Page 3 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The' Gold Bug, Sept. 28, 1956 English And Chem Majors Guide School Heads seA President Outlines Year Student Government Association Student. Government Association BY JOAN LUCKAB,-\UGH in a candlelight ceremony. The second President, Larry Hall Vice President, Joanne Parrish scs, PRESIDENT is the Christmas Communion aerv- BY CHUCK SMITH BY MARIAN SCIIEDER Student Christian Association The Freshmen have received a ice held after banquet on the last Larry Hall is the president of the "Joanne, it's quarter of seven-are President, Joan ~uckabaugh h;ndbook telling them in a little de- Wednesday before we go home for the Student Government Association tor you getting up for breakfast?" . Vice President, pavid Bailey tail what the SCA is and who are the holidays. Dr. Ensor usually serves the College year 1956-57. The presi- "Joanne--it's 7:3.0" ... "Joanne, get GOLD BUG ' officers of the groups which it coordi- the communion after a short medita- dent of any organization must be !I. up-it's quarter of 8-you have an nates. For the benefit of those upper- tion. Our third and perhaps most in- leader. Two essentials that should be 8 o'clock class!"'Swallowing a lump ~~:~~:'s:~a~:;!~~Je~~k Fossett classmen who may be "a little uncer- clusive program is a three-day Relig- prevalent in any leader are o.etermi_ of toothpaste as she hastily throws on 1957 ALOHA ! tain I will sketch a plan. The Student ion in Life emphasis 'which begins Editor, Carel Bingham Christian Association (SCA) is the with a chapel service and Fireside dis. Business Manager, Ronald Strauss coordinating body for all campus re- cussion on February 10. Blanche Ward Hall ligious organizations. This includes There are several things available President, Jean Goode denominational groups of which there ~~ you which you may not have known McDaniel Hall are now six-Wes!eyans, Wesleyan_ about and which we hope you will use. President, Ruth Ridinger ettes and four commissions organized The SCA room is located in Old . Freshman Advisory" Council for the purpose of worship, study Main on the second floor. It can be Chairmen, Harold McClay and action in four different fields. All reached by following- the porch to the Marian Scheder of these organizations will be ex- right and is the last door. You are Inter-Fraternity Council plained in detail at a later date and invited to use the literature you will President, Don Tankersley you are in~ed to par-ticipate in as find there and to remain to read it. Inter-Sorority Council many of them as you can find time The door is unlocked all day long. President, Mary Jane Thorney for. There are also several shelves on Delta Sigma Kappa All of these groups are scheduled to the second floor of the library which President, Janet Perkins meet at different times during the contain religious books which can be Iota Gamma Chi week. The regular meeting time is read there or taken out. You may find President, Martha Lewis 6 :45 on Wednesday nights. Every sec- Phi Alpha !tIu ond and fourth We'anesday (unless these very helpful in strengthening President, Harriet Stevens otherwise noted on the SCA book- your faith and your belief. Sigma Sigma Tau. Private morning devotions in Baker President, Mary Jene Thorney mark) will be devoted to general SCA Chapel have been a particularly in- Alpha Gamma Tau meetings in Baker Chapel or Mcfjan- spiring part of our school day and President, Eugene Krantz iel Lounge at which time we have school life and I hope they will con- Larry Hall Joanne Parrish Delta Pi Alpha guest speakers, movies, and panel tinue to be such for each of you. A very large portion nation and perseverance. Combine her clothes, we races out the door President, Don Tankersley discussions with faculty, and/or stu- visits the chapel after of our population and breakfast dents from our own and neighboring these with an extremely likable per- only to return seconds later for her Gamma Beta Chi colleges. The alternate Wednesdays all during the day to meditate or to sonality, and you haye a birds-eye treasured clip-board and books. This President, David Downes are given over to the denominational view of the make-up of Larry Hall, begins another usual day in the life of Pi Alpha Alpha .' groups. The Wesleyans and WeSley- read the Bibles which have been your SGA leader. Jo Parrish, WMC's SGA vice-presi- President, Richard