Page 9 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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Library THE;;YGoiDBUG CARE TO SLOP? What with all this hectic controversy about athletics versus scholarship, the apathy of the student body to a radio station, etc., it might be a good idea for all Western Marylanders to just sit back, take a deep farm-fresh breath, and appreciate the new collegiate year. WESTERN MARYLANDCOLLEGE,WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Vol. 39, No.5 October 27, 1961 It has been a long time since a year dawned at WMC with =========================="""===..;.,.:..;.,.:,;::,.~,.;",=!~:r~~~a~~y t~~ ~~~~t~~:~t~:~nh~;~ ~~:~~!:t;!;::~:/~;: :~~~ Pep Rally TonightWili Kick Off Homecoming; old Hill. In recent years, the college had seemed to be settling down into a humdrum scholarly rut that had veterans noatalg i- cally recalling the days of the Neat Guys of America and other Coronation To Highlight Festive Week-End groups dedicated to something less than an A average and neatly- combed hair. Already, in an autumnal blaze of splendor, the new year has seen more of the unexpected than all last year put together, Who can remember anything like the Twist and the Slop formerly Tonight with the swish of taking place in the Student Union, let alone vanquished Old green and gold pom poms, the Main? So far this year, more water bags and fireworks have annual Homecoming festivities been launched than in World War II; wh-enwas the last time that wi.ll begin. An "Indian Sum- anybody can recall an orderly assembly dismissal in the tradi- mer Serenade" will climax tional way as has alr-eady surprisingly occurred ~ Then there was 8:30 pm in Gill Gymnasium. I back memories of another mysterious nocturnal adventurer two celebrations tomorrow night at the recent night prowler' of Blanche Ward dorm that brought The pep rally, under the di- years ago, rection of Diane Kanak, will And how about the free birthday party recently thrown begin at 6:45 pm tonight in I downtown by a prominent Westminster socialite, not to forget the front of Alumni Hall. The l chapel speaker who started with a plea for students not to open Green Terror, band, major- i their books and turn on their radios just yet, Even the fratemi- Hell Week seemed to regain some of its lost bawdy self with ettes, cheerleaders, porn poml '. pledge performances once again in the grille. But to many, girls and team will create the atmosphere for the evening. the crowning evant of this crazy year has been the emergence of the Black and Whites as a prime touch football Who power. ;;:U:\Vi~~~~r~~e~o~~r~~~:o;;~ I would have believed the final scores Bachelors O_Blackand Whites o and Preachers 6-Black and Whites 6 just a few weeks ago 1 ~~~dC;~i~~~O\:n~tua;:~~bb:n~:; I Yep, it's been quite a year on the Hill-and what's more, a for the traditional bonfire. g-lance at the "Calendarwill show that it's only the end of October and several long-probably too long-months lie ahead. The way things are going now, who knows, it may not even snow up here this winter! JPW Scholars Vs. Athletes will sponsor the annual appearance at which will climax the Queen Judy and by David W. Littlefield The King Guard Orcbes- will be escorted i . of Baltimore will provide down the aisle to the Like hark! From beneath a mountain of sweaty socks, jocks, mu~il ~~~Ic~heIsda~~~te;~: ;~er~n~~~ w~~l1:~Vl~;~:d cer :;:e!~~er a'~ 'n~t V~i~:;I1!~:~~I~~~!:IYorm~s:~~~tr:C~~v~ies:oi;t~~ emcny, the orchestra WIll play against their having a higher status at 'VMC than studies of Said voice hints in its ignorance and self-satisfaction that America does not need to improve itself. America's disinterest in ========~========= lear~~gE:;:pi:St~::~:~:s:il:s b:nh;~y~~!~~;g~t intellectuals; in .. III .. , ft••L1.'1·"'l~"e,r,.It"e'fJ e America, we stress half-educated (outnecessar-ily even th.t)ath- • VUJ r"'11I~.J£1 ~ "'~II~ letes and social giants. Name me one Greek athlete and I'll name you 50 intellectuals. rt·••..I 'llts 'rO n~'O,rpectl'ue " I ~ r.