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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Wesnnirutu, Md., October 11, 1945 Buclapest String Quartet Will Birthdays Celebrated au lVew4. Present Concert In Alumni Hall At Monthly Dinner The Inter-Sorority Council, .pre- the new president, are Miudelle By Bettye Benson sided over by Jane Dudderar, haa Seltzer and Wayne Cowan. On Tuesclay Evening, October 30 The first of the monthly Birthday started its year's activities by an- Dinners was held last night at the nouncing tentative plans for a The first meeting of the Woman's regular dinner hour. This mass cel- formal dance to be held in Gill Gym- Athletic Association was held Mon- ebration of birthdays was begun nasium on December 8, 1945. John- day, October 8. The new offtcera last year, sponsored by the Trump- ny Moran's 15-piece orchestra will for this year are Pres., Doris K. eters, and promises to become as provide the music for the occasion. Boone; Vice-Pres., Joanna Hauver; much a tradition of the Hill as the Plans are also under way for the See., Jean Baker; and Treas., Fran- "kicking of the post" has come to be. organization of inter-sorority bridge ces Molesworth. The managers of .Special Tables games and bowling teams. The In- the various teams are as follows: A number of tables were set aside ter-Sorority Council is made up of hockey, Betty Armiger; badminton, for those members of the student the presidents of the four sororities Betty Keckler; basketball, Bertha body whose birthdays fell in the and two representatives from each Britner; volley ball, Pat Chatterton; months of September and October. club. The members for this year softball, Betty Baker; archery, Dotty The months are celebrated in pairs are as follows: "Perk" Haller, Sal- Jacobson; hiking, Sally Smith; golf, to provide parties for those on the ly Moffett, and Kay Wheeler of Del- Marjorie Welsh: tennis, Mary Lou campus whose birthdays happen to 'ta Sigma Kappa; Jean Burtis and Stevens. fall in summer months. In this way Shirley Jones, Sigma Sigma Tau; Plans are being made for a part1/" everyone is taken care of. Jane Dudderur, Mindelle Seltzer, and to be held for the freshmen at the The Budapest String Quartet will music faculty of Mills College, in .Gala Atmosphere Idona Mehring, representing Iota conclusion .of the hockey season. At present a concert for the students California, for six weeks, where tllCY Gamma Chi; and Peg Davis, Marian this party numerals will be awarded An and faculty of Western Maryland have a chance to relax and enjoy prevailed, overall with "party atmosphere" Stoffregen, and Ruth Callahan, of to those freshmen who participated Birthdays" "Happy College on Tuesday, October 30, at their favorite sport of tennis. sung to those around the candle-lit Phi Alpha rrc. in hockey, and letters will be award- 8:16 P. M. in Alumni Hall. The ed to those upperclassmen who have snappy QUartet, which performed here last • Rich Previous Background tables, and seating place cards de- of Dr. Kathryn Huganir, new Dean earned the necessary points. Plans the arrangement noting fall, is composed of Josef Roismann, Before joining the Quartet each the lucky individuals. About eighty of Women, was the guest of honor for other future activities were also first violin; Edgar Ortenberg, second of these artists had acquired a mus- persons, altogether, were ranged at a tea given by the Sigma Sigma discussed. violin; Boris Kroyt, viola; and ical background based on the beauty around the tables. Tau sorority yesterday afternoon All new students are invited to Mischa Schneider, violfheello. and richness which could only re- between 4 :30 and 5 :30 o'clock. Thea be members of the W.A.A. and par- sult from greatly varied experience. • Entertainment ticipate in its activitie·s . • Tickets Available Now They came together with the com- The celebrants were nobly enter- Jones was in charge of aJ.:fange- Each student is entitled to one plete conviction that they were tained by several of the student body. menta for the tea, which was held free ticket, and the cost to outsiders "called" to fill a need that lay only Evelyn Benson started the ball roll- in the Sigma club room on the fourth Mrs. Patricia S. Reith will be on floor Ward Hall. Other of Blanche will be $1.20, including tax. Tickets in the power of the Budapest Quar- ing with a solo, after which Shirley the Hill on Wednesday and Thurs- are now available to students and tet to remedy. Because of their Snyder rendered a reading in her in- invited guests included: Mrs. Hollo- day, October 17 and 18, under thc Mrs. Veale, Mrs. are on sale in Mcljaniel Hall office. complete devotion to the playing of imitable style. Then came the sur- way, Mrs. Jackson, Isanogle, and Miss sponsorship of the Student Christian Jefferson, Miss One . of the foremost chamber chamber music they have been able prise of the night-two songs by Association. Mrs. Reith will speak music organizations in the world, to maintain a liberal selection and Mrs. Helen Harbaugh and a duet by Henderson. in the regular Wednesday evening: the Budapest Quartet is known for high level of taste without sacrific- Mrs. Harbaugh and Dean Free. The SCA meeting, and will be available its interpretation of works from ing authority or historical accuracy. evening would not have had that fin- Doris Hines was unanimously on Thursday for personal conferences. Haydn, Mozart, and Debussy down al touch which makes such occasions elected president of the Internation- Watch the