Page 4 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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PAGE FOUR The Gold Bug, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md., September 27, 1945 Final"listing Of Freshmen, Upperclassmen Eye Big And Little I .New Features Of Sister Names In order to help the freshman b~- Dining-hall Routine (Cont. from Page 3-Col. ·5) come acquainted with some of the Although the freshmen may be tak- Ruppenthal, Fern. Ray; Mary E. deans and professors of the Western ing for granted all of the various Maryland faculty, and thus facilitate Sands, Anne Murphy; Carolyn Sapp, cordial relationships between students dining-hall procedures displayed in Peggy Nichols; Louise Sapp, Jean and teaching staff, we are presenting these past few days, the venerable Patterson; Jean Sause, Louis-e Scott. this "Know Your Faculty" column. upperclassmen are nodding their Anne Shuppert, Eleanor Rogers; graying heads in approval of these Jean Silcox, Doris Boone; Mary W. recently-noticed changes: Silvey, Virginia Voorhees; Jeanette 1. The new dietitian (we've felt her Simpson, Dorothy Santini; Gay influence, even though we haven't Smith, Eleanor Schilke; Marjorie seen her.) Smith, Mary Lou Stevens; Adele 2. Her very capable assistant Sparks, Beverly Wallis; Audra (whom we have seen). Speicher, Betty Little; Betty Staley, 3. Two forks at a pie-for-dessert Dorothy Wilder; Wilma Steele, Mar- meal. tha Witter; Anna Stevens, Naomi 4. Bow ties gracing the swan-like Harper; Frances Strasburger, Edna throats of that rough and ready crew Haller; Betsy Ann Taylor, Violet of waiters. Carr; Mary Anne Thomas, Hazel 5. "Seconds" on glasses-we like Weeks; Martha Lee Thompson, Bar- water atld milk ror-Iuneh. bara Richter. 6. Individually-served applesauce. Gladys Turner, Mildred West; 7. Two kinds of dessert at one meal Mary Ada Twigg, Marie Helldorfer; Schofield -sometimes. Doris Vansant, Betty Schmidt; Ruth 8. Paper napkins large enough to Volk, Mary Dexter; Virginia Wal- Dean of Administration and Head "f see without having to look twice. ~~;,~~~~aZ:eS~:~l:l~;;~'h~fu~~::~ Chemistry Department 9. Cl(lan glasses. 10. The chivalry ver, Betty Green; Eileen Weeks, Jean gentlemen in allowing displayed by the the ladies to Somerville; LaMar Wells, Erma enter the dining-hall first (last eve- Young; Ruby Lee Williams, Virginia ning, at least). Dodd.... We certainly hope that the good Virginia Wott, Mary Dodd; Mary work keeps up. The freshmen seem to E. Wright, Jean Anderson; Norma be enjoying their food, and we Wright, Eloise Downes; Edith Zat- lin, Clara Garlock, Florence Naill, haven't heard much griping from the Shirley Noll; Doris, Royer, Shirley oldsters. More power to you, dining- Gaver; Helen Becker, Ethel Dunning; hall staff! Janice Chreitzberg, Margie Little; Emily Coale, Carolyn Wilson; Mary Jane Corbett, Peggy Phillips; Phyllis Davidson, Jean Baker. William F. Myers' Jean Douglas, Winifred Baker; Sons, Inc. Nellie Getty, Joan Fluke; Mary Howes, Grace Bevard; Catherine PORK PACK!3RS Knepp, Barbara Brower; Martha SAUSAGE ......Libis, Eleanor Runyon; Christine MANUFACTURERS Maynard, Helen Frantz; Edith Og- den, Mary Beth Fresch; Mildred Liberty and Green Streets Ohler, Eleanor Pearson; Shirley Wells, Lillian Gillis; Maggie Wentz, Dr. Theodore M. Whitfield Office and Plant Phone 458 Ruth Shuckhart. Head of the History Department Stoner & Hobby C. R. Aldridge, Owner COMPLIMENTS OF (Cont. from Page 2--Col. 5) INSURANCE plus SERVICE this year. . HARVEY BUCK, .... HEARD ON MAIN STREET Western ,Maryland