Buterbaugh anettes meet on Friday nights. placed there. Why don't you stop in sometime, a moment or if only for The Class of 1960 is unfamiliar dent. However, Blanche Ward 220 is Argonauts , There are several special occasions two? You may be surprised at how with the workings of the SGA, and not always in such a beetle.state. Be- President, Patricia Patterson many others are doing the same thing. the vastness and complexity of its pro- tween the hours of 3 a.m. and 7:45 Canterbury Club during the year. The first is the mem- The chapel doors are kept open from tocol. Those of us who have been for- a.m., J 0 can be found deeply engrossed President, Ejected in Fall bership service which takes place in early in the morning until late at tunate in spending a longer tenure in her favorite activity-sleeping. Methodist Student Movement November. Persons who have attended as night so you will never find yourself three meetings are then installed here, to some extent realize its con- Ruxton, _ Maryland and Eastern President, Buddy. Pipes active members and receive their cards locked out of God's house. In this sequence. Accordingly, last spring the High school lay claim (1) to this 5-- Baptist Student Union case His house is open and you have student body elected Larry. to the foot 9lh inches senior who spends her ~ President, Betty Edington only to step in and open the door of presidency. An excellent choice was summers in varipus Girl Scout camps Future Teachers of America your heart to Him and He will come made, as upper-classmen know and on the eastern seaboard. Since enter- President, Bill Higgins It Pays To Look Well in. freshmen will soon realize. ing W:MC as a 5-foot 9lh-inch fresh- Home Ec:onomics Club I have tried to picture your Student President, Joan Durno Larry hails from Prospect Park, man, J 0 has occupied her spare mo- Le Cerele Francais, The Christian Association in these 'few Pennsylvania. A chemistry major with ments with many activities. words. If you'll notice, I have left President, a 2.2 index, Larry spent his. summer J c's abilities were first recognized B_eta Beta Beta Joan "Luckabaugh out only one thing, but that is the vacation \vorking in a laboratory for when, as a freshman, she was elected Avenue Barber Shop most important part and it is you. the American Biscose Corporation, vice-president of her class. The fol- President, Paul Ensor Neither the officers, the chapel nor which- is located near his home. He lowing year Jo was SGA repreeenta- Clessles Club .- Where The Students Go was placed 01) the Campus Citizenship tive for her class and a member of the ~. President, Barbara Zepp the literature can work without your interest and cooperation. We are your list from the time of its inau,tura- SCA cabinet. It was also during this 1__ 85 Pennsylvania Avenue officers and this is your organization. tion over a year ago, and has main- year that sh"e~Eecame "8' member-'of ~~~resldlil;nt•. Rona?I Graybeal Won't you remember to feed your soul tained his name high on the Academic Sigma Sigma Tau--:-a loyal and hard- Lutheran Student l\ssociation and spirit as well as your body and Honorary list, or "Dean's List" since working member. Again, in her junior President,' Jeanriette Anderson mind? I hope so. his coming to WMC in 1953. He is year, Jo was SGA representative and Sunday School It. currently vice-president of the Argo- was elected secretary of this organi- President, "Daniel Miles nauts, a campus academic honorary zation. Alpha Kappa Alpha and the Senior Class Miss Adams Tours society. Argonauts were added to her achieve- President, Sam Reed Delta Pi Alpha claims Larry as one ments, and she was tapped a 'I'rump- Junior Class '~ American Colleges of its favorite sons, and he's active in eter last spring. As vice-president of President, George Trotter Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. fraternity life both socially and ath- the SGA, Jo is also president of the Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. "No one alJows you to get any- letically: He also participates actively Women's Council. Among other ac- Sophomore Class , Evenings 9 p.m. where under your own steam." That in inter-collegiate athleties, being a tivities that consume her time are President, Allen, Gilmore Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. on is one impression of the United States member of the varsity track team and