who oppose them bit- ~~~~. or :~r:Ow~~II~:S c~llsid. ~!~~;~~te ~h~e\/~il~!~~ onS~~!~ ~~~~P~Ue:~Onl~~S~.~.S.s~n;= a~: ~~~~)~,a8s~~~a~f wi~ p~~~:n~; ere~. Textbooks exclu~cd, COI-, , pus, the Student Opportunities pointed a committee to investi- different races, and others ~~~~~en~u~:~t, ~ Si~~~! a:t~O\~ - News Of The Week In Brief - Se;;~~~. students recall clearly ga~em:~;nc~~~ b::!:~tees al- :~~!fbl:,ss;;t~ont\:; ~~~et:i~ gl~~UPt.of authors, or a general SGA Accepts Nominations 1\Iengez En Francais the recent visits to our campus ready formed and starting to cally opposing vie\;s prevalent, co ec lon. . . Reminder: deadline for filing Eat in an atmosphere of gav by Miss Lisa Sergio and other fUllction is the one inquiring how can an effective stand be SOl~~eb~a~~~I~~~~~~~:h~~l\;~~~h ~fGApnr~~/~ea;;~ns:i~:-~~!s~!~~: f::~~~sda;V~I;:ni~~OJ1~~~gll::~ ~~~~~~~~~ti~:z:~eati;,hO of h~~: ~~~~~ ;~~~~~ br:;!:,t t~':.~t;s a strong feel- ~~~b, t~~ld.:;~~~~:yN~~r~~~i~~~~~;:y, M:;C~ i~~as~~~in!~ ~!~1:n~~e~I~~h~a~:;~f~: :e~r~~~~::;n~u~~r~~e!~~,a~~;;e ~ft:~~~ss~~~I~Ee;sofin\~~~~g~~inl~d~~~ ~:g :~~~;it~:lnYf:;aih;! \~~~~i~ Book. As~ocJatJon. The natlOn- tions must be ill the hands of the dining haiL All conversa· inevitable wave of enthusiasm reservations. For those who tution (which, though it may al pl'lze IS $1,000. . Charles "Skip" Brown or Mau- tion will be in French and stu- among the students. To keep feel it would be impossible to not t:v-:e a stand against inte- Participants should submit !'cen Filbey Sitter at that time. dents will be seated ~n a first this spirit of world awareness forfeit tho income of an entire gration, does not have one Ne- un annotated bibliograp~y of come, first served, basis. A alive is the aim of the new or· summer, weekend opportunities gro enrolled as a full-time stu- 25 words or less about then col· Students P~ss .Amendment faculty member will also dine ganization. are being compiled. Several dent) to take a stand against lection. This should be ac- The constItutional amend· with the students. R::alizing that man kin d women from our college have racial segregation of a movie companied by brief essays on ment concerning elections was __ =_ throughout the world faces already acquired ])ositions for house, restaurant, hotel, or tav· 1~ ~H~~m~ 'i~:;~ry~~a~T~eUi~:~ ~=;;ffi~~~= rHe ToAttentl r~~;.P;:e~le:S~ct~: ~u~~~ 0: ~~:k. summer doing volunteer er~. am not trying to be nega- I) Ten Books I Hope to Add to tive vote ~vas 532; negative, "egiona ~vent significant contribution to so- Dr. Griswold Advises tive in my outlook; I am just ~1y,,,p~~~~n;~ea~i~~~r~ C~~~ 20; abstentIOn, 10.. ~:~!YhasH~;:n ~ ;t~~~li~~i~I:C~~ DrTI~ ~~~r~~:'~:~ld~~u~a h~~ i~':~~ntiFrg tt~i~ f:;tsa:; ~t~:~ plete Home Library.". D? Ele~ts New Officers Eight delegates from West- until this time. In remedy of ty .ad~iser and is headed ~his campus takes a stand-be it . The .deadline for thiS contest De~t c gm~cl'on EIa, chapter ~f ern Maryland's Young Repub- t~is o~stacle, the new organi~a- year by Barbara Hahn and a.gainst Communism, s~rega- IS Api'll 14. The local contest f t .;n!c:!, 1;atlQlla~ ?Itt(.8!C licans Club will join three hun- bon alms, in the words of Its vice chairman Sandra Roedel' bon, or even somethlllg as ~:~.ll\~k~.~~;:e~n~y l\fr~: ~;~~~~: 0fliFi:~tY.'Li~:;:C~~1l!~~~Yfin~:~:f:ga~~~erto C~~!g~e~~!en~~r: ~~;:l~~n~~ie:'c~~at:er~;?V~~~~~ ~~e~oh~::\:p~;inate~o~s~~~~~!~ ::~h~rl:~kii;~e~!d ti~eit!