alumnus, now an- .. A lady was horrified when she Westminster, Maryland The Carroll Gardens nouncing for statfbn WITH in Bal- saw a young boy smoking .... She timore, dedicated a few numbers to approached him and said, "Young WMC'ers the other night . amongst man, does your mother know that COMPLIMENTS OF which was to the female population you smoke? . . "Lady," he replied, ... "STORMY WEATHER" . "does your old man know you stop BOLLINGER'S There is also an old tale going along the street to talk. to strange around that one of the former dean's men?" of women once made a statement to HOME MADE ICE CREAM Compliments of this effect. .." The Dean of Men and I have decided to stop necking on Intercollegian ••• COMPLIMENTS OF the campus. I will 110t have this The number of the The special freshman kissing going on under my nose." Inter-colleg-ian, the national magazine . . . . WE hear tell that our Presi- published by the Student Christian Westminster Laundry The Gore Motor Co . dent may have to take a month off Movement, is being distributed free THINGS THAT NEVER this week to every freshman as a CEASE TO AMAZE US: The love- service of the Student Christian As- Phone 328 liness of the scenery on the Campus sociation, here on the Hill. COMPlJlIIENTS OF mobile or otherwise RIP COLLIN'S dating all the new Frosh This magazine contains news of the . THE Year Book being publish- activities of student groups through- Rutan Chevrold Co. ed on time .... the metamorphos's out America and abroad; commentar- ar- events, informative ies on current of a Frosh into a Senior. JOAN ticles by nationally-known writers Carroll Theatre State Theatre FLUKE not coming back to Western and lecturers; and worship and devo- WESTMINSTER, MD. WESTMINSTER, MD. Maryland How we are all so. tional material, to mention but aF"ew anxious to get back after the sum- things. 'I'hurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 27, 28, 29 Thurs., Fri., Sept. 27, 28 mer is over '" The identical twins Double Feature Students who would like to sub- Abbott & Costello DOCKS OF NEW YORK scribe to "Intercollegian" should con- and _ Student Government tact Enrique Lamadrid, secretary of in MISSING CORPSE the SCA, or some other member of NAUGHTY NINETIES Functions, Purpose, the cabinet. 73~ Buster Crabbe Sat., Sept. 29 in Plans Revealed UNDERCOVER MAN (COIlt. from Page 2---Col. 1) COMPLIMENTS OF ICE CREAM Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed., Thura., Sun., Mon., 'I'ues., Sept. 30 Oct. 1, 2 • From the Prexy The Sept. 30., Oct. 1, 2, 3, 4 Thomas Mitchell - Mary Anderson in In response to a query as to the Frank Sinatra Gene Kelly WITHIN THESE WALLS plans of the Women's Student Gov- Westminster Nurseries ernment for this year, President Kathryn Grayson wec., Oct. 3 ,/ "Henry" had this to say: "The If It Is Borden's in Johnny Mack Brown Women's Student Government will In try its best to serve the students in ANCHORS AWEIGH FLAME OF THE WEST the coming year. On the Hill re- It's Got To Be Good 'I'hurs., Fri., Oct. 4, 5 cently a movement has emerged in Double Feature favor of an honor system, and the COMPLIMENTS OF BODYSNATCHER WSG hopes to see this program be- Fri., Sat., Oct. 5, 6 and come a part of WMC "tradition." BORDEN ICE CREAM CO. Jack Oakie Peggy Ryan A WAC, A WAVE. AND A MARINE Well, freshman girls, here's hop- The W. H. Davis Co. ing that you become well acquainted Westminster, Md. Phone 261 in .Sa1., Oct. 6 with your Student Government of- ()N STAGE-EVERYBODY Buster in Crabbe ficers,-but not by seeing them "in GANGSTER'S DEN eoure",