~"J rl ~I uUt e Since when does a C average indicate intellectual "perfection"? The phrase "well-rounded" has become quite trite and mean- Early last spring a commit- mittee is evaluating the Ingleas. The voice gives the impression t.hat the purpose of this What is this, any- college is to turn out 150 spheres every year. was organized by the Ad- "ture sent out to way-a ping-pong ball factory? If the athletic department wants . Council to publicize students. Shortly a contribute something to the college, it could concentrate its Maryland College to log will be published oon'oo'n-I,«n,"on an afl-ineluaive physical education and enlarged intra- e t II den t s. The ing new information and This would benefit all, preventing scholars from WTTR Begins Campus Show, posed of a formal name, is com- They will perform the to its actual importance. yet color pictures. as only in one place, instead of benefiting only a which is whose status and snob appeal is far out of proportion Shook; tion of Mr. Kenneth suggesting Schedules Saturday Slot Miss Gloria Jones; Jerry Denny various with color activities students who give WMC its high academic reputation? outdoing such as a Dear voice, are you actually trying to tell us that it is the C Walls, needed projects Susan slides Gordon, sec- library chairman; Helen Holmes; campus One does not last year's co-champs exactly retary: Go~!r;~:n~C~;ti~;, St~~~~~ ~~:tm\~~k~e~:st~:Onart!:t ~~~h~~~m~~~e G\~~fIg~eS:he~~~~~~~~tgw:~~' :!~i~es~v:~~s'n.~\:;1 th.m"lv" t.he person wbo told them they could not Warner reported the results of football season is over, the one made up of s.econd Day. schol~stie societies are impotent precisely because the interest poll concerning a of the program will be 1:15 freshmen who WIll re- is not what it should be. ~~:~~:al r:t~:ens;a~~ o~;t 2;~ Sa;::::~. stated that from ~ai~ej~r~~~~o;~~r:r;!a~~mester Honor the s~u~~nrsu~h~~~do~oih~: ~:~fe~~ !~~~~d;~~~ ~~~~~~ votes .were cast. Of thiS.' 90o/c this nucleus he hopes in the fu. Their l1_lai.nfunction ~s to aid inferior students. Women's late leave quotas should de- ::;ea mm!j~~i~~.h:t~~:r s~~;:~~ ~;:e t~o!~Vr~~:ns~v~on:r:rgr:~~ ~?~ti~;n;~~:~~~gtoC~~I~~~~\i:~ Adds their s~~~~;S~olltSb:e~~r~it~~~rt:l;!:~te large amounts of body. For thiS reason the "If enough interest is shown in schools across the country, es· T or social activities, especially leadership of ac- ::F:;,~:::h::,:~~i~:~~~i~~ !:!~k:!.q~C~!~~~\i~:i:nt:Y~E~?,~Et~:i{:£:mn,~~~f~~~:ffP:'ff:~:~~I~~~~t" "'d"~~,~~~~:i~:r;~~::~::£l~~:l;!~:::~':;:ii !~~ed:; e:~T:~ek:ve~~;\I:\~~~~ ~e~~m!u~e ~~:t~:U~~gC~rr:~:a~.~ ~~h~~l\;gd ~~e tOc~~~~~::et~i~ ~on.d~y, October 23, in same time desen'e the prestige that accompanies a talk with the personnel at Anyone interested provide fliers, stationery, enve· a;~: t~~~~~g students ' FAC membership should denote scholastic WTTR radio, it was decided contact Peanut lopes, and stamps, . . have attained at least ~ study skills, in addition to the necessary social that. Western ~Iaryland would ists, writers, and aver~ge budget IIlcludmg average, became skills, that may inspire freshmen. A C average does not denote be gIven five mlllutes of broad- are needed. datmg, extra food, and Donald Barnes these. Yet C students are permitted to process lind reject applica_ c4_lsttime on Sat~rdays imme- plus a list of hints on Sterling' tions for membership made by A and B students. football dlately The program will con- NSA C Ott styles, and what to Robert attit~~:1~:~v:~~i~U::u~~~';:~~~:~rj~;tg ei~o~~~IO~~~~·to\~~~o:a~~~ pre c e dIn g games. omml ee bring college will be made i hardly eyen superficial hcre. The suggestions noted the remaining' tIme will be de- A"d I Ch· aV~'~~rtl~g ~ co~jJncti!~u~:~~ ~~r u""n,1 """'0""" would be better than our present attitude. But almost creat.e a genuine attitude of scholarship. ~~~u~!o?