choir, octette, and volleyball. I might R.O.T.e. Commander Saturday and Holidays observed by Miss Elizabeth Adams a letter winner for the past three add that Jo is chief barber for BW, Lt. Col. Robert':Butler Wed., Thurs. Sept. 26-27 from Surrey, England. Miss Adams is years. and is still trying to get washing ma- Wesleyanettes SATELLITE IN THE SKY the house-guest of Dean of Women Larry's interests are quite diversi- chines for the dorms. President, Mildred Mackubin Kieron Moore Lois 'Maxwell Helen G. Howery, whom she met in fied. He's a do-it-yourself man when An English major who is constant- Wesleyans Cinemascope - Technicolor London last summer. She is General it comes to automobiles, and is always ly found on the Dean's List, Jo is President, Buddy Pipes Inspector of Teachers in London, and tinkering with "Lizzie", his black '29 presently concerned with practice has 1100 under her supervision. She Ford. Marriage and graduate school teaching. This can easily be seen by plans to stay one year in the United dominate Larry's future plans after lifting her bedspread and observing Fri., Sa\HE SEA~HE:~Pt. 28-29 States to study American culture and graduation. the visual aids stacked under her bed. G.C. Murphy & Co. John Wayne Vera Miles life. She is especially interested in the I've known Larry for four years, All who know Jo realize that she is Cinemascope _ Technicolor "inter-service education" of teachers, and have been his room-mate for the a campus leader in ali respects, and !he Frie~dlyStore that is the training a teacher receives past two. I admire and respect Larry will do an excellent job in whatever while she is actually performing her a great deal. I've never seen him lose she undertakes this year and in the Dormitory a~d Clallroom Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. job. his temper or make an irrational de- future. Sept. 30, Oct. 1-2-3 Miss Adams has observed several cision. He has many attributes you Mter rooming with her for three Su~plie. TRAPEZE elementary classes, but has not yet can look up to, and take as example. years, know just what to expect dur- Burt Lancaster Gina Lollobrigida had the opportunity to observe any on He is the individual who has been ing the fourth year-the usual morn- 6-10 West 'Main Street Cinemascope - Technicolor the college level. She is impressed by chosen by you to represent you in ing rush, numerous meetings, and her ~eJbni~ter. Md. the faculty-student relationship in the most important extra-curricular favorite statement, "Good-bye, Shed- American schools, and especially here task a student here can undertake. I'll be back"! Thurs., Fri., Sat. Oct. 4-5-6 at \Vestern Maryland. It is, she says, MOBY DICK "very friendly" and she "likes it very Gregory Peck Richard Basehart much." In England. she notes, the have a tendency Compliments of Stationery Technicolor teachers with their pupils. to be more Observing abrupt / WELCOME BACK and the students, she ·says that they seem Rice's Bakery Mart Greeting Cards to have "no bad manner at" all" and Oct. 7-8-9 Sun., Mon., Tues. DELICIOUS FOOD at THE AMBASSADOR'S DAUGHTER they "treat each other as human be- ings." Commenting on (Jur way of do- .. Olivia de Havilland John Forsythe ing things, she sardo "You certainly Technicolor - Cinemascope believe in talks." To start the school year right Griffin's P. G, COFFMAN The English system of teachers' ed- Be sure to keep Benny's in sight Times Bldg. ucation is different in that no further requirement study. is made for for English teachers after they have com- (CONTINUED ON PAGE 2. COL. s.) Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- day shows continuous from 2 p. m. Rasinsky's Pharmacy LAUNDROMAT Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. FOR FLOWERS 5 Locust Street Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows-- "Reliable Prescriptions" Opposit~ Parking Lot continuous from 6:45 p. m. Artistically arranged for {Drug-; ~nd Everyday Needs DAILY-7:30 • 5:00 Fri., Sat. Sept. 28-29 each different personality FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 SHOWDOWN AT ABILENE 30 W. Main St. Closed Wed. 12:00 Noon Jock Mahoney Martha Hyer IDUTTERER'S Our New Addition Westminster, Md. Westminster 1287 Technicolor 114 Pennsylvania Ave. The Colonial Dining Room Phone lOI FREE DELIVERY SERVICE Fri., Sat. ·Oct.5·6 Westminster 350 TO COLLEGE GOOD·BYE MY LADY Walter Brennan Brandon de Wilde