Page 3 - TheGoldBug1946-47
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Soccer Team I Starts Practice Johnny Jones To B. New Coach 01 Terror Booters Coach Johnny Jones has issued a call to all soccer players to report for practice immediately, since there are but two weeks until the Terror boot- ei-s travel to Haverford for thei r fh-st. g-ame of the current season. Soccer, like football, has been a war casualty at weatam Maryland and this will be the first team since 1942 to enter a full schedule of col. legiatc competition. Jones, the Director of Public Re- Clw/'Iip Have11s Ilruae Fe1'gl!SIJn latiol,ls at Western Maryland, played soccer in high school around the Phil- Terror Coaching .staff is reunited er- starting their cighth season as west- adelphia area and also for the U. of tel' the war. Charlie and F'erg- are ern Maryland coaches. Pennsylvania while a student there. This will be his first Ring at collegi- Green Terrors Have All ate coaching, but Mr. by attending has Jones boned-up on the sport several COaching clinics and is all set Veteran Coaching Staff for the coming season. Th.e schedule: Oct. 12 Haverford at Haverford, Pa. By AI Resnick one of the finest records in the COUll' 18 Lafayette at Westminster Eager' and enthused students and try. Fergie is head coach for the 26 Loyola at Westminster alumni are impatiently waiting for Terror basketball team. 30 Washington at Westminster Sin Jensen the kick-off which takes place Octo- Mike Phillips, the third staff mer»- Nov. 2 Delaware at Newark, Del. =",, Big Terror End is set for his second year of varsity football after spending ber 5 at Gettysburg. Since Septer»- bel', is back at Western Maryland af- 8 Johns Hopkins at Baltimore three years in the army. Reentered western Maryland last February and was bel' 4th nearly 55 candidates have ter spending three .,..."__ 16 Westminster on hand for spring drills. been under the eagle eyes of coaches years in the Army. Charlie Havens and Bruce Ferguson. Mike will assist In Thi, Corner Recently Mike Phillips was added to by coaching the Dear Ed.: chance, Boss, I Give me another the staff. linemen, a depart- can't do any worse than last year. Coach Charlie Havens is starting Firstfootball Since 1942 his eighth season as head coach, al- ment in which he Let's start all over, just For to keep He excels. was the records straight. a real thoug-h he has becn connected with standout c e n tel' football at his Alma Mater ever slnce for th I' Terrors fast start I select: Has Green In Stiff Opener he graduated entered western Marv- ~~~0:'~~~~42:ea:o~~ ~;;>P"J·~il.liPt,aJ Navy over Villanova in 1930. Maryland over Bainbridge Havens By N. J. Wolfsheimer land in 1926. He played foul' years of was placed on sev- Notre Dame over the lllini Sports Editor. The "Gold Bug football at center and twice received eral All-Mar-yland teams. In 1942 Western Maryland over G-burg All- Maryland honors, as well as be- Mike was captain. He intends to play ..Yours for victory, It seems like the "old days" to see the football team working out on the ing mentioned on other mythical elev- pro ball while completing the few Zip practice field for the month of September in preparation for the regular ens. After graduation Charlie played hours he needs for graduation. season. pro ball and served as assistant coach Not since 1942 has Western Maryland been represented in football. but to Dick Harlow here at Western this season the Green and Gold will playa seven-game schedule starting with Maryland. Terror 1946 Football Squad Gettysburg on the fifth of Oct.,.ber. Charlie Havens, the head mentor of the In 1935 Harlow left to accept an Terrors and his two assistants, Bruce Ferguson and Mike Phillips have been offer to coach Harvard, and Ha- Pos. Hi. IVt. Y1·. School Home running the squad