~:~~~sa~~ws,t:r: the Admissions Staff, the com- Hild; voted to recorded selections of I S n olee mittee prOvides students for er Shirley college nights at in M~on, Mary Lee panelist.s , r r ~,ience Jociety Of Delegates local hIgh £chools, They are tha Olsen M 'anthy Terry, also sponsoring the Hi.g~ School dopoulou, 'Bar:;:a reek.'''' Mem.Ler.'S eS~:~~~I~t i:o~i:~~~l o~p~~~~~~ ~~7t~~:ss t~n~n~\:~;I~~ne~tis:~~~~~r~a~~art, and Margaret IHissing Something? ~~~P~:~ib:~i:~erOfofa~; a~fe ~~~~ ..Jj.. 'D concern-:-will be t~e topi~ of a and .2_eadtours. Also the com- Following the install~tion To the Editor: it is necessary for one or two Applications for membership poll bemg orgalllzed thIS •• ceremony, Dr. Jan. M. MIchal Hoffa Field is a beautiful to take the initiative to organ- ~;:r;l::d b~~fa a~~:;~:r b~[ t~~ ~:~~it~;e.a newly-formed ~ISS Salfuku H~ads ~~~~ic:~s t~~ou~~bJ~~~w." football =~~~~u~~in~s ~:~ t~~ ~~e:~~ ~~;c:O~'n~hetoCO~;~~ii~~ Gamma Mu, the national social Alth.ough the results of the Literary MagaZine our football field is one every ounce of strength in sup- I1 v sci1~~eihno~~rr:~c!e:~. Western ~~1J ~~~~e~~tuS::;~~~a~i~~~ oth· Naomi Saifu~u. will ass.ume College Music Faculty l\1arYl:~~er~s c:: : p~:~te~; po~: ~o:i~s t~~~~ss~:\ see it, ~i~r~a~~t s;~d:~:s c~~;~~~ :~:; ~:~lP~S, t~:d f~~~~;~lYt~~ .main j~_chf~;~~r C:.:~;~ t~~ :~I\~;~ Plays Mozart Sonatas ~evOe;leth~a:eear;;t:~~safr;!~b:l~ :~~~:~~eg~~:r t~~e p~:~de:rt a~~ have taken in the social sci- purpose of the poll 1Sto aId the irterary magazll;e,. for the ye~r ,Mr. i . and track events on its ministration, or a concerned ences and the grades received Student Government Cabinet 1961-1962, ASSlstrng her \VllJ and Dr, trustee with the support and to Mary Sue Trotman by Fri- i? choosing delegates to Na- be. Dorothy Be~~ as literary pianist, '\jll these years, has it not desire of the whole college. day, November 3, tlOnal Student Association Con- edItor, the POSltlon she h.cld of Mozart there is What is it that we are lack- In order to be eligible for gresses. The project was en· last yea.r, and Bruce Drenlllng vember 3, at 8:15 pm, in i has no ing that requires such action? membership at the beginning of dorsed by the first meeting of as bUSiness manager. B:-uce ni Hall. to quite a few I ask you-what do you bec the junior year, candidates the Mason-Dixon Region of the formerly worked on the hter- The recital, which is visitors of the cam- when the Star Spangled Ban. must have elected a major in NSA, held Ilt Howard Univers- ary staff. sored by the music alumni, to the faculty, ner is played on Hoffa Field? the social studies sciences (eco- ity last Sunday, October 22, Many students who have in- is part of this administration, to the The goalposts? Your neigh- nomics, history, political sci- and was recommended for oth- dicated interest in working on tration on Mozart. The and to present West- bor? I look up toward the ence, sociology) or have regis- er colleges in the area. the magazine will round out gram will include: Sonata . ern Maryland College students. north end of Hoffa Field and tered for six semester hours ?f The committee, headed the literary and business 30,5 in A Majo'r composed in It is regrettable then, that up look for the flag of my country advanced social science courses NSA Coordinator Jackson staffs. Mannheim, Germany in 1778; to tbis point no one has been flying from a high silver fJag- (300-400 courses), The stu- also includes James Plans for this year include Sonata K. 379 in G Major com- able to do anything about it. pole, but it is not there; and dent must have achieved an David Eckman, and annual writing con- posed in Vienna, Austria in I doubt seriously if one peTsO'It nobody seems to care enough to average grade of not less than likowitz. Membership and tpe subscription cam- 1781; and Sonata K. 481 in Eb could do anything about it. do anything about it. B in at least 20 hours of the committee is open to paign, both of which will soon Major, composed in Vienna in Nor should one person alone be Respectfully, social science studies. who are interested, be under way. 1785. responsible since it is not the Ned Cueman
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