bulletin board for more to contemporary American music. successful had not these spots of eu- al Relations Club, to fill the vacancy definite announcement. However, like any string quartet, Sp.. dy Recovery Wished tertainment been included in the created by the resignation of Peg the high point of their accomplish- line-up of festivities. Davis, at the IRC's first meeting of The Wesleyanettes, a fellowship of ment still remains the performance For President Holloway • Looking Ahead the year held Mouday evening in college women interested in Chris- of the Beethoven cycle. I Everyone was in the party spirit. McDaniel Lounge. Doris had prev- tian service, have outlined plans for The best wishes of the students (despite the Freshmen girls' suffer- .Made Debut At Cornell and faculty of Western Maryland tnes from "Rat Week") and looking iously held the office of Vice Presi- their work during the first semester, dent, under the direction of the president, position which now been has College are extended' to President The Quartet made its American forward to next month's celebra- taken over by John Dorsey. Jean Mildred West, and the sponsor, Mrs. debut at Cornell University, Ithaca, Fred G. Holloway for his speedy tion and the fun it will afford. Shirley is secretary-treasurer of the Lloyd l\f. Bertholf. Any girls, fresh- New York, in December, 1930. With recovery from the major opera- club for this year. men or upperclassmen, who are in- no elaborate program of publicity, tion which he underwent on Fri- Suggestions were made for future terested in this fellowship are invit- they to the shores of a country day, October 5, at Union Memor- PATRONIZE meetings, and plans were drawn up ed to aign their names 011 the sheet ~--.l""nili'" with eminent cham- ial Hospital, in Baltimore, Mary- OUR for II. "white elephant" dance, to be provided on the bulletin boards Jn ber music organizations. During land. held on November 17, under the Lewis Hall and Science Hall, or to their first season here, they played For the remaining several ADVERTISERS. sponsorship of the IRC. 'The co- contact personally Vernelle Ports or some twenty concerts; last season, weeks that Dr. Holloway will be chairmen for the dance, appointed by Peggie Phillips. just fourteen years later, America unable to attend to College activi- heard them over one hundred times. ties, Samuel B. Schofield, Dean of Compliments Administration, will assume the of Compliments .Tours Indude Distant Points President's responsibilities. of Heagy Brothers The concert tours of this foursome, According to Miss Helen Ohler. BONSACK'S BARBER SHOP however, are not limited to Europe Dr. Holloway's secretary, the Pres- LUNCHES The Carroll Food Market Four Chairs-Quick Service and America, but include Australia, ident will return to the campus SODAS New Zealand, and the East Indies. about October 24. 90 W. Main 81. 24 W. Main St. They have been in the East Indies four times and on each visit have played thirty-four concerts in a per- Davis Typewriter Co. iod of six weeks. Meet your friends Busiest quartet in the land, they at 32 West Main Street Margaret & Earl's haven't had a vacation in seven Ko-Ed Klub COMPLIMENTS OF years. Every Bummer they join the Westminster, Maryland Students' Center Refreshments Patent Medicines Telephone 585 , Rutan Chevrolet Co. Phone 214-W Cootes' Barber Shop Myers Grocery Store Expert repairs on all makes typewriters Two Barbers chines. and adding ma- SANDWICHES- SOFT DRINKS Complete Stock East Main Street Handy to the Hili Compliments of John Everhart Learn To Fly Benny's Kitchen TIlE COLLEGE BARBER Flight instructions given for Carroll Theatre State Theatre AND BOBBER Good Food private, commercial and in- WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD_ AT THE FORKS structor ratings. Thurs., Oct. 11 Thurs., Fri., Oct. 11, 12 For information call Alexander Knox- Double Feature CHAMP" "BOWERY SPECIALISTS CARROLL J. MYERS Geraldine Fitzgerald ;'A GUY, A GAL & A PAL" Ave. 180 Pensylvania IN Westminster, Md. "WILSON" Sat., Oct. 13 ALL TYPES OF COMPLIMENTS OF Phone 585 or 308-J. Fri., Sat., Oct. 12, 13 Bill Boyd PERMANENT WAVES Olsen and Johnson "LOST CANYON" ;'SEE MY LAWYER" Phone 395 Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 14, 15, 16 Scott Zachary Field - Betty Lowry Beauty Shop The W. H. Davis Co. Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 14, 15, 16 "THE SOUTHERNER" Joslyn Peggy Ann Garner-Alan MISS" "JUNIOR Adjoining Postoflice Music Supplies Frances Wed., Oct. 17 Kibbee Langford-Guy Wed., Thurs., Oct. 17, 18 "DIXIE JAMBOREE" Sheet Music-Down Beat- Betty Fields-Frederic March Accessories "TOMORROW THE WORLD" Thurs., Fri., Oct. 18, 19 Ken Curtts-c-J eff Donald SELMER BAND and Orches- Fri., Sat., Oct. 19, 20 "ALASKA" J. WM. HULL, Jeweler Robert Henry-Stuart Erwin GRIFFIN'S tra Instruments-Gibson "THE GREAT MIKE" Sat., Oct. 20 Successor to Cassell's Kent Curtis-Jeff Donald for Guitars Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 21, 2~, 23 "SONG OF THE PRAIRIE" The Store of New Fashioned Dennis Morgan- "Your Stop Downtown" Jewelry and Old Fashioned Stu's Music Studios Barbara Stanywck Sun., Mon., Tues., Oct. 21, 22, 23 SODAS-SANDWICHES Honesty "CHRISTMAS IN Phylys Thaxter-Edmund Gwenn "BEWITCHED" CONNECTICUT" 32 W. Main St_ 2nd Floor CANDIES Times Building Westminster, Md. Wed., Oct. 24 Wed., Oct. 24 East Main St. Iris Adrian Tilton - Opposite State Theater Westminster, Md. Phone 585 Dolores Costello-Adolph Menjou Martha "SWING HOSTESS" "KING OF THE TURF"