~i~i:~ For apphcatiOn blanks 01' fur· p. .'. ltter, 18t Convention of Young Republi- dlately. h . . ' hall-It must agree completely ther information contact either Vlee-p-;eg!~C>I~t, 1i!8tel' pecker~, can Clubs The meeting will Keeping File as t e glOU P mtends. tot~ecome in its views. \Vithout a 100 t David. Lit~lefield or Mrs. Bar· :;;?~~~C, :z:c~~:~r::;~e1~l;d t::t:: take place' March 16-18. At present, the members of ~/~;:~=M~~;r~~~a ::~p~~ per cent backing of this or any ker, hbral'lan. • Ha;;,:s, o~C::J~:~:~nu; present- M~.~II~~a:,esthef~;t~iC.;i~r~~ ~'o~Sfr:~e v~~.~~~;in;gei~:i:~m~~ re~.e~:~~ga~~~~s.isat:;;i~~te~~ ;~~~ :~~d~o~l~ c:~;i~y c:~;~~ Anslvers To QUIZ ly tXJndueting a candy sale to lumbia, West Vlrglllta~ Dela· order to start a file. for student Church Council in New York III our faces. . 1. Theodore Roosevelt, 42, 7~ money for its 8cllOiarship ~:~r:'o:~~e ~:~t:~~YOf ~~~ ~~~=:f~~~~I~e'th~m~~;e ~~I~tt!~O~~: over the sr ing ~ece:sd tot pick cu~: :Ul!a:~eex~~~n~~~e_t~~~ :~:~te~h;r~~~~~~~t man to be U~~ats Plan Joint Party ~o~~~:ilI~,f \~~;f~7!~in Char- f~~:;~s, ~~;:~7~~~0~s~gen:~d ;~rt~~f~::.IOns o. s u en op- ;~:~p;: ~~r~~:~vi:~:~iegS~~: 2. The President's salary is Because their first j~int Those attending from WMC state mental and penal institu· The S:O.8. meetmgs are open pealing to the emotions rather $1~~,O~r;i~i~ar. has produced b~~:;r~::d a~;C~!~U~a A~e~ ~i:~ ~~~:.~a~~likJO~~i~~ ~~:;~~ ~~~~~n ~~ a!~:~e c~~~~:~in~n~~r; ~x~.n~~~f~;es'~l ~oP~~esl~~~ ~~:n c:~e s:;~~~· a~~'ti:nt~l~= more Presidents than any other Chi have planned another af- delegation vice--chairman; Eric weekend or summer employ- Apl'II 3 at.8 pm III l\femorlal gentlll dise-uJls, rather than ar- statc----eight. fair together. They have en- Buckner, Debbra Dudley, Mark ment that might be available to HalL Bobbl Hah~ an~ Sandy gue the points that face them, 4. Andrew Johnson neVel' gaged the "Five B's" to provide Kappelman, James Lomax, interested students. As re- ~oeder are co_llectmg mforma- such unexpressed ideas can went to school. music at the Amelican Legion Bonnie McClelland, and Thom- sponses are returned to the t~on anyone might have on p.os· cause more trouble than good. 5. The t~Tee Presidents who Saturday, March 17. The par~ as Michaels. . ~omm.ittee, they .will be placed Sible areas for student servl~e. !t is my feeling, that bef?re were a~sasslnated were: Abra· ty will begin at 8 pm, and re- Speaking at the convention In thiS central file for student Future plans of. S.O.S. ill· thIS campus ~k7s. a collectl\'e ham Lmcoln, 1865; James A. freshments will be served will be, among others: Senator use. clude a group worklllg togeth. stand, each llldlVldu1!.l should Garfield, 1881; and William . John Sherman Cooper (Ken- It is probable that of the jobs er on a summer project and re- give this issue careful thought; McKinley,1901. Juniors Set Tryouts tucky), James W. Harf, na- that will be open to students, porting back to the campus in for it is only by intelligent 6. Andrew Johnson was the Attention juniors: tryouu tional president of the Federa- the majority will be on a vol- the fall, thus keeping alive the thinking that any problem is only President to face impeach- fo)' the bmi(}/' Foilies-llfal'ch tion, and Judge Cook of Louis~ untary basis. Realizing this enthusiasm upon which the solved. ment. 21, 22, 23. ville, Kentucky. factor, the committee. suggests group is founded. Harris Feldman