through their paces since the 5th of this month in an effort vens was appointed head coach, a po- Name Sop Newport Glen Lyon, Pa. to have them in top shap~ for Pl.e curtain opener .witb the Bullets. Gettysburg sition he has held eve)' since, with 1Adamovich, John B G 5-'8 160 Sop Patterson Park Baltimore, Md. t 200 5-10 Anderson, William the exception of the war years. Coach ~~~e~~":n~; ::~~;:a~~i::~~~:~a:'i~: ~l:~rit;~=:e ~ii~hs}~~~a~o:~:~es \~~ Havens served in the Air Corps and Bright, Harry C 5-9 180 FI' Patterson Park Baltimore, Md. morrow in Baltimore. '10 I. " 'I;;; was discharged with the rank of Lt. Burgess, Hugh 5_10 172 FT Ellicott City Ellicott City, Md. Gettysburg has always been somewhat of a Jinx to the Terrors, since the Colonel. Bush, Harry 5-10 182 F, E. McKecsp't E. l\lcKeesp't, Pa. Medford, Mass. boys from G-Burg have defeated the Marylanders in ten of the thirteen meet- In the seven seasons that Charlie Corrado, Henry B 5-9%204 F., nfedfolid Medford, Mass. ings. The last time that Western Mar-yland refeated Gettysburg was in 1926 has guided the destiny of the 'I'error Corleto, Joseph T 5-10 235 Fr F, Medford -the first,year that Dick Harlow was coaching here and Charlie Havens was gridders, they have won 27 games, Cotter, James E 5-10 190 Painted Post Painted Post, N. Y. Baltimore, playing center. The following year the Green Terrors got off to a 19 to 0 lead, lost 30, and tied four. Much of our Denny, Donald C 5-11 185 Fr· City Hall Leonardtown, Md. Sop Charlotte Md. 202 only to have the game end in a 19 to 19 tie;, Since that time .the teams have opposition in that time has come from Dorsey, Walter E 6 met only twice, in 1!J41 nnd 1-942-with the. Battlefielders ....-inning by 19 to 0 such colleges as Wake Forest, Mary- Douglass, Robert T 5-11 185 FT Madison Madison, N. J. and 20 to 10 scores. . . land, B. U., Boston College, and Dubel, Robert 5-10 165 Sop Catonsville Baltimore, Md, Md, Baltimore, F, The 1942 game was really a lulu as anyone who played or saw it will George Washington Dyke, Julian 5-10 174 Forest Park relate. Western Maryland got off to a 10 to 0 'lead, but Gettyshur,g made it Assistant Coach Ferguson, like Edwards, David G 6-8 196 Sop Union Bridge Union Bridge, Md. 10 to 7 by halftime. Then in the closing minutes of play when the Bullets were Charlie Havens, has been associated Formwalt, James B 5-11 192 F., Polytechnic Baltimore, Md. Md. Sop Polytechnic Baltimore, throwing desperation passes. interference was called on Manny Kaplan, the with football at Western Maryland Gemmill, Robert B 5-8% 170 field judge ruled t ha t the Terror hack had held GeUysburg's Tony Yovlcstn. ever since he graduated. F'erg ie Getz, Gene B 5-8% 160 Fl' Haverling, N.Y. Jacksonv'Je, Fla. F. 160 With first. down on the % yard line, it was easy for the Pennsylvanians to received his degree in 1935, in which Giannelli, Joseph 5-8 175 ", Medford Medford, Mass. Collingswood Collingswood, N. J. score the winning points. year he was blocking hack for Bill Helm, Arthur 6-1 Baltimore, Md. This year thc Terrors have several of the stalwarts of Shepherd the season that Shepherd Jacobson, Allan B 5-10 175 Sop Forest Park the 1041-42 SI.'RSOnSand with a good crop of new men the was national high scorer. The team Jensen, Sigurd· E 6-3 200 S.' F., Calvert Hall Baltimore, Md. Baltimore, Md. Grcen should do well ill the won column and keep the lost was undefeated in nine games, and Kern, William ,C 6-3 210 Southern figures low. Sig Jlmsen, Art O'Keeffe, Joe Kittner, Ge01'ge ranked seventh among the collegiate Kulakowski, Stanley·B 5-11 ISO " Mahanoy City Mahanoy City, Pa. Piavis and Bart Norman were all starters in the last sea- football teams of the nation. Kittner, Joseph· T 5-11 190 J, Corning, N. Y. Corning, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Southern sons that football was played at the Westminster college. Ferguson coached the backs for Ha· Lathroum, Leo B 5-11 175 F. Baltimore, Md. Carlo Qrtenzi, George Norman and Stun Kulakowski, al- vens fol' six seasons, and has again Malone, Aloysious B 5-11 ISO F. Patterson Park though not starters in pre-war years, now loom as probable taken over that job as the Terrors Mendell, Carlton· B 6-1 170 S, S, New Bedf'd New Bedford, Mass. Central (Syracuse) Balto., Md. regulars. swing back into their first Dost·war Norman, Bart* T G 6-1 105 S, Central Syracuse, N. Y. Norman, George· 200 5-11 These men, added to· the players tha1 entercd \Vestern season. Capt. Ferguson served in the 5-11 179 S, Patterson Park Baltimore, Md. Ortenz-i IVlaryl:md since the end of 'the war, should give the Terrors U. S. Army, whcre he coached the O'Keeffe, Arthur· B J., Baltimore, Md. a well-balanced leam. Hard-running backs like Art 0'- Aberdeen basketball team, which had Ortenzi, Carlo· G 5-11 190 Southern Baltimore, Md. Keeffe, Hank Corrado, a real triple threat back, Joc Giannelli, the passing of Paul, Alvin E 6 190 Sop Forest Park Glen Lyon, Pa. Newport J, 197 Al Jacobson, to mention only a few of the backs that have looked good in the Piavis, George'" G E 5-10 175 Sop Newport Glen Lyon, Pa. Pi~vis, Walter 6 workouts thus far. Phillips, Howard B 5-11 165 Sop Kenwood Baltimore, Md. Freshman Joe Corleto, a husky 200'pounder seems to have cemented him- 160 F, Westminster Westminstl'l;, Md. self to one of the tackle posts. The center s'ilot will be' entirely up to new Roch, James B B 5-9 165 Fe Hanover Hanover, Pa. 6 William Seibert, means as four fl·eshm.en are fighting: it out for the pivot spot with Harry Bm:h Silber, John T 6 183 FT Southern Baltimore, Md. or Bill K('rn on the in"ide right now as Bill Anderson has been shifted to Tullai, Simon B 5-10 185 F, Newport, Glen Lyon, Pa. guard. Sly, Adam* B 5-10 175 S.' Hazelton Hazelton, Pa. Hav('ns and his slall will be ready to throw the works against tIle oppo- B 5-10 170 Sop Central Washington, D. C, sition this season and it is longh luck for t.he Terrors that they must open Via, Raymond C 5-10 200 J, Charlotte Hall Elkton, Md. Wilson, Joseph against the two toughest teams they will meet all season. Gettysburg is the Yeglinski, Alfred T 6-3 260 Fr· Newport (G. Lyon) Chester, Pa. first game for West.ern Maryland, and then mth onl~' five days rest the Havens· B 5-10 170 F, Southern Baltimore, Md. men will travel to Wilmington to playa night game wjth the Unhersity of Zephir, Buford Di.'laware. *Indicates letterman in 1941 or 1942. Delaware has gone through 21 straight games without a defeat and it is Managers: Roger Saltzgaver, Dick Brown, Curly Wallace. doubtful if Penn Military or Randolph-Macon, the two clubs that meet the Blue Hens before the Delaware-Western Maryland, will be able to defeat the GREETINGS powerful Delaware team. Therefore the Terrors will be tryIng to put a stop Margaret & Earl', to a 23 game winning streak that started in the middle of 'the 1940 season WESTERN with the Hions scoring 459 points to the opponents 70. Western Maryland still MARYLANDERS leads in the dual series with Delaware by the margtn of six wins against four Students' Center losses, but the 45 to 0 sheJiacking that thg Terrors absorbed in 1942 from from the Blue Hens still hurts. Phone 214-W Buses \vill probably be available for thc students to see ,some of the games BONSACK'S that will be playcd away fl'om Westminster this season. Gettysburg always Joe K-ittner SANDWICHES- SOFT DRINKS has attracted many of the Western Maryland students due to the "back-yard" SODAS LUNCHES location and also the good game that is put up when these two colleges meet All Maryland guard in 1941 season, Joe is now slated for a tackle post. on